
Underscored page references indicate boxed text and tables.

Abdominal toning, rules for, 101

calorie cutting, 102

eating complex carbohydrates, 102–3

eating good fats, 102

high protein consumption, 103

Acne, preventing, 342–43

Acrylamides, cancer from, 281

Active Overweight Guy Meal Plan, 106–15

Activity Factor, calculating, 234, 234

Adenosine, signaling need for sleep, 5

ADH, kidney function and, 232

Aging, muscle loss and, 192


avoiding, for athletic performance, 190

effects of

beneficial, 406–7

on gastrointestinal system, 246

hangovers, 232–33

high triglycerides, 247

negative, 6, 407

on sex, 320, 325

on skin, 348


for mental acuity and memory, 31–32

for weight loss, 88

longevity and, 274–75

preventing dehydration from, 31, 361, 411

Algae, for postoperative nutrition, 249

All-Day Energy Meal Plan, 40–49

Alliums, for cancer prevention, 278

Alpha-lipoic acid, for longevity, 286

Alzheimer’s disease, 287–88

preventing, with

ginkgo biloba, 287

vitamin E, 286

Amino acids, categories of, 149

Anabolic foods, 159

Anabolic Power Shake, 142

Anabolic state, 141, 146

Anti-Cancer Meal Plan, 359

Anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), kidney function and, 232

Anti-Heart-Disease Meal Plan, 299–307

Anti-Insomniac Meal Plan, 50–59


fighting free radicals, 203, 238, 267

foods containing, 238–40, 239, 267, 268–69, 268

for postoperative nutrition, 249

for preventing

heart disease, 271

inflammation, 267

skin cancer, 342

in whole foods, 401

Anxiety, kava for, 39

Aphrodisiacs, 323


Better-Appearance Meal Plan for, 350–58

factors affecting

alcohol, 348

food allergies, 348–49

foods, 3, 12–13, 29, 339–40, 341, 344

weight, 349

improving aspects of

bone health and posture, 344–46

eyes, 346–47

hair, 348

skin, 340–44, 348

teeth, 347–48

Arthritis, foods for, 240

Asian diet, reflected in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360

Asian food, for lunch, 17

Aspartame, cancer and, 283

Athletic performance

fat loss for, 187–88

foods affecting, 3, 186–87, 409–10

improving, in strength training, 192–97

improving endurance for, 197–207

meal plans for, 187

Eating-for-Endurance Meal Plan, 218–27

Eating-for-Strength Meal Plan, 208–17

nutritional guidelines, improving, 188–90

hydrate, 190–91

specific foods for, 189

Avocados, in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361

Bad breath, 320, 321

Baldness, male pattern, 348

Bananas, for heart health, 247–48

Basal metabolic rate, definition of, 82

BCAAs, for muscle building, 159, 412

Beano, 321


in Full-Power Meal Plan, 367–68

serving sizes of, 418

Beans, in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361


cooking methods for, 282

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 374

preventing Mad Cow Disease from, 374, 374

in protein supplements, 157

reducing fat from, 282

Belichik, Bill, 186–87


antioxidants in, 267

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360


for eye health, 346

fighting free radicals, 238

for immune system, 236

for preventing inflammation, 268–69

Beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate (HMB), for muscle building, 160

Better-Appearance Meal Plan, 350–58

Better-Sex Meal Plan, 328–37

Beverages. See also specific beverages

glycemic index of, 11

Binge eating, 378

Bioflavonoids, for postoperative nutrition, 248

Black-currant juice, for preventing kidney stones, 230–31

Bladder cancer, foods preventing, 280

Blood orange, for disease prevention, 268

Blood pressure, effect of caffeine on, 9–10

Blood sugar

carbohydrates and, 10

controlling, with small, frequent meals, 85–86

low, hunger from, 10, 15


for eye health, 346

for sexual potency, 324

BMI. See Body Mass Index

Body composition

for determining needed weight loss, 98–99

metabolic rate and, 83

Body Mass Index (BMI)

cancer risk and, 275–76

chart, 100

for determining needed weight loss, 98–99

disease risk and, 101

Body shape, gradual improvements in, 405–6

Bone health, 344–46, 361

Bovine colostrum, in protein supplements, 156, 157–58

Brainpower. See Mental acuity and memory

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), for muscle building, 159, 412

