I would like to thank the following for their help: John Collis, librarian at Rose Bruford College, Alan Lambert at BBC Education, Judy Friel at the Abbey Theatre Dublin, and Friel’s artistic collaborators whose contributions are in this book. My apologies to others of his collaborators who gave me their time but whose no less interesting contributions did not make it into the book for reasons of space.
For permission to reprint copyright material the publishers gratefully acknowledge the following:
BYRNE, CATHERINE: 1999 interview transcribed with the permission of Catherine Byrne. DELANEY, PAUL ed.: Brian Friel in Conversation, extracts published with the permission of the University of Michigan Press. DOWLING, JOE: ‘Staging Friel’ © Joe Dowling, 1992 published in The Achievement of Brian Friel, ed. Alan Peacock, reproduced here by permission of the author and Colin Smythe Ltd. EATON, ANDREW dir. Arena: Field Day, BBC2, first transmitted 16 December 1988. KILROY, THOMAS: ‘Theatrical Text and Literary Text’ © Thomas Kilroy 1992, published in The Achievement of Brian Friel ed. Alan Peacock, reproduced by permission of the author and Colin Smythe Ltd. LAMBERT, MARK: 1999 interview transcribed with the permission of Mark Lambert. MASON, PATRICK: Dancing at the Abbey © Patrick Mason, 1999, The Road to Ballybeg, reprinted with the permission of Rosaleen Linehan, Niall Buggy, Conall Morrison and Brian Brady, 1999. MCCANN, DONAL: 1999 interview reproduced with the permission of Donal McCann. MURRAY, CHRISTOPHER ed. Essays, Diaries, Interviews 1964–1996, Faber and Faber 1999. STEINER, GEORGE: After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation, Oxford University Press, 1976,
Faber and Faber Limited apologize for any errors or omissions in the above list and would be grateful to be notified of any corrections that should be incorporated in the next edition or reprint of this volume.