Chapter Four

God, this man...

Meg took a deep breath and tried to push her insecurities way. For the most part, she was pretty well okay with her body, but Nathan was the first person she’d been with since Scott. And he’d played his part in how her body had changed over the years—and had never made comment or shown a hint of not wanting her or wanting her less because of any imperfections.

Logically, she knew she was being ridiculous. Nothing Nathan said or did gave Meg the impression he had any issues with her physically—quite the opposite, actually—so she should get over it, get naked, and get sexed up by this amazing man. Of course, the fact it was him, the incredibly hot and fit neighbor she’d basically just met, only added to her nervousness. And it didn’t escape her notice he hadn’t answered her question about his age. Cue more anxiety. He was younger than she was, that much was clear, but how much? God, she’d die if he—


She jolted, even though he hadn’t yelled. Hell, he’d hardly raised his voice, at all, but the steely tone yanked her out of her head and back into the bedroom with him.

“Stop thinking so hard, and get naked.”

He drew his sweater over his head and tossed it to the side. The white t-shirt molded to his torso, and Meg licked her lips at the enticing sight. She tried to quell the shaking of her hands as she reached back to undo the clasp of her bra. She shivered as the straps slithered down her arms. Once that was off, she decided quicker was easier—less time to think and obsess. She hooked her thumbs under her panties and shoved them down. They got caught on her boots, and she cursed under her breath. She carefully crouched and managed to remove the tangled scrap of cloth before moving to the boot’s zipper.

“Leave them.”

His snapped order echoed through the room, and Meg froze a moment then rose. She clenched and unclenched her hands and waited. Rather impatiently. Nathan’s heated gaze raked over here from head to toe then back up again. He held a finger up and twirled it in the air, and she recognized the gesture for what it was. Another order. She slowly spun on the spot, feeling unbelievably aroused and anxious.

“Very nice,” he drawled when she faced him again.

She pressed her thighs together as the excitement built again, and, of course, he noticed. His lips curved into self-satisfied smirk as he toed off his shoes and shifted on the mattress until the pillows were behind his back.

“Come here,” he instructed, stretching his legs out, leaning on his elbows

“Aren’t you...” She frowned. “You’re not getting undressed?”


A laugh burst from her before she could stop it. “Is that going to be your answer every time I try to move things along?”

“No patience.” He clucked his tongue reprovingly. “Things are moving along just fine, love. Now, get your sexy arse over here and sit on my face like a good girl.”

She pressed a palm to her fluttering belly and walked to him on wobbly legs. Again, she figured just doing as he said and not obsessing was the way to go. She knelt on the bed next to his chest then swung leg over him. Lying fully back, he shoved his hands between his body and her thighs, grasping her and pulling up until her knees bracketed his head on the pillow.

Right here.” He inhaled deeply and groaned. “Fuck, yes.”

Meg closed her eyes and caught her lip between her teeth as his breath gusted over her folds. She whimpered when his beard grazed the sensitive skin of her inner thighs.

“Hands on the headboard,” he said, tapping her ass. “Keep them there.”

She obeyed immediately, curling her fingers over the top of the dark wood. Tense with anticipation, she waited for the first touch of his mouth, nearly trembling with the want pulsing through her. His hands skimmed over her legs, over her hips, everywhere he could reach. He massaged her cheeks, pulling them apart then releasing them. But only his breath continued to tease her pussy. She dropped her head forward in frustration, eyes screwed shut. He chuckled darkly and, nudging her stance even wider, slid his thumbs along the creases where her sex met her thighs. His touch feather light, he teased the digits through the damp curls of her mons back to her labia. With gentle pressure, he spread her, exposed her completely.

Without warning, he lifted his head to fit his mouth around her clit and sucked hard. Strangled cry in her throat, Meg dropped a hand to clasp his hair, and her hips jerked as he continued to pull at the throbbing bud.

Just as suddenly, he stopped. “Back where it belongs, love.”

It took her moment to realize what he wanted, and, with another frustrated noise, she took her hand away from his head and brought it up to rest next to the other one.

He nuzzled against her pussy, murmuring approvingly, before settling back to speak again.

“Keep them there. You can move all you want, otherwise.” He pressed sloppy kisses on her legs. “I want you to. Fuck yourself against my face, love. Grind down on me. Scream. But don’t let go of that headboard. Do you understand?”

He traced circles around her clit with the tip of his tongue, again and again, fast then slow. Changing it so she didn’t know what to expect.

“Yessss. I understand,” she cried.

“Good girl.”

