A LTHOUGH in the writings of Moses the spirit has kept the deepest mysteries secret, hidden and concealed in the letter, yet all is so very regularly described that there is no defect at all in the order thereof.
For when God through the Word had created heaven and earth, and had separated the light from the darkness, and had given a place to each of them, then each began at once its birth or geniture and qualifying or working.
On the first day God drave together (or compacted) the corrupt Salitter, which so came to be in the kindling of his wrath, I say, God then drave it together or created it through the strong spirit; for the word Schuff (created) signifieth here a driving together (or compaction).
In this driving together or compaction of the corrupted Wrath-Salitter, was king Lucifer also, as an impotent prince, together with his angels, driven into the hell of the Wrath-Salitter, into that place where the outward half- dead comprehensibility is generated, which is the place or space between the nature-goddess, the moon, and the dead earth.
Now when this was done the deep became clear, and with the hidden or concealed heaven the light was separated from the darkness, and the globe of the earth in the great wheel of nature was rolled or turned once about; and accordingly the there passed the time of one revolution, or of one day, which containeth twentyfour hours.
In the duration of the second day began the sharp separation, and the incomprehensible cleft was made between the wrath and the love of the light; and so king Lucifer was firmly, strongly or fast bolted up into the house of darkness, and was reserved to the final Judgment.
So also the water of life was separated from the water of death, yet in that manner as that, in this time of the world, they hang the one to the other, as body and soul, and yet neither of them comprehendeth the other. The heaven which was made out of the midst or centre of the water is the cleft between them, so that the comprehensible or palpable water is a death, and the incomprehensible or impalpable is the life.
Thus now the incomprehensible spirit, which is God, ruleth everywhere in this world, and replenisheth or filleth all, and the comprehensible hangeth or dependeth on him, and dwelleth in the darkness, and can neither see nor hear nor smell nor feel the incomprehensible one, but seeth the works thereof, and is a destroyer of them.
Now when God had bound up the devil in the darkness through the closure of the heaven, which heaven is everywhere in all places, then he began again his wonderful birth or geniture in the seventh nature-spirit, and all generated again as it had done from eternity.
For Moses writeth thus: [gen. i. 11-13] And God said, Let the earth send forth grass and herbs that yield a seed, and the fruit tree yielding or bearing fruit after its kind, which has its own seed in itself, upon the earth, and it was so done. And the earth sent forth grass, and the herb that yieldeth seed, each after its kind, and the tree yielding fruit, which has its seed in itself, every one according to its kind; and God saw that it was good. And so out of evening and morning the third day came to be.
This indeed is very rightly and properly described, but the true ground sticketh hidden or concealed in the word, and has never been understood by man. For man since the fall could never comprehend or apprehend the inward birth or geniture, to perceive how the heavenly birth or geniture is; but his reason lay captivated in the outward comprehensibility or palpability, and could not penetrate and press through heaven, and see the inward birth or geniture of God, which also is in the corrupted earth, and everywhere, in all places.
Thou must not here think that God has made some new thing, which never was before; for if that were so, then there had been another God, which is not possible to be. For without or besides this one only God, nothing is at all, for the gates of hell are not anywhere without, beyond or absent from this one only God; only, there is a partition or distinction between the love in the light, and the kindled wrath in the darkness, so that the one cannot comprehend the other, and yet the one hangeth to the other as one body.
The Salitter, out of which the earth is come to be, was from eternity, and stood in the seventh qualifying or fountain spirit, which is the nature spirit, and the other six have generated the seventh continually, and are encompassed or surrounded therewith, or lie captivated or enclosed therein, as in their mother, and are the power and life of the seventh, just as is the astral birth in the flesh.
But when king Lucifer had stirred the wrath in this birth or geniture, and had with his loftiness brought the poison and death into it, then in the wrathful birth, in the fierceness or sting of death, such earth and stones were generated.
Upon this now ensued the spewing out thereof; for the Deity could not endure such a birth or geniture in the love and light of God, but the corrupted Salitter must be driven together into a lump, and lord Lucifer also with it. So then presently the innate light in the corrupted Salitter went out or extinguished, and the closure of the heaven was made between the wrath and the love, that so such Salitter might be generated no more, and that heaven might hold the wrath in the outermost birth or geniture in nature captive in the darkness, and be an eternal partition or separation between them.
This being accomplished in the two days, then on the third day the light rose up in the darkness, and the darkness, together with the prince thereof, could not comprehend it.
For out of the earth there sprang up grass and herbs and trees, and now also it stands written thus: [Gen. i. 12] Each according to its kind. In these words lies hidden or concealed the kernel of the eternal birth or geniture, and it cannot be comprehended or apprehended by or with flesh and blood, but the Holy Ghost, through the animated or soulish birth, must kindle the astral man, otherwise he is blind herein, and understands nothing but concerning earth and stones, also grass, herbs and wooden trees.
