Chapter 8
Blake rolled over and sleepily reached for Ryleigh. His internal clock said it wasn’t quite time to get ready for work yet. He was up for one more round with Ryleigh, though. He would have gone again last night, but she’d needed the sleep. He knew Ryleigh well enough that she hadn’t told him everything about the shark encounter. She’d been in firefights and come back to him less upset than she’d been last night.
As his hand wandered across the king-sized bed, the sheets were cool to the touch. Yeah, the beds in Afghanistan had been for a single man, but she liked to snuggle. So did he. He rolled so his arm reached the other edge. No Ryleigh. His eyes flew open as he glanced at the empty bed then toward the open bathroom door.
Rolling onto his back, he threw an arm over his eyes.
Damn it. She’s gone.
When had she left? In total contentment, he’d fallen asleep with the woman of his dreams in his arms once again. For the first time in too many months to count, Blake had slept deeply.
She’d said she needed him. Was it just for sex? He’d immediately thought she needed him, not just his body. He didn’t want to be Ryleigh’s fuck buddy. He wanted all of her, forever. But that was obviously not what she’d wanted.
He’d been an idiot.
Somewhere deep in his heart, he’d believed she had come back to him. He’d pinned his hopes on that more than he realized.
Feeling used, he threw the sheets off his naked body and stomped to the bathroom. Chastising himself, he twisted on the shower to hot, but didn’t step in. If he scrubbed hard enough, washed her scent from his body, maybe he could wash her from his soul.
For the past few years, he had held every woman up to her, comparing them as though she were the perfect woman for him. Not one came close, even though many were more beautiful, more passionate, probably even more compatible, he had dropped them after only a date or two. He’d finally given up.
And wasn’t that the damn dumbest thing he’d ever done in his life. He could have had a lot of fun with some of those women for weeks, maybe even months. Who knew, maybe he would have even fallen in love with one of them eventually.
No. He stared at the man reflected in the mirror over the sink as steam billowed from the shower behind him.
He had fallen in love with Ryleigh. He wasn’t sure whether it had been in the heat of the desert, in the dark of the nights they’d spent in each other’s arms, or last night as he held her small, shaking form, allowing the tears to flow.
When, didn’t matter.
The fact he loved her was the only thing that counted from this point forward. She was his, whether she knew it or not, and he needed to make that point clear to her.
Right now.
Blake stormed out of the bathroom and through his dark, empty bedroom. He was going to tell her exactly how he felt.
He threw open the door to where Ryleigh slept…and froze. Scanning the rumpled sheets and darkened bathroom, he quickly concluded she was gone.
No! Not again.
Clamping down on the fist tightening around his heart, Blake had to be rational.
Had she left for good? He strode to the closet and peered inside. Her clothes were still there.
On a sigh of relief, he took his time to peruse the bedroom. Where had she gone at this hour? Checking the nightstand, he was thankful she’d taken her gun. He really didn’t want to call Garrett and Troy asking if she had relieved them of duty, so he hoped perhaps she’d simply gone for a walk on the beach.
With faith that she would return, the sooner the better, Blake walked straight back to his foggy bathroom and stepped into the hot shower.
Ten minutes later, he stood in the kitchen whipping up omelets when the ocean side door slid open and a wet, panting Ryleigh stepped in. Blake couldn’t hold back the grin as he remembered her all sweaty and breathless several hours before in his bed. Either way, she was sexy as hell. And his. A fact he planned on making very clear to her.
“Why weren’t you in my bed when I woke up?” Blake inwardly winced at the accusatory tone in his voice.
Ryleigh pinned him with a glare and tossed over her shoulder, “Last night should never have happened.” She disappeared into her bedroom closing the door behind her.
The verbal knife she’d thrown at him pierced his heart.
The click of the lock on her bedroom door twisted the blade.
Well, what the hell was that all about? She’d certainly wanted him last night. And he definitely wanted her. Forever. He’d have to get to the bottom of whatever it was that bothered her before he broached the subject of a future together.
Blake glanced at Ryleigh’s bedroom door. The paltry lock on it would never stop him from getting in there if he really wanted to…she knew that. Although the idea of joining her in the shower had its merits, he decided to give her this time alone.
