S ATURN, that cold, sharp, austere and astringent regent, taketh its beginning and original not from the sun; for Saturn has in its power the chamber of death, and is a drier up of all powers, from whence corporeity existeth.

For as the sun is the heart of the life, and an original of all spirits in the body of this world, so Saturn is a beginner of all corporeity and comprehensibility or palpability. In the power of these two planets stands the whole body of this world; and there can not be any creature, nor any imaging, in the natural body of this world, nor any mobility, without the power of these two.

But Saturn's original is the earnest, astringent and austere anxiety of the whole body of this world; for as, in the time of the kindling of the wrath, the light in the outermost birth or geniture of this world was extinct, ( which birth or geniture is the nature or comprehensibility, or the rising up of the birth of all qualifying or fountain spirits), so also the astringent quality stood in its sharpness and severest birth or geniture, and attracted or contracted most strongly and eagerly the whole work or effect of the qualifying or fountain spirits.

From whence the earth and stones then came to be, and were very rightly the house of death, or the enclosing or shutting up of the life, wherein king Lucifer was captivated.

But when, on the first day, the light somewhat brake forth again, through the Word or Heart of God in the root of the nature of the body of this world, as a choosing or appropriating of the day, or as a beginning of the mobility of life, then the severe and astringent birth or geniture again obtained a glimpse or rising up of the life in the birth or geniture.

From that time the astringent birth stood as it were in an anxious death, till after the third day, when the love of God pressed through the heaven of the partition, and kindled the light of the sun.

But seeing the heart or power of the sun could not open the anxious birth or quality of fierceness and wrath, and temper the same, especially as it could not do so aloft in that height above Jupiter, thereupon that whole circumference or sphere stood in a horrible anxiety, just as a woman in travail; and yet could not awaken or raise the heat, because of the horrible coldness and astringency.

But, nevertheless, seeing the mobility was risen up through the power of the hidden heaven, therefore nature could not rest, but was in anguish to the birth, and generated out of or from the spirit of sharpness an astringent, cold and austere sun or star, which is Saturn.

For the spirit of heat whence the light ariseth (and out of the light, through the water, the love and meekness), could not kindle itself; but there was a birth or geniture of an austere, cold and severe fierceness, which is a drier, a spoiler and an enemy of meekness, and which in the creatures generateth the hard bones.

But Saturn was not bound to its place, as the sun is, for it is not a corporeal place or space in the room of the deep; but Saturn is a son which is born or generated out of the chamber of death, out of the kindled, hard and cold anxiety, and is only one of the household or family in that space or room in which it has its course and revolution. For it has its corporeal propriety to itself, as a child, when the child is born or generated from the mother. [“Saturn, indeed, was created together with the wheel, when the FIAT created the wheel; but it does not go forth or proceed from Sol."]

But why it did rise up thus from God out of the austere birth, and what its office is, I will mention hereafter, concerning the driving about, or revolution, of the planets.

But its height or distance cannot be exactly known. But I am fully persuaded that it is in the midst, in the deep between Jupiter and the general sphere of the fixed stars or constellations, for it is the heart of the corporeity in nature.

For as the sun is the heart of life, and a cause of the spirits of nature, so Saturn is the heart and the cause of all bodies and imagings, formings and framings in the earth, and upon the earth, as also in the whole body of this world.

And as in man the skull is a container or encloser of the brain, wherein the thoughts are generated, so the Saturnine power is an environer, drier and container of all corporeity and comprehensibility or palpability.

And as the planet Jupiter, which is an unlocker and generator of meekness, is between the fierce Mars and the austere Saturn, and generateth the meekness and wisdom in the creatures, so the life and the senses of all creatures are generated between these two qualities; especially the new body of this world, as also the new man ; of which thou wilt find more concerning the description of man.

Of the Planet Venus.

Venus, that gracious, amiable and blessed planet, or the kindler of love in nature, has also its original and descent or proceeding from the springing up of the sun ; but its condition, quality, being and proceeding or descent is thus:

Here observe this rightly and exactly.

When the love of God kindled the place of the sun, or the SUN, then, out of the anxiety, out of the place of the sun, out of the seven qualifying or fountain spirits of nature, there sprang up, first, the terrible, fierce, bitter fire-crack, whose birth and principal or first original is the kindled bitter wrath of God, in the astringent quality, through the water.

