The Houses

We give this method of fortune-telling for what it is worth. It may be either
a pastime seasoned with a flavour of mystery, a study in the weird ways of
coincidence, or a test of skill quickened by intuition. We would have all our
readers amused and interested, but none saddened or enslaved by it.

—Professor P. R. S. Foli, Fortune-Telling by Cards, 1903

In this chapter we will introduce the houses, using our existing knowledge of the cards to add another layer or lens to our GT reading. Again, we must completely disconnect our T-space head to enter into L-space, which is here very different. We’d also like to touch on a slight difference as well in our own style rather than the usual book-given methods (usually in German or French) or online explanations.

You’ll soon appreciate how the use of houses widely opens up your readings and provides even more depth and possibility to interpretation.

The Houses

In the 1903 book we quoted at the start of this book, Foli is introducing the cartomantic student into a “Master Method” that appears toward the end of his book on card-reading. It simply provides a thirty-six-card layout where each position has a particular meaning. This is the only method in the book that uses positional readings; all those prior are layouts and lines where one looks at pairings of cards, their reading in a line, the types of cards and their frequency, et cetera.


Figure 72. The Foli Master Method

We can thus infer that earlier cartomantic methods were more often nonpositional than not. It is only in our T-space that many readers have become used to “the card here relates to your future” or “the card at the top of this layout is your outcome.”

We know that the Golden Dawn Opening of the Key method that derived from these earlier methods was nonpositional, and it was only a member of the Golden Dawn who wanted a shortcut (or a method that could be used with nonmembers without revealing the secret correspondences) that devised the Celtic Cross with its ten fixed positional meanings.

The Surprise Card

In earlier methods, a “surprise” card was drawn and left face-down until the rest of the reading was performed, after which it was then turned over to reveal an outcome, final verdict, or “surprise” (perhaps a key to interpretation) to the sitter—and the sibyl.

This may be a method you use with smaller readings of the Lenormand. It provides a novel twist, yet is rooted in early cartomancy for salon-style readings. Tarot readers might find this practice difficult whilst moving about in L-space, and we are going to give it another jolt again in this lesson.

We are also going to provide another cartomantic revelation:

You correspond the arising meaning of the card with its house—not the individual card.

Many sources give a simple method of using houses, but this can lead us to a narrow avenue if we learn it, so we want to ensure you learn the wide way! Let’s look at what the houses actually are first—you’ll see an echo of Foli here.

The Thirty-six Houses

The houses of the Grand Tableau are very simple. They are the “meanings” of the thirty-six positions given by laying out all thirty-six cards in order. That is to say, the first house is that of the first card, number 1, the Messenger/Rider. The second house is that of the second card, number 2, the Clover. The final house is of course number 36, the Cross.

You can see the houses laid out numerically in the following diagram, left to right.


Figure 73. The Houses

Now, each of these houses has a particular meaning that obviously relates to the card corresponding to the position. Before we go into those meanings, however, a note: whatever card falls into a particular house in a GT is not like a card falling into a position in a tarot spread. We do not simply “pair and compare” the card and the position, a T-space behavior that will limit what you can do in L-space.

As an illustration, if we laid out the GT from the previous section (Figure 71–The Grand Tableau Master) and now read it with regard to the houses, we do not simply take the first card, the Mountain, which is in the House of the Rider, and pair the Mountain (meaning in itself “stability” for example) with the Rider, meaning “communication,” etc. We know many sources may teach this because it appears to be a simple way of presenting the houses—but it is not (à mon avis) the most powerful way to use houses in L-space.

You can start in this way, if you must, and you can also do it intuitively. Here the Rider is seen riding over the Mountain—what might that mean?

If you recall our previous exercises, you will remember that the Coffin showed a positive transition as a result of learning and education—a new state of mind was to be reached. Now we can see in the houses that in the previous layout, the Coffin is in the House of the Mountain. If you read our own take on this house in the list below, you’ll see how even a simple card comparison can be layered by the house; the Coffin, showing how our sitter will be changed by new education, in this house informs us that the change will be long-lasting and not without opposition. The person will have to find sanctuary and dig deep into personal resources to “survive” courses or learning for a longer time than anticipated. This is useful information to impart to the sitter, a warning to take steps to prepare and pack for an “unexpected adventure.”


