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A&E, 15, 20

  Duck Dynasty, 2–3, 14–24, 165–66

ABC/Capital Cities, 153

Adams, John, 37

Adams, John Quincy, 87

Adams, Samuel, 44, 220

Adventist Health System, 196

African American entrepreneurs, 133–54, 229

    barbershop owners, 145

    funeral home owners, 144–45, 154

    in insurance industry, 154

    Lewis, Reginald F., 145–49, 228

    Merrick, John, 140–42, 225

    National Negro Business League and, 139, 143, 225–26

    Walker, Madam C. J., 134–40, 137, 139, 146, 158, 226

    Winfrey, Oprah, 149–51, 209, 228

African Americans:

    civil rights movement, 144, 145

    integration and, 144

    Rockefeller and, 126–28

    segregation and, 141, 143–44

    slavery and, 43–44, 70, 96, 142, 220, 222

African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church, 134

agriculture, 97, 101

    Green Revolution in, 129

    mechanical reaper in, 69, 94–97, 224

Airbnb, 178, 227

Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, 144

Alcott, Amos Bronson, 217

Aldean, Jason, 18

Alef, Daniel, 114

Amazon, 229

American colonies, 33, 37–38, 43, 219

American entrepreneurs, 1–2, 24–26, 67–68, 99–102, 133, 164, 165, 194, 203

    African American, see African American entrepreneurs

    Asian American, 164

    failures and, 192–93

    great moments in history of, 219–29

    immigrant, 181

    Latino, 158, 162–64, 229

    minority, 133–34, 229

    religion and, 194–95; see also religion

    women as, see women entrepreneurs

    young, 193–94

American Express, 162

American Museum of Natural History, 112

American population, 100, 225, 226

American Revolution, 24, 37–38, 43–44, 48, 51–61, 66, 73, 220–21

Anderson, Howard, 80

Angelou, Maya, 215

anger, 200

Angola Horror, 123–24

AOL, 209

Apple, 178, 227, 228

Apprentice, The, 192

Armytage, J. C., 52

Articles of Confederation, 61

Ash, Mary Kay, 138, 158–59, 207, 213

Asian American entrepreneurs, 164

ASK Computer Systems, 157, 227–28

Astor, Brooke, 86

Astor, John Jacob, 80–87, 83, 181, 223

Astor, Sarah, 81

Astor, Vincent, 86

AT&T, 112

Atlantic, 193

Atlantic Philanthropies, 187–89

Auchincloss, Louis, 90

Aweida, Jesse, 181

Bank of North America, 61

Bank of the United States, 64, 74, 222

bankruptcy, 63, 100

banks, banking, 110, 111–12, 114–15, 118, 154, 222

    Federal Reserve and, 118

Baptist Church, 119, 120, 126–28

barbershops, 145

Barbie, 156–57, 227

Barton, Bruce, 202–3

Baruch, Bernard, 115

Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company, 168

Battle of Saratoga, 55

Baumol, William, 1–2

BBDO, 202

Beatrice Foods, 147–48, 228

beavers, 35–37, 81, 83, 86–87, 220

Ben & Jerry’s, 228

Benelli Presents Duck Commander, 11–14

Berkshire Hathaway, 183

Bezos, Jeff, 208, 229

Bible, 1, 119–20, 194–97

    Entrepreneur’s Code in, see Entrepreneur’s Code

Billionaire Who Wasn’t, The (O’Clery), 188

Black Collegian, The, 153

Black Enterprise, 148, 154

black entrepreneurs, see African American entrepreneurs

Bloomberg, Michael, 213

blue jeans, 70–71, 224

Bogan, Vicki, 144

Boone, Daniel, 67–68

Boston Gazette, 75

Bouton, Terry, 53

Bradshaw, Terry, 3

Brandywine Iron Works and Nail Factory, 156, 223

Branson, Richard, 209

Brin, Sergey, 178, 181, 213, 229

Brinkley, David, 214

Britain, 36–38, 51

Bryan, Luke, 18

Buckland, Gail, 160

buffalo, 70

Buffett, Warren, 106, 182–83, 188, 213, 225

Bundles, A’Lelia, 134

Burns, David M., 207

Burwell, Uriel, 195–96

Bush, George W., 191

Businessweek, 149, 228

Buttonwood Agreement, 221

Cadava, Geraldo L., 163

California Gold Rush, 89, 224

Campbell Soup, 227

Capote, Truman, 216

Carnegie, Andrew, 102–10, 108, 112, 116, 120, 129, 130, 181, 207

    Frick and, 106

    “The Gospel of Wealth,” 106–7, 186–87, 225

    Morgan and, 107

    philanthropy of, 106–10, 187–87, 188, 199

Carnegie, Dale, 183, 210, 216

Carnegie Corporation of New York, 108–9

Caruso, Enrico, 138

Case, Steve, 209

Cash, Johnny, 207

Casson, Herbert, 94, 96–97

Catholic Charities, 196

Census Bureau, U.S., 192–93

Center for Women’s Business Research, 162

cereal, 168–69

    Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, 168–69, 170, 225

Cha, Derek, 181–82

charity, see philanthropy and charity

Chase Manhattan Bank, 130

Chernow, Ron, 111–12, 122, 124, 125

Cherny, Robert, 125–26

Chesterton, G. K., 213

Chevrolet Motor Company, 226

Chicago, Ill., 95, 144

China, 61, 73, 81, 82, 128, 221

Churchill, Winston, 214

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 196

Cisco, 178, 227

civil rights movement, 144, 145

Civil War, 70, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 105, 121, 134, 223, 225

