The models in your army must be organised into units prior to the game. The most common type of unit is an infantry section or squad. This is normally made up of around five to ten men representing soldiers from one of the warring nations. Other units may have fewer models such as a gun and crew, or a machine gun team. Some units comprise a single model, as in the case of a tank or armoured walker.


All units belong to one of the following three basic types.


By far the most common type of unit in Konflikt ‘47, as in reality. This category includes all soldiers fighting on foot and armed with man-portable weapons. For our purposes we shall also refer to units normally mounted on bicycles, motorbikes and even horses as infantry as most will ultimately dismount before entering combat.


This includes all large calibre guns and comparable weapons on a carriage or a fixed mount. A unit of artillery consists of the gun model itself and a number of crew models to fire and manoeuvre the weapon. Most guns can be manhandled rather slowly, or towed by a tractor or similar vehicle.


This category includes all combat, transport and towing vehicles from trucks, jeeps and armoured cars to self-propelled guns, tank destroyers, tanks and mechanised walkers. Vehicle units normally consist of a single vehicle model including driver and fighting crews where appropriate.


If a unit consists of more than one model, its members must remain in formation. This means that each time the unit moves the models in it must form a group with no member more than 1” away from another model in the unit. If an individual should become separated by more than 1” then this must be corrected in the unit’s next activation.


To help prevent units becoming muddled or positions confused during the battle, units must always end their move more than 1” away from any other unit whether friend or foe. The obvious exception to this is when units are assaulting, as explained later.

As well as ending their activation more than 1” from other units, no models in a unit can move within 1” of any enemy unit during its move. A distance of more than 1” must be maintained at all times. Again, assaulting units are an exception to this rule.

An M8 Grizzly refuelling and rearming away from the frontline.