Figure 74. The House Positions

Cards in Their Own House

What do we make of the Key being in its own house (compare the Key card in the layout of figure 71 with the house positions in figure 74)? Again, head back to the previous lesson and see how we might add the Key to that reading (which we didn’t read in the lesson as it was not close to a constellation we were examining, such as the Bear for health, etc.). This is the only card in its own House—usually there will be one such card.

A card in its own house can be a double whammy or a feedback loop; depending on the context, it can provide a point of significance or a black hole of wasted energy. For now, just take it as a card as calling attention to itself, like looking at itself in a mirror and saying, “Hey, check me out!”

So, whilst we can read in a simple manner with the houses, what we must rather do is see the Mountain in the context of the other cards first and its overall significance in the Tableau. This includes those cards surrounding it through the keyword kaleidoscope approach, diagonals, shadow cards, and near-and-far (some of which we haven’t done yet), and only then place its arising significance into the context of the House.

Having said that, it will be easier to explain after we have looked at the meanings of the Houses, and their “focus” individually.

The Meaning of the 36 Houses

  1. The Rider/Messenger: Communications/Liaison
    This house relates to the sitter’s engagement with the world. It can indicate the message being transmitted to the world by the sitter’s behaviour.
  2. The Clover: Identity
    This house relates to self-discovery and belonging, who you are, who you will become, and where you are going.
  3. The Ship: Adventure
    This house is about your purpose and the processes you will go though to fulfil your true destiny.
  4. The House: Security
    This house is about what makes you feel safe. It is related to what keeps you grounded and secure, what you work toward to maintain a happy life. It can also be the centre of your spiritual being; it is you and it contains your own inner light, your soul and your strength; it is your earthly anchor.
  5. The Tree: Longevity
    This is the house of the ancestor, the source of our life blood; it is testament to our survival. It is related to family and the support that comes with being part of a lineage.
  6. The Clouds: Transition
    This is the house of change and movement. It is all about the times in between, where we rest and take stock of who we are, what we want, and where we are going on our journey.
  7. The Snake: Stealth
    This is the house of temptation and timing: knowing when to act on your impulses and when not to. “Slowly, slowly catchee monkey.” One who waits will gain the prize.
  8. The Coffin: Initiation
    This is the house of facing your inner demons and looking within yourself to hunt them down. This is the house the shadow world, where you take the step beyond fear itself and turn and face it. This is the house of harnessing great power if the sitter approaches the situation or experience with awareness.
  9. The Bouquet: Appreciation
    The house of awareness that we are not alone, that if we appreciate and recognise the needs of others—and they do likewise—the world would be a more generous place. This house could be said to be the house of philanthropy.
  10. The Scythe: Clearing
    This is the house of regeneration. If we do not clear out the old, there will never be a place for the new. This has always been and always will be the way. This is the law of creation, life, and nature.
  11. The Rod/Whip: Service
    This is the house of discipline, work, maintenance, and striving toward the good of the whole.
  12. The Birds/Owl: Divination
    This is the house of looking out for signs and being aware of the meanings behind your dreams. The ancient Romans would watch the movement of birds to interpret the signs behind their behaviour, known as “taking the auspices.” It is therefore the house of the spiritual messengers. This house warns to consider well before making decisions; check that “auspices” are good and true.
  13. The Child/Little Girl: Ingenue/innocence
    This is the house of purity and action without guile, the realm of doing something for the pure joy of it without care of result. This is a world devoid of superficiality.
  14. The Fox: Cunning
    This is the house of the scavenger and opportunist. It is here that situations will arise where you may need to be wary of the behaviour of the flatterer or the charmer. Do not let down your guard easily.
  15. The Bear: Headstrong
    This is the house of stubbornness and situations where you will find no joy in trying to change someone’s mind. You could find yourself up against an immovable force you had not planned to meet.
  16. The Stars: Creation
    This is the house of beginnings and endings. With the death of a star comes great brilliance.
  17. The Stork: Deliverance
    This is the house of benefiting from something you worked toward earlier; it is a house of timing and productivity coming together to create joy and continuation.
  18. The Dog: Codependency
    This is the house of need and being needed in return. There is a strong emphasis on loyalty and responsibility.
  19. The Tower: Vision
    This is the house of getting the bigger picture, being aware of what is going on in your life and in the neighbourhood. It is the world of seeing beyond the obvious.
  20. The Garden: Communing
    This is the house of getting out and about and mixing in the world; this is the world of social engagement and entertainment.
  21. The Mountain: Durability
    This house relates to and describes the enduring nature of survival and growth. Mountains were carved out by glaciers and stand as testament to great strength. Essentially, this house shows the sitter’s backbone. It is a place of sanctuary and protection from hostility. It also shows the potential for drawing upon hidden resources that are naturally available when we are forced to extract them.
  22. The Ways: Choice/Decision
    This is the house of making decisions and acting upon them, and considering the long-term implications of these choices. It can also indicate a “road less traveled” that may turn out to be the best one. There is no right or wrong way, but you must choose. Take your pick, because you cannot go both ways at once.
  23. The Mice: Productivity
    This is the house of being busy and getting work done. It is the house of the silent worker, the one slaving for the good of the whole who is often not recognised. The work is often done by the little people who get little reward in return.
  24. The Heart: Courage
    Like the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz, this house is the centre of your courage and being true to your own self. It is the house of exposing your centre and being strong in the broken places. Here lies within all the wonderful things connected with having heart, courage, kindness, consideration. If the matter is addressing the underlying energy of a question or issue, it means that heart is at the crux of it. Getting to the underlying house of an issue will open the door to a solution.
  25. The Ring: Continuity
    The Ring gives this house the sense of sealing a deal. It is the house of the pledge and shines out into the cards above and around it a sense of commitment, a cause, bond, and oath. It can be a promise to oneself that has to be made in the context of the cards that fall in and around this house.
  26. The Book: Knowledge
    The House of the Book shows where knowledge may be gained—within or without. It gives the cards above it and around it the light of clarity and preservation. It can mean that any information required is easily found and shared.
  27. The Letter: Sentiment
    The House of the Letter is where considered communications must be made. The card in this house must be more considered than not, and those around it should be seen in the light of consideration and sympathy.
  28. The Gentleman: Analytical
    The House of the Gentleman is the masculine house with all the stereotypes and archetypes of masculinity.
  29. The Lady: Intuitive
    The House of the Lady is the feminine house with all the stereotypes and archetypes of femininity.
  30. The Lily: Purity
    What falls in and around this house should be considered in the light of memory and the past. There is a certain honour required in this House.
  31. The Sun: Will
    The Sun shines brightly and illuminates the card in its house, giving it focus, intent, and more power than it might otherwise warrant in a reading.
  32. The Moon: Mediumistic
    The Moon reflects into its own house and gives the card above a deeper meaning that should be delved into below the surface.
  33. The Key: Access
    The House of the Key can easily unlock the rest of the reading, so give due consideration to this card. It can also lock something, so the cards around this house may be barriers.
  34. The Fish: Resources
    The House of the Fish is where resources can be drawn upon.
  35. The Anchor: Standstill
    The House of the Anchor is where the reading may be held firm or fastened, depending on the questions and the interpretation’s context.
  36. The Cross: Faith
    The House of the Cross shows the resolution and acceptance of the reading, the context, and the cards. It is the grace surrounding resolution.