As Blake finished chopping the colorful peppers for Western omelets, Ryleigh emerged in another sundress. Her rounded breasts peeked from the tight-fitting top that showed off her small waist. He wondered what she had on underneath the flowing skirt.
His cock leaped to life and stood at attention, ready to perform should he decide to find out. While Ryleigh had showered, Blake had decided he was going to try a different tack. He was just going to brush off anything negative she had to say. Last night was not a mistake, and he was going to prove that to her. He’d start with her favorite breakfast.
“Omelets will be ready in a minute,” he announced.
“No, thank you. I ate before I went for my morning run. Please don’t let me stop you, though.” She picked up a banana and peeled the skin halfway down before she took the top inch into her mouth.
His knees grew weak with memories of her taking him that way. Thank God he was facing the stove and she couldn’t see his erection. Blake carefully watched the cheese melt then skillfully flipped half the egg concoction over into a perfect omelet. He spooned salsa over the top before sliding it onto a plate and placing it in front of her at the breakfast bar.
“Eat,” he insisted. “You need to keep up your strength, especially after everything you went through yesterday. Stress burns calories.”
Ryleigh glanced toward the stove. “You’re making one for yourself, too, right?”
“Sweetheart, you know me. I’m big on breakfast.” Blake returned to the stove and prepared his own omelet, twice the size of hers. He also selected two biscuits from the basket of breads that had been delivered that morning along with the bowl of fresh fruit. Blake carried his plate around the counter and sat in the chair next to Ryleigh.
Not wanting to discuss their night together, Blake said, “So far, the Wainwright’s have been relatively easy to protect. Let’s hope that doesn’t change.”
Ryleigh’s eyebrows went up as she finished chewing quickly and swallowed. “Speak for yourself.” She laid down the fork and glared at him. “All you had to do was sit in a cushy living room while Nigel’s men patrolled the outside and Duke slept. I had to act as a decoy for a fucking shark’s lunch to be sure Ella got to safety.”
Blake narrowed his eyes at her. “Do you believe the shark attack yesterday wasn’t an accident? Somebody else could have been the target. You two weren’t the only ones in the water.”
“We were the only ones swimming in that area.” She cocked her head to one side. “The resort crew diving with us had taken the others to an area with turtle grass hoping to observe some of the giant sea turtles. Ella wanted to see coral so we went toward the reef.” She reached into the breadbasket and grabbed a croissant. She pulled the tip off and popped it into her mouth and chewed with a thoughtful expression on her face.
“Do you think the resort crew was in on it? Were there any other boats in the area?” Blake hoped Nigel had already looked into that possibility.
“No.” Ryleigh pulled off another piece of croissant and ate it slowly. When she swallowed she added, “But someone could have walked down the river to the shoreline under the cover of trees and slid into the water without anyone noticing. They would’ve had to carry the cut up fish that attracted the sharks, though.”
“Easy enough.” Blake nodded in agreement. “Someone hiking with a backpack and snorkeling gear wouldn’t get a second look from anyone on the island, especially employees. They could have emptied a plastic bag of chum easy enough and been out of the water before the first shark showed up.”
Pointing with a small piece of bread in her hand, Ryleigh added, “That’s what makes me think it was an Indulgences Resort employee. Whoever is trying to kill the Wainwrights, and after yesterday I’m firmly adding Ella on that hit list, not only knows the island well, but is able to react quickly and easily.”
“Agree.” Blake loved the way her analytical mind worked. Then again, he loved her. This was neither the time, nor the place, to tell her. For at least the next twelve hours they had to be working partners, showing no affection while on the job. Later, though, when they were back in this bungalow again and it was just the two of them, he’d do everything in his power to convince her of exactly what she meant to him.
Blake downed the last bite of his breakfast then grabbed both their plates and silverware and took them to the sink. Glancing at his watch, he suggested, “Let’s go see how the Wainwrights slept last night.”
As Blake and Ryleigh approached the cabana next door, Garrett handed out a large tray stacked high with breakfast dishes to a uniformed kitchen staff member.
“Looks like everyone is up and ready for the day,” Blake noted.