That sprang up first, in the kindling of the sun out of the chamber of death, and was an awakener or rouser of death, and a beginner of life, and climbed up aloft very fiercely, and trembling, till the light of the sun laid hold on it, and affected or possessed it; and there it was caught or captivated by the meekness of the light, and stayed; from which the planet Mars came to be.

After that fire-crack had taken place the power of the light, which at the beginning had generated itself out of the unctuosity or fatness of the water behind the fire-crack, instantly shot forth after it, like a mighty potency or power, and took the fierce fire-crack captive, and highly elevated itself aloft beyond it, as a prince and subduer of the fierceness, from whence now arose the sensibility of nature, or the planet Jupiter.

The Gate of Love.

But when the two spirits, the spirit of the mobility and the spirit of the life, were risen up out of the place of the sun, through the kindling of the water, then the meekness, as a seed of the water, pressed downward in the chamber of death, with the power of light, with a very gentle and friendly affection or influence; from whence existed the love of life, or the planet Venus.

But thou must here understand this high Thing.

The birth, or the rising or springing up of the seven planets, and of all the stars, is no otherwise than as the life, and wonderful proportion, variety and harmony of the Deity, has generated itself from eternity.

For when king Lucifer had caused this place of the world to be appointed as a house of wrath for himself, and supposed thus fiercely and powerfully to rule therein, then instantly the light in nature went out, wherein he supposed to be lord; and the whole nature was benumbed and congealed as a body of death, wherein was no mobility; and he must remain there in darkness, as an eternal, captive prisoner.

But now the holy God would not let this place of his body (understand the space or room of this world) stand in eternal darkness and ignominy, and leave it to the devils for their proper own, but generated a new regimen or dominion of light, and of all the seven qualifying or fountain spirits of the Deity; which the devil could neither apprehend, nor lay hold on, nor touch; neither was it useful or profitable to him at all.

But he can no more see in the light of the sun, for he can see in the darkness alone; for he is not become a creature in this light, and therefore it is not profitable or useful to him.

But seeing there must be a new government or dominion, it must needs be such a one as the devil could not touch nor lay hold on, nor make use of as his corporeal proper own. Now that Government or Dominion is thus constituted.

The Love, or Word, or Heart, that is, the innate or only begotten Son of the Father, who is the light and meekness, and the love and joy of the Deity (as he himself said, when he had assumed the humanity, I am the light of the [John viii. 12] world), he himself took the place of this world by the heart, and sat in the midst or centre of this space or room, in that place where the mighty prince and king Lucifer did sit before his fall, and there the only begotten Son was new born to be a creature.

And so out of this kindled place of the sun there existed and were chiefly generated six sorts of qualities, all according to the right, law or order of the divine birth or geniture.

I. First, there arose the fire-crack, or the mobility in the heat; and that is the beginning of life in the chamber of death. II. After this, secondly, the light in the unctuosity or fatness of the water became shining in the heat; and that is now the sun. III. Thirdly, when now the light of the sun had affected or possessed the whole body of the sun, then the power of life, which rose up out of the first affecting or possessing, ascended, as when wood is kindled, or when fire is struck out of a stone.

Then first is discerned the glance or splendour, and out of the splendour the fire-crack, and after the fire-crack the power of the kindled body; and the light, with the power of the body, elevateth itself instantly above the crack, and ruleth or reigneth much higher, deeper and more powerfully than the fire-crack .

Also the power of the kindled body, in the outgone power without and beyond the fire, qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth gently, pleasantly, and very sensibly; and herein rightly is understood the divine being.

In the same manner also is the existency of the sun, and of the two planets, Mars and Jupiter.

But since the place of the sun (that is, the sun) had in itself (as also had all other places) all qualities according to the right of the Deity, thereupon instantly, in the first kindling, all the qualities went upwards and downwards, and generated themselves according to the eternal, beginningless, infinite law and right.

For the power of the light, which did mitigate the astringent and bitter quality in the place of the sun, and made it thin like water, or like the love of life, that power lowered itself, according to the nature of humility.

Out of this the planet Venus existed; for in the house of death Venus is an opener of meekness, or a kindler of the water, and a soft penetrator into the hardness, a kindler of the love, in which [Venus] the upper regimen or dominion, viz., the bitter heat, is desirous or longing after Mars, and the hearty sensibility is desirous or longing after Jupiter.