Claiborne, Liz, 157

Clark, Edward, 72

Clark, William, 30

Cleveland, Grover, 114

Clifton, Jim, 192–93

Clinton, DeWitt, 37

Clinton, Henry, 56

CNBC, 161–62

CNN, 93–94

coal, 101, 114

Coca-Cola, 153

cod fishing, 33, 219–20

Cohen, Ben, 228

Collins, Jim, 177–78

Colman, Mike, 184

colonies, American, 33, 37–38, 43, 219

Colt, Samuel, 69–70, 223

Columbus, Christopher, 31

compassion, 198–200, 203

Constitution, U.S., 61–62, 219

Constitutional Convention, 61

Conte, Christopher, 43

Continental Army, 38, 41–42, 52–61

Continental Congress, 44, 51–55, 220–21

Cooper, Anderson, 93–94

copper, 101

Corey, Lewis, 116

corn, 30, 31

Cornell University, 186

Cornwallis, Charles, Lord, 56, 59

corporations, 33–34, 92, 100

Corps of Discovery, 30

cosmetics, 160

    Estée Lauder and, 159–61, 161, 214, 227

    Mary Kay Ash and, 138, 158–59, 207, 213

cotton gin, 70, 96, 222

courage, 198, 203

Covey, Stephen, 210

Cowen, David, 73, 74

Crapo, Henry, 226

Crocker, Charles, 100

Cronin, John, 189–92

Cronin, Mark, 189–92

Crystal Palace Exhibition, 96

Cumberland Road, 221

Darity, William, Jr., 144

Davis, Jacob, 71

debtor’s prisons, 63, 76, 100

Declaration of Independence, 44, 52, 61, 220

de la Garza Falcón, Blas María, 163

Dell, Michael, 212

Democracy in America (de Tocqueville), 67

Depression, Great, 169, 171, 226, 227

DFS (Duty Free Shoppers), 184–85, 187

Dinkins, David N., 149

Disney, Walt, 174–76, 176, 208, 213, 226–27

Dos Passos, John, 48–49, 55, 66

Douglass, Frederick, 207

Drexel, Anthony, 110

Drexel, Morgan & Co., 110

Drucker, Peter, 2

Du Bois, W. E. B., 139, 142

Duck Commander, 11–14

Duck Commander Company, 2–4, 8, 6–12, 18–19, 21–24, 75, 204

Duck Dynasty, 2–3, 14–24, 165–66

Duck Men, The, 9–10

Duke, Washington, 140–41

Duncan, Isadora, 138

Durant, William “Billy” Crapo, 226

Durham, N.C., 140–42

Dutch settlers, 34–37, 38, 43

Dutch West India Company, 35, 220

DVDs, 18, 19, 109

Dwyer, Jim, 186

Ebony, 151

Edison, Thomas Alva, 116–18, 212, 214

Edison General Electric Company, 118

Einstein, Albert, 213, 215

electricity, 112

Ellison, Larry, 212

Empress of China, The, 61, 221

Entrepreneur, 166, 182

Entrepreneur’s Code, 197–202

    Compassion, 198–200, 203

    Courage, 198, 203

    Humility, 201–2, 203

    Integrity, 200–201, 203

    Wisdom, 197–98, 203


    American, see American entrepreneurs

    franchise model of, 180–81

    quotes on, 207–17

Erie Canal, 37, 68–69, 223

Euripides, 217

European settlers, 27, 30, 31, 33, 67

Evans, Harold, 160

Facebook, 178, 227, 229

Fantasia, 177

Farber, David, 179

Feather, William, 217

Fedco Foods Corporation, 153

Federal Express (FedEx), 228

Federal Reserve, 118

Feeney, Charles “Chuck,” 183–89, 199, 225

Fields, Debbi, 133

Firestone, Harvey Samuel, 212

First Bank of the United States, 64, 74, 222

fishing, 46, 47–48