He began laving her folds, long, lazy strokes from her dripping entrance to the crest of her labia. Shudders racked her, and her fingers ached from holding on so tightly. He cupped her ass and tugged her a bit farther up.

“Don’t hold back,” he rasped against her slick skin. “Fuck. My. Face. Meg.”

Then, he plunged his tongue inside her, wiggling, teasing, and oh so hot. She gasped and pushed down. His fingers flexed, digging roughly into her flesh as Meg, desperate for more, stopped thinking and just chased the release. She rocked against his mouth, his tongue, and Nathan hummed happily. Gathering some of her juices with a thumb, he brought it back and smeared it over the furl between her cheeks, rubbing, pressing slightly, but never breaching.

Her scream, the one he’d predicted at the very start, shocked her. Her muscles seized as she was thrust headlong into honeyed ecstasy, so intense her vision blurred. And still, he continued to devour her. Realizing her legs were clamped tightly around his head, she tried to relax and lift off him, away the assault on her sensitive flesh. With a grunt of protest, he wrapped his arms around her thighs and held her where she was so he could push her higher with lips, tongue, the hint of teeth. She sobbed and fell forward against the headboard, pressing a hot cheek against the cool wood, unable to do anything but take what he was giving. When he licked inside her again, a series of tremors erupted around his probing tongue, and her cunt exploded all over him. She had a moment of embarrassment—she’d never squirted like that; even before when he’d fingered her was nothing compared to this—before the muffled sounds of him clearly enjoying the flood of her cream reached her ears.

His hands ran soothingly over her belly and thighs as he slowed down, languidly laving her folds. With a final loud, wet kiss, he eased one of her legs up and over him, and without his support, she’d have fallen over. She stared at his face, glistening with her arousal, and tried to breathe normally as he carefully pried her fingers away from the bed. He pressed a kiss to each digit then helped move her into a more comfortable position. She sighed contently when her head settled on a pillow and she was stretched out on the mattress.

He ran his knuckles down her cheek then stood. Opening the bedside drawer, he withdrew a condom and tossed it to land next to her.

“Is it ‘eventually’ yet? Time for you to get naked?” she asked, her words slurring slightly.

“Yes, love. It’s ‘eventually’ now.” The corner of his mouth tipped upwards.

Meg wondered how she was going to get through the actual fucking, but as he bared his body to her, she decided she’d find a way. She licked her lips and imagined running her tongue all over him, tasting every place she could reach. With that in mind, she started to sit up, intent on crawling across the bed to get her mouth on him, despite the fact her body, loose and sated, didn’t want to cooperate.

He paused, thumbs tucked under the waistband of his boxer briefs, and shook his head. “Stay there.”

She frowned. “Don’t I get to taste you, touch you? Make sure you enjoy this, too?”

He moved a hand to stroke his cock through the cotton. “Are you under the impression I’m not enjoying myself, love?”

Her heart hammered as she watched him drag a thumb over the head where a dark spot of moisture beckoned her, teased her. She flopped back weakly as she ached to follow his touch with her tongue, to just sneak a small taste of his desire for her. To have the tangible evidence bursting on her tongue that he was just as into this as she was.

“I’m enjoying every single second of this,” he said slowly. “But if you touch me, if you put your hot fucking mouth on me... I’ll be done. And that isn’t an option.”

“Why not?” she asked, honestly confused why he’d not want to get sucked off.

“Because, my sweet Meg, as much as I’d love to come down your throat and make you swallow every fucking drop, right now, I want something more. I want to fuck you hard and fast. And I want you to come again. I want you to be wrecked on my cock, unable to think of anything but how fucking perfectly I fill you up and how you’d give anything to keep me there—between your thighs and buried in your cunt.”

“Oh, God...” she whimpered and trailed her hand down her body to cup her mound.

The slick sound of Meg’s fingers slipping through her wet folds had Nathan quickly freeing his pulsing cock, all his thoughts centered on getting inside her. Now. He climbed on the bed, knelt between her knees, and reached for the condom. Shaking, he tore open the packaging and rolled the sheath down his length.

“Beautiful,” he murmured and, grasping her wrist and bringing her hand to his mouth, drew her coated fingers into his mouth. “And delicious.”

“Please,” she whispered, hips pulsing up.

“Please what?” He nipped her palm playfully, even though inside him everything was a tight, yearning mess.

“Get inside me,” she demanded, scooting closer and wrapping her legs around his waist. The leather of her boots pressed against his lower back and arse as she tried to pull him closer. “Keep your word. Hard and fast. Make me scream.”