From whence the affections or insinuations exist; for the power of Venus makes fierce Mars or the fire-crack mild, and mitigateth it, and makes Jupiter humble, else the power of Jupiter would break through the hard chamber, Saturn; and in men and beasts would break through the skull or brainpan; and so the sensibility would transmute itself into high-mindedness above the birthright, or right, law or order of the geniture of the Deity, in the manner and way of the proud devil.

Of the Planet Mercurius.

If we would exactly and fundamentally know how, in the deep of this world, the birth or beginning is of the planets and stars, and of the essence of all beings, we must accurately consider the instant or innate birth, or the beginning of life, in man.

For that life taketh such a beginning and rising, and stands also in such an order, as does the birth or geniture of the essence of all beings in the body of this world.

For the instant or innate wheel of the stars and planets is no otherwise than as the birth of the seventh spirit of nature, before the time of the world rose up, wherein were formed images and figures, forms, shapes or ideas, as also heavenly fruits, according to the eternal right, law or order of the Deity.

Thus, because man is created according to the qualifying or fountain spirits of God, and also out of the divine essence, therefore has man's life such a beginning and rising up as that of the planets and stars has been.

For the beginning, instant or innate state and being of the planets and stars is not otherwise than as the beginning and impulse or government and dominion in man.

Now in the same way that the human life riseth up, so also in that way has the birth of the seven planets and stars risen and sprung up; and therein there is no difference at all.

The Centre or Circle of the Birth of Life. The great Depth.

The spirit citeth the physicians to come before this looking-glass; especially anatomists and dissectors of men, who by their anatomy would learn the birth and rising or springing up of man's life, and who have murdered many innocent men, against the right and law of God and of nature, hoping thereby to find out the wonderful proportion, harmony and form of nature, that they might thereby be useful in restoring the health of others.

But seeing in nature they are found to be murderers, and malefactors against the law and right of God and nature, therefore the spirit, which qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with God, does not justify them in their murderous way.

They might have had a nearer and surer way to learn the wonderful birth or geniture of nature, if their lofty highmindedness, and devilish, murderous curiosity had given them leave, but these have perverted their true divine senses or understandings.

Their intent was only to fight with men, and not with gods, therefore it is just they should receive such a reward of their error.

Come on, ye crowned ornaments of caps and hoods, etc. Let us see whether a simple layman may be able, in the knowledge of God, to search into the birth or geniture of man's life. If it be amiss, then reject it; if it be right, then let it stand.

I here set down this description of the birth or geniture of man's life, to the end that the original of the stars and planets may be the better conceived. In the description of the creation of man thou wilt find all, more fundamentally and deeply, what the beginning of man is.

Now observe:

The seed of man is generated in such a manner as the wonderful proportion, harmony or form of nature in its wrestling and rising up is generated, from eternity.

For the human flesh is and resembleth nature in the body of God, which is generated from the other six qualifying or fountain spirits, wherein the qualifying or fountain spirits generate themselves again, and shew forth themselves infinitely, wherein forms and images rise up, and wherein the heart of God, or the holy clear Deity in the middle or central seat, generateth itself above nature, in that centre wherein the light of life riseth up.

But now in man's body, in the government or dominion of the birth or geniture, there are three several things, each of them being distinct, and yet they are not divided asunder one from another; but all three together are one only man, after the kind and manner of the Ternary or Trinity in the divine being [or essence].

The flesh is not the life, but is a dead, inanimate being, which, when the government or dominion of the spirit ceaseth to qualify or operate therein, soon becometh a dead carcass, and putrefieth and turneth to dust or ashes.

But now no spirit can subsist in its perfection without a body, for as soon as it departeth from the body it loseth its government or dominion. For the body is the mother of the spirit, in which the spirit is generated, and in which it receiveth its strength and power. The spirit is and remaineth a spirit when it is separated and departed from the body, but it loseth its rule, dominion or government.

These three dominions or regimens are the whole man, together with flesh and spirit; and they have severally, for their beginning and dominion or government, a sevenfold form, after the kind and manner of the seven spirits of God, or of the seven planets.

