
Several people have been particularly encouraging with their kind words. My thanks to Lindi Bilgorri, Sue Meek, Patricia Tober and Dee Thomas for their friendship.

I am grateful to Cindy Davis, my editor, for her patient support—and sense of humor. And to Charles Wachtel for his sage advice.

Finally, I am greatly indebted to my daughter, Cristal Downing, for giving up her vacation time to accompany me on a research trip to the Loveland/Greeley/Fort Collins area and for doing all the driving so I was able to take copious notes and enjoy the scenery. She was also kind enough to go with me to the Pawnee National Grasslands and to visit Cheyenne, WY, so I could stand on the site of the Cheyenne Club, and patient enough to put up with several days of my Country and Western music playing in the car and hotel room. Love you, darlin’.