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first war by
second war by
third war by
Abercromby, James
Abraham, Chief
Acquaviva, Claudio
Albany, New York
Alden, Ichabod
Algonquians. See also Abenakis
American Revolution and
Allegheny River
Allouez, Claude
The Ambiguous Iroquois Empire (Jennings)
American Fur Company
The American Fur Trade of the Far West (Chittenden)
American Revolution
Cherry Valley Massacre in
end of
French and Indian War ties to
Gnadenhutten Massacre in
Indian-England alliances in
Indian-Patriot alliances in
Amherst, Jeffrey
Anglo-Dutch Wars (1665–67/1672–74)
Anne, Queen of England
Arbuckle, Matthew
Ashley, William Henry
Astor Expedition of 1810–12
Astoria (Irving)
Astor, John Jacob
Auoindaon, Chief
Baker, Joshua
Barcelos, Pêro de
Barkestead, John
Barnwell, John
Batten, Andrew
Batten, Sir William
Battle of Bloody Marsh (1742)
Battle of the Bower (1754)
Battle of Fort Necessity (1754)
Battle of Lake George (1755)
Battle of the Monongahela (1755)
Battle of Bushy Run (1763)
Battle of the Plains of Abraham (1759)
Beaujeu, Daniel Liénard de
beaver pelt. See also fur trade
processing of
Beaver Wars (1600s)
fur trade’s relation to
Beckwourth, Jim
Begourat, Chief
Beothuk people
Biard, Pierre
Biencourt de Poutrincourt et de Saint-Just, Jean de
Big Kettle, Chief
Big Tree (Indian)
Black Fish, Chief
Blount, Tom
Blue Jacket, Chief
Boone, Daniel
Borja, Francisco
Boston Tea Party (1773)
Bouquet, Henry
Braddock, Edward
Bradstreet, John
Brant, Joseph (Thayendanegea)
American Revolution and
French and Indian War and
Brant, Molly (Degonwadonti)
Brant, Nichus
Brébeuf, Jean de
Brice, William
Bridger, James
Brodhead, Daniel
Brown, Christian
Brûlé, Étienne
Burd, James
Buret, Gilbert
Burgoyne, John
Butler, John
Butler, Richard
Butler, Walter
Butler, Zebulon
Butterfield, Willshire
Button, Sir Thomas
Callender, Robert
Campbell, Donald
Campbell, Samuel
Campbell, Thomas J.
Campbell, William
Canada. See also New France
boundaries of
cod fisheries in
French and Indian War battles in
French settlement of
Canada and Acadia Trading Company
Carlyle, John
Carondawana (Indian)
Carter, Landon
Cartier, Jacques
Caunotaucarius. See Washington, George
Céleron de Blainville, Pierre-Joseph
Il Cerimoniale per i Missionari del Giappone
Chabanel, Noël
Chain of Friendship, Pennsylvania
Champlain, Lake
Champlain, Samuel de
culture-blending efforts by
Charles, Archduke
Charles II, King of England
Charles II, King of Spain
Charles I, King of England
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charton, François
Chaussegros de Léry, Gaspard-Joseph
Chauvin de Tonnetuit, Pierre de
Chépart, sieur de
American Revolution alliances and
French and Indian War and
Little Turtle War and
Cherry Valley Massacre (1778)
Chittenden, Hiram Martin
Cholmley, Robert
Cholula people
Church, Benjamin
Clark, George Rogers
Claus, Daniel
Clement, Saint
Clinton, DeWitt
Clinton, George
Clinton, James
Clyman, James
cod trade
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste
Columbus, Christopher
Compagnie des Cent-Associés
Compagnie des Marchands
Connolly, John
Conochquieson, Chief
Contrecoeur, Claude-Pierre Pécaudy, sieur de
Corbet, Miles
Cornplanter, Chief
Cornstalk, Chief
Corte-Real, Gaspar
Cortés, Hernán
Coton, Pierre
Couillard, Marguerite
Couillard, William
Coulon de Villiers, Louis
Courcelle, Daniel
Couture, Guillaume
Craven, Charles
Crawford, William
Cresap, Michael
Cresap, Thomas
Crèvecoeur, J. Hector St. John de
Croghan, George
Cromwell, Oliver
Cumberland, Duke of
Currin, Barnaby
d’Ailleboust, Louis
Daniel, Antoine
d’Argenson, Count
Davison, John
Dean, James
de Bougainville, Comte
de Chaste, Aymar
Declaration of Independence
De Lancey, James
American Revolution alliances and
French and Indian War and