Now as the dominion or government of God's eternal, beginningless, infinite birth or geniture is, so also is the beginning and rising or springing up of the seven planets and the stars; and just so also is the rising or springing up of mans life.

Now observe:

When thou mindest, thinkest and considerest what there is in this world, and what there is without, besides or distinct from this world, or what the essence of all beings is, then thou speculatest, contemplatest, meditatest in the whole body of God, who is the essence of all beings; and that is a beginningless, infinite being.

But it has in its own seat no mobility, rationality or comprehensibility, but is a dark deep, which has neither beginning nor end. In the dark deep is neither thick nor thin, opaque nor transparent, but it is a dark chamber of death, where nothing is perceived, neither cold nor warmth, for it is the end of all things.

This, now, is the body of the deep, or the very real chamber of death.

But in this dark valley there are the seven spirits of God, which have neither beginning nor end, and the one is neither the first, second, third or last.

In these seven dominions or regimens the regimen divideth itself into three distinct beings, where the one is not without the other, nor can they be divided the one from the other. But those seven spirits do each of them generate one another, from eternity to eternity.

The first dominion or regimen stands or consisteth in the body of all things, that is, in the whole deep, or the being or essence of all beings or essences, which has, in all corners and places thereof, in itself the seven spirits in possession, or in propriety indivisibly, or irresistibly, for its proper own.

Now if these seven spirits in any one place wrestle not triumphingly, then in that place there is no mobility, but a deep darkness; and although the spirits are perfect in that place, yet that place is a dark house; as you may perceive and understand by a dark cave or room close shut up, in which the kindled spirits of the planets and stars cannot kindle the elements.

But now the root of the seven spirits is everywhere all over, but when there is no wrestling, then it stands still and quiet, and no mobility is perceived.

And such a house is the whole deep without, within, and above all heavens; which house is called the Eternity. And such a house also is the house of flesh in man, and in all creatures.

And this being, together, comprehendeth the eternity, which is not called God, but the unalmighty body of nature, wherein, indeed, the Deity is immortal or not dead, but standing hidden in the kernel of the seven spirits; and yet not comprehended or understood.

And such a house also the whole space or extent of this world came to be, when the Deity, in the seven spirits, had hidden itself from the horrible devils.

And the whole space had so continued, if the seven planets and stars had not risen or sprung up from God's spirits, which seven planets opened again and kindled the chambers of death in the dark house of this world, in all places everywhere; from whence existeth the regimen or dominion of the elements.

Moreover, thou art to know also, that the regimen or dominion of the seven spirits of God in the house of this world is not on that account exsiccated or dried up in death, that all must needs receive its life and beginning from the planets and stars.

No ! for the clear Deity stands everywhere hidden in the circle in the heart of the whole deep; and the seven spirits stand in the body of the deep in anxiety and great longing, and are still kindled by the planets and stars; from whence existeth the mobility, and the birth or geniture in the whole deep.

But as long as the heart of the Deity, which [heart] is the corporeity, hideth itself in the body of this world in the outermost birth, the corporeity is a dark house; all stands in great anguish and needeth a light, which is the sun, to shine in the chamber of darkness, until the heart of God does move itself again in the seven spirits of God in the house of this world, and kindle the seven spirits.

Then the sun and stars will return again to their first place, and will pass away in such a form or manner; for the Heart and Light of God will give light and shine again in the corporeity, that is, in the body of this world, and replenish or fill all.

Then the anxiety ceaseth; for when the anxiety in the dominion of the geniture or birthregimen tasteth of the sweetness of the light of God, so that the heart of God triumpheth together in the birthregimen, then all is richly full of joy, and the whole body triumpheth.

Which at present in this time, in the house of this world, cannot be, because of the fierce, captive devil, who keepeth house in the outermost birth or geniture in the body of this world, till the judgment of God.

Now here thou may understand how the heart of God has the fan or castingshovel in its hand, and will one day cleanse his floor: which I herewith earnestly declare to you as in the knowledge in the light of life, where the heart, in the light of life, breaketh through, and proclaimeth the bright, clear day.

Of Man and the Stars.