But now is it written here, God sprach (said), Let the earth bring forth grass, and herbs, and fruitful trees.
Observe here:
The word sprach (said), is an eternal word, and was before the times of the wrath from eternity in this Salitter, when the Salitter still stood in the heavenly form and life, and now also it is not quite dead in its centre, but only in the comprehensibility or palpability.
But now when the light rose up again in the outward comprehensibility, or in death, then the eternal word stood in its full birth, and generated the life through and out of death, and the corrupted Salitter brought forth fruit again.
But seeing the eternal word must qualify, mix or unite with the corruption in the wrath, thereupon the bodies of the fruits were evil and good. For the outward birth or geniture of the fruits must be out of or from the earth which is in death; and the spirit of life must be out of the astral birth which stands in love and wrath.
For thus stood the birth or geniture of nature in the time of the kindling, and was thus together incorporated in the earth, and must also in such a birth spring up again: For it is written, [Gen. i 12] That the dead earth should let the grass and herbs and trees spring up, each according to its kind, that is, according to the kind and quality that it had been in from eternity, and as it had been in the heavenly quality, kind and form. For that is called its own kind which is received in the mother's body or womb, and is its own by right of nature, as its own peculiar life.
Thus the earth brought forth no strange life, except that which had been in it from eternity: As before the time of the wrath it had brought forth heavenly fruits, which had a holy, pure heavenly body, and were the food of angels, so now it brought forth fruits according to its comprehensible, palpable, hard, evil, wrathful, poisonous, venomous, half-dead kind; for as the mother was, so were her children.
Not that the fruits of the earth are thereupon wholly in the wrath of God; for the one only, incorporated or compacted word, which is immortal and incorruptible, which was from eternity in the Salitter of the earth, sprang up again in the body of death, and brought forth fruit out of the dead body of the earth; but the earth comprehended not the word, though the word comprehended the earth.
And now as the whole earth was, together with the word, so was the fruit also; but the word remained in the centre of the heaven, which is also in this place hiddenly; and this birth or geniture caused the seven qualifying or fountain spirits, out of or from the outermost, corrupt and dead birth or geniture, to form the body; and itself, viz. the Word or Heart of God, remained in its heavenly seat, sitting on the throne of majesty, and filled the astral and also the mortal birth or geniture, but to them was the holy life altogether incomprehensible.
Thou must not think that thereupon the outermost dead birth or geniture of the earth has gotten such a life, through the risen word that sprang up, that it is no more a death, and that death no longer is in her fruit: No; that can never be; for that which is once dead in God is really dead, and in its own power can never be living again; but the word, which qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the astral birth in the part of the love, generateth the life through the astral birth or geniture, through the death.
For thou seest plainly how all the fruits of the earth, whatsoever it bringeth forth, must putrefy and rot; also that they are a death.
But that the fruits get a body other than the earth is, which body is much fuller of virtue, fairer or more beautiful, also of a better taste, relish and smell, is because the astral birth or geniture receiveth power or virtue from the word, and formeth or frameth another body, which stands half in the death and half in the life, and stands hidden between the wrath of God and the love.
But, that the fruits upon the body are much pleasanter, more lovely, sweeter and milder, and with a good taste and relish, that is [because of] the third birth out of the earth, according to which the earth shall be purged and cleansed at the end of this time, and shall be set or put again into its first place; but the wrath will abide in death. The richly joyful Gate of Man.
Behold, thus saith the spirit in the word, which is the very heart of the earth, and which riseth or springeth up in his heaven, in the clear flash of the life, wherewith my spirit in its knowledge qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth, and through which I write these words.
Man is made out of the seed of the earth, out of an incorporated or compacted mass or lump— ["Understand, out of the matrix of the earth, wherein the eye is twofold, the one in God and the other in this world, out of three Principles." ] —and not out of the wrath, but out of the birth or geniture of the earth, as a king or heart of the earth, and stood in the astral birth or geniture in the part of the love; but wrath hung to him, which he should have put forth from himself, as the fruit putteth forth from itself the bitterness of the tree.
But that, he did not, but reached back from the love into the wrath, and lusted after his dead or mortal mother, to eat of her, and to suck her breast, and to stand upon her stock.
Now according to his wrestling so also it befell him, and so he brought himself with his outermost birth or geniture into the death or mortality of his mother, and with his life he brought himself out from the love into the part of the wrathful, astral birth or geniture.
And there he stands now, between heaven and hell, in the face of the devil in his kingdom, against whom the devil warreth, fighteth and striveth continually, that he might either banish him out of his country into the earth, or make him a child of wrath in hell.