Brazil nuts, for fertility, 324–25


glycemic index of, 11

multigrain, 20

serving sizes of, 418


for boosting sex drive, 320

for mental acuity and memory, 31

for reducing health risks, 263

suggested foods for, 14–15, 31

during travel, 237

Breast cancer, foods preventing, 277, 280


for dinner, 19

for gastrointestinal health, 243–44

for preventing

cancer, 277–78

inflammation, 267

Broccoli-and-Lamb Stir-Fry, 391

Broccoli-and-Salmon Stir-Fry, 397

Broccoli-and-Shrimp Stir-Fry, 380

Bromelain, for postoperative nutrition, 248–49

Brussels sprouts, for cancer prevention, 278

Buckwheat, 20

B vitamins, for inflammation, 239

Cabbage, for cancer prevention, 278


creatine and, 195

effective use of, 27

effects of

dehydration, 9–10, 31, 35

on energy level, 34–35, 34

insomnia, 5

on mental acuity and memory, 32

on mood, 27

sex and, 320

in specific products, 33, 34

strength training and, 195, 411

in supplements, 153

water replacing, 232


for bone health, 345, 361, 369

for gum disease prevention, 240

for high blood pressure, 273, 273

for muscle building, 152

sources of, 345

in yogurt, 244

Calorie burning, 83

Calorie deficit, affecting immune system, 233

Calorie needs

for athletic performance, 188

calculating, 233–35

for general health, 409

for muscle building, 141, 142, 193


gradual adjustments in, 405


for abdominal toning, 102

for weight loss, 84–85

Calories in, calories out theory of weight loss, 15


aspartame and, 283

bladder, 280

breast, 277, 280

colon, 266, 278, 280, 281

esophageal, 278, 280

foods causing

acrylamides, 281

dairy products, 281

farm-raised salmon, 282–83

red meat, 281–82

foods preventing, 276–77

alliums, 278

broccoli, 277–78

Brussels sprouts, 278

cabbage, 278

cauliflower, 278

citrus, 278

fatty fish, 278–79

green tea, 280

kohlrabi, 278

tomatoes, 278

tomato sauce, 279–80

water, 280–81

whole grains, 280

kidney, 280

lung, 278

obesity and, 274–76

oral, 278

pancreatic, 280

pelvic, 280

pharyngeal, 278

prostate, 20–21, 267–68, 277, 278, 279, 280

skin, 341–42

stomach, 278, 280

testicular, 280, 281

Cantaloupe, for healthy skin, 343–44

Carambola, for disease prevention, 268

Carb-free foods, pitfalls of, 92

Carbohydrate loading, for endurance, 206–7


balancing, for weight loss, 87

best sources of, 85

blood sugar and, 10, 85


for abdominal toning, 102–3

benefits of, 24–25, 32

cooking, 404

shopping for, 402

sources of, 103

in whole foods, 401

for endurance, 197–99, 204

as energy source, 32

glycemic index of, 10, 11, 91

for hardgainers, 151, 153

for improved athletic performance, 188–89, 409

improving mental acuity and memory, 30

mood and, 23, 29

morning need for, 8

for muscle building, 148

recommended consumption of, 32, 409

slowing absorption of, 34, 87

for strength training, 192–93, 194, 195

timing of, for weight loss, 89

Carb supplements, for endurance, 205

Cardio training, pitfalls of, 83–84

Carnitine, for weight loss, 104

Carotenoids, for preventing

eye disease, 346

heart disease, 271

Casein, in protein supplements, 156

Catabolic state, 141

Cataracts, 346, 347


for cancer prevention, 278

preparing, 19

Cavity prevention

with green tea, 240

with sugar-free gum, 348


for gastrointestinal problems, 244

for heart health, 247

for sexual potency, 323


for breakfast, 14

fiber, lacking in, 33

fortified, for sex drive, 320

serving sizes of, 418

sugar in, 32

Certified nutrition specialists, 200

Cheating on diet, 407–8

Checkups, medical and dental, 404–5


for eye health, 346

for inflammation, 239

Chicken soup, for colds, 235

Chives, for cancer prevention, 278


caffeine sensitivity from, 320

as mood booster, 27–29

for sexual potency, 323


effect of alcohol on, 406

high, erectile dysfunction from, 324

LDL, 8, 270–271

screening for, 405

Chromium, 413

Cialis, for sexual potency, 326

Cirrhosis, 6

Citrus fruits

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360

for preventing

cancer, 278

inflammation, 267

Ciwujia, for endurance, 206


caffeine in, 34

with doughnut, 8

effects of, 5, 9

morning, metabolism and, 7

Colds, nutrition for, 235

Colon cancer

from inflammation, 266

preventing, with

alliums, 278

fiber, 280

tea, 280

water, 280, 281

red meat and, 281

Comfort foods, 377–78

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), for strength training, 196

Cooking techniques

learning, 404

for whole foods, 403–4

Cooler, for food storage at work, 403

Copper, for immune system, 236

Cranberry juice, for eye health, 346


nighttime, 102

triggers of, 377–78, 378


caffeine and, 195

for postoperative nutrition, 249–50

for strength training, 196

Creatine monohydrate, for muscle building, 159–60

Cucumbers, for hangovers, 233

Dairy products

calcium in, 345

cancer and, 281

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 368–70

glycemic index of, 11

lactose intolerance from (see Lactose intolerance)

serving sizes of, 419

for weight control, 369

DASH diet, for high blood pressure, 272–73

Dehydrated-Guy Fluid Plan, 251


affecting athletic performance, 190

from alcohol, 232, 411

caffeine and, 9, 35, 232

Dehydrated-Guy Fluid Plan for, 251

delayed thirst from, 14, 31

digestive problems from, 231

headaches from, 231–32

kidney stones from, 229–30

mitral valve prolapse from, 231

muscle cramps from, 240

preventing, 191, 229, 410–11

in endurance training, 201

signs of, 31

speed of, 191

symptoms of, 190

Delayed-onset muscle soreness, 202

Dental checkups, 404, 405

Dental health, 347–48


foods causing, 27

omega-3 fatty acids for, 24

St. John’s wort for, 39

DEXA, for measuring body composition, 98

DHA, for longevity, 287


alpha-lipoic acid for, 286

cinnamon and coffee for, 285

costs of, 263

Diabetic-GuyMeal Plan for, 290–98

erectile dysfunction from, 324

fruit consumption with, 283

increase in, 263

Syndrome-X Meal Plan for, 116–23

type I, 283

type II, 283–84

preventing, 284–87

Diabetic-Guy Meal Plan, 290–98

Diarrhea, pectin for, 244

Diet. See also Nutrition

evaluating, for weight loss, 99–101


gradual improvements from, 405

importance of, 3–5

for long-term changes, 415

for overcoming health risks, 250


affecting appearance, 12–13, 338–39

affecting workouts, 13

responsibility for, 21

typical, of average man, 5–10, 12–13

makeover of, 14–21

Dietitians, 3, 200, 249

Diets, weight-loss

cheating on, 407–8

pitfalls of, 81, 83–84

Diet saboteurs, industries as, 2

Digestion, water drinking and, 231

Digestive system

inflammation in, 266–67

problems with (see Gastrointestinal problems)

Dining out

avoiding, for weight loss, 90

best food choices for, 84


suggested foods for, 19–21

Doughnuts, effects of, 8–9

Drinks, pre-workout

in Light-Speed Weight-Loss Meal Plan, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130

in “No More Yo-Yo Diets” Meal Plan, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138