Now that we’ve seen how the houses might be considered another layer to our overall reading, let us look at an example of how the House of the Owl might be seen in two very different readings. This will give us a good way of seeing how flexible this approach is, as well as its intuitive and powerful qualities—particularly if you do not fix yourself to comparing a card to the card of the house.

There are many other methods of using houses; for example, to bridge from a card being read to its house, then to read the card in that house, and bridge to the house of that card until you return to a card that has already been read.


Figure 75. Work/Career in the House of the Owl

A Career Question in the House of the Owl

In this example, we have simply imagined looking at a spread (or part of a GT) where the central card is in the House of the Owl. There is no particular significance of this other than to demonstrate houses. Any card can fall in any house in any reading of a GT, whatever the question.

In this scenario, the sitter’s question is regarding work life; she wants to know if all her hard work will pay off in the long term.

Looking at the nine cards arranged in a 3 x 3 grid, we can interpret an answer using the keyword kaleidoscope and our own intuition. Again we must consider each card and image as part of the whole—unlike tarot, these cards cannot be read singularly.

So let us consider that the Child here represents her determination to succeed at her venture, but we must look at the cards around her and the influence they exert on the issue at hand. We see how her enthusiasm is driving the Fish (resources) onward, which can be seen as positive, but there could be too much willpower being exerted or the danger of being perceived as pushy. Directly beneath her is the House; security is assured, the stability of a house’s foundation beneath her as long as she stays focused on the goal.

