Chapter Four

“The way you’re primping, one would think you were getting ready for a royal ball.”

William adjusted his tie, studied his reflection in the mirror, and then started over. “I can’t get this thing right.”

“Here, let me help you.” Amos closed the distance and took both ends of the tie William had been fiddling with for the better part of ten minutes. He got it right the first time. “There ya go. This girl is pretty special, huh?”

“I would tell you to mind your own business, Amos, but that wouldn’t be very nice, now would it?”

Amos propped his hand on the door frame and grinned at William. “You still didn’t answer me.”

“My answer?” William pulled out his comb and raked it through his hair a few times before turning to face Amos. “Yes, Lillian Pickard is very special.”

“She’s not exactly an easy one to read either, is she?”

“What are you getting at?”

“Just make sure you like the girl and not the fact that she’s a challenge.”

“That’s ridiculous,” William said with a huff.

“Maybe. Maybe not. I remember the chase with Annie Jergens. It was fun as long as the game was on, but once she let me catch her…well, I lost interest.”

“This is different.”

Amos pulled away from the door and lifted his hands. “If you say so.” He took a few steps away and stopped. “At least have a good time while you’re…involved.”

Rather than keep up this line of conversation, William nodded. “I will. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a date to keep.”

He’d made it to the door when he heard Mom holler, “Don’t forget to bring something!”

“Like what?”

She appeared in the foyer carrying a platter. “You should never show up to dinner empty-handed. We didn’t know what kind of cookies the Pickards like, so Nelda and I made peanut butter, chocolate, and gingerbread.”

William laughed as he took the platter. “So that’s why you were baking so many cookies. I’m sure they’ll love all of them.”

“I hope so.” She stuck her hands in her apron pockets.

He’d planned to stop off for some flowers on the way, but perhaps that would be too much, now that he had the cookies. He didn’t want to appear desperate or too charitable.

“Why don’t you go by the florist and pick up some chrysanthemums?” Mom said.

“You don’t think that’s too much?”

“Of course not. The flowers are for Lillian. The cookies are for her family.”

William couldn’t help but think about how inept he felt. Seeing other girls from his social arena had been easy. No one ever doubted his motives when he arrived with arms filled with gifts. Now he had so many other considerations that could make or break his standing in Lillian’s eyes. Not that he was courting Lillian, as she frequently reminded him, but he fully intended to if she’d accept.

He arrived an hour later at the Five and Dime to pick up Lillian. The store lights were on, but he couldn’t see her through the cluttered window. He sat and waited a couple of minutes then decided to just go on in and see how much longer she’d be.

Mr. Joachim came from the back of the store the moment William walked inside. “Hello there, William Tronnier. How’s the family?”

“Quite good.” He glanced around. “Is Miss Pickard still around?”

“No, I sent her on home. She said she had company coming over. Based on the way she was acting, I suspect it might be a suitor, and I wouldn’t want to stand in the way of my best employee finding love.”

Obviously Lillian hadn’t mentioned that he was her potential suitor. He tipped his hat and reached for the door. “It was good to see you, Mr. Joachim.”

With a puzzled look, Mr. Joachim tilted his head. “Did you need something?”

“Um…as a matter of fact, I could use some…” William glanced around the store. “Candy.”

“Candy?” Mr. Joachim echoed.

“Yes, I would like some candy. Chocolate, if you have it.”

Five minutes later, William walked out the door with a sack of chocolate candy. He sure hoped Lillian had a sweet tooth.

The short drive to the Pickard house gave William some time to gather his thoughts. He’d hoped to arrive with Lillian. Now he’d have an armful of gifts instead.

* * * * *

Mama let the curtain slip from her fingertips. “He’s here.”

Lillian ran her hands down the front of her skirt as she strode toward the door. Her heart hammered and her lips were dry, so she took a deep breath, licked her lips, and lifted her chin.

“Don’t forget who you are, Lillian.” Her mother’s voice gave her pause before she touched the doorknob.

“Trust me, Mama, I can never forget who I am.” She refrained from reminding Mama who’d invited William for dinner.