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Prophet of
de Luna, Tristán
Denison, Nathan
de Soto, Hernando
DeVoto, Bernard
de Vries, David Pietersz
Diary (Pepys)
Dieskau, Baron Ludwig August
Dinwiddie, Robert
French and Indian War and
Domagaya (Indian)
Donnacona, Chief
Dragging Canoe, Chief
Dugua, Pierre
Du Lhut, Daniel Greysolon, sieur
Dumas, Jean-Daniel
Dummer’s Treaty (1727)
Dunmore, Lord
Du Pont, François Gravé
Duquesne de Menneville, Ange
Durell, Philip
Dutch. See New Netherlands
Dutch East India Company
Dutch West India Company
East India Company
Ecuyer, Simon
Elliott, Matthew
England. See also New England
American Revolution and
Anglo-Dutch Wars by
Anglo-French War by
Civil War in
cruelty/torture in
French trade collaboration with
fur trade by
Indian alliances, Revolutionary War, with
Indian Department creation by
Seven Years War by
Treaty of Paris by
War of the Austrian Succession by
War of the League of Augsburg by
War of the Spanish Succession by
Ericson, Leif
Erie, Lake
Esopus Indian Wars
Evelyn, John
Fagundes, João Alvares
Fairfax, William
Ferdinand II, King of Aragon
Fernandes Lavrador, João
Fitzpatrick, Thomas
Fogg, Jeremiah
Forbes, John
Duquesne, Fort
Presque Isle
St. Frédéric
William Henry
Fort William Henry Massacre (1757)
Fox (tribe)
Fox River
France. See also New France
American Revolution and
Anglo-French War by
Canada/New France settlement by
missionary movement by
Ohio Country land dispute in
Seven Years War by
Treaty of Paris by
War of the Austrian Succession by
War of the League of Augsburg by
War of the Spanish Succession by
Francis I, King of France
Frazier, John
Frederick, King of Prussia
Frederick V, Elector Palatine
French and Indian War (1754–63)
Battle of the Bower in
Battle of Lake George in
Battle of the Monongahela in
Battle of Fort Necessity in
Battle of the Plains of Abraham in
dispute leading up to
Duquesne, Fort, battles in
Fort William Henry Massacre in
military buildup prior to
treaty ending
Treaty of Easton during
troop disparities/divisions during
French and Indian Wars (1689–1763)
French and Indian War of 1754–63 within
King George’s War within
King William’s War within
Queen Anne’s War within
Frontenac et de Palluau, Louis de Buade, comte de
Fry, Joshua
fur trade
ban on
cod trade’s influence on
community influenced by
corporate appropriation of
factory model v. co-mingling model in
missionary efforts coupled with
“mountain men” of
regulation of
sexual expectations in
Gagarin, Yuri
Gage, Thomas
Galissonière, Roland-Michel
Garnier, Charles
Gates, Horatio
Gentleman’s Magazine
Geoctroyeerde Westindische Compagnie
George III, King of England
Proclamation by
George II, King of England
French and Indian War and
land grant by
George, Lake
Gibson, Alexander
Gillam, Zachariah
Girty, Simon
Gist, Christopher
Gladwin, Henry
Glass, Hugh
Gnadenhutten Massacre (1782)
Gordon, Francis
Goupil, René
Graffenried, Baron Cristoph von
Granches, Mary Catherine des
Grange-Trianon, Anne de la
Grant, James
Gray, Thomas
Greathouse, Daniel
Great Meadows, Ohio Valley
Great Sun, Chief
Grey Lock, Chief
Grœnlendinga Saga
Groseilliers, Médard Chouart des
Gu-cinge, Chief
Haldimand, Frederick
Half King (Chief Tanaghrisson)
Halifax, Lord
Halkett, Sir Peter
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Henry “Hair Buyer”
Hamtramck, John
Hancock (Indian king)
Hand, Edward
Hardin, John
Harmar, Josiah
Harrison, Benjamin
manufacture of
Haviland, William
Henderson, Richard
Hendrick, Chief
Henri IV, King of France
Henry, Andrew
Henry, Patrick
Henry VII, King of England
Herjulfsson, Bjarni
Highlanders, Scottish
L’historie du Canada (Sagard)
Hobby, Sir Francis
Hog, Peter
Holden, Joseph
Howe, Richard
Hudson Bay Company
factory model of
Hudson River
Huron, Lake
French relations with
Iroquois’ war with