Now, as the deep, or the house of this world, is a dark house, where the whole corporeity generateth itself, and is very thick, dark, anxious and half dead, and taketh its moving from the planets and stars which kindle the body in the outermost birth or geniture, from whence existeth the mobility of the elements, as also the figured and creaturely being, so also the human house of flesh is a dark valley, wherein is indeed the anxiety to the birth of life, and it always highly endeavoureth, intending to elevate itself into the light, from whence the life might kindle itself.

But seeing the heart of God did hide itself in the centre or kernel, therefore it [this elevation] cannot be; and thereupon [on that account] the anxiety generateth no more but ONE seed. The house of the flesh generateth a seed of its likeness to the propagating of a man again; and the house of the spirit, in the instant or innate state of the seven spirits, generateth in the seed another spirit after its likeness, to the propagating of the spirit of man again.

And the house of the hidden heart generateth also such a spirit as stands hidden, in the body, to the spirit of the house of flesh, as also to the spirit of the astral birth or geniture; just as the heart of God in the seven spirits of God stands hidden in the spirits in the deep of this world, and does not kindle them, till after this enumeration or account of time is out.

This third spirit is the soul in man, and qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the heart of God, as a son or little god in the great, immense or immeasurable God.

Now these three distinct dominions or regimens are generated in the seed, which taketh its original in the flesh, as I have mentioned before, within three leaves from this.

Now observe this hidden secret hidden Mystery. Ye Naturalists, observe. The Gate of the great Mystery.

Out of the anguishing chamber in the body of this world, out of the seven spirits of God, are risen or sprung forth the stars, which kindle the body of this world; and out of or from the body the fruit or seed generateth itself, which is the water, fire, air and earth.

The earth is the fruit of the seventh spirit of God, which is nature or corporeity, wherein the other six spirits generate themselves again, and figure or frame the Salitter of the seventh spirit into infinite sorts of forms or shapes; so that the earth also generateth its seed, which is the fruit of vegetation, as is apparent to the eye.

Now man's house of flesh is also such a house as the dark deep of this world is, wherein the seven spirits of God generate themselves.

But seeing man's body is its proper own, and is a son of the whole body of God, therefore it generateth also a proper seed of its own, according to the government or dominion of his corporeal, qualifying or fountain spirits.

The body taketh its food from the seed of the seven spirits of God in the body of the great deep, which [body] is fire, air, water and earth.

Of or from the earth it taketh the birth of the earth, or the fruit, for it is much more noble than the earth. It is an extracted mass out of the Salitter, out of the seventh nature spirit.

For when the body of nature was kindled by the devil, then the word or the heart of God drew together the mass [for man's body], before the corrupted Salitter was pressed together, which now is called the earth, because of the hard fierceness or corruption.

But when the earth was pressed together, then the mass stood in the dark deep in the created heaven, between the anxious birth or geniture and the love of the Heart of God, till the sixth day; and then the Heart of God breathed the light of life out of or from his Heart into the innermost or third birth or geniture in the mass.

Now when this was done, then in the mass the seven spirits of the qualities began to qualify or operate; and in the mass the seed of the seven qualifying or fountain spirits generated itself, as fire, air and water, as it did in the body of the deep.

Thus MAN became a living soul, in that kind and manner as the sun is risen or sprung forth, and out of that the seven planets.

The light in man, which the Heart of God had breathed in, signifieth or resembleth the sun which shineth in the whole deep; concerning which you will find more clearly about the creation of man.

Now behold! As in the deep of this world, through the kindling of the stars, a seed is generated out of the body of the dark deep, like the creaturely body, so also in like manner, in man's house of flesh there is generated a seed, according to the eternal birthright of the seven qualifying or fountain spirits.

And in the seed there are three distinct things, whereof the one cannot fathom the others, and yet the others are in that one only seed, and they all qualify, mix or unite one with another, as one being; and they are also one being, and yet also three distinct things, according to the kind and manner of the Ternary or Trinity in the Deity.

First there is the whole body of man, which is a dark house, and has no mobility besides, or without, or distinct from the qualifying or operation of the seven spirits, but is a dark valley, as the body of the deep of this world is.

Now in the dark body of man there is also such a regimen or dominion, as to the seven spirits, as there is in the body of the deep. And when the seven spirits qualify or operate according to the birthright of the Deity, then, out of the wrestling of the seven spirits, a seed generateth itself, according to their likeness.

