Coming Soon from Mell Eight
Witch’s Circle, Book Two
The library was quiet at two in the morning. Kana didn’t understand why the librarian bothered to lock any of the doors, given most of the community could pop the locks with just a breath of magic. He certainly had never been stopped by something as measly as a physical lock. He walked past shelves of fiction and nonfiction, straight to the largest section of the library: magical studies. Illumination came from one security light in the corner and from moonlight and streetlights filtering in through the windows. Combined, Kana had more than enough light to see his path to the back of the magical studies area and into the separate room where the advanced books were kept.
These were the books that the library considered too important or too rare to be checked out. Anyone could read them, but the books could not be taken outside. For most witches, this wasn’t a problem. Getting access was first-come, first-served, but an informal list had been generated so “everyone” could sign up to read the books in turn—except for Kana, the only male witch in the coven, who had repeatedly been “overlooked” when the informal list reached his name.
If he wanted the same chance as all the other witches to read the books that would allow him to develop his magic, he had to do so when no one else was around.
Kana found the book where he had left off, flipped to the correct page, and settled in one of the chairs close enough to the window so he had enough light to read by.
The coven’s circle of power and his fellow witches might not see any benefit in ensuring Kana was properly trained, but he was going to prove them all wrong. He would read every single book in the advanced section and become the strongest witch in the coven.
As the next few years went by, Kana spent most nights in the library, providing it wasn’t cloudy outside or during a new moon, of course. His knowledge of magic was growing in leaps and bounds, and he was also starting to understand that having magic and power would never be enough for his coven. He had been born male, which meant he would always be considered less than his female counterparts. Regardless of how strong his circle work was, in their opinion, he was only good for helping the coven produce the next generation of strong female witches.
The final straw came at the start of the second half of his senior year of high school. The announcement had been posted for all interested individuals to sign up for a timeslot to attempt the spell to call their familiar. Kana knew his place so had waited for all his classmates to choose their times and then signed up for an empty slot.
“All students who are not planning to cast the spell to call your familiar, you are free to leave class today. Please go to the library for some self-study,” his magical studies teacher said to the class the day they had returned to school after winter solstice break.
About a third of the students got up and shuffled out of the room. The teacher looked over the remaining students, and her gaze froze when she reached Kana.
“Kana, you’re free to leave as well,” she said, despite the fact that the sign-up sheet was sitting on her desk with Kana’s name on it.
“I would like to try the spell as well,” Kana said, attempting to sound insistent.
The rest of the students in the class all sniggered around him. Kana heard some of them whispering gleefully about the “pathetic man.” Even the teacher had an indulgent, patronizing smile on her face.
“You might be able to do some magic, Kana, but this is a high-level spell,” she told him, as if her mere words would dissuade him. When Kana didn’t move, she sighed. “Very well. You may sit through this lesson.”
Kana sat through that lesson and every lesson thereafter for high-level spells. He was never called on, never asked to demonstrate, and constantly got side-eyed looks and heard snide gossip about him. But he set a precedent. Even though no one thought he ought to be present, they stopped trying to dissuade him from attending. When the timeslots for attempting to call a familiar were finalized, no one bothered trying to stop Kana.
Of course, Kana knew what they were thinking. He was male, so he would fail, and they could afford to indulge him. Also, it was less work for them to let him try and fail than to fight with him about it.
However, what was important were the lessons Kana had learned. He could come out of the calling circle with the strongest, most powerful familiar the coven had ever seen, and he knew it wouldn’t matter in the least. He wouldn’t prove to them that men could be as magically strong as women. He wouldn’t suddenly become acceptable or be allowed to take a spot in the coven circle like a female witch who did the same would be afforded. No, Kana had a very strong feeling the exact opposite would happen to him.
Kana didn’t want to continue living his life like this. It didn’t matter how his familiar calling went, Kana knew he couldn’t stay. He would never be happy or be able to create some sort of life for himself if he remained here. Leaving would take planning, but it wasn’t as if he had anything else to do with his free time.
The library was dark and silent as it always was, but for the last month of his time in the village before he could try calling his familiar, Kana had a different goal. There were spell books in the advanced sections his classmates wouldn’t have access to for quite a few more years; only those admitted to the circle were put on the informal list to study them. Kana spent hours scanning them into the computer and emailing them to himself, using a free email service that accepted fake information to join. He was also careful to wipe the computers after he was finished to attempt to prevent anyone from discovering what he had done. When he wasn’t stealing spells, Kana poured over maps, trying to decide on the best possible destination.
By the time his day arrived to cast the calling spell, Kana was as prepared as he could possibly be. No matter how the spell went, he was looking forward to finally starting his life somewhere new.
Three Years Later
The local public library had computers available for free use by all members and Kana had shamelessly taken advantage of the opportunity. He might be living in another nameless city that was almost identical to the last place he had stopped in his ongoing attempt to lay a false trail, but this time he had gotten a job as a secretary at a dentist’s office. He had helped the process along by casting a spell that changed his name and graduation year on his high school transcript, and he had been hired at more than minimum wage. After a few months of work, he had been able to afford a proper apartment, rather than his original place, which was only still standing thanks to luck and a lack of strong wind gusts.
Kana had an opportunity here that he wasn’t about to waste. Not only was he building a proper resume, but he was actually saving money. If he could get more education, his next job would be at a higher rate of pay, and he wouldn’t be borrowing internet time at the library because he would be able to afford his own Wi-Fi and maybe even a computer too.
He had about five potential local schools picked out, a ton of scholarships to apply for, and now only had to write his application essays.
Mika squirmed in Kana’s lap so he could sit up and look at the computer screen too.
This could be good for us, Mika said, his voice sounding only inside Kana’s head. He and Kana’s other familiar, Sora, were connected to Kana via magical channels that allowed them to feed Kana magic for his spells and for him to hear them.
Three years ago, when Kana cast the spell to call his familiar and had gotten both Mika and Sora, they had appeared as kittens. Now they looked like adolescent cats, long in the elbows and whiskers, but still filling out the rest of their bodies. As Kana worked stronger and stronger spells, their bond improved, which in turn allowed their bodies to age. Their minds had been adult from day one, but their physical bodies wouldn’t match until Kana improved his magic. He was holding them back.
If I do this, I’ll have less time to work with you on our magic, Kana said. The last thing he wanted was to take a step to better his own prospects but hurt his familiars. His working and going to school full time would definitely put a strain on their ability to keep growing their bond.
It won’t. We’ll find the time to work on our magic, but half of the process is simply being together, Mika replied. You’ll see.
Besides, if you finish your degree and get a job that pays more, you’ll be able to feed us more, Sora piped in. He was roaming the stacks and enjoying being a busybody, and had apparently also been listening in on the conversation.
Kana laughed. He rolled his shoulders to get rid of any last tension and placed his fingers on the keyboard.
Now, what should I write?