And what is now his hope?
Behold! thou blind Heathen; behold! thou render, perverter, obscurer and wrester of the Scriptures, open thy eyes wide, and be not ashamed at this simple plainness; for God lies hid in the centre, and is yet much more simple and plain; but thou seest him not.
Behold! thy spirit or thy soul is generated from or out of thy astral birth or geniture, and is the third birth in thee, just as an apple upon a tree is the third birth or geniture of the earth, and has not its vegetation in, from, or within the earth, but from above the earth; and if it were a spirit, as thy soul is, it would not suffer the earth any more to tie or bind it to corruption.
But thou must know, however, that the apple on its stock or branch, with its innermost birth or geniture, qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the word of God, through whose power it is grown out of the earth.
But since the wrath is in the body of the mother of the apple, this same mother cannot get the apple out of the palpable birth, and the apple must remain, as to its body, in the palpability, in death. A new translation of this par. has been substituted for Sparrow's rendering.
But in its power, in which its life stands, wherewith it qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the word of God, this apple will, in its mother, in the power of the word at the Last Judgment Day, be set or put again into its heavenly place, and be separated from the wrathful and dead or mortal palpability, and spring up in the heaven of this world, in a heavenly form, and be a fruit for men in the other life. [“Here understand, the power of the Principle, out of which the apple and all things grow, will, in the renovation of the world, spring up again in paradise with the wonders." ]
But seeing thou art made out of the seed of the earth— [Red earth is fire and water, conceived with or by the Word Fiat out of the matrix of the earth: when man imagined or set his desire into the earth he became "earthly." ] —and hast set or put thy body back again into thy mother, therefore thy body also is become a palpable, dead or mortal body, such as thy mother is.
Thy body has the same hope which thy mother the earth has, viz. that at the Last Judgment Day, in the power of the word, it will be set or put again into its first place.
But seeing thy astral birth stands here on earth in the wrath, and qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the love in the word, (just as the fruit on the tree does, for the power of the fruit qualifieth or uniteth with the word), therefore thy hope stands in God. For the astral birth or geniture stands in love and wrath, and that, in this time, it cannot boast of, on account of the outermost birth or geniture in the flesh, which stands in death.
For the dead or mortal flesh has encompassed the astral birth, and man's flesh is a dead carcass, while it is yet in the mother's body or womb, and is encompassed with hell and God's wrath.
But now the astral birth generateth the animated soulish birth, viz. the third, which stands in the word, wherein the incorporated or compacted word lies hidden in its heaven. [“The Sulphur to the (production of the) soul is the first Principle in the eternal willspirit, and cometh to life in the third Principle, and so liveth between love and wrath, and hangeth to both."]
Now, since thou hast thy reason, and art not like the apple on the tree, but art created an angel and the similitude or image of God, instead of the expulsed devils, and knowest how thou canst with thy astral birth, in the part of love, qualify or unite with the word of God, therefore thou canst, in the centre of the word, set or put thy animated or soulish birth into heaven, and thou canst with thy soul, even with thy living body in this dead or mortal palpability, rule with God in heaven.
For the word is in thy heart [Deut. xxx. 14], [Rom. x. 8 ], and qualifieth or uniteth with the soul, as if it were one being ; and if thy soul stands in the love, then it also is one being. And, thou may say, that according to thy soul thou sittest in heaven, and livest and reignest with God. [Understand, according to the spirit of the soul, with the image out of the animated or soulish fire. ]
For the soul, which apprehendeth the word, has an open gate in heaven, and can be prevented by nothing; neither does the devil see the soul, because it is not in his country or dominions.
But seeing thy astral birth stands with the one part in the wrath, and that the flesh through the wrath stands in death, thereupon the devil, in the part of the wrath, seeth continually even into thy heart, and if thou lettest him have any room or place there, then he teareth out from the word that part of the astral birth which stands in the love.
Then thy heart is a dark valley: And if thou dost not labour and work quickly again to the birth of the light, then he kindleth the wrath-fire therein, and then shall thy soul be spewed out from the word, and then it qualifieth or uniteth with the wrath of God, and so afterwards thou art a devil, and not an angel, and canst not, with thy animated or soulish birth, reach the gates of heaven.
But if thou fightest and strivest with the devil, and keepest the gate of love in thy astral birth, and so departest from hence as to the body, then thy soul remaineth in the word quite hidden from the devil, and reigneth with God, even unto the day of the restitution of that which was lost.
But if thou standest with thy astral birth in the wrath, when thou departest from hence as to the body, and thy soul be not comprehended in the word, then thou canst never reach the gates of heaven; but into what part thou hast sown thy seed, that is, thy soul, in that very part will thy body also rise.
The Gate of the Power.