fruits interacting with, 366

side effects of, 229

Eating-for-Endurance Meal Plan, 218–27

Eating-for-Strength Meal Plan, 187, 208–17

Ectomorphs. See Hardgainers

Edamame, 18, 144


in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 373

hard-cooked, 373, 403

serving sizes of, 420

for sex drive, 320

Egg whites, in protein supplements, 156, 157


in boxing, 197

carbohydrate loading for, 206–7

carbohydrates for, 197–99

Eating-for-EnduranceMeal Plan, 218–27

fat for, 201

gels and goos for, 201–2

hydration for, 201

overhydration and, 202–3

protein for, 199–200

supplements for, 205–207

typical eating plan for, 203–5

for vegetarians, 199, 200

Energy. See Physical energy

Energy bars

avoiding, for midmorning snack, 16–17

labels on, 16

Energy-dense foods, for muscle building, 142–43

Energy enhancement, research on, 1–2

Energy imbalance, for weight loss, 82

Engineered foods, 401, 402

EPA, for longevity, 287

Ephedra, for weight loss, 103

Erectile dysfunction

causes of, 319, 324

drugs for, 326–27

herbal potency supplements for, 327

preventing, 323–25

role of trans fats in, 8

Esophageal cancer, foods preventing, 278, 280


for diabetes prevention, 284

foods to avoid with, 194

free radicals and, 202–3, 238

with Full-Power Meal Plan, 360, 366

increasing protein efficiency, 91

limitations of, in weight loss, 3

preventing fluid loss from, 230

for weight loss, 91–92

Eye health, 346–47

Fajitas, 55, 65, 75, 110, 120, 136, 168, 180, 213, 222, 258, 312, 332, 355

Fast eating, overweight from, 90

Fast food

avoiding, for weight loss, 89–90

good choices of, 17

nutritional data on, 12

Fat burning, food for, 2

Fat-free foods, pitfalls of, 92

Fatigue, from diets, 83–84

Fat loss

for improving athletic performance, 187–88

supplements for, 158

Fats, dietary

for abdominal toning, 102

balancing, for weight loss, 87

brainpower and, 24

calories in, 84

energy from, 34

giving up taste for, 271

guidelines for eating, 409–10

for hardgainers, 153

healthy forms of

monounsaturated fats, 91, 149–50, 270–71, 410

omega-3 fatty acids (see Omega-3 fatty acids)

polyunsaturated fats, 270, 410

heart health and, 246–47, 269–71

for improved appearance, 339–40

for improved athletic performance, 189, 409–10

for muscle building, 149–50

recommended consumption of, 34

reducing, 270

saturated fats, 269–70, 281, 374, 410

serving sizes of, 419

for strength training, 193

unsaturated fats, 270–71

in various foods, 147

Fever, nutrition needed with, 235


gas from, 322

reducing, 243

for longevity, 289

for preventing

acne, 343

cancer, 280

gastrointestinal problems, 242–43

recommended intake of, 242

sources of, 88, 89

supplements, 243

for weight loss, 88–89

in whole foods, 401

Filtration systems, for water, 347

Fish. See also specific types

for arthritis, 240

best canned, 373

for cancer prevention, 278–79

for dinner, 19

effect of, on mood, 24

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 370–72

for heart health, 247, 270

improving mental acuity and memory, 31

with low contaminants, 372

nutritional content of, 371

for postoperative nutrition, 249

in protein supplements, 157

serving sizes of, 419

shopping for, 402

toxins in, 372

for weight loss, 90–91

Fish-oil supplements, 371–72


foods causing, 243, 321–22

preventing, 243, 321, 322

Flax oil, for breakfast, 14


for breakfast, 14

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 377

Fluid loss. See also Dehydration

causes of, 230

Fluid Plan, Dehydrated-Guy, 251


for colds and fever, 235

drinking schedule for, 230

for preventing dehydration, 190–91, 191

serving sizes of, 416

Fluoride, for dental health, 347

Folic acid, for sexual potency, 325

Food(s). See also specific foods

for appearance, 3, 338–39

for athletic ability, 3, 186–87

for building muscle, 2–3

for burning fat, 2

for healing, history of, 228–29

healthy, importance of, 3–5

for longevity, 3, 277

for mood, 2

for sex, 3

Food allergies

bad breath from, 321

to common foods, 241, 242

origin of, 242

symptoms of, 241, 242, 348–49

Food cravings, 377–78, 378

Food habits, improving, 29–30

Food industry

money-making motives of, 155

role of, in weight gain, 95

Food intolerances

definition of, 242

symptoms of, 241, 242

Food journal, 99

Food labels

on energy bars, 16

high-fructose corn syrup on, 97

importance of reading, 155

sugar names on, 28

trans fats on, 8

Food-mood connection, 22–24

Food poisoning, preventing, 365–66, 365

Free radicals

in Alzheimer’s disease, 288

antioxidants fighting, 203, 238, 267

exercise and, 202–3, 238

function of, 264–65

in inflammation, 238

long-term effects of, 263–66

French fries, cancer and, 281

French Toast, 44, 54, 65, 74, 110, 119, 127, 135, 167, 179, 212, 222, 256, 294, 303, 312, 332, 354, 387, 396

Frequent meals

for improved athletic performance, 188

for muscle building, 141


gas from, 322

gastrointestinal problems from, 245–46

Fruit juices

avoiding, for weight loss, 87–88

interacting with medications, 366

nutrient loss in, 279

portion control with, 376

preventing food poisoning from, 365

serving sizes of, 417–18

Fruits. See also specific fruits

antioxidants in, 267

for dental health, 347

for diabetics, 283

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360, 363–64

glycemic index of, 11

for heart disease prevention, 271

interacting with medications, 366

lesser-known, for disease prevention, 268

for midmorning snack, 16

most nutritious, 279

preparation methods for, 279

preserving nutrients in, 285, 364

preventing food poisoning from, 365–66, 365

ripening, 285

serving sizes of, 416–17

shopping for, 402

storing, 403

Full-Power Meal Plan, 3, 379–99

fish in, 279

meats in, 361, 373, 374

overview of, 359–61

sticking with, 377–78


for cancer prevention, 278

for heart health, 247

odors from, 320


foods causing, 243, 321–22

preventing, 243, 321, 322

Gastrointestinal problems

from food allergies and intolerances, 241–42, 241, 244–45

foods to avoid with

alcohol, 246

dairy products, 246

fructose, 245–46

from inflammation, 266–67

prevalence of, 240

preventing, with

broccoli, 243–44

celery, 244

fiber, 242–43

oranges, 244

pectin, 244

peppermint, 244

strawberries, 244

turmeric, 244

yogurt, 244

Gelatin, in protein supplements, 157

Gels and goos, for endurance training, 201–2

Genetic predispositions to disease, undermining, 4

Genetics, longevity and, 288


for headaches, 240

for heart health, 247

Gingivitis, 266, 347

Ginkgo biloba

for brainpower, 38

for longevity, 287


for brainpower, 38

for endurance, 206

Glucosamine, for joint health, 346


for muscle building, 160

for strength training, 196

Glycemic index (GI)

