

“YOU AREN’T WELCOME HERE, GREGER. NOT AFTER the shit you pulled with Ran and Kopano.”

Greger chuckled. He stood casually before Professor Nine, a team of UN Peacekeepers armed with Sydal Corp anti-Garde weaponry at his back. Nine blocked his way into the Academy’s faculty building, the fingers on his metallic arm clenching and unclenching with a rhythmic creak.

“Ironic,” Greger replied. “Because you are the one who is not welcome.”

“Come again?”

The Earth Garde liaison handed Nine a folded piece of paper.

“That letter is from the UN. You have been terminated as headmaster of this training facility.”


“Don’t be dense, Nine,” Greger replied. “After everything that’s happened, did you honestly expect them to keep you on? You’ve let this place get out of control. The public has no faith in you.”

Nine tore up the letter without reading it.

“You want me out,” he snarled, “you’re going to need an army.”

“That,” Greger replied, “can be arranged.”

It took every bit of John Smith’s willpower to stay silent.

He floated above his old friend Nine, an invisible observer, watching the scene play out. He hadn’t come to the Academy that day expecting to find the place in the midst of a power struggle. He was there on other business. Urgent business.

But if he needed to intervene on Nine’s behalf, John would. Even if that would be in violation of the treaty they’d signed with the humans.

There needed to be a friendly face in charge of the Academy. Someone John could trust. Especially considering what was coming.

Luckily, Greger’s small team of Peacekeepers didn’t seem all that keen to take on Nine. Especially not once they noticed Taylor and an assortment of other students standing behind him, arms crossed, ready to defend their professor.

The Earth Garde liaison backed down. Greger led the Peacekeepers away, back to their guard posts at the Academy’s entrance, where their guns were now pointed inwards.

He would be back with a stronger force. John knew this.

They would have to fight.

But at the moment, there was something more important to prepare for.

A new arrival.

John floated upward, not turning visible until he was out of sight of the Academy. He cut through the clouds, going higher and higher, until he reached the upper limits of Earth’s breathable atmosphere.

He waited there.

John couldn’t keep away the chills when it appeared. The urge to flee or fight ingrained in him. No matter how powerful he became, he’d fought for too long to ever be able to get over that feeling.

Not when faced with a Mogadorian warship.

The massive locust-shaped vessel entered Earth’s atmosphere and headed straight for John.

He raised a hand and waved.

Then, John led the warship down.

The Academy their destination.