That soul and body will come together again at the Day of the Resurrection thou may perceive here by the earth. For the Creator said, Let the earth bring forth grass and herbs, and trees bearing fruit, each according to its kind. Then each sprang up according to its kind, and grew. And as before the time of the wrath it had a heavenly body, so it got now an earthly one, answerable to its mother.
But it is to be considered how all was comprised in the word at the great tumult and uproar of the devil, so that all sprang up in its own being according to its power, virtue and kind, as if it had never been destroyed, but only altered.
Now if it was thus at that time, when there was such murdering and robbing, sure it will be much more so at the Last Judgment Day, when the earth shall be separated in the kindled wrath- fire, and will be living again or revived. Then, surely, it will be comprehended in the word of love, as it has in the same word here generated its fruit of grass, herbs and trees, as also all manner of mineral ores of silver and gold.
But seeing the astral birth of the earth stands in the love, and the outward stands in death, therefore will each remain in its seat, and so life and death will sever themselves.
Where, now, would the soul of man rather be at the day of regeneration, than in its father, that is, in the body which has generated it? [Note, Christ's not being ascended to his Father]
But seeing the soul, all the while the body had been in death, remained hidden in the word, and seeing the same word also holdeth the earth in the astral birth in the love, therefore it [the soul] qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth through the word, all the time of its hiddenness and secrecy, also with its mother the body, according or as to the astral birth or geniture in the earth, and so body and soul in the word were never separated the one from the other, but live jointly and equally together in God.
And though indeed the bestial body must putrefy and rot, yet its power and virtue live, and in the meanwhile there grow out of its power, in its mother, fair, beautiful roses, blossoms and flowers; and though it were quite burnt up and consumed in the fire, yet its power and virtue stand in the four elements in the word, and the soul qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth therewith; for the soul is in heaven, and the same heaven is everywhere, even in the midst or centre of the earth.
O, dear man, view thyself for a while in this looking-glass; thou wilt find it more largely to be read of concerning the creation of man. This I set down here for this very cause, that thou mightest the better understand the power of creation, and that thou mightest the better conceive and fit thyself for this spirit, and so learn to understand its language.
The open Gate of the Earth.
Now it might be asked, From or out of what matter or power and virtue, then, did the grass, herbs and trees spring forth? What manner of substance or condition or constitution has this kind of creature?
The simple saith, God made all things out of nothing. But he knoweth not that God; neither does he know what God is: for when he beholdeth the earth, together with the deep above the earth, he thinketh, verily all this is not God; or else he thinketh, God is not there. He always imagineth that God dwelleth only above the azure heaven of the stars, and ruleth, as it were, with some spirit which goeth forth from him into this world; and that his body is not present here upon the earth, nor in the earth.
Just such opinions and tenets I also have read in the books and writings of doctors (der Doctoren), and there are also very many opinions, disputations and controversies arisen about this very thing among the learned.
But seeing God, in his great love, openeth to me the gate of his being, and remembereth the Covenant which he has with man, therefore I will, according to my gifts, faithfully and earnestly unlock and set wide open all the gates of God, so far as God will give me leave.
It is not so to be understood as that I am sufficient enough in these things, but only so far as I am able to comprehend.
For the being of God is like a wheel, wherein many wheels are made one in another, upwards, downwards, crossways, and yet they continually turn, all of them together.
Which, indeed, when a man beholdeth the wheel, he highly marvelleth at it, and, in its turning, cannot at once learn to conceive and apprehend it: But the more he beholdeth the wheel, the more he learneth its form or frame; and the more he learneth, the greater longing he has to the wheel; for he continually seeth somewhat that is more and more wonderful, so that a man can neither behold it, nor learn it enough.
Thus I also, what I do not enough describe in one place concerning this great Mystery, that you will find in another place; and what I cannot describe in this book, in regard of the largeness of the Mystery, and my incapacity, that you will find in the others following
For this book is the first sprouting or vegetation of this twig, which springeth or grows green in its mother, and is as a child that is learning to walk, and is not able to run apace at the first.
For though the spirit seeth the wheel, and would fain comprehend its form or frame in every place, yet it cannot do it exactly enough, because of the turning of the wheel: But when the wheel cometh about again, so that the spirit can again see the first apprehended or conceived form, then continually it learneth more and more, and always delighteth in and loveth the wheel, and longeth after it still more and more.
Now observe:
The earth has just such qualities and qualifying or fountain spirits as the deep above the earth or as heaven has, and all of them together belong to one only body; and the whole or universal God is that one only body. But that thou dost not wholly and fully see and know him, sins are the cause thereof, with and by which thou, in this great divine body, liest shut up in the dead or mortal flesh ; and the power or virtue of the Deity is hidden from thee, even as the marrow in the bones is hidden from the flesh.
