“Looks like you’ve been cleared to go,” he told her as the other woman stepped away.
Anne felt butterflies fluttering in the pit of her stomach. Why did she feel as if she was about to go out on a first date? She wasn’t, for heaven’s sake. This wasn’t even a date at all. She was just getting a cup of coffee with someone who had once meant a great deal to her.
Someone you had a baby with, the voice in her head reminded her.
With effort, Anne forced a ghost of a smile to her lips as she said, “Just let me get my purse and then I’m ready.”
After taking out her purse from one of the bottom drawers, Anne rose to her feet. She glanced at the phone, willing it to ring.
It didn’t.
She had temporarily run out of possible excuses.
“Okay,” she told Danny as she came around to the front of the reception desk, “let’s get that cup of coffee.”
Taking her elbow to help guide her out of the clinic, Dan murmured, “I thought you’d never ask.”
The butterflies went into high gear.
* * *
MONTANA MAVERICKS: The Great Family Roundup— Real cowboys and real love in Rust Creek Falls!