definition of, 10

diabetes and, 285–86

factors affecting, 285–86

of specific foods, 11

for weight loss, 91

Glycerol, for endurance, 207

Glycogen, replenishing, after workout, 195


for dinner, 20

glycemic index of, 11

shopping for, 402


for healthy skin, 343

for heart health, 248

Granola, 144

Grapefruit juice, interacting with medications, 366

Grape juice, for eye health, 346


antioxidants in, 239

for eye health, 346

Grapeseed extract, for longevity, 286

Greens, for dinner, 19

Green tea

for cancer prevention, 280

for cavity prevention, 240

for immune system, 236

for skin protection, 342

for weight loss, 105

Green tea extract, for longevity, 287

Grilling meats, cancer and, 282, 375

Gum chewing, for oral health, 348

Gum disease

bad breath from, 321

diet and, 266

health problems from, 405

heart disease and, 266

preventing, with

calcium, 240

vitamin C, 347

Hair health, 348

Halibut, for healthy skin, 343


dehydration and, 232

remedies for, 232–33

Hardgainers, eating strategies for, 140, 141, 150–53

Hardgainer’s Meal Plan, 162–73


from dehydration, 232

foods preventing, 240

Health research, reliability of media reports on, 36–37

Heart, early arterial damage in, 269

Heart attack, water drinking preventing, 231

Heart disease

Anti-Heart-Disease Meal Plan for, 299–307

from diabetes, 284

erectile dysfunction and, 324

gum disease and, 266

from obesity, 250

preventing, with

foods, 271

grapeseed extract, 286

vitamin E, 286

reduced-fat foods and, 92

role of trans fats in, 8, 9

Heart health

fats affecting, 246–47, 269–71

foods for

bananas, 247–48

celery, 247

fish, 247

garlic and onions, 247

ginger, 247

licorice, 248

whole grains, 248

from moderate drinking, 406

Heart murmur, from dehydration, 231

Helicobacter pylori, stomach ulcers from, 244

Herbal supplements, for sexual potency, 327

Herbs, antioxidants in, 239–40

HFCS. See High-fructose corn syrup

High blood pressure, 271–72

Hypertensive-Guy Meal Plan for, 308–17

reducing, with

DASH diet, 272–73

weight loss, 272

sodium and, 273

Syndrome-X Meal Plan for, 116–23

High cholesterol, erectile dysfunction and, 324

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)


in Full-Power Meal Plan, 375

with irritable bowel syndrome, 245–46

for weight loss, 93–97

diabetes and, 284

reducing intake of, 97

High-protein diets

mood affected by, 23

problems with, 93

HMB, for strength training, 197

Holiday meals, 407–8


avoided, 83

from low blood sugar, 10, 15

misconstrued for thirst, 102

Hydration. See also Fluids; Water drinking

for endurance training, 201

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360–61, 366–67

guidelines for, 191, 191

for improving appearance, 339

Hyperhydration, 202–3

Hypertension. See High blood pressure

Hypertensive-Guy Meal Plan, 308–17

Hypertrophy, 140–41

Hyponatremia, 202–3

IBS, causes of, 243, 245–46

I-Caps, lutein in, 286–87

Iced tea, for hangovers, 233

Ideal Body Weight Chart, problem with, 98

Immune system

calorie needs and, 233–35

sleeplessness affecting, 7

strengthening, 233, 235–36

travel affecting, 237

weakened by training, 202

Impotence. See Erectile dysfunction

Industries as diet saboteurs, analyzed in The Powerfood Nutrition Plan, 2


antioxidants for, 238–40

causes of, 237

foods preventing, 244, 266–69

free radicals in, 238, 263–66

from gum disease, 266

preventing, in digestive system, 266–67

reducing, from surgery, 248–49

Insomnia, Anti-Insomniac Meal Plan for, 50–59


carbohydrates and, 29, 85

mood and, 23

surge, from sugar, 8, 10

weight gain and, 95

Intestines, functioning of, 241–42


for muscle building, 152

for postoperative nutrition, 249

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), causes of, 243, 245–46

Joint health, 346


black-currant, for preventing kidney stones, 230–31


avoiding, for weight loss, 87–88

interacting with medications, 366

nutrient loss in, 279

portion control with, 376

preventing food poisoning from, 365

serving sizes of, 417–18

Kasha, 20

Kava, for anxiety, 39

Ketosis and ketoacidosis, from high-protein diets, 93

Kidney cancer, water preventing, 280

Kidneys, functioning of, 232

Kidney stones, from dehydration, 229–30

Kiwifruit, for disease prevention, 268

Kohlrabi, for cancer prevention, 278

Lactase-replacement enzyme, 246, 370

Lactate salts, for endurance, 207

Lactose intolerance, 244–45, 246

calcium intake with, 345

foods in Full-Power Meal Plan, 370

gas from, 321–22

yogurt for, 244

Lamb, 374

Late-night eating

effects of, 5–6

for hardgainers, 151–53

L-carnitine, for endurance, 207

LDL. See Low-density lipoproteins

Leeks, for cancer prevention, 278

Legumes, glycemic index of, 11

Lentils, for healthy skin, 344


fish and, 91

high-fructose corn syrup affecting, 95

role of, in weight loss, 82–83

Lettuce, best choices of, 376

Levitra, for sexual potency, 327

Licorice, for heart health, 248

Life spans

advances prolonging, 263

of early humans, 262–63

nutrition affecting, 263

Lifestyle changes

for healthy living, 404–5

for weight loss, 89

Light-Speed Weight-Loss Meal Plan, 124–31

Liver (food), for fertility, 324

Liver (organ), role of, in processing alcohol, 6


alcohol and, 274–75

from disease prevention (see specificdiseases)

factors affecting, 263, 288–89

foods for, 3, 277

increased, in modern times, 263

supplements for, 286–87

Low-carbohydrate diets, pitfalls of, 84, 93

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)