missionary efforts and
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Illinois (tribe)
Innes, James
Interregnum, Puritan (1649–60)
Iroquet, Chief
Iroquois League. See also Mohawks
absorption tactics of
American Revolution alliances and
Beaver wars and
divisions within
Dutch alliances with
Eries’ war with
Fox War and
French and Indian War and
Hurons’ war with
King George’s War and
King William’s War and
Little Turtle War and
make-up/structure of
New England’s alliances/relations with
New France’s alliances/relations with
property ownership and
Queen Anne’s War and
trapping methods of
Treaty of Easton by
Treaty of Fort Stanwix by
Treaty of Logstown by
Irvine, William
Irving, Washington
Isabella, Queen of Castile
James I, King of England
Japan, missionaries in
Jaques, Richard
Jay Treaty (1794)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Robert
Jenkins, William
Jennings, Francis
Jeskakake, Chief
Jogues, Isaac
Johnson, Guy
Johnson, Sir John
Johnson, Sir William
Anglo-Indian diplomacy efforts by
French and Indian War and
Jolliet, Louis
Joncaire, Philippe-Thomas de
Jones, John Gabriel
Jonquière, Jacques-Pierre de
Jumonville, Joseph Coulon, sieur de
Karlsevni, Thorfinn
Keemle, Charles
Kekewepellethe, Chief (Tame Hawk)
Kennedy, John F.
Kenny, James
Kieft, Willem
King George’s War (1744–48)
King Philip’s War (1675–76)
King William’s War (1689–97)
Kirke, David
Kirkland, Samuel
Knox, Henry
Kustaloga, Chief
La Force, Commissary (Michel Pépin)
Lalande, Jean de
Lalemant, Charles
Lallemant, Gabriel
La Montagne, Johannes
La Péronie, William
La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier, sieur de
Laud, William
La Vieuville, Charles duc de
Laynez, Diego
Lear, Tobias
Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, Jacques
Le Jeune, Paul
Le Moyne, Simon
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
Lescarbot, Marc
Letters from an American Farmer (Crèvecoeur)
Lewis, Andrew
Lignery, François-Marie Le Marchand de
Little Turtle’s War (1785–1795)
Lochry, Archibald
Logan (Indian)
Logan, Benjamin
Logstown, Ohio Country
Lord Dunmore’s War (1774)
Loudoun, Earl of (John Campbell)
Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
Louis XIII, King of France
Louis XIV, King of France (Sun King)
agriculture v. fur trade and
Louis XV, King of France
Lovewell, John
Mackay, James
Mackenzie, Alexander
Mackenzie, Roderick
MacQuire, John
Manual I, King of Portugal
Maria Theresa
Marin, Pierre-Paul de la Malgue, sieur de
Marlowe, Christopher
Marquette, Jacques
Massé, Enemond
Massey, Eyre
May, Hugh
Mazarin, Jules Cardinal
McClure, David
McGary, Hugh
McKee, Alexander
Membertou, Henri
Memoirs of the Reign of King George II (Walpole)
Menard, René
Mexico, colonization of
Miami (tribe)
Little Turtle War by
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Miami River
Michigan, Lake
The Middle Ground (White)
American Revolution alliances and
French and Indian War and
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
fur trade as opportunity for
Mississippi River
Missouri Gazette and Public Advertiser
Missouri Herald and St. Louis Advertiser
Mohawk River
Mohawks. See also Iroquois League
absorption tactics of
American Revolution alliances and
Beaver wars and
Dutch arms trade with
English alliances with
Esopus War, Second, and
Fox Resistance and
French and Indian Wars and
Iroquois League position of
raiding tactics of
Monacatoocha, Chief
Monongahela River
Battle of
Monro, George
Montagu, Sir Edward
Montcalm, Louis-Joseph, marquis de
Montezuma II, (Aztec king)
Montmagny, Charles Jacques Huault de
Montour, Andrew
Montreal (city), New France
Moore, James
Morgan, George
Moulton, Jeremiah
mountain men
Murray, James
Murray, Patrick
Muse, George
Natchez tribe
Native Americans. See also war(s), North American; specific tribes
