Glossary of Terms

Abbreviations Used in the Book

Department of Correction—DOC

Correction Officer—CO

Deputy Warden/Assistant Deputy Warden—Dep

Mental Observation Unit—MO (housing unit for the mentally fragile)

Mental Health Center (higher level of care than standard MO)

Central Punitive Segregation Unit—CPSU, aka the Bing

Mental Health Assessment Unit for Infracted Inmates—MHAUII

Facilities on Rikers Island

Rose M. Singer Center—RMSC, aka The Women’s House

George Motchan Detention Center—GMDC

Anna M. Kross Center—AMKC

Otis Bantum Correctional Center—OBCC

George R. Vierno Center—GRVC

Eric M. Taylor Center—EMTC, aka The Sentenced Building

Robert N. Davoren Complex—RNDC

North Infirmary Command—NIC

James A. Thomas Center—JATC (formerly House of Detention for Men, the first jail on Rikers)

West Facility—WF, aka West