trans fats raising, 8

unsaturated fats lowering, 270, 271

Low-energy-density foods

muscle building and, 143

for weight loss, 87

Low-Fat Shake, 333

Low-glycemic-index foods

for acne prevention, 342

for weight loss, 91

L-tyrosine, for brainpower, 38–39


suggested foods for, 17

Lung cancer, citrus fruits preventing, 278


for eye health, 346–47

for longevity, 286–87


in grapefruit, 267

for longevity, 287

supplements, 287

in tomatoes, 20–21, 267–68, 280

Macular degeneration, 286, 346

Mad Cow Disease, 374, 374


for bone health, 345

for high blood pressure, 273, 273

for immune system, 236

for migraines, 240

Ma huang, for weight loss, 103

Male pattern baldness, 348

Manganese, for immune system, 236

Mango, for disease prevention, 268

Meal plans

for Active Overweight Guy, 106–15

All-Day Energy Meal Plan, 40–49

Anti-Heart-Disease Meal Plan, 299–307

Anti-Insomniac Meal Plan, 50–59

Better-Appearance Meal Plan, 350–58

Better-Sex Meal Plan, 328–37

Dehydrated-Guy Fluid Plan, 251

Diabetic-Guy Meal Plan, 290–98

Eating- for-EnduranceMeal Plan, 218–27

Eating-for-Strength Meal Plan, 208–17

food labeling in, 250

Full-Power Meal Plan, 279, 379–99

fish in, 279

meats in, 361, 373, 374

overview of, 359–61

sticking with, 377–78

Hardgainer’s Meal Plan, 162–73

Hypertensive-Guy Meal Plan, 308–17

leeway with, 405

Light-Speed Weight-Loss Meal Plan, 124–31

Mood-Boost Meal Plan, 60–69

“No More Yo-Yo Diets” Meal Plan, 132–39

No-Stress Meal Plan, 70–80

Pre- and Post-Op Meal Plan, 252–61

purpose of, 2

Syndrome-X Meal Plan, 116–23

Wants-Muscle-Yesterday Meal Plan, 174–85

Meal-replacement products

for midmorning snack, 17

for muscle building, 142, 158–59

for postoperative nutrition, 249

purpose of, 412

Meats. See also specific meats

cooking methods for, 282, 403

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 373, 374

grilled, cancer and, 282, 375

preventing Mad Cow Disease from, 374, 374

red, cancer and, 281–82, 374

reducing fat from, 282

serving sizes of, 420

shopping for, 402

storing, 402

Media, reporting on health research, 36–37


fruits interacting with, 366

side effects of, 229

Mediterranean diet

for arthritis, 240

reflected in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360

Mediterranean Food Guide Pyramid, for cancer prevention, 278–79

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTS), for endurance, 206

Melanoma, 341

Memory. See Mental acuity and memory

Men’s Health Home Workout Bible, 141

Mental acuity and memory, improving, with

breakfast, 31

carbohydrates, 30

fish, 31

limited alcohol consumption, 31–32

limited caffeine consumption, 32

small meals, 30

supplements, 35–36, 38–39

water drinking, 31

Metabolic rate

body composition and, 83

definition of, 82


morning, 7–8

overview of, 82–83

research on boosting, 1–2

Microcirculation, ginkgo biloba improving, 287

Microwave oven, 403

Migraines, foods preventing, 240


for gum disease prevention, 240

nutrients in, 369

for skin protection, 342

Milk protein, in protein supplements, 156, 156

Mint, as breath freshener, 321

Mitral valve prolapse, from dehydration, 231

Moderate-carbohydrate, high-protein diets, benefits of, 93

Monounsaturated fats

for heart health, 270–71

for muscle building, 149–50

sources of, 410

for weight loss, 91


in food-mood connection, 2, 22–24

influences on

caffeine, 27

carbohydrates, 29

chocolate, 27–29

fats, 24

good food habits, 29–30

specific foods, 27, 29

sugar, 24–27

vitamin D, 27

whole foods, 29

influencing eating, 378

Mood-Boost Meal Plan for, 60–69

supplements improving, 35–36, 38–39

Mood-Boost Meal Plan, 60–69

Morning Smoothie, 382, 395

Multivitamin/mineral supplements

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 376–77

importance of, 413

for muscle building, 160

for strength training, 197

with vitamin D, 370

for weight loss, 104

Muscle building

benefits of, 192

calorie needs for, 141, 142

foods hindering, 154

foods promoting, 2–3, 150, 159

Hardgainer’s Meal Plan for, 162–73

inhibited by sleep deprivation and stress, 151

nutrients promoting, 152

nutritional strategies for

carbohydrates, 148

eating before workouts, 142

energy-dense foods, 142–43

fat, 149–50

limiting calorie increase, 142

meal-replacement shakes, 142

protein, 143–46, 143, 148

patience with, 150

research on, 1–2

science of, 140–41

sleep loss preventing, 6

supplements for

beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate, 160

branched-chain amino acids, 159

creatine monohydrate, 159–60

glutamine, 160

meal-replacement powders, 158–59

multivitamin/mineral, 160

protein supplements, 154–58, 156–57

vegetarian supplements, 160–61

weight-gainers, 158

zinc magnesium asparatate, 160

tracking, 150

in vegans, 153–54

in vegetarians, recipes for, 144

Wants-Muscle-Yesterday Meal Plan for, 174–85

water for, 160

weight training for, 150

Muscle cramps, foods for, 240

Muscle loss, from dieting, 84

Muscle soreness, delayed-onset, 202

Mustard, on vegetables, 19

Nachos, 67

Night blindness, 346

Nighttime eating, curbing, 102

“NoMore Yo-Yo Diets” Meal Plan, 132–39

No-Stress Meal Plan, 70–80

Nutrition. See also Diet

affecting life span, 263

health care industry and, 20–21

importance of, 3–5

postoperative, 248–50

Nutrition counseling, scarcity of, 200

Nutritionists, credentials of, 200


in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 370