Now that seed has first a mother, which is the dark chamber of the house of flesh. Secondly, it has a mother, which is the wheel of the seven spirits, according to the kind and manner of the seven planets. Thirdly, it has a mother that is generated in the circle of the seven spirits in the centre, which mother is the heart of the seven spirits.

And this now is the mother of the soul, which shineth through the seven spirits, and makes them living; and in their stead the seed qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the Heart of God. But the seed which so qualifieth is that seed alone in which the light is kindled: in that in which the wrath-fire burneth, there this third mother remaineth captive in the dark chamber.

And though indeed it is the third mother, yet it remaineth but a foolish virgin, if the light be not kindled in it. Just as the deep of this world is a foolish virgin before the Heart of God, in which deep of this world the wheel of the seven spirits stands in such anxiety, in so much corruption and redemption, in heat and in cold, as is apparent.

But when the third mother is kindled in the light, then it stands in the created heaven of the holy life, and shineth through the second mother, the seven spirits, whereby the seven spirits get a friendly, courteous will, which is the love of the life, as you may read in the eighth chapter of this book, concerning the lovebirth or geniture of God.

But through the third mother they cannot constantly or permanently shine, for the third mother stands in the house of darkness; but they often cast a glimpse upon the third mother, even as if it lightened, whereby the third mother many times becometh very longing, and rejoiceth highly, but is soon bolted up again by the fierceness of God's wrath.

The devil also danceth at this gate, for it is the prison wherein the new man lies hid, and wherein the devil lies captive.

I mean, in the house of the deep of this world. Though indeed [in] the house of flesh and the deep all [things or parts] qualify with one another as one body, and are one body, only [with] distinct parts or members.

The Deep in the Centre.

Now behold! When the seed is generated, it stands in the centre or midst of the body in the heart ; for there the mother catcheth the Ternary or Trinity.

First, the astringent spirit catcheth hold, and that draweth together a mass or lump out of the sweet water, that is, out of or from the unctuosity or fatness of the blood of the heart, or from the sap or oil of the heart.

Now that oil has clearly the root of the Ternary or Trinity in it, viz. the whole man; for it is just as when kindled tinder is cast into straw. Now it may be asked, How comes this to pass?

Here now is the true ground of man; observe it exactly, for it is the looking-glass of the great Mystery, the deep secret of the humanity, about which all the learned, since the beginning of the world, have danced, and have sought after this door, but they have not found it.

But I must once mention, that now is the Dawning or Morning Redness of the Day, as the Doorkeeper will have me do.

Now observe:

Just as was the first mass, out of which Adam became a living man, so also in like manner is every mass or seed of the Ternary or Trinity in every man.


When the Salitter or fabric of the six qualifying or fountain spirits (which Salitter is the seventh nature-spirit in the space or room of this world) was kindled, then the Word or Heart of God stood everywhere in the centre or midst of the circle of the seven spirits, as a heart, which [heart] at once replenished all, viz. the whole space or room of this world.

But seeing the deep, that is, the whole space of this world, was the body of the Father, (understand the Father of the Heart of God), understand the Father's body, and the Heart in the whole body did shine forth, viz. the Father's lustre or brightness, then the corrupted Salitter was affected or possessed everywhere with the light; and the Heart of God could not fly out from it, but did hide its lustre and shining light in the body of the whole deep, from the horrid kindled spirits of devils.

When this was done, then the qualifying or fountain spirits became very fierce and vehemently struggling, and the astringent spirit, as the strongest, drew very terribly together in the seventh nature-spirit the fabric and effects of the other five; from whence the bitter earth and stones came to be, but [they] were not yet driven together, but moved in the whole deep.

In this hour the mass was drawn together; for when the Heart of God did hide itself in the Salitter, then it cast a glance again on the whole space or body, and thought how it might be remedied again, whereby another angelical kingdom might be in the deep of this world.

But the glance was the love-spirit in the Heart of God, which in that place of the glance affected or possessed the oil of the water, where previously the light was risen up.

Here consider Saint Peter's glance, that was cast upon him in the house of Caiphas: it is the very same. [Luke xxii. 61 ]

And the spirit of the man, (understand the root of the love which, in the rising up of the life out of the water, riseth up through the fire), and also the spirit of the woman, both catch one another in that oil of the heart, where presently a mass, seed, or driving will or desire to the propagating of a man again arises in the mass. A new translation of this par. has been substituted for Sparrow's rendering.