    cod, 33, 219–20

Flagler, Henry, 123

Flexner, James Thomas, 46

Florida, 123, 162

    Miami, 163

Forbes, 150, 153, 157

Ford, Gerald R., 130

Ford, Henry, 118, 167, 209, 211, 214

Ford Motor Company, 118

Fortune, 152, 153, 156, 172, 223

Fortune 500, 148, 157, 227

franchising, 180–81

Franklin, Benjamin, 44, 209, 220

Freedom National Bank, 153

French Academy of Sciences, 97

Frick, Henry Clay, 106

Friedman, Milton, 207

FUBU, 151–52

Fulton, Robert, 68, 89, 222

funeral homes, 144–45, 154

fur, 35, 37, 43, 68, 81–85, 221

Gallup, Inc., 192

Gamble, James, 225

garage start-ups, 178, 227

Garden State Cable, 153

Gardner, Dudley, 28

Garst, Kim, 214

Gaston, Arthur, 144–45

Gates, Bill, 106, 130, 178, 188, 192, 212, 225, 228

General Electric Company, 112, 118

General Foods, 168

General Motors (GM), 179, 226

Gilded Age, 112

Girard, Stephen, 72–75, 86, 181, 199, 212, 221

Girard College, 74–75

Glasow, Arnold, 217

gold, 101, 114

Gold Rush, 89, 224

Google, 178, 181, 227, 229

Gordon, John Steele, 2, 33–35, 38, 69, 123, 194

Gordy, Berry, Jr., 151, 212

“Gospel of Wealth, The” (Carnegie), 106–7, 186–87, 225

Goya Foods, 164

Gracián, Baltasar, 217

Grand Central Terminal, 93

Grand Coulee Dam, 180

Grant, H. Roger, 90

Grant, Ulysses S., 134

Grape-Nuts, 168

Gray, Christopher, 93

Great Britain, 36–38, 51

Great Depression, 169, 171, 226, 227

Great Recession, 193

Greenfield, Jerry, 228

Green Revolution, 129

gross domestic product (GDP), 101, 225

Grove, Andrew, 181

Gunderson, Gerald, 99

guns, 69–70, 223

Gurney, Scott, 14–15

Hamilton, Alexander, 61, 62, 64, 222

Hancock, John, 44, 220

Handler, Ruth, 156–57, 227

Harkness, Stephen, 123

Harpo Studios, 149, 228

Harvard Law School, 146–47

Harvard University, 128, 229

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 215

Hedegaard, Erik, 20–21

Heinrichs, Christine, 97

Hershey, Milton, 212, 225

Hershey Chocolate Company, 225

Hewlett, William, 176–78, 212, 227

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 177–78, 227

Hill, Napoleon, 216

Hilton, Conrad Nicholson, 212

Hoffman, Reid, 209

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 37

Holtz, Lou, 208

Homestead Act, 163

Hone, Philip, 70, 85–86

Hoover Dam, 180

Hopkins, Mark, 100

horses, 31

Hot Wheels, 156–57

Hounshell, David, 105

Howard, Johnny, 18–19

Howard Brothers Discount Stores, 155

Howard family, 4, 12, 13, 15, 20, 155

How to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie), 183

Hsieh, Tony, 213

Hudson, Henry, 31–33

Hughes, Langston, 138

Hugo, Victor, 208

humility, 201–2, 203

Huntington, Collis, 100

Hurston, Zora Neale, 138

IBM, 208, 228

ice, 75–79, 77, 78, 223

immigrants, 100, 225, 226

    entrepreneurs, 181; see also minority entrepreneurs

Inc., 144

Independence Bowl, 23

Industrial Revolution, 79, 80, 97

    Second, 99