for inflammation, 239

Oat extract, for skin protection, 341

Oatmeal, for sex drive, 320

Obesity. See Overweight and obesity


olive, for inflammation, 239

serving sizes of, 419

Olive oil, for inflammation, 239

Olives, in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361

Omega-3 fatty acids

for acne prevention, 342–43

for arthritis, 240

for depression, 24

EPA and DHA, 287

health benefits of, 371

for postoperative nutrition, 249

sources of, 19, 31, 85, 270

100-calorie foods, 141


for cancer prevention, 278

for heart health, 247

ORAC chart, 238, 239

Oral cancer, citrus fruits preventing, 278

Oral health and hygiene, water drinking for, 231

Oranges, for preventing ulcers, 244

Organic foods, 264–65

Osteoporosis, 192, 345, 368–69

Overweight and obesity

cancer risk from, 274–76

erectile dysfunction from, 324

from fast eating, 90

health risks from, 250

from high-fructose corn syrup, 93–97

incidence of, 81

role of food manufacturers in, 95

Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) chart, 238, 239

Pancreatic cancer, tea preventing, 280

Papaya, for disease prevention, 268

Parsley, as breath freshener, 321

Passionfruit, for disease prevention, 268

Pasta, white vs. whole-grain, 376

Patience in noticing body changes, 415

PCBs, in salmon, 283

PDCAAS of foods, 362, 362

Peaches, for sexual potency, 324

Pectin, for diarrhea, 244

Pelvic cancer, water preventing, 280

Peppermint, for gastrointestinal problems, 244

Pharyngeal cancer, citrus fruits preventing, 278

Phosphatidylserine, for strength training, 196–97

Phosphorus, calcium loss from, 346

Physical energy

All-Day Energy Meal Plan for, 40–49

foods boosting, 35

foods depleting, 32

food sources of

carbohydrates, 32–33

fats, 34

protein, 33–34

influences on

caffeine, 34–35, 34

water, 34

Physical examinations, 404–5

Physicians, lack of nutrition training in, 20–21

Phytochemicals, food sources of, 267, 401

Pineapple, for postoperative nutrition, 249

Plaque, dental, 266

Plastic containers

cancer and, 281

uses for, 19, 403

Plums, for eye health, 346

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in salmon, 283

Polyunsaturated fats

for heart health, 270

sources of, 410

Pomegranates, for healthy skin, 344

Pork, 374

Portion control, for weight loss, 87

Postoperative nutrition, 248–50

Posture, 345

Post-workout meals

for endurance, 204–5

for muscle building, 146, 148, 195–96, 411

preparing, 18–19

purpose of, 13, 18

Potassium, for high blood pressure, 273, 273

Potato chips, cancer and, 281

Potatoes, for dinner, 19


cooking methods for, 403

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 373–74

in protein supplements, 157

serving sizes of, 420

shopping for, 402

storing, 402

Powerfood Nutrition Plan, The

goal of, 1

overview of, 1–3

reading all of, 415

Power Shake, Anabolic, 142

Power Smoothie, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49

Pre- and Post-Op Meal Plan, 252–61

Prehab, before surgery, 249

Pre-workout meals

for endurance, 203–4

for muscle building, 142, 146, 194, 411

Prickly pear, for disease prevention, 268

Probiotics, in yogurt, 236, 369–70

Processed foods


for dental health, 347

for improved athletic performance, 188

for weight loss, 85

problems with, 400–401

sugar in, 25, 27

Prostate cancer, preventing, with

broccoli, 277

citrus fruits, 278

fish, 279

lycopene, 20–21, 267–68, 280

tea, 280

water, 280

Prostate enlargement, saw palmetto for, 287


for abdominal toning, 103

content, of various foods, 147

cooking methods for, 403

efficiency, exercise and, 91

for endurance, 199–200, 204

energy from, 33–34

good sources of, 86

for hardgainers, 151, 153

for immune functioning, 235–36

for improved appearance, 339

for improved athletic performance, 189–90

lack of, effects of, 10, 13

mood affected by, 23

morning need for, 8

for muscle building

guidelines for, 143–46, 143, 148

in vegetarians, 144, 153–54

recommended consumption of, 34, 86, 409

Recommended Dietary Allowances for, 144–45

for strength training, 193, 194, 195

for weight loss, 86–87

Protein Digestibility-Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDCAAS) of foods, 362, 362

Protein powder, 155

Protein quality, measures of, 362

Protein supplements

for muscle building, 154–56

bovine colostrum, 156, 157–58

egg whites, 156, 157

milk protein, 156, 156

whey protein, 156–57, 156

ratings of, 156–57

vs. whole foods, 145

Prunes, antioxidants in, 239

Pycnogenol, for endurance, 205–6

Pyrex pans, 403


for endurance, 206

for fat loss, 37, 104

Quinoa, 20

Raisins, antioxidants in, 239

RDAs, problems with, 144–45


Anabolic Power Shake, 142

Broccoli-and-Lamb Stir-Fry, 391

Broccoli-and-Salmon Stir-Fry, 397

Broccoli-and-Shrimp Stir-Fry, 380

Edamame, 144

Fajitas, 55, 65, 75, 110, 120, 136, 168, 180, 213, 222, 258, 312, 332, 355

French Toast, 44, 54, 65, 74, 110, 119, 127, 135, 167, 179, 212, 222, 256, 294, 303, 312, 332, 354, 387, 396

Granola, 144

Low-Fat Shake, 333

Morning Smoothie, 382, 395

Nachos, 67

Power Smoothie, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49

Salad, 387

Smoothies, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 129, 138, 163, 165, 168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 261, 291, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 380, 382, 383, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 399