“Yes,” Garrett smiled at the two of them. “Mr. Wainwright is feeling much better and Mrs. Wainwright slept well. It was a quiet night from our standpoint.” Garrett closed the door to the house, leaving the three of them outside.
“Good to hear.” Blake glanced around looking for Nigel’s men. Not seeing any he proceeded, “What is it?”
“Wanted to give you a heads up,” Garrett explained. “The Wainwrights have made plans for a private cruise around Aragon Island that includes lunch.”
“Nope,” Blake shook his head. “Definitely not a good idea.” He’d seen satellite photographs of the island as well as maps in Nigel’s office and knew there were way too many sniper hides. “I’ll talk to them about it.” From the look in Garrett’s eyes, there was more. “What else?”
“With the breakfast tray this morning, there was a personal invitation from Antonio for the dinner and show tonight at the Pabellon de Amor.” Garrett winced. “They’ve already RSVP’d that they would be attending.” This time Garrett grinned. “They reserved a table for four because their friends, the Seasnans, would be joining them. Did I tell you it’s formal?”
“Oh, hell.” Blake thought about the quickly fitted tuxedo that Jorge had insisted was essential to Blake’s wardrobe. At least it had been tailored to hide his shoulder holster.
Garrett shrugged. “They are the client, and Mrs. Wainwright seems pretty set on both of these outings. She wanted to get Mr. Wainwright out of the cabin, yet keep it non-stressful.”
Blake dragged in a slow breath then exhaled. “Non-stressful for them.” He looked at Ryleigh. “You think you can talk her out of this?”
She fisted her hands on her hips. “No, and I’m not going to try. This is their vacation, not imprisonment. If they want to go on a boat ride then out to dinner, they can go. It’s our job to protect them, and we’ll do it.”
Garrett’s gaze bounced between Blake and Ryleigh as the corners of his mouth quirked up. “Well, isn’t she the feisty one.”
Ryleigh turned to glare at Garrett. “I’m not some passive little woman who stands by and takes orders. I’m used to giving them. And, yes, if I disagree I’ll let you know.” She turned her attention back to Blake. “Just because it’s easier for us, doesn’t make it the right thing to do.”
Garrett opened the door and stuck his head in. “Troy, Blake and Ryleigh are ready to take over.” Turning to Blake, he declared with a gleam in his eyes, “There’s an ice-cold beer and a chaise next to the hotel pool with my name on it.” As he stepped past, he slapped Blake on the shoulder. “Good luck, brother. I’m afraid you’re gonna need it.”
Troy stepped out and gave Ryleigh a warm smile. “How’s the new job going?”
Ryleigh’s smile didn’t reach her eyes. Blake could tell it was forced. Something was there but he couldn’t get a handle on it, especially since her voice was cheery when she answered, “It’s great. Who can complain about being on a beautiful tropical island and only working twelve hours a day? Sure as hell beats any day in the sandbox.”
“Totally agree with you there,” Troy concurred and headed down the path after Garrett.
“Please talk to Ella,” Blake pleaded. “If it’s someone on staff, they know the cruise route and would have plenty of time to set up a shot. There is just too much island for us to guarantee their safety.”
Ryleigh nodded. “Of course, you’re right.”
While reviewing the day’s plans with the Wainwright’s, Ryleigh suggested, “That sounds like a lot in one day. You’re both still recovering from physical and emotional trauma. Why don’t you consider taking it easy with a quiet day at that gorgeous pool right outside your door? We can order a picnic on the beach, then go for a swim in the warm ocean. Later, take your time and get ready for a beautiful evening together.”
Inside, Blake smiled. His Ryleigh was a genius. Given the hours between now and the evening events, he would have plenty of time to coordinate with Nigel. Garrett and Troy could start their evening shift early. This could work.
Duke walked over and slid an arm around his wife. “That does sound nice. We can take the cruise tomorrow.” He pulled Ella into his arms and nuzzled her neck. His kiss wasn’t quite hidden by her hair. Although he whispered, Blake still heard Duke suggest an afternoon nap. Her smile was confirmation that Blake would have plenty of time to check the Pavilion while Ryleigh busied herself in the Wainwright’s living room.
Too bad they were both at work. An afternoon nap with Ryleigh sounded perfect.