But if thou, in the spirit, breakest through the death of the flesh, then thou seest the hidden God. For as the marrow in the bones penetrateth, presseth or breaketh through and giveth virtue, power and strength to the flesh, and yet the flesh cannot comprehend or apprehend the marrow, but only the power and virtue thereof, so no more canst thou see the hidden Deity in thy flesh, but thou receivest its power, and understandest therein that God dwelleth in thee.
For the dead or mortal flesh belongeth not to the birth of life, and therefore cannot receive or conceive the life of the light as a propriety; but the life of the light in God riseth up in the dead or mortal flesh, and generateth to itself, from or out of the dead or mortal flesh, another heavenly and living body, which knoweth and understands the light.
For this body is but a husk, from which the new body grows— [“The new body grows out of the heavenly substantiality in the Word, out of the flesh and blood of Christ, out of the mystery of the old body." ] —as it is with a grain of wheat in the earth. The husk or shell will not rise again, no more than it does in the wheat, but will remain for ever in death and in hell.
Therefore man carrieth about with him here upon earth, in his body, the devil's eternal dwelling-house. O thou fair excellent goddess! may thou not well prance and trick thyself therein, and in the meanwhile invite the devil into the new birth for a guest, will it not profit thee very much? Take heed that thou dost not generate a new devil, who will remain in his own house.
Behold the mystery of the earth: as that generateth or bringeth forth, so must thou generate or bring forth. The earth is not that body which grows or sprouteth forth, but it is the mother of that body; as also thy flesh is not the spirit, but the flesh is the mother of the spirit.
But now in both of them, viz. in the earth and in thy flesh, there is hidden the light of the clear Deity, and it breaketh through, and generateth to itself a body according to the kind of each body; for man according to his body, and for the earth according to its body; for as the mother is, so is the child also.
Man's child is the soul, which is generated out of the astral birth from or out of the flesh; and the earth's child is the grass, the herbs, the trees, silver, gold, and all mineral ores.
Now thou askest, How then shall I do, that I may understand somewhat concerning the birth or geniture of the earth?
Behold! the birth of the earth stands in its birth or geniture as the whole Deity does, and there is no difference at all, but only as to the corruption in the wrath, wherein comprehensibility or palpability stands; that only is the difference or distinction, and is the death between God and the earth.
Thou must know that all the seven spirits of God are in the earth, and generate as they do in heaven: For the earth is in God, and God never died; but the outermost birth or geniture is dead, in which the wrath resteth, and is reserved for king Lucifer, to be a house of death and of darkness, and to be an eternal prison or dungeon.
Of the seven Spirits of God, and of their Operation in the Earth.
The first is the astringent spirit, and that contracteth or draweth together in the astral birth of the seven qualifying or fountain spirits a mass or lump in the earth, through the kindling of the superior birth or geniture above the earth, and drieth up that with its sharp coldness; just as it contracteth or draweth the water together and makes ice thereof, so also it contracteth or draweth together the water in the earth, and makes thereof a dry mass or lump.
Then next the bitter spirit, which existeth in the fire-flash, is also in the matter or mass, and that cannot endure to be captivated or imprisoned in the dried exsiccated matter, but rubs itself against the astringent spirit in the dried mass or lump, so long till it kindleth the fire; and so when that is done, then the bitter spirit is terrified, and getteth its life. Conceive this here aright.
In the earth thou canst not trace nor find, besides plants and metals, anything but astringency, bitterness, and water: But the water now therein is sweet, opposite to the other two qualities: Also it is thin or transparent, and the other two are hard, rough and bitter, and always the one is against the other. Thereupon there is a perpetual struggling, fighting and wrestling, but in the struggling of these three the life does not yet stand; but they are a dark valley, and they are three things which can never endure one another, but there is an eternal struggling among them.
From hence mobility taketh its original; also God's wrath, which resteth in the hidden secrecy, taketh its original from hence; and so also the original of the devil, of death and of hell, ariseth from hence; as you may read thereof concerning the fall of the devil.
The Depth in the Centre of the Birth or Geniture
Now when these three, viz. the astringency, the bitterness, and the sweetness, rub themselves one against another; then the astringent quality grows predominant, for it is the strongest, and forcibly attracteth or draweth the sweetness together, for the sweetness is meek and extensive on account of its suppleness, and must yield to be captivated or imprisoned.
So when that is done, then the bitterness is also together captivated or imprisoned in the body of the sweet water, and becometh also together dried up, and then the astringent, the sweet and the bitter are one in another, and struggle so strongly in the dried mass or lump till the mass be quite dry: For the astringent quality always contracteth it together, and drieth it more and more.
