Captain Moroni and Zerahemnah
Alma 43–44
The proud Zoramites who did not listen to the missionaries eventually joined with the Lamanites. Thousands of Lamanites gathered in the land of Antionum (where the Zoramites lived) to prepare for war against the Nephites. Zerahemnah led them and stirred them up to fight. He wanted more power. His plan was to put the Nephites in bondage and rule over them. He assigned Zoramites and Amalekites to be their chief captains because they were more wicked and more willing to murder than were many of the Lamanites.
Zoramites were once Nephites, but they rejected the truth and joined with the Lamanites. Once a week, they climbed a tower called the Rameumptom and recited the same prayer, never speaking of God again for the rest of the week. They loved their riches. The Zoramites thought they were better than other people. They no longer believed in Jesus Christ.
The Nephites saw that the Lamanites were getting ready for war, so they prepared to defend themselves. They gathered in the land of Jershon (where the Anti-Nephi-Lehies lived), and they made breastplates, arm-shields, shields to defend their heads, and thick clothing. Moroni was their leader. Though he was only twenty-five years old, he was brave, strong, and good. Moroni wanted to protect his people and preserve their freedom and privileges. He wanted them to be able to worship God.
Breastplates, Arm-shields, and Shields
The Nephites wore arm-shields and breastplates and used shields to protect themselves during battle.
The Lamanites had more than twice as many soldiers as the Nephites, but when the Lamanites approached Jershon and saw how well the Nephites had prepared themselves, they became afraid. They had only their weapons—almost no clothing and no shields. The Lamanites backed away into the wilderness.
As soon as the Lamanite armies retreated, Moroni sent spies to watch their camp. Moroni also sent men to the prophet Alma to ask him to ask the Lord where the armies should be sent. Alma prayed and received direction. The prophet told the messengers that the Lamanites were marching toward Manti to attack the weaker part of the Nephite people.
Moroni left part of his army in Jershon and took the rest of his army to Manti. He hid them on both sides of a river and also by a hill. When the Lamanites approached, the Nephites surrounded them and fought with great strength and courage. The Nephites were well protected, but the Lamanites fought so fiercely that, at one point, the Nephites almost ran away. Moroni reminded his armies why they were fighting: for their families, their lands, their liberty, and their freedom. The Nephites prayed aloud for strength and then encircled the Lamanites and triumphed.
Moroni ordered them to stop fighting. He spoke to the Lamanite leader, Zerahemnah, and explained that the Lord had delivered the Lamanites into their hands. Moroni commanded him to hand over their weapons and take an oath, or a promise, not to fight again. Zerahemnah handed Moroni his weapons, but he refused to make a promise for peace. Moroni gave the weapons back to Zerahemnah and told him they would not let them go unless they promised not to fight again. Zerahemnah became angry and raised his sword to kill Moroni. One of Moroni’s soldiers hit the sword out of Zerahemnah’s hand and took off Zerahemnah’s scalp. Zerahemnah became angry, and the war started again.
After much fighting, Zerahemnah saw that they were about to be destroyed. He cried to Moroni and promised to take an oath if they would spare their lives. Moroni ordered the fighting to stop. The Lamanites made a covenant of peace, Moroni received their weapons, and the Lamanites returned to the wilderness.