



“Shh... my little darling.”

I bounced the babe as I circled the large bedroom, kissing her cheeks and neck as I went. The door to the balcony was open, and the crisp early fall air filled the room—the lights of New York City twinkled below as the city’s soft sounds filtered in. I walked up behind my husband, Jakob, peering over his shoulder as he penned the letter I dictated.

“Tell Maggie... tell her I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to explain in person. That I wished we had more time. But if all goes well, her help on this won’t even be necessary.”

“But you don’t think this will go well, do you? Nothing’s changed?” he asked.

I shook my head, my heart sinking.

Jakob nodded, reaching to clasp Isla’s tiny outstretched fingers—bringing them briefly to his lips before turning back to his task.

“And the seeds? The magic?” he asked.

“Hmm, yes. Tell her I imprinted each of the tree seeds with gifts for our beautiful granddaughter.” Looking down at Isla’s gorgeous little face, I swallowed the lump in my throat. The prospect of leaving her left a pain in my heart that was nearly unbearable.

“Add that if things go poorly, Isla will come to her when she’s older. I’ve seen it,” I said. “Maggie just needs to care for the trees and give Isla the letter.”

I couldn’t think of a better gift to leave the child than the feelings of love and comfort from her grandparents. The girl certainly wouldn’t be getting it from her parents, especially not her mother.

My once beautiful daughter had become a vile and powerful creature. A product of her circumstance, I supposed. This was why I had to get Isla away. Isla was the only innocent in all of this. She was also the only one who could save us all.

“Isadora?” Jakob’s question tore me from my dark thoughts. “Anything else?”

“Only that I beg her to take my place as a loving grandmother if I can’t.” My voice broke, and a single tear rolled down my cheek.

Isla had fallen asleep in my arms, and I snuggled the sleeping babe close to my chest.

“I’m so sorry, baby girl. I’m sorry that you will have to grow up in this harsh world without us to care for you. That you will face unspeakable things. But...know this, you will be stronger for it. You will rise and fix what I could not. Among the many great and wondrous things you will do, you will unite our world in a way I never dreamt possible. You will build upon the legacy we leave behind.” Leaning down, I kissed her forehead.

“You are incredible, child,” I whispered as I laid her in a bassinet.

Jakob stood and brought me a small white box. Opening the lid, he placed a seed in my hand. It was about the size and color of a pistachio.

“I thought a European Olive would make a nice choice,” Jakob said.

Hugging him, I smiled. “They will be beautiful.”

Stepping back, I made my way to the open window, wanting the chilly night air on my face. I closed my fingers around the first seed, letting my magic spark within me. The warmth spread from my heart to my arm, tingling down into my palm as I imagined sending all the love, joy, peace, and awe I felt for Isla to embed deep within the olive pit. An imprint of my love would give her comfort, long after my passing—whether soon or well into the future. My hand glowed—a  shimmery pink halo formed around my closed fingers as I let more magic flow. I then gave her a second gift—a piece of myself, an imprint of my magic. I gifted her with premonition. Not the ability to walk the future, as I had, but the gift of forewarning. If someone or something meant to do her deadly harm, she would sense it just before it happened. This gift would protect my darling girl so long as this seed lived and remained connected to the land’s magic.

Heaven knew she would need it.

As the magic finished—its work complete—I opened my fingers.

“I just realized that I’ve never asked—do you know what her Ruling Powers will be?” Jakob watched me from the other side of the room; his silver hair stood out in contrast to the darkness.

I nodded. “I’ve seen shielding and healing.”

Jakob laughed, shaking his head in disbelief. 

He walked over to the desk, where the other seed still sat in the box. “My turn,” he said as he brought it over.

Gently placing the imprinted seed back in the padded box, I grabbed the second.

Sitting on the bed, I patted the spot next to me. Jakob lowered the box and sat. I gestured for him to hold his hands out, palms cupped.

He mirrored my position. “What do I do?”

Placing the seed in his fingers, I covered his hands with my own. “Just think about all the love you have for her, and I will do the rest.”

He nodded, closing his eyes.

I let the magic flow as it did before. I could feel every emotion as it passed from Jakob into the seed. All his hopes and dreams for her future. The love he wished he could be present to give her. My heart broke as I imprinted his beautiful intentions into the small living thing.

We stayed like that for a moment after the magic finished. Jakob opened his eyes and looked into my own. We’d been through so much together in our hundred-year reign of our mage nation. No matter what happened, I’d never regret the life I’d had with him.

“I love you,” he said to me.

“Forever and for always,” I whispered.