Praise for the first Morris Brick thriller Deranged
by Jacob Stone
Deranged is a dark and different serial killer novel that will haunt the reader long after the book is closed and back on the shelf. Author Jacob Stone transfixes us with dread, and something more. He has the rare capacity to startle. Read if you dare.”
—John Lutz
“Deranged is a fascinating and exciting blend of misdirection, topsy-turvy, and violence.”
—Reed Farrel Coleman
“Gutsy and written with such casual grace, as if the author were sitting across the bar from me, telling me the story, Deranged just might be one of the most compelling, thrilling and truth be told, at times look-away-from-the-page-frightening serial killer novels I’ve read in a long, long time.”
—Vincent Zandri
“Los Angeles has seldom seen such grisly fun. It’s James Ellroy meets Alfred Hitchcock in a bloody, yet bizarrely humorous romp on the psychotic side of the street.”
Paul Levine