As soon as Lillian opened the door, her gaze locked with William’s. He shuffled and glanced down, directing her attention to the bundles nestled in the crook of one arm and a bouquet of flowers in the other hand. He thrust the flowers toward her. “Presents. For you.”

“Presents?” Lillian started to smile as she took the flowers, but Mama’s presence loomed behind her. “That’s not necessary.”

“I realize that, but Mom and Nelda baked some delicious cookies.” He shifted the Five and Dime bag to his now-empty hand. “And candy.”

“That’s an awful lot of sweets.”

“Come in, Mr. Tronnier, and let me take your coat,” Mama said as she came around from behind Lillian and took him by the arm. “Where are your manners, girl?”

“That’s quite all right,” he said as he stepped inside. Mama took the cookies and candy, leaving him and Lillian to stand there staring at each other. “I didn’t want to come empty-handed.”

“But cookies, candy, and flowers? You didn’t need to bring anything, but one of those would have been sufficient.”

“Sufficient?” A grin tweaked the corners of his lips. “For what?”

She was aware that he watched her reactions, so she tried to keep a straight face and changed the subject. “Why don’t you come on back to the kitchen and talk to my father? Mama made him stay there so he wouldn’t pounce on you the instant you came in.”

“Why would he pounce on me?”

Lillian shrugged. “He’s suddenly developed an interest in farming, for some odd reason.”

“Then lead me to him. I love a good farming conversation.”

Lillian couldn’t tell if he was serious or kidding, but regardless, she motioned for him to follow. Daddy stood up by the table when they entered the room.

“You don’t have to get up, Mr. Pickard.” William glanced down at Lillian and winked. “I’d love to sit down, if it’s all right with you.”

“By all means,” her daddy said.

As the men chatted, Lillian helped her mother prepare dinner. The whole scene felt cozier than she was comfortable with.

Mama had a pot of turnip greens cooking beside a larger pot filled with chicken. She’d rolled out the dough for dumplings, and her favorite cast-iron skillet was well-seasoned and oiled, waiting for the corn bread batter. Lillian worked in silence as she wondered if this was a typical meal for the Tronniers. It used to be for the Pickards, until Daddy lost his job. Lillian’s paycheck didn’t stretch far enough to indulge in such a lavish meal very often.

Every once in a while, when the men’s conversation stalled, William offered to help with something. “Mom sometimes gives me a task in the kitchen to keep me from raiding the cookie jar,” he explained.

“Our cookie jar is in the cupboard, and there hasn’t been anything in it since…” Mama’s voice trailed off as Daddy glared at her. “You and Frank go on and finish chatting.”

After another half hour of preparations, Lillian set the table. Daddy and William poured and placed the tea while the women put everything in serving bowls and set them on the counter. “I hope you don’t mind buffet style. The table is so tiny—”

William held up his hands and smiled. “I enjoy buffet suppers. Mind if I say the blessing?”

Her daddy nodded. “Go right ahead. That would be very nice of you.”

As William thanked the Lord for the food they were about to eat, Lillian had no doubt that his words were sincere. She was amazed at how humble he came across when he had every reason not to be.

“So tell me about the soybeans,” Daddy asked between bites. “Why did your father decide not to grow tobacco?”

“That seems to be what everyone else is growing, so we thought soybeans filled a need.”

Daddy squinted before slowly nodding. “Supply and demand. Good business move.”

Lillian cringed at the very thought of Daddy coming across as though he knew anything about business. Even though William must have been a good fifteen years her father’s junior, he probably knew more about the farming business than her daddy would ever know.

“Pop was talking about adding some crops for rotation. Any thoughts on that?”

Her daddy swallowed his food and rubbed his chin as he pondered William’s question. Lillian cut a brief glance in William’s direction to see if he was poking fun at her daddy…but he looked serious.

“Maybe some corn and potatoes. Those might be good crops to balance the soybeans. I know you have some cows. Have you considered adding more livestock?”