Trail Mix, 63, 66

Turkey Stir-Fry, 399

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs), problems with, 144–45

Red meats, cancer and, 281–82, 374

Reduced-fat foods

for heart disease patients, 92

for weight loss, 92–93

REE, calculating, 233–34

Refrigerator/freezer, 403

REM sleep, alcohol inhibiting, 6

Resistant starches, gas from, 322

Rest and recovery, 404

Restaurant dining

avoiding, for weight loss, 90

best food choices for, 84

weight gain from, 404

Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), calculating, 233–34

Resting metabolic rate, definition of, 82

Rhodiola rosea, for brainpower, 38

Ribose, for endurance, 207

Salad, 387

limiting fat in, 364–65

Salad dressings, low-fat, for weight loss, 87–88

Salmon, farm-raised, cancer and, 282–83, 372

Salt, on vegetables, 88–89

Sandwiches, for lunch, 17

Sarcopenia, 192

Saturated fats

affecting heart health, 269–70

avoiding, 410

in meat, 281, 374

Saw palmetto, for longevity, 287

Seafood. See Fish; Shellfish


for fertility, 325

for immune system, 236


functions of, 10, 12, 370

mood and, 23

for sound sleep, 29

vitamin D boosting, 27

Serving sizes

of foods, 416–419

of supplements, 419

7-Keto dehydroepiandrosterone, for weight loss, 104


Better-Sex Meal Plan for, 328–37

food improving, 3, 323–25

food-related factors affecting, 319

alcohol, 320

bad breath, 320–21

breakfast, 320

caffeine, 320

flatulence, 321–22

Sexual dysfunction. See Erectile dysfunction

Shallots, for cancer prevention, 278


nutritional content of, 371

serving sizes of, 419

Shopping for whole foods, 402–3

Shredded Wheat, 32–33

Side effects of drugs, 229

Silicon, for bone health, 345


alcohol affecting, 348

color, food and supplements changing, 344

composition of, 340–41

improving, with

cantaloupe, 343–44

good fats, 339–40

halibut, 343

hydration, 339

lentils, 344

pomegranates, 344

protein, 339

spinach, 344

sugar avoidance, 340

vegetables, 340

whole wheat, 343

sun damaging, 341–42

Skin cancer, 341–42


Anti-Insomniac Meal Plan for, 50–59

factors affecting

alcohol, 6

caffeine, 5

late-night eating, 5

recommended amount of, 404

serotonin for, 29, 370

water drinking before, 14

for weight loss, 89

Sleep deprivation, inhibiting muscle building, 151


effects of, 6–7

kava for, 39

Sleep stages, bodily reactions in, 7

Slow eating, for weight loss, 90

Small, frequent meals

benefits of, 15, 411

for energy, 40

improving mental acuity and memory, 30

for weight loss, 85–86

Smoothies, 18–19, 47, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 80, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 129, 138, 163, 165, 168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 261, 291, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 329, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356, 357, 358, 380, 382, 383, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 396, 397, 399