initial public offerings (IPOs), 147

insurance industry, 154

Intel, 178, 227

International Harvester, 112

International Mercantile Marine, 112

Internet, 18, 19, 69, 109

integrity, 200–201, 203

Intolerable Acts, 51

iron, 101, 105, 129, 220

Irving, Washington, 216

Ivory Soap, 225

Jamestown, 33–34

jeans, 70–71, 224

Jefferson, Thomas, 69, 82–83, 222

Jenks, Joseph, 2

Jesus Christ, 189, 194, 202–3

Jet, 151

Jobs, Steve, 178, 192, 209, 228

John, Daymond, 151–52, 210

John’s Crazy Socks, 190–92

Johns Hopkins University, 128

Johnson, John H., 151

Johnson, Robert Louis, 211

Johnson, Steven, 76

joint-stock companies, 33–34, 35

Jordan, Michael, 216

J. P. Morgan & Company, 110

Kaiser, Henry J., 180

Kaiser Permanente, 180

Kaiser Shipyards, 180

Karr, Albert, 43

Kauffman Foundation, 193

Kawasaki, Guy, 215

Kay, Mary, 138

Kazin, Michael, 88, 90

Kelleher, Herbert David “Herb,” 210, 211

Keller, Helen, 213

Kellogg, John, 166–69, 225

Kellogg, Will, 167–71, 211, 225

Kellogg Foundation, 171

Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, 168–69, 170, 225

Kennedy, John F., 173–74

Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., 173

Kennedy, Joseph P., 171–74, 173

Kennedy, Robert F., 207

Keoke, Emory Dean, 28

Kimmel, Jimmy, 20

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 145, 208

King Ranch, 163

Knight, Phil, 211

Knights of Columbus, 196

Krass, Peter, 103–4

Kravis, Henry, 216

Kroc, Raymond Albert “Ray,” 180–81, 210, 212

Kurtzig, Sandra, 157, 227–28

La Chua Ranch, 162

Lake Shore Railroad, 124

Lamoreaux, Naomi, 101

Langerhans, Ryan, 18

LaRoche, Adam, 18

Lasky, Betty, 172

Lasky, Jesse, 172

Latino entrepreneurs, 158, 162–64, 229

Lauder, Estée, 159–61, 161, 214, 227

Lee, Bruce, 208

Lefer, David, 160

Leidesdorff, William Alexander, Jr., 143

L’Enfant, Pierre Charles, 62

Lengel, Edward, 44, 45

Leno, Jay, 20

Levchin, Max, 210

Lewis, Meriwether, 83

Lewis, Reginald F., 145–49, 228

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 30, 82

Lifetime, 158

Livingston, Philip, 44, 220

Livingston, Robert, 89

Llewellyn, J. Bruce, 152–53

Lombardi, Vince, 216–17

Lonier, Terri, 85

Louisiana Purchase, 82

love, 199

Lowell, Francis Cabot, 79–80, 222

Lucas, George, 212

Lukens, Rebecca, 156, 223

lumber, 220

LVMH, 188

Macy, Rowland Hussey, 224

Macy’s, 224

Madison, James, 61

Madoff, Bernie, 63

Madsen, Axel, 81

Mandela, Nelson, 207

Man Nobody Knows, The (Barton), 202

March to Valley Forge, The (Trego), 54

Marion, Frances, 172

Markel, Howard, 167

Martin, Tom, 18

Mattel, 157, 227

McCall Pattern Company, 147

McCash, June, 121–22

McClure’s, 129

McCormick, Blaine, 44

McCormick, Cyrus, 69, 94–97, 95, 210, 224

McDonald’s, 180–81, 182

McGrath, Roger, 67–68

Melville, Herman, 213

Menéndez Márquez, Tomás, 162

Men’s Journal, 20

Merrick, John, 140–42, 225