absorption tactics of
Beaver wars by
cruelty by
cultural practices of
disease epidemics among
fur trade’s influence on
land ownership and
New England trade/alliances with
New France alliances/trade with
New Netherlands’ trade/alliances with
presents/gift traditions among
raiding tactics of
slavery of
Nelson, Robert
Netherlands. See also New Netherlands
War of the League of Augsburg and
War of the Spanish Succession and
Neutral nation
New Bern, North Carolina
New Deal
New England
American Revolution in
boundary conflicts, Anglo-Indian, in
cruelty/abuses in
cultural conflicts, Anglo-Indian, in
Fox Resistance and
French and Indian War by
French trade collaboration with
fur trade by
Indian alliances/relations with
King George’s War by
King William’s War by
New Netherlands invasion by
Pontiac’s Rebellion against
proclamation of universal law in
property law in
Queen Anne’s War by
Rupert’s Land in
New France. See also Canada; France
Beaver Wars and
English trade collaboration with
farming/agriculture in
Fox Resistance and
French and Indian War by
fur trade by
Indian relations/alliances with
King George’s War by
King William’s War by
missionary movement in
Queen Anne’s War by
New Netherlands (Dutch)
England’s invasion of
Esopus Wars by
Indian trade/alliances with
Peach War by
weapons trade by
Nicholson, Francis
Nicolet de Belleborne, Jean
Nicolet, Madeleine Euphrosine
Nicolet, Marguerite
North West Company
Northwest Passage
Nova Scotia
French and Indian War in
Obwandiyag (Pontiac)
Oglethorpe, James
Ohio (tribe)
Ohio Company
Ohio River
French and Indian War and
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Okey, John
French and Indian War and
American Revolution alliances and
Beaver Wars and
French alliance with
Hurons’ war with
Ontario, Lake
Ordre de Bon Temps
Oswego River
Ottawa River
American Revolution alliances and
Little Turtle War by
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Pacific Fur Company
Parkman, Francis
Peach War (1655)
Pearsall, Job
Pemberton, Israel
Penn, William
Pépin, Michel
Pepperell, William
Pepys, Elisabeth Marchant de Saint-Michel
Pepys, Richard
Pepys, Samuel
Petty, John
Philip II, King of Spain
Philip of Anjou
Phips, Sir William
Pimoacan, Chief
Pipe, Chief
Pitt, William
Pitt, William, The Elder
Pius IV, Pope
Pluck-kemeh-notee, Chief
Pontiac’s Rebellion (1763–66)
Port-Royal, Acadia
Post, Frederick
Little Turtle War and
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Potomac River
Pouchot, Pierre
Prideaux, John
Proclamation of 1763 (England)
Prynne, William
Quebec (City), New France
French and Indian War in
Queen Anne’s War (1702–13)
Radisson, Pierre-Esprit
Ragueneau, Paul
Rasles, Sebastian
The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion (Williams)
Red Jacket, Chief
Regnault, Christophe
Repetigny, Captain de
the Restoration (England)
Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plesis de
Richelieu River
Robinson, John
Rogers, Robert
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Edward
Rose, John (Baron Gustave Rosenthal)
Rupert, Prince of the Rhine
Russell, William
Sagard, Gabriel
Saint-Castin, Jean Vincent de l’Abadie, baron de
St. Clair, Arthur
Sainte-Marie-au-pays-des-Hurons, New France
St. Lawrence River
French and Indian War on
mapping of
Sandusky River
Saunders, Charles
Des Sauvages (Champlain)
Sauvagesse Nippissing
Savage, Thomas
Savignon (Indian)
Scalp Act of 1747, New York
Scarouady. See Monacatoocha, Chief
Scioto River
Second Dutch War (1665–67)
Senecas. See also Iroquois League
American Revolution alliances and
Beaver Wars and
French and Indian War and
Hurons’ war with
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Seven Years War (1756–1763)
Sévigné, Madame de
Sharpe, Horatio
Shaw, John B. W.