Just in such a way and manner the first mass also came to be, for the love-spirit in the Heart of God cast a glance, in the body of the kindled wrathful Father, on the water of life, whereby, and out of which, the love in the fire-flash arose or sprang up before the time of the wrath.

In this casting of the glance the one spirit caught the other; the unctuous oil or water in the wrath conceived from the love-spirit in the Heart of God, and qualified, mixed or united with the same, and the astringent spirit drew the mass together; and there was clearly a birth, or a will or desire to the producing of a whole creature; just as the seed in man is.

But now the firmament of heaven, that is between the Heart of God and the kindled, hard chamber of death, was closed or shut up; else the life in the mass had suddenly kindled itself.

For the firmament was within in the mass, as well as without, distinct from the mass, which is the parting mark or limit of separation between the Heart of God and the fierce devils.

Therefore the Word or Heart of God must blow up the moving spirit in the mass, which was first done but on the sixth day, for very assured causes.

For if heaven had not, as a firmament, been shut up in the mass, between the Heart of God and the corporeal, qualifying or fountain spirits of the mass, then the mass might have kindled the soul from or by its own power; as it happened with the holy angels.

But it was to be feared that it would come to pass as it did with that fair little son Lucifer, seeing the corporeal, qualifying or fountain spirits in the mass were kindled in the wrath-fire.

Therefore heaven must be a firmament between the sparkle which had conceived from the Heart of God in the first glance; that though the body might happen to perish, yet the holy seed might remain, which is the soul, which qualifieth, mixeth or uniteth with the Heart of God, out of which a new body might come to be, when the whole God should kindle again the deep of this world in the light of the Heart of God; and just so it is come to be with the body. The love of God have mercy, and take pity on it!

The dear man Moses writeth, That God made man out of a clod of earth, as the learned have rendered it. But Moses was not present when it was done.

But this I must needs say, that Moses has written very rightly, though the true understanding or meaning, out of what the earth proceeded, remained hidden to Moses, and to them that have come after him in the letter, for the spirit has kept it hidden to this very time.

It was also hidden from Adam, while he was yet in Paradise ; but now it will be fully revealed. For the Heart of God has set upon or assaulted the chamber of death, and will shortly break quite through.

And therefore, in these our present times, some beams of the day will more and more break through in the hearts of some men, and make known the day.

But when the Dawning or Morning Redness shall shine from the east to the west, or from the rising to the setting, then, assuredly, time will be no more; but the SUN of the Heart of God riseth or sprinqeth forth, and, RA. RA. R. P. will be pressed in the winepress without the city, and therewith to R. P. [see Epistles of Jacob Behmen (1649), Ep. 23, v. 12-13.]

These are hidden, mystical words, and are understood only in the language of nature.

Moses writeth very rightly, that man was created out of the earth; but at that time, when the mass was held by the Word, then the mass was not earth. But if it had not been held or kept by the Word, then at that very hour it had become black earth, but the cold wrath-fire was in it already.

For at the very hour when Lucifer elevated himself the Father was moved to wrath in the qualifying or fountain spirits against the legions of Lucifer; and the Heart of God hid itself in the firmament of heaven, where the Salitter, effect, product or fabric of the corporeity was burning already; for without or distinct from the light is the dark chamber of death.

But the mass was held or kept in the firmament of heaven that it might not be congealed; for when the Heart of God glanced on the mass with its hot love, then the unctuosity or oil in the mass, which rose up out of the water through the fire, out of which the light riseth up, and out of which the love-spirit riseth up, caught hold of the Heart of God, and was impregnated with a young son.

And that was the seed of love ; for one love embraced the other; the love of the mass embraced and conceived from the love out of the glance of the Heart of God, and was thereby impregnated; and this is the birth or geniture of the soul ; and as to this son, man is the image of God.

But the qualifying or fountain spirits in the mass could not presently be kindled thereby from the soul; for the soul stood only in the seed in the mass, hidden with the Heart of God in its heaven, till the Creator breathed upon the mass; and then the qualifying or fountain spirits kindled the soul also, and then both body and soul lived equally together.