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 112–13

Mexican entrepreneurs, 162–63

Miami, Fla., 163

Michels, Kat, 156

Mickey Mouse, 175–76, 226–27

Microsoft, 178, 228

Miller, Alfred Jacob, 29

Miller, Donald, 116

Miller, Robert, 184–85

Milne, A. A., 208

minority entrepreneurs, 133–34, 229

    African American, see African American entrepreneurs

    Asian American, 164

    Latino, 158, 162–64, 229

Mizner, Wilson, 217

monopolies, 89, 102, 112, 125, 129

Monroe, James, 74

Montesquieu, 217

Moore, Gordon Earle, 210, 227

Moore, Kimberly, 142

Moreno, Arturo, 163–64

Morgan, J. P., 102, 107, 110–18, 111, 113, 117, 126

    Edison and, 116–18

    nose of, 110–11, 117

    Wall Street panic and, 114–16, 226

Morganization, 112, 116

Morgan Library, 113

Morris, Charles, 125

Morris, Herman, 144

Morris, Robert, 41, 42, 48–64, 49, 54, 60, 220–22

    real estate investments of, 62–63

    Washington and, 41, 42, 48, 49, 53–62, 66, 221

Morse, Samuel, 69, 223–24

Motown Records, 151

Mount Vernon, 45–48, 46, 64–65, 220, 222

Mourning Dove, 27

Mrs. Fields Cookies, 133

Musk, Elon, 181, 209, 211

Nasaw, David, 106

NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, 23

National Business Hall of Fame, 156

National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, 154

National Negro Business League, 139, 143, 225–26

Native Americans, 27–34, 29, 32, 38, 68, 70, 81, 84, 100, 162, 164, 219, 223

Navigation Acts, 51

Netherlands, 35, 36

New Amsterdam, 34, 35–36, 38, 43, 220

New England, 33, 43, 44, 75, 78, 80, 143, 219–21

Newfoundland, 30

New York City, 33–37, 34, 42, 43, 56–57, 68–69, 116, 130, 222, 223

    Astor and, 80, 82, 85–87

    Grand Central Terminal, 93

New York Herald, 86

New York Public Library, 86

New York Stock Exchange, 115, 118, 221

New York Times, 92, 93, 146, 149, 152, 165, 172, 186, 188

New York World, 124

Neyfakh, Leon, 78–79

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 210

Nigeria, 143

Nightingale, Earl, 215

Nobel Prize, 207

Norsemen, 30

North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, 141–42, 225

Northwest Passage, 31–33

Noyce, Robert, 227

O’Brien, Conan, 20

Ochoa, Estevan, 163

O’Clery, Conor, 185, 187, 188

Ogden, William, 95

oil, 101, 122–26, 129, 130, 224

100 Black Men, 152

Outdoor Channel, 11–14

Oxygen Media, 149, 228

Packard, David, 176–78, 227

Page, Larry, 178, 229

Panama Canal, 114

Pan American Airways (Pan Am), 226

Parton, James, 86

Patent Arms Manufacturing Company, 69, 223

patents, 2

    Phil Robertson’s duck call, 8

Patton, George S., Jr., 208

PayPal, 210

PCs, 228

Peiss, Kathy, 136

Penn, William, 33

Pennsylvania, 33

Pennsylvania Railroad, 104–5

Pepperidge Farm, 227

Perkins, Edwin, 42

Philadelphia-Lancaster Turnpike, 221

Philadelphia yellow fever outbreak, 73, 221

philanthropy and charity, 152, 188, 199, 200