American Revolution alliances and
boundary disputes by
French and Indian War and
Little Turtle War by
Pontiac’s Rebellion and
Shea, John Gilmary
Shingas, Chief
Shirley, William
Shute, Samuel
Silverheels (Indian)
Smith, Dirck
Smith, Jedediah Strong
Soviet Union
American colonization by
Treaty of Paris by
War of the Austrian Succession by
War of the Spanish Succession by
Sputnik I
Stamp Act
Stannard, William
Stanwix, John
Stephen, Adam
Steward, Henry
Stobo, Robert
Stuart, Elizabeth
Stuyvesant, Peter
Sublette, Milton
Sublette, William
Sullivan, John
Superior, Lake
Susquehanna River
Talber, Charles
Talon, Jean
Tamaqua (Indian)
Tattooed Arm (queen mother)
Tattooed Serpent (Indian)
Tecumseh (Indian)
Tennessee River
The Theater of Neptune in New France (Lescarbot)
Theyanoguin, Chief
Thirty Years’ War
Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748)
Treaty of Easton (1758)
Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1768)
Treaty of Greenville (1796)
Treaty of Logstown (1752)
Treaty of Paris (1763)
Treaty of Paris (1783)
Treaty of Portsmouth (1713)
Treaty of Ryswick (1697)
Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1632)
Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)
Treaty of Utrecht (1713)
Trent, William
Tryon, William
Tuscarawas River
United East India Company
United States
Little Turtle War in
Revolutionary War of
Urban VIII, Pope
U.S. Constitution
Valignano, Alessandro
Van Braam, Jacob
Vaudreuil-Cavagnal, Pierre François de Rigaud, marquis de
Venango, Ohio Valley
Veneur, Jean le
Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie
Verrazano, Giovanni da
Vilela, Father
Virginia Gazette
Waggener, Thomas
Walker, Sir Hovenden
Walpole, Horace
Wangomend (Indian)
Ward, Edward
war(s), North American
Abenaki, First
Abenaki, Second
Abenaki, Third
American Revolutionary
Esopus, First and Second
European conflicts’ correspondence to
Fox Resistance
French and Indian (1689–1763)
French and Indian (1754–63)
“guerrilla” tactics in
King George’s
King William’s
Little Turtle’s
Lord Dunmore’s
Queen Anne’s
trade’s relation to
War of 1812
War of 1812
War of Jenkins’s Ear (1739)
War of the Austrian Succession (1740–48)
War of the League of Augsburg (1688–97)
War of the Polish Succession
War of the Spanish Succession (1701–1714)
Warpath of Nations
Warren, Peter
Washington, George
American Revolution and
Battle of Fort Necessity by
Battle of the Bower by
Battle of the Monongahela by
French and Indian War buildup and
Little Turtle War and
military appointments of
surveying career by
Washington, John Augustine
Washington, Lawrence
Washington, Nancy
Washington, Sarah
Wayne, Anthony “Mad Anthony”
Webb, Daniel
Weiser, Conrad
White Mingo, Chief
White, Richard
White Thunder (Indian)
Wilkinson, James
Willett, Marinus
William III, King of England
Williams, Ephraim
Williams, John
Williamson, David
Winslow, Edward
Wolfe, James
American Revolution and
Yamassee War (1715–17)
York Factory
Zane, Ebenezer
Zinzendorf, Count Nicholas Ludwig von