I am indebted to Drs. Mary Henley Rubio and Elizabeth Hillman Waterston for their scholarship and meticulous editing of Maud Montgomery’s journals; the resulting five-volume set, The Selected Journals of L. M. Montgomery, helped me better understand the author’s complicated heart and mind, her unwavering commitment to writing, and her deep love for the landscapes of Prince Edward Island.

I also send much appreciation to Nick Jay for his stunning photographs of Prince Edward Island through the seasons; to Evan Raskin, biologist extraordinaire with the National Park Service, who brought his expertise to bear at a critical juncture; to Mary Beth Cavert and Carolyn Strom Collins of the L. M. Montgomery Literary Society for their very helpful reviews; and to the Anne of Green Gables Licensing Authority, the heirs of L. M. Montgomery, and literary consultant Sally Keefe Cohen for their permission to work with this material. All those at Timber Press who had a hand on this project helped improve it, with the talented Mollie Firestone bringing the final pieces together with much tact and grace. If errors remain, they are my own.

Numerous others helped with various stages of this undertaking, and I offer sincere thanks to all of them: Debra Spark, who first sent the project my way, and Juree Sondker, for making it sound possible; Cindy Rice, long-time Prince Edward Island resident, for the visits that bookended my trips over the years, and for delaying the long cross-Canada drive so we could have a few more hours together; Joyce and Gil Johnson, who gave me a boost at an early stage with photos and books and memories from their decades of summers spent on the island; Betty MacPhee and Jennie Macneill, of L. M. Montgomery’s Cavendish Home, who patiently answered so many of my questions; Paige Matthie, registrar at the Confederation Centre of the Arts in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, for assistance with accessing Maud Montgomery’s scrapbooks; and Peter LoIacono, for Whispering Fields, his lovely, off-the-grid cabin in the heart of the island.

I thank, too, the many friends who shared their early memories of Anne of Green Gables, especially Rachel Haley Himmelheber, Sally Reid and the circle of friends she tapped, Hannah Poston, and Elizabeth Kostova.

Finally, heartfelt thanks go to Kerry Michaels, as much for her gorgeous photography as for the many messages (witty, timely) and additional images (always inspiring) that helped sustain me during the long writing time; to my dear brother and intrepid traveler, Douglas Reid, whose presence deeply enriched the days we shared on the island; and to Catherine Peck, whose friendship made all the difference during a long spring of transitions. Gratitude to you all.


The ever-changing Cavendish Beach.