Releasing her hand, he grasped the base of his cock and slid the head through her pussy lips, groaning at the heat and the easy glide. When he positioned himself, he gripped her hips, digging into her flesh, and, for a moment, he imagined bruises, his marks, interrupting the soft pale expanse of her skin. Fuck, the things he wanted to do to her... But he could be patient. For now, the only thing he could do was give this amazing woman what she wanted. What she clearly needed.

Catching her gaze, he grinned. “Your wish, love.”

Her scream tore through the room as he drove into her with one brutal thrust. Second scream of the night, and yes, he was fucking counting.

Back bowing off the bed, she fisted the sheets at her sides. Her cunt snug and searing around his cock, Nathan let himself savor the perfection of it before withdrawing as slowly as he could stand. Shunting into her desire-soaked clutch again and again, he set the fast and hard pace he’d promised her, that he was frantic for, at this point.

Meg cried out and, lifting her arms above her head, grabbed hold of two of the slats in the headboard, knuckles whitening immediately.

“Nathan,” she gasped. “God, Nathan.”

“Take it, take it all, take everything.” He trailed his hand over her stomach. Pulling back slightly, he slapped her clit—not enough to really hurt, enough to sting and, if he’d read her correctly, excite—before burying himself in her softness.

“Ooooooh!” Her mouth fell open as her legs quivered, and her eyes drifted closed. “Again...please. Please!”

“That’s it, love.” Slap. Thrust. “Beg me.” Slap. Thrust.

“Please, please, p-p-please,” she choked. “So close, so close...”

He brought his hand down a final time then rubbed in rough circles as he fucked her. No longer steady as he raced toward his orgasm. The only thing that held him back was wanting her to come first, to drag him along with her as she fell apart around him.

Her channel rippled and tightened, and she went wild beneath him. Her hands left the headboard and now gripped his thighs, nails scoring his skin. She screamed his name—number three, he thought with satisfaction—as she came hard, and, violently, he erupted balls deep within her.

Cock still twitching, Nathan settled more fully atop her so he could get at her mouth, fueled by the need to taste her. Meg sighed as his lips settled over hers. He kissed her, slow and lazy, smoothing his palms over any inch of her skin he could reach.

“Be right back, you gorgeous, gorgeous girl.”

After a final buss and nuzzle, he got up and walked into the adjoining bathroom. He removed and disposed of the condom then quickly washed. Grabbing a fresh flannel from the drawer, he wet it with warm water and went back to Meg.

Standing beside the bed, he looked down, just took in the sight of her. On his bed. Heavy-lidded, pupils blown wide. Plump lips parted as she still struggled to slow her breathing. Completely and utterly blissed out. Beautiful.

Hand on her knee, he parted her legs and covered her pussy with the warm cloth. With a quiet laugh, she grabbed his wrist.

“You don’t have to—”


He carefully cleaned her then tossed the cloth toward the bathroom before reaching down to unzip her boots. He removed them and her socks, chuckling as she wiggled her feet out of his hold when he pressed his fingers to her arches. Reaching over her, Nathan dragged the covers down on the other side of the bed.

“Budge over,” he murmured then drew the blankest up over her. After crossing the room to turn out the light, he slid in beside her.

“Should go upstairs,” she said sleepily.

“Happen to like you where you are.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Slotting his leg between hers, he kissed her mouth lightly. “Stay.”

“If that’s what you want,” she whispered, laying her hand on his chest and wiggling closer.

“Hmmm. Right now, nothing I want more.”

Closing his eyes and inhaling her scent, he realized how true that was. Contentment settled over him as he lay here with this woman in his arms—that was new. He wasn’t one to have his one-offs sleep over. Hell, he normally didn’t bring women back to his home, period; he was more likely to go back to theirs and slip out when all was said and done. Or rent a hotel room. Anything to keep it isolated. Even the few relationships he’d had in the past, there’d been a firm separation between them and the other areas of his life.

Meg sighed sleepily, and Nathan skimmed a hand over her tangled hair. There was something about her, though... He couldn’t say what it was, but he did know he wanted more. More than a one-off after drinks.

That thought was on his mind as he drifted off, and his dreams were filled with Meg’s face, her body, her voice. As he woke, he again thought of all the things he wanted to do to her, with her. With a low groan, he rolled over, reaching out...and felt nothing but cold sheets.

Sitting up quickly, he glanced around. The bathroom door was open—the small room empty. Her clothes were no longer on the floor. Other than the tantalizing, and fading, scent of her on his bed and the faint indentation on the pillow, all traces of Meg were gone.