Indeed the soul had its life before the body, but it stood in the Heart of God, hidden in the mass in heaven, and was a kind of holy seed, qualifying, mixing or uniting with God, which seed is eternal, incorruptible and indestructible; for it was a new and pure seed for an angel and image of God.

But the fabric, effect or product of the whole mass was an extract or attraction of the Word of God, out of the fabric or effect of the qualifying or fountain spirits, or of the Salitter, out of which the earth came to be.

This extract was not yet become earth, though it was the Salitter of the earth, but was held or kept by the Word.

For when the love-spirit out of the Heart of God glanced on the Salitter of the mass, then the Salitter did catch hold of it and conceived from it, and was impregnated in the centre of the soul, and the Word stood in the mass in the sound; but the light abode in the centre of the mass, in the firmament of heaven, remaining hidden in the unctuous oil of the heart, and did not move itself forth out of the firmament of heaven, in the birth of the qualifying or fountain spirits.

Else, if the light had kindled itself in the birth or geniture of the soul, then all the seven qualifying or fountain spirits, according to the eternal birthright of the Deity, had triumphed and qualified, mixed or united in and with the light, and had been a living angel; but seeing the wrath had clearly already infected the Salitter, therefore that danger was to be feared that befell Lucifer.

Now it may be asked:

Why were not many masses created at this time, out of which, instantly at once, there might have been a whole angelical host or army, instead of fallen Lucifer?

Why should there be so long a time of staying in the wrath?

And why should the whole host or army be generated out of that one mass, in so very long a time?

Or did not the Creator at this time see and know of the fall of man?


This now is the very door of the hidden, secret Mystery of the Deity. Concerning which the Reader is to conceive, that it is not in the power or capacity of any man to discern or to know it, if the Dawning or MorningRedness does not break forth in the centre in the soul.

For these things are divine Mysteries, which no man can search into by his own Reason. I also esteem myself most unworthy of such a gift; and besides, I shall have many scorners and mockers against me; for the corrupted nature is horribly ashamed before the light.

But for all that, I cannot forbear; for when the divine light breaketh forth in the circle or birth of life, then the qualifying or fountain spirits rejoice, and in the circle of the life reflect or look back into their mother, into the eternity; and they also look forwards into the eternity.

It [the breaking forth of the light] is not, however, a permanent essence, nor a constant illumination of the qualifying or fountain spirits, much less of the bestial body; but it is the ray of the breaking through of the light of God with a fiery impulse, which riseth up through the meek water of life in the love, and remaineth, abiding in its heaven.

Therefore I can bring it no further than from the heart into the brain, before the princely throne of the senses, and there it is shut up in the firmament of heaven; and it goeth not back again through the qualifying or fountain spirits into the mother of the heart, that it might come on to the tongue, for if that were done I would tell it with my mouth, and make it known to the world.

But for that cause I will let it stand in its heaven, and write according to my gifts, and with wonder and admiration expect what will become of it. For in the qualifying or fountain spirits I cannot sufficiently comprehend or apprehend it, because they stand in the anxious chamber.

With or through the soul, I see it very well ; but the firmament of the heaven is between, in which the soul hideth itself, and there receiveth its rays from the light of God; and in that respect it goeth through the firmament of heaven as a tempest of lightning, but very gently, in a most amiable and pleasant delight and joy.

So that I cannot, in the comprehensibility, in my innate, instant or present qualifying or fountain spirits, or in the circle of life, discern or know it otherwise, for the day breaketh forth apace.

For that cause I will write according to this knowledge, though the devil should offer to assault and storm the world; which, however, he cannot do. But his hourglass is shewn to him, and set before him.

Now come on, you Electionists, and contenders about the Election of Grace, you that suppose you alone are in the right, and esteem a simple faith to be but a foolish thing; you have danced long enough before this door, and have made your boast of the Scriptures, that they maintain that God has of grace chosen some men in their mother's womb to the kingdom of heaven, and reprobated or rejected others.

Here make to yourselves many masses, out of which there may proceed other manner of men of other qualities, and then you may be in the right. But out of the one only mass you can make no more than one only love of God, which presseth forth through the first man, and so presseth through and upon all. If God should have permitted Peter or Paul to have written otherwise, then look to the ground, to the heart.

If you lay hold on the Heart of God, then you have ground enough.

If God give me life a little while longer, I will shew you Saint Paul's Election of Grace.