Dear Reader,

Welcome back to Rust Creek Falls, Montana! This time, we explore the dynamics of the Stockton family and find out just what happened ten years ago to break up the family of four brothers and three sisters, sending older brothers Luke, Bailey and Daniel to parts unknown. This particular installment deals with Daniel, who might have physically left Rust Creek Falls ten years ago, but he left his heart behind in the keeping of one Anne Lattimore. Anne attempted to find Dan not once but two separate times in the last ten years, all to no avail. And then, suddenly, without any warning, one afternoon Dan is there, on her doorstep. It’s hard to tell who is more surprised: Anne, who had given up ever seeing him again, or Dan, who discovers that in the last decade, Anne had gotten married, had a baby and then, eventually, divorced the man who is still in her life because of the daughter he dotes on.

The story revolves around secrets that need to be revealed and a love that had really never died.

As ever, I thank you for taking the time to read one of my books and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you someone to love who loves you back.

All the best,
