Firstly, massive thanks to everyone at Architects’ Journal, where these columns originally appeared. The AJ has been incredibly supportive considering this is a cynical ploy to get paid twice for the same stuff. Cheers. I started writing a weekly sarcastic column for architects in 1990 and it has been at the core of my life ever since. Thanks, AJ, for just letting me get on with it. What a great magazine. What a brilliant gig.
I salute Emily Bryce-Perkins, who had the bright idea of taking this to Unbound.
Most of all I want to thank the British architectural profession. Architects are such a lovely bunch of people. Clever and resilient, game for a laugh. I have worked alongside you and mocked your world relentlessly. In return you have been stoical and forgiving. Thank you. It has genuinely been an honour and a privilege to have taken the piss out of you for three decades.
Let’s all have a long, boozy lunch.