But when the sweet water can defend itself no longer, then anguish riseth up in it; just as in man, when he is dying, when the spirit is departing from the body, and so the body yieldeth itself captive as a prisoner to death; just so the water also yieldeth itself captive as a prisoner.
And in this anxious rising up an anguish1 humour or ing heat is generated, whereby a sweat [moisture or humour] presseth forth, as it does in a dying man; and that sweat qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the astringent and bitter qualities, for it is their son, which they have generated out of the sweet water, and which they had killed and brought to death.
Now when that is done, then the astringent and bitter qualities rejoice in their son, understand, in the sweat, and both of them give to it their power, virtue and life, and stuff it like a greedy gormandizing hog, so that it soon comes to grow full and swelled: For the astringent quality, and also the bitter, always draw the sap out of the earth, and stuff it into their young son.
But the body, which was first contracted or drawn together out of the sweet water, remaineth dead or mortal, and the sweat [or juice] of the body, which qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the astringent and bitter qualities, has the house therein, where it spreadeth itself forth, grows gross, full [fat] and lusty or wanton.
But now the two qualities, viz. the astringent and the bitter, cannot leave their contention and opposition, or contrary will, but wrestle continually one with the other: The astringent is strong, and the bitter is swift.
So now, when the astringent grappleth with the bitter, the bitter leaps aside, and taketh the son's sap along with it; and then the astringent everywhere presseth hard after it, and would fain captivate it. Then the bitter rusheth out from the body, and extendeth itself as far as it can.
But when the body begins to be too strait or narrow for it, that it can extend or stretch it no more, and that the contention is too great, then the bitter must yield itself captive. Yet, for all that, the astringent cannot kill the bitter, but only holds it captive, and so the strife in them is so great that the bitter breaks out of the body in strings [fibres] like threads, and taketh some of the son's sap or body along with it. And this now is the vegetation or growing, and incorporating or embodying of a root in the earth.
Now thou askest, How can God be in that birth or geniture?
Behold! that is the birth or geniture of nature; and so, if in these three qualities, viz. the astringent, the bitter and the sweet, the wrath-fire were not kindled, then thou wouldst plainly see where God is.
But now the wrath-fire is in all three; for the astringent is much too cold, and contracteth or draweth the body too hard together; and the sweet is much too thick and dark, which the astringent soon catcheth, and holdeth it captive, and drieth it too much ; and then the bitter is too stinging, murderous and raging; and so they cannot be reconciled to agree.
Else if the astringent were not so much kindled in the cold fire, and the water were not so thick, also the bitter not so swelling, rising and murderous, then they might kindle the fire, from whence the light would exist, and from the light the love ; and so out of the fire-flash the tone would exist. Then thou wouldst see plainly whether there would not be a heavenly body there, wherein the light of God would shine.
But seeing the astringent is too cold, and drieth the water too much, thereupon it captivateth the hot fire in its coldness, and killeth or destroyeth the body of the sweet water, and so the bitter captivateth it, and drieth it up.
So in this exsiccation or drying up, the unctuosness or fatness in the sweet water is killed or destroyed, in which the fire kindleth itself, and so out of that unctuosity or fatness an astringent and bitter spirit comes to be. For when the unctuosness or fat in the sweet water dieth, then it is turned into an anguishing sweat, in which the astringent and the bitter qualify, mix or unite.
The meaning is not that the water dieth quite; no, that cannot be, but the astringent spirit taketh captive in its cold fire the sweetness or the unctuosity and fatness of the water, and qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth therewith, and makes use thereof for its spirit: Its own spirit being wholly benumbed, and in death, therefore it makes use of the water for its life, and draweth out the water's unctuosity or fatness to itself, and bereaveth the water of its power.
Then the water becometh an anguishing sweat, which stands between death and life, and so the fire of the heat cannot kindle itself: For the unctuosity or fatness is captivated in the cold fire, and so the whole body remaineth a dark valley, which stands in an anguishing birth or geniture, and cannot comprehend or reach the life. For the life which stands in the light cannot elevate itself in the hard, bitter and astringent body; for it is captivated in the cold fire, but not quite dead.
Thou must see that all this is really so. For example, take a root which is of a hot quality, put it in warm water, or take it into thy mouth, and make it warm and supple or moist; then thou wilt soon perceive its life, and active or operative quality: But so long as it is without or absent from the heat, it is captivated in death, and is cold, as any other root or piece of wood is.
Then thou seest that the body upon the root is dead also; for when the virtue is gone out of the root, then the body is but a dead carcass and can operate or effect nothing at all. And that is because the astringent spirit and the bitter have killed or destroyed the body of the water and attracted the fatness or unctuosity thereof to themselves; and thus they have drawn or sucked up the spirit thereof into the dead body.