    Buffett and, 106, 188, 225

    Carnegie and, 106–10, 186–87, 188, 199

    Feeney and, 183–89, 199, 225

    Gates and, 106, 188, 225

    Hershey and, 225

    Kellogg and, 171, 225

    Lewis and, 145, 147

    Rockefeller and, 119–20, 126–31, 199

    Walker and, 226

    Winfrey and, 149, 228

Philippos, 215

Picasso, Pablo, 215

Pilgrims, 33, 43

Pinnacle Technical Resources, 157

Pogue, Dennis J., 47

Pope-Turnbo, Annie, 135

population, 100, 225, 226

Porterfield, Kay Marie, 28

Post, C. W., 168

Postum Cereals, 168

Potomac Company, 45, 221

Potomac River, 47–48

Powell, Colin, 213

Powell, Horace, 169

Prince, Carl E., 43

Procter, William, 225

Procter & Gamble Company, 225

Public Broadcasting System (PBS), 109

Puritans, 33, 43

Pythagoras, 217

Quakers, 33, 43

Quiroga, Joaquin, 163

quotes on entrepreneurship and success, 207–17

railroads, 68, 70, 74, 87, 90–93, 91, 100, 101, 105, 112, 118, 122–25, 223, 224

    passenger accident in 1833, 87–88

    Pennsylvania Railroad, 104–5

Ramos, Angel, 164

Rappleye, Charles, 50, 51, 62

Reagan, Ronald, 208

reaper, mechanical, 69, 94–97, 224

Recession, Great, 193

Reconstruction, 140

Reginald F. Lewis Foundation, 147

Reid, Greg, 74

religion, 195–97

    universities and, 196

    see also Bible

Religious Freedom and Business Foundation, 195

Renaissance, 34

R. H. Macy Dry Goods, 224

robber barons, 90, 102, 112

Roberts, William, 65

Robertson, Alan, 2, 6, 11

Robertson, Jason “Jase,” 2, 6, 7, 11

Robertson, John Luke, 23

Robertson, Jules Jeptha “Jep,” 2, 6, 11

Robertson, Kay (“Miss Kay”), 2–7, 11, 19, 20, 23, 155, 204

Robertson, Korie, 2, 9, 11–15, 20, 23, 131, 134, 155

Robertson, Phil, 2–4, 6–12, 15–20, 23, 204

Robertson, Rebecca, 23

Robertson, Sadie, 23

Robertson, Silas “Si,” 19–20

Robertson, Willie, 2–24, 16, 22, 166

    early entrepreneurialism and jobs of, 5–6, 103

    school lunch program and, 9

Robertson family, 1–26, 22, 75, 165–66

    Duck Commander, 11–14

    Duck Commander Company, 2–4, 8, 6–12, 18–19, 21–24, 75, 204

    Duck Dynasty, 2–3, 14–24, 165–66

    The Duck Men, 9–10

Robles, Bernabé and Jesús, 163

Rockefeller, David, 130

Rockefeller, John D., 92, 102, 110, 118–31, 121, 128, 138, 211, 224

    Lewis and, 146

    net worth of, 129–30

    oil industry and, 122–26, 129, 224

    philanthropy of, 119–20, 126–31, 199

    railroad disaster and, 123–24

    railroad industry and, 124, 125

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 126

Rockefeller, John D. “Jay,” IV, 130

Rockefeller, Laura, 131

Rockefeller, Nelson, 130

Rockefeller, William, 119

Rockefeller, Winthrop, 130

Rockefeller Center, 130

Rockefeller Foundation, 129, 130, 146

Rockefeller University, 128

Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, 68, 223

Rohn, Jim, 214

Ronda, James P., 31, 82

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 214