“We’ve considered it, but even with a few hired hands, we don’t have the manpower to handle the business end of it. As it is, Pop and Amos do most of the work on the books.” William chuckled. “And I don’t think Amos and Mason are as big on office work as they thought they might be.”

“I understand,” her daddy said. “But it’s necessary in any kind of business, including farming.”

“Amos likes working outdoors, as do I, but Pop says it’s much easier to find help for the crops than someone who’d want to sit indoors way out in the middle of nowhere.”

“I’d hardly call your farm ‘nowhere,’ ” Mama said. “It’s a lovely place, from what I remember.”

“You’ve been to the house?” William asked.

Mama blushed. “Well, yes, but only once. I was on a church committee collecting quilts, and your mother offered to contribute some of hers.”

“Mom and my grandma used to do quite a bit of quilting, until Grandma got sick. Then it seemed like all Mom ever did was wait on Grandma hand and foot until she passed away.”

“I’m sorry,” Mama said softly. She stood and skittered toward the stove. “Would you like more corn bread? I can whip up another batch in no time.”

William held up his hands and shoved away from the table. “No thank you, Mrs. Pickard. The food was delicious, but I’m afraid I ate too much.”

“You’re a hardworking man, Mr. Tronnier. I would expect you to eat quite a bit.” She lifted the basket of cookies and carried them over to the table. “How about a cookie? I’d planned to make some shortbread after dinner, but these cookies look much better.”

“I ate a few too many cookies while Mom and Nelda were baking them, so I’ll have to pass.”

Lillian stood and started gathering plates. William hopped up to help.

“Why don’t I help you with the dishes, Lillian, so your parents can relax?”

“No, you don’t—” Mama began, before William gently placed his hands on her shoulders, turned her toward the living room, and guided her a few steps.

Lillian stifled a laugh at the expression on Mama’s face. Daddy didn’t waste any time getting up and hobbling out of the kitchen, leaving his daughter alone with their guest.

“So now what?” William asked as he carried some dishes to the sink.

“I can wash, and you can dry.”

“No, that’s not what I’m talking about. I want to know what I can do to make you want to spend more time with me.”

“There really isn’t much you can do.”

“Why don’t you like me?” William continued transporting dishes across the kitchen until the table was completely cleared. “Did I say something to upset you?”

“No, not really.” Lillian had no idea how to explain something that should have been as obvious as the nose on her face.

“Surely you can give me a good reason why you don’t want me around.”

Lillian spun around and faced him directly. “Why do you think I don’t want you around?”

“You don’t like farmers?” He grabbed a towel and motioned for her to start washing. “Or you think I’m a boor?”

That was funny, but she didn’t laugh. “Farmers are fine, and, no, you are not a boor.”

“Then what is it? What did I do?” He chewed on his bottom lip for a few seconds. “Or what did I not do that I should have done?”

Now she burst out in laughter. “You haven’t done…or not done anything.”

“Then it doesn’t make sense. I like you, and I bring you gifts. I give you rides when you’re too tired to walk. If I haven’t done anything wrong and there’s nothing you want me to do that I haven’t done…” He stopped and gave her a pretend hurt look.

Lillian tried as hard as she could to keep a straight face, but the conversation had taken such a silly twist and his face was so goofy that it wasn’t possible. As soon as she burst into laughter, he joined in.

“At least you find me amusing,” he said.

“Indeed I do.”

“Laughter is a good thing between a man and a woman. I often witness Mom and Pop sharing a little private humor.”

Lillian couldn’t remember the last time she’d heard her parents amusing each other, but she didn’t mention that. Instead, she kept the conversation on his parents. “How does your mother like being a farmer’s wife?”

William shrugged. “I think she’d probably enjoy living in town, but Pop knows that, so he does everything he can to make her happy.” He ran his towel over a clean dish. “Or at least as happy as he can, considering she doesn’t get to see her friends as often as she’d like.”

“Does she ever get involved in your family’s business?”

“She tried doing the books, but Pop had to relieve her of that duty after she got the debit and credit columns confused one time too many.” He stacked the last of the dry dishes. “Where do you want me to put these?”