Otherwise, if the sweet water could keep its unctuosity or fatness in its own power, and the astringent spirit and the bitter did rub themselves one with another very gently in the sweet water, then they would kindle the unctuosity or fatness in the sweet water, and then the light would instantly generate itself in the water, and would enlighten the astringent and the bitter quality.
Whereupon they would get their true life, and would be satisfied by the light, and rejoice highly therein, and from that living joy love would arise, and then the tone would rise up in the fire-flash, through the rising up of the bitter quality in the astringent. If that were done there would be a heavenly fruit, just as it [the fruit] springeth up in heaven.
But thou art to know that the earth has all the qualifying or fountain spirits. For through the devil's kindling the spirits of life were incorporated or compacted together also in death, and, as it were, captivated, but not quite murdered.
The first three, viz. the astringent, the sweet, and the bitter, belong to the imaging or forming of the body; and therein stands the mobility, and the body or corporeity. And these now have the comprehensibility or palpability, and are the birth of the outermost nature.
The other three, viz. the heat, the love, and the tone, stand in the incomprehensibility, and are generated out of the first three; and this now is the inward birth, wherewith the Deity qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth.
If the first three were not congealed or benumbed in death they could kindle the heat, and then thou wouldst soon see a bright, shining, heavenly body, and thou wouldst see plainly where God is.
But seeing the first three qualities of the earth are congealed or benumbed in death, therefore they remain also a death, and cannot elevate there life into the light, but remain a dark valley, in which there stands God's wrath, death, and hell, as also the eternal prison and source or torment of the devil.
Not that these three qualities of the outermost birth, in which the wrath-fire stands, are rejected and reprobated of the innermost; no, but only the outward palpable body, and therein the outward hellish source, quality or torment.
Here thou seest once more how the kingdom of God and the kingdom of hell hang one to the other, as one body, and yet the one cannot comprehend the other. For the second birth, viz. the heat, light, love, and the sound or tone, is hidden in the outermost, and makes the outward moveable, so that the outward gathereth itself together, and generateth a body.
Though the body stands in the outward palpableness, yet it is formed according to the kind and manner of the inward birth, for in the inward birth or geniture stands the word, and the word is the sound or tone, which riseth up in the light in the fire-flash through the bitter and astringent quality.
But seeing the sound of God's word must rise up through the astringent bitter death, and generate a body in the half-dead water, thereupon that body is good, and also evil, dead and also living; for it must instantly attract the sap of fierceness and the body of death, and stand in such a body and power, as does the earth, its mother.
But that the life lies hid under and in the death of the earth, as also in the children of the earth, I will here demonstrate to you.
Behold! man becometh weak, faint and sick, and if no remedy be used, then he soon falls into death. The sickness is caused either by some bitter and astringent herb which grows out of the earth, or else is caused by an evil, mortiferous deadly water, or by several mixtures of earthly herbs, or by some evil stinking and rank flesh or meat, and surfeit from thence to loathing.
Now if a learned physician inquireth of the sick person from what his disease is proceeded, and taketh that which is the cause of the disease, whether it be flesh, water or herbs, and distils or burneth it to powder, according as the matter is, and so burneth away the outward poison thereof, which stands in death ; then, in that distilled water, or burnt powder, the astral birth remaineth in its seat, where life and death wrestle one with the other, and are both capable of being raised up; for the dead body is gone.
So now, if thou minglest with this water or powder some good treacle or the like, which holdeth captive the rising up and the power of the wrath in the astral birth, and givest it to the sick party or patient in a little warm drink, be it beer or wine, then operateth the innermost and hidden birth of the thing which, through its outermost dead birth, has caused the disease in man.
For when it is put into warm liquor, then the life in the thing becometh rising, and would fain raise itself, and be kindled in the light; but it cannot, because of the wrath, which is opposite to it in the astral birth or geniture.
But it can do thus much, viz. it can take away the disease from a man; for the astral life riseth up through death, and taketh away the power from the sting of death: And so when that has gotten the victory, then the party becometh sound again.
Thus thou seest how the power or virtue of the Word and eternal life in the earth, and in its children, lies hidden in the centre in death, and springeth up through death, incomprehensibly as to the death, and continually travaileth in anguish to the birth of the light, and yet cannot flourish or bud, till the death be severed from it.
But it has its life in its seat, and that cannot be taken from it, but death hangeth to it in the outermost birth or geniture, as also the wrath in death; for the wrath is the life of death and of the devil; and in the wrath stands also the corporeal being, or the bodies of the devils, but the dead birth or geniture is their eternal dwelling-house.
The Depth in the Circle of the Birth or Geniture.
Now one might ask, What manner of substance has it, or what is the condition thereof, that the astral birth of the earth did begin its qualifying, operating and generating one day sooner than the astral in the deep above the earth; seeing the fire in the deep above the earth is much sharper and easier to be kindled, than the fire in the earth; and seeing also that the earth must be kindled by the fire in the deep above the earth, else it can bear no fruit?
