I have way too many friends who rely on Google for the most basic cooking questions you can imagine. Hopefully this section will get them off their computers by offering best practices for preparing everyday foods. Plus, I’ve shared cooking temperatures for the usual suspects—chicken, beef, and pork—as well as some handy measurements.

Easiest Crisp Bacon

The secret is (wait for it . . .) the oven. Preheat it to 400°F and line a large rimmed baking sheet with heavy-duty foil. Arrange bacon slices in a single layer and bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until browned and crisp. Using tongs, transfer the bacon to paper towels to drain and crisp more.

Mistake-Proof Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs

Use a saucepan just big enough to hold your eggs, which will help control how quickly the water comes to a boil. Cover the eggs with water and bring to a boil, then simmer over medium-high heat for 8 minutes. Drain and cool the eggs under cold running water or in a bowl of ice water.

Soft-boiled eggs

These are eggs with firm whites but runny yolks, delicious warm or cold (see recipe). Fill a medium bowl with ice and water to make an ice bath. Fill a medium saucepan halfway with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Using a slotted spoon, carefully lower the eggs into the water and simmer over medium heat for exactly 7 minutes. Using the slotted spoon, transfer the eggs to the ice bath to cool. Very gently crack the eggs on a work surface and then carefully peel off the shells.

Sunny-side up

Fry an egg over high heat and you’ll end up with unpleasantly chewy whites and dry, crumbly yolks. Instead, warm 1 to 2 tablespoons of fat (oil or butter) in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. One at a time, crack the eggshell on a flat surface and drop the egg into the skillet, then immediately reduce the heat to low and cook sunny-side (yolk) up until the whites are firm and the yolks runny, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a plate and season with salt and pepper.

Poached eggs

I have a love affair with poached eggs. Read about my favorite method for cooking.

DIY Shrimp

Shelling and deveining

You can usually buy pre-cleaned shrimp, but you should definitely learn how to clean them yourself because you never know when you might have to. Plus, it’s easy! Start by peeling off the shell. Whether you choose to leave the tail intact or not is up to you. Using a paring knife, score the shrimp lengthwise along the back to reveal the vein. Lay the shrimp flat on a paper towel, then scrape out the vein.

Removing the vein but not the shell

This is ideal if you’re making peel-and-eat shrimp (see recipe), or if you want to grill the shrimp shell-on (this keeps ’em juicier). Using the tip of a scissors blade, cut along the back of the shrimp through the shell, leaving it otherwise intact. Using a paring knife, remove and discard the vein. Fold the shell back around the shrimp. Done!

Fluffiest White Rice

I can’t even tell you how many people ask me how to steam white rice. Start by rinsing your rice well, until the water runs clear. This will help ensure the grains don’t clump (if you want your rice sticky, don’t rinse it). For every 1 cup dry rice, use 1½ cups water. In a medium saucepan, bring the water to a boil over high heat. Add the rice and a generous pinch of salt, but don’t stir it yet. Return the water to a boil, and then stir it once, cover, and simmer over low heat until all the water has been absorbed and the rice is tender, about 20 minutes for 1 to 2 cups rice. Turn off the heat and let it steam, covered, for 20 minutes, then fluff it up with a fork.

Best-Ever Quinoa

My friend Kay Chun taught me this spectacular way to cook quinoa, and I’ve used it ever since. First, rinse your quinoa as it’s coated in naturally occurring compounds called saponins, which can make it taste bitter. Plus, quinoa can get a bit dusty. Next, fill a medium saucepan with water, bring it to a boil, and add a generous pinch of salt. Add the quinoa and simmer over medium-high heat until tender, about 10 minutes. Drain it well in a fine sieve, shaking out any excess water. Return the quinoa to the hot saucepan, cover, and let it steam for 10 minutes. Fluff it with a fork and serve, or spread on a large baking sheet to cool and use later.

Perfectly Cooked Meat

Keep an instant-read or probe thermometer handy and use the following temperature guides.


Breast: 160°F (taken from the thickest part)

Dark meat: 165°F (taken from the inner thigh or drumstick nearest the bone)


Pull the beef from the pan, grill, or oven at the appropriate temperature and then let it rest, uncovered, for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

Rare: 115°F

Medium rare: 120 to 125°F

Medium: 135 to 140°F

Medium well: I do not recommend this, but the temp is 150°F

Well done: No, please, don’t!


Too many people want their pork well done. I completely disagree, as would just about any chef. Always take the temperature from the thickest part of the meat. For chops and tenderloin, let them rest, as you would beef.

Tenderloin: 135°F

Boneless chops: 135°F

Bone-in chops: 135 to 140°F

Ground pork: 160 to 165°F


Conversion Chart

Pinch = ⅛ teaspoon
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons = ½ ounce
⅛ cup = 2 tablespoons = 1 ounce
¼ cup = 4 tablespoons = 2 ounces
⅓ cup = 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon = barely over 2½ ounces
½ cup = 8 tablespoons = 4 ounces
⅔ cup = 10 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons = almost 5¼ ounces
¾ cup = 12 tablespoons = 6 ounces
1 cup = 16 tablespoons = 8 ounces
1 pint = 2 cups = 16 ounces
1 quart = 4 cups = 32 ounces
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 128 ounces