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 213

Roosevelt, Theodore, 114, 129, 217

Rudkin, Margaret, 227

Russell, Osborne, 29

Saddleback Church, 196

St. Benedict’s Catholic Prep, 195–96

Salomon, Haym, 58, 59, 60, 221

Sam’s Clubs, 155

Samsung, 152

San Francisco–Oakland Bay Bridge, 180

Santa Fe Trail, 163

Saratoga, Battle of, 55

Sarnoff, David, 211

Saugus Iron Works, 220

Schultz, Howard D., 211

Schwab, Charles M., 209, 211

Schweitzer, Albert, 209

Scots, 43

Scott, Tom, 104

Second Industrial Revolution, 99

Sesame Street, 109

sewing machines, 71–72, 72, 224

Shah, Vaibhav, 214

Shark Tank, 151, 192

Shaw, George Bernard, 216

Sherman, Roger, 44

Sherman Antitrust Act, 129

Shorto, Russell, 36–37

Shortridge, William, 144

Shoshone, 28–30, 29

Silicon Valley, 164, 176, 178, 227

silver, 101, 114

Silverman, Irene, 148

Simon & Schuster, 155

Sinatra, Frank, 208

Singer, Isaac, 71–72

    sewing machine of, 71–72, 72, 224

slaves, slavery, 43–44, 70, 96, 142, 220, 222

Slim Helú, Carlos, 212

Sloan, Alfred Pritchard, Jr., 178–79, 211

Smith, Fred, 228

Smith, Scott, 121, 122

Snake Indians Testing Bows (Miller), 29

Southwest Airlines, 210

Southwick, Albert, 63

Special Olympics, 191

Spelman College, 127–28

Stamp Act, 51

Standard Oil Company, 123–26, 129, 130

Stanford, Leland, 100

Stanford University, 100, 207

Stanley Home Products, 158

Stanton, Edwin, 96

Starbucks, 227

Stark, Peter, 82

steamboats, 68, 70, 88–89, 91, 92, 224

steel, 101, 105–7

Stewart, Martha, 157

Stiles, T. J., 92

Stokesbury, James, 83, 84–85

Storage Technology, 181

Strauss, Levi, 71, 224

Strong, George Templeton, 68

Strouse, Jean, 116

Stuyvesant, Peter, 35, 36, 38

success, quotes on, 207–17

Sugar Act, 51

Suggs, Robert, 144

Sullivan, John, 36

SuperSaver Wholesale Warehouse Club, 155

Supreme Court, U.S., 89, 129, 141

Sutter, John, 224

Swanson, Gloria, 172

SweetFrog, 182

Swope, Herbert Bayard, 214

Syed, Dilawar, 164

Tabron, La June Montgomery, 169

Tarbell, Ida, 129

Taylor, George, 44

telegraph, 69, 100, 103, 223–24

Telemundo, 164

telephone, 69, 100–101

textiles, 79–80, 222

They Made America (Evans, Buckland, and Lefer), 160

Thompson, Derek, 193–94

Thoreau, Henry David, 78, 213

Three Points Ranch, 163

Time, 160–61, 227

Titanic, RMS, 112

TLC Beatrice International, 148

TLC (The Lewis Companies) Group, 147

tobacco, 30, 34, 43, 45–47, 49, 61, 220

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 67

Towbin, Robert, 153

Townshend duties, 51

transatlantic trade, 222

Trego, William, 54

Trippe, Juan, 226

Trudeau, Justin, 191

Tubman, Harriet, 210

Tudor, Frederic, 75–79, 77, 223

Twain, Mark, 215, 216

tycoons, 72–73, 99–131

Uber, 178, 227

Unanue family, 164

Unger, Harlow Giles, 45

United States, 60, 66

    American colonies, 33, 37–38, 43, 219