Behold, thou understanding spirit: The spirit speaketh to thee, and not to the dead spirit of the flesh: Open wide the door of thy astral birth, and elevate that one part of the astral birth in the light, and let the other in the wrath stand still, and take heed also that thy animated or soulish spirit do wholly unite with the light.
So when thou standest in such a form, then thou art as heaven and earth are, or as the whole Deity is with its births or genitures in this world.
But now if thou art not thus, then thou art blind herein, though thou were the wittiest and wisest doctor that ever could be found in the world.
But if thou art thus, then raise up thy spirit and see: through thy astrological art, thy deep sense and thy measuring of circles thou canst not apprehend it; it must be born IN THEE, else thou gettest neither grace nor art.
If the eyes of thy spirit are to stand open, then thou must generate thus, else thy comprehensibility is a foolish virgin, and it befalls thee, as if a limner should offer to pourtray the Deity on a table, and tell thee, It is made right, the Deity is just so.
Then the believer and the limner are both alike, both of them see nothing but wood and colours only, and the one, blind, leadeth the other: Surely thou art not to fight there with beasts, but with gods.
Now observe:
When the whole Deity in this world moved itself to the creation, then, not only the one part did move, and the other rest, but all stood jointly in the mobility, even the whole deep, so far as lord Lucifer was king, and so far as the place of his kingdom reached, and so far as the Salitter in the wrath-fire was kindled.
The motion of the three births lasted the length of six days and nights, wherein all the seven spirits of God stood in a full moving birth or geniture, as also the heart of the spirits; and the Salitter of the earth turned about in that while six times in the great wheel; which wheel is the seven qualifying or fountain spirits of God. At each turning about or diurnal revolution there was generated a several special work or production, according to the innate, instant qualifying or fountain spirits.
For the first qualifying or fountain spirit is the astringent, cold, sharp and hard birth or geniture, and that belongeth to the first day ; in the astral birth or geniture the astrologers call it the Saturnine, which was performed on the first day. For therein the hard, dry, sharp earth and stones came to be, and were incorporated or compacted together; moreover, then also was generated the strong firmament of heaven, and the heart of the seven spirits of God stood hidden in the hard sharpness.
Astrologers appropriate or attribute the second day to Sol or the sun, but it belongeth to Jupiter, to speak astrologically; for on the second day the light brake forth out of the heart of the seven qualifying or fountain spirits, through the hard quality of heaven, and caused a mitigation, or an allaying in the hard water of the heaven, and the light became shining in that meekness and allaying.
Then the meekness and the hard water separated themselves asunder, and the hardness remained in its hard place, as a hard death, and the meekness or softness penetrated through the hardness in the power of the light.
And this now is the water of life, which is generated in the light of God out of the hard death. And thus the light of God in the sweet water of heaven brake through the astringent and hard, dark death; and thus the heaven is made out of the midst or centre of the water.
The hard firmament is the astringent quality, and the gentle, mild or meek firmament is the water, in which the light of life riseth up, which is the clarity or bright light of the Son of God. In this manner or form also the knowledge, and the light of life, riseth up in man, and the whole light of God in this world stands in such a form, birth, and rising up.
The third day is very rightly attributed to Mars, because Mars is a bitter, and a furious raging and stirring spirit. It [in?] the third revolution of the earth the bitter quality rubbed itself with the astringent. Understand this Thing rightly.
When the light in the sweet water did penetrate through the astringent spirit, then the fire- flash, terror or crack of the light, when it kindled itself in the water, rose up in the astringent and hard, dead quality, and made all stirring: from thence existed the mobility.
Now I speak here not only of the heaven above the earth, but this stirring and birth or geniture was also in the earth, and everywhere.
But seeing the heavenly fruits, before the time of the wrath, sprang up only in this stirring of the seven qualifying or fountain spirits, and vanished and passed away again by their stirring, and so changed or altered themselves, therefore on the third day of the birth or geniture of the creation they sprang up also through the stirring of the fire-flash in the astringent quality of the earth.
Though indeed the whole Deity is in the centre of the earth, hidden, yet the earth could not, for all that, bring forth heavenly fruit, for the astringent quality had shut and barred the hard bolt of death upon it, and so the heart of the Deity, in all the births, remained hidden in its meek and light heaven.
For the outermost birth is nature, and that ought not to reach back into the heart of God, neither can it, but it is the body, in which the qualifying or fountain spirits generate themselves, and shew forth and manifest their birth or geniture by their fruits.
Therefore on the third day the earth began to spring, just as the qualifying or fountain spirits stood in the crack of the word or fire-flash.