for breakfast, 14

Morning, 382, 395

Power, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49

Snack foods

baked vs. fried, 92–93

fat-free and carb-free, avoiding, 92


edamame as, 18

late-afternoon, 17–18

midmorning, 15–17


alternatives to, 97

avoiding, for weight loss, 87–88

calcium loss from, 346

obesity from, 94, 95–97

water replacing, 34


high blood pressure and, 273

lacking, in whole foods, 401

Soft drinks. See Soda

Soybean extract, for skin protection, 342

Soybeans, as snack, 18

Soy foods

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360, 362–63

for muscle building in vegetarians, 154

serving sizes of, 418

sexual dysfunction and, 325

weight loss and, 89, 363

Soy isoflavone pills, avoiding, 363

Soy protein supplements, for muscle building, 157, 161

Spinach, for healthy skin, 344

Sports drinks

for endurance training, 201, 204–5

for hangovers, 233

Sprains, foods for, 239

St. John’s wort, for mood improvement, 39

Star fruit, for disease prevention, 268

Stomach cancer, preventing, with

alliums, 278

citrus fruits, 278

tea, 280

tomatoes, 278

Storage of whole foods, 402–3

Strawberries, for preventing ulcers, 244

Strength training

caffeine affecting, 195

calorie needs for, 193

eating guidelines for

carbohydrates, 192–93, 409

fat, 193

protein, 193

water, 193–94

foods to avoid with, 194

goals of, 192

supplements for

conjugated linoleic acid, 196

creatine, 196

glutamine, 196

HMB, 197

multivitamin/mineral, 197

phosphatidylserine, 196–97

typical eating plan for, 194–96


causes of, 35

foods relieving, 35

inhibiting muscle building, 151

Stress reduction

food and, 404

No-Stress Meal Plan for, 70–80

for weight loss, 89

Stroke, water drinking preventing, 231

Substance abuse, slowing weight loss, 89


added, statistics on, 96

addiction to, 12

signs of, 26


for dental health, 347

for healthy skin, 340, 341

depleting energy, 33

empty calories from, 102

energy and, 25, 40

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 374–75

insulin and, 8, 25

limiting intake of, 25, 27

mood affected by, 24, 25

names for, on food labels, 28

in processed foods, 25, 27

reasons for craving, 25–26

Sun damage to skin, 341–42


analysis of, 2

antioxidants, 203

caffeine in, 153

efficacy of, 36–38

endurance, 205

carb supplements, 205

ciwujia, 206

ginseng, 206

glycerol, 207

lactate salts, 207

L-carnitine, 207

medium-chain triglycerides, 206

pycnogenol, 205–6

pyruvate, 206

ribose, 207

fat-loss, 158

fiber, 243

fish-oil, 371–72

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 375–77

herbal, for sexual potency, 327

improving mood and brain function, 35–36

ginkgo biloba, 38

ginseng, 38

kava, 39

L-tyrosine, 38–39

rhodiola rosea, 38

St. John’s wort, 39

vitamin E, 39

for longevity, 286–87

multivitamin/mineral, 160, 197, 370, 376–77, 413


beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate, 160

branched-chain amino acids, 159

creatine monohydrate, 159–60

glutamine, 160

meal-replacement powders, 158–59

multivitamin/mineral, 160

protein supplements, 154–58, 156–57

vegetarian supplements, 160–61

weight-gainers, 158

zinc magnesium asparatate, 160

for postoperative nutrition, 249–50

priority in selecting, 412–13

purpose of, 375–76, 411

retail vs. mail order, 413–14

saving money on, 411, 413, 415

serving sizes of, 420

strategies for buying, 414


conjugated linoleic acid, 196

creatine, 196

glutamine, 196

HMB, 197

multivitamin/mineral, 197

phosphatidylserine, 196–97

vitamin D, 370

vitamin E, 240


ephedra and ma huang, 103

green tea, 105

pyruvate, 104

7-Keto dehydroepiandrosterone, 104

synephrine, 103–4

vitamin/mineral supplements, 104


nutrition for, 248–50

Pre- and Post-Op Meal Plan for, 252–61

Sweeteners, for unsweetened foods, 97

Sweet potatoes, for dinner, 19

Sweet tooth, evolution of, 25–26

Syndrome X, 94

Syndrome-X Meal Plan, 116–23

Synephrine, for weight loss, 103–4

Tartar, 266



for cancer prevention, 280

for cavity prevention, 240

for immune system, 236

for skin protection, 342

for weight loss, 105

iced, for hangovers, 233

TEE, calculating, 234

Teeth, maintaining health of, 347–48, 404, 405

Testicular cancer

dairy products and, 281

water preventing, 280


low-fat diet and, 149

sleep and, 151–52

Thermic effect of food, definition of, 82


from dehydration, 14, 31

hunger misconstrued for, 102

Tomato-derived foods, lycopene in, 20–21


lycopene in, 20–21, 267–68, 280

for preventing

cancer, 278

Tomato sauce, for cancer prevention, 279–80

Tools for food preparation, 403

Tooth brushing, 347–48

Tooth decay

bad breath from, 321

green tea preventing, 240

Total Energy Expenditure (TEE), calculating, 234

Trail Mix, 63, 66

Trans fats

affecting heart health, 270

avoiding, 410

health problems from, 8–9

origin of, 95

Travel, eating during, 237, 408

Trigger foods, 377–78, 378

Triglycerides, fat and alcohol increasing, 247

Triticale, 20

Tryptophan, in serotonin production, 23, 370

Tuna, 372–73

Turkey Stir-Fry, 399

Turmeric, for inflammatory intestinal diseases, 244


from alcohol, 246

avoiding fiber with, 243

from Helicobacter pylori, 244

vitamin C preventing, 244

Ultraviolet radiation, types of, 341

Unsaturated fats, for heart health, 270–71

Urine color, indicating dehydration, 31

Vanilla, for sexual potency, 323

Variety of foods

for athletic performance, 190

for disease prevention, 269

Veal, 374

Vegans, muscle building in, 153–54

supplements for, 160–61

Vegetables. See also specific vegetables

antioxidants in, 267

cooked, for muscle building in vegetarians, 154

cooking methods for, 404

for dental health, 347

for dinner, 19–20

dressing up, 19

frozen, 19–20

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 360

glycemic index of, 11

for high blood pressure, 273

for improving appearance, 340

serving sizes of, 416, 418

shopping for, 402

storing, 403

sulfur-containing, odors from, 320–21


muscle building in, 153–54

recipes for, 144

supplements for, 160–61

nutrient needs of, 199, 200

protein needs of, 86, 146

zinc sources for, 340

Viagra, for sexual potency, 326

Vitamin C

fighting free radicals, 238

for longevity, 286

for preventing

gum disease, 347

heart disease, 271

ulcers, 244

Vitamin D

for bone health, 345, 361, 369

for mood improvement, 27

in supplements, 370

Vitamin E

for Alzheimer’s disease, 288

avoiding, before surgery, 250

for brainpower, 39

fighting free radicals, 238

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 377

for longevity, 286

in nuts, 370

in supplements, 39, 240

Vitamin/mineral supplements. See Multivitamin/mineral supplements

Vitamin/mineral supplements, for weight loss, 104

Vitamins and minerals, in whole foods, 401

Waist circumference

Body Mass Index and, 98

disease risk and, 101

Wants-Muscle-Yesterday Meal Plan, 174–85

Water. See also Water drinking

in whole foods, 401

Water drinking

after awakening, 14

before bedtime, 14

as caffeine replacement, 232

for cancer prevention, 281

for endurance training, 201

for energy, 34

fluoride and, 347

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 366–67

for hangovers, 232–33

for improved appearance, 339

for improved mental acuity and memory, 31

for muscle building, 160

for oral health and hygiene, 231

for preventing

dehydration, 229, 410–11

heart attack and stroke, 231

kidney stones, 229–30

recommended amount of, 31

replacing other beverages, 87, 88

schedule for, 230

for sexual potency, 323

for strength training, 193–94, 194–95, 195–96

for weight loss, 88

for workouts, 18

Watermelon, for hangovers, 233

Weight, appearance and, 349

Weight gain

from late-night eating, 5–6

from restaurant dining, 404

Weight-gainers, for muscle building, 158

Weight loss

for abdominal toning, 101–3

calcium for, 369

calories in, calories out theory of, 15

determining needed amount of, 98–99

energy imbalance for, 82

expected, with improved eating, 97–98

foods promoting, 99, 104

foods undermining, 99, 104

for high blood pressure, 272

Light-Speed Weight-Loss Meal Plan for, 124–31

from Meal Plan for the Active Overweight Guy, 106–15

“No More Yo-Yo Diets” Meal Plan for, 132–38

for reducing cancer risk, 276

rules for

avoiding fat-free and carb-free foods, 92–93

avoiding high-fructose corn syrup, 93–97

calorie control, 84–85

exercise, 91–92

fiber, 88–89

frequent fish consumption, 90–91

frequent protein consumption, 87

healthy fats, 91

healthy lifestyle, 89

increased protein consumption, 86

lean protein, 86–87

limited processed foods, 85

low-energy-density foods, 87

low-glycemic-index foods, 91

moderate fat and carbohydrate consumption, 87

reduced fast food intake, 89–90

reduced liquid calories, 87–88

slow eating, 90, 90

small, frequent meals, 85–86

timing carbohydrate consumption, 89

water drinking, 88

soy foods and, 89, 363

supplements for, 103–5

Syndrome-X Meal Plan for, 116–23

Weight management, for joint health, 346

Wheat, in protein supplements, 157

Wheat germ, for postoperative nutrition, 249

Whey protein

in Full-Power Meal Plan, 361, 376

in protein supplements, 156–57, 156

tryptophan in, 370

Whole foods

antioxidants from, 238

benefits of, 401–2

cooking methods for, 403–4

definition of, 400

for dental health, 347

incorporating, into diet, 29

vs. protein supplements, 145

shopping for, 402

storing, 402–3

Whole grains

for cancer prevention, 280

for healthy skin, 343

for heart health, 248

Wild rice, 20

Winter squash, for dinner, 19


diet affecting, 13

eating before and after, 13, 18

Yams, for dinner, 19


health benefits of, 369–70

for immune system, 236

for lactose intolerance, 244

probiotics in, 236, 369–70


for immune system, 236

for improving appearance, 339

for muscle building, 152

for postoperative nutrition, 249

for sexual potency, 325

Zinc magnesium asparatate (ZMA), for muscle building, 160