    American Revolution, 24, 37–38, 43–44, 48, 51–61, 66, 73, 220–21

    Articles of Confederation, 61

    Bank of the United States, 64, 74, 222

    Constitution, 61–62, 219

    Constitutional Convention, 61

    Continental Army, 38, 41–42, 52–61

    Continental Congress, 44, 51–55, 220–21

    Declaration of Independence, 44, 52, 61, 220

    population of, 100, 225, 226

    Supreme Court, 89, 129, 141

    War of 1812, 74, 84–85

University of California, San Francisco, 189

University of Chicago, 127, 128

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, 162

U.S. Steel, 107, 118, 126

Vaca, Nina, 157–58

Vail, Theodore N., 216

Valley Forge, 54, 55

Vanderbilt, Arthur T., II, 93

Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 87–94, 91, 100, 102, 224

    railroad accident and, 87–88, 124

Vanderbilt University, 93

Vernon, Lillian, 157

Verrazzano, Giovanni da, 30

vertical integration, 105, 126

Virgil, 216

Virgin Group, 209

Virginia, 33–34, 43, 57

Virginia Company, 33–34

Vivekananda, Swami, 216

Wageman, Michael, 52

Walden Pond, 78

Walker, A’Lelia, 138

Walker, Juliet, 142–43

Walker, Madam C. J., 134–40, 137, 139, 146, 158, 226

Walker, Samuel, 70

Walking Dead, The, 20

Wall, Joseph, 109

Wall Street, 92, 110, 114–16, 226

Wall Street Journal, 146

Walmart, 10, 21, 155, 166, 179–80

Walt Disney Company, 176, 177, 227

Walton, Samuel Moore “Sam,” 155, 179, 211

Walton’s Five and Dime, 179, 179

Wang, An, 181

Wang Laboratories, 181

War of 1812, 74, 84–85

Washington, Booker T., 143, 216, 225–26

Washington, George, 24, 39, 41–42, 44–48, 52, 53–62, 60, 64–66, 220–22

    Morris and, 41, 42, 48, 49, 53–62, 66, 221

    Mount Vernon estate of, 45–48, 46, 64–65, 220, 222

    Pennsylvania riot and, 64

    at Valley Forge, 54, 55

    whiskey distillery of, 65, 222

Washington, Martha, 45

Washington Monthly, 154

Washington’s Retreat at Long Island (Armytage), 52

Watson, Thomas J., 208, 215

Western, Samuel, 29–30

wheat, 47, 48, 69, 94

whiskey, 65, 222

Whitney, Eli, 70, 96, 222

Whitting, Anthony, 65

Wilde, Oscar, 215

Willie’s Duck Diner, 23

Willing, Morris & Company, 48

Wilson, George, 73

Winfrey, Oprah, 149–51, 209, 228

Winthrop, John, 220

wisdom, 197–98, 203

Wissler, Clark, 31

WKBW-TV, 153

W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 171

women entrepreneurs, 133–34, 154–62, 229

    Ash, Mary Kay, 138, 158–59, 207, 213

    Asian American, 164

    Lauder, Estée, 159–61, 161, 214, 227

    Lukens, Rebecca, 156, 223

    Walker, Madam C. J., 134–40, 137, 139, 146, 158, 226

    Winfrey, Oprah, 149–51, 209, 228

World Trade Center, 130

World War I, 99, 226

World War II, 156, 173–74, 180, 181, 226, 227

Wozniak, Steve, 178

Wright, Robert, 73, 74

Wright, Wilbur, 226

Yankee ingenuity, 2

yellow fever, 73, 221

Yoda, 165

Yoruba, 143

Ziglar, Zig, 215

Zuckerberg, Mark, 229