The Key behind her indicates that play-power (not power-play!) is a means to unlocking fulfilment in the long-term. The key that unlocks the house points to the grown-up Lady who looks toward the security of the House. She is the same child, now matured. She stands in the grounds of the House, a part of the cycle.

The play-power can be seen to have been paid off, then. The Anchor card emphasises rest and recuperation on the journey, maintaining the purity/authenticity of the Lily, childlike innocence, keeping simple faith (the Cross) of convictions but taking some care to feather the nest (the Birds). The overall influence of the House of the Child on the cards around it is one of forging on with childlike authenticity.

Thus the advice is for the sitter to be resourceful and feather her nest but rest in between. Doing so will bring success, well-being, and satisfaction—making an opening for long-term security.

Adding the House of the Owl

Let us now imagine that the central card here is in the House of the Owl. As you have just learned, a house adds a tincture to the overall taste of the interpretation.

The Owl could be said to have an influence of hidden wisdom, indicating a need to look for signs and portents. This does not mean anything in isolation for we are not reading it as a card, merely a nuance to the interpretation. Sometimes this will give an added layer to the reading, sometimes a new twist or solution, and sometimes new depth. There is no single rule.

In this example, we sense that the Child in the House of the Owl would indicate that the very situation is its own solution. The energy of keeping the loop going—the momentum—is a sign and portent of the problem itself. The Owl is not a creature that lives in a house, so it indicates that the security of the situation must be observed from a greater distance—the sitter cannot see it.

In fact, thinking about it in this light, we are reminded that the stick keeping the hoop of continued momentum upright and moving is the very same rod that can become a spine for your own back.

Perhaps the Owl also looks upon the Child playing (and scaring the Fish away) and opines, “She will never catch anything that way.” We would tell our sitter that she needs
to learn to perch and swoop when the time is ready, to not be overly enthusiastic. In order to “feather the nest” (as we saw in the combination of Lily, Cross, and Birds) the House of the Owl tells us that there may be another solution. In fact,
it is that Owls do not build their own nests—they inhabit old dwellings; in this, the deeper answer to whether the sitter’s hard work will pay off is “lessen the work, and build on the work of others.”

If we were giving advice from this reading, we would ask the sitter to look at taking over a failing or abandoned piece of work, make it her own, and use that project to demonstrate her capability. This would get her out of her loop.

Here are some of our reading notes for this session, showing how it was built up:

In this next example, we will ask you to consider how the same House of the Owl might influence the following 3 x 3 constellation of cards in a Love/Relationship reading. Here our sitter has asked us about matters of trust in relationship and how it affects her new relationship. Don’t forget, this is not a method or reading; it is a scenario for practising the houses in a particular manner—to get you using them as a layer for the overall meaning of the cards in combination.


Figure 76. Love/Relationship in the House of the Owl

Exercise: Love in the House of the Owl

The sitter is represented in the tableau by the Lady card; she looks ahead to the Stork expectantly. The Stork looks ahead to the Birds card as it to point to her listening to her inner wisdom, to read the signs. This is confirmed by the presence of the Tower card; it advises her to look around and await developments.

The Ring, Sun, and Bear—proclamation, will, and strength—speak of being true to one’s own core values. The Bear looks down on the Coffin, a sign that the sitter needs to have strength to rely on the natural order; she needs to put aside old doubts and stop questioning other peoples’ intentions to be able to welcome new relationships. The Garden is below the Sun, which illuminates it. The Garden is open and friendly, a place of liaison and meeting people.

Now look at the Garden card in the House of the Owl, having already read the Garden in this context—this context provides a different type of garden, function, and reading than other readings you will do—this is the power of the L-space. And when you have this unique garden appear in this one reading, then you can see it in the house in which it falls, bringing with it all the other cards.

And of course, the same goes for every card in every house; they all interweave in a massive matrix of potential perspective and meaning—our methods only provide the most illuminating lines of sight.

Exercise: The Ship in the House of the Book

For your second exercise, go back to the Grand Tableau in chapter 5 and consider the reading relating to travel we gave to the young man. We used the charged card of the Ship, which we can now see fell into the House of the Book. Without doing a simple comparison of Ship + Book, look over the whole tableau or just the 3 x 3 square of cards around the Ship, and come up with ways the House of the Book may provide deeper insight into his travel.

Beacons: Cards in Their Own Houses

The thirty-six houses in the Lenormand could be compared to the use of an underlying theme in story writing; more so than its meaning or context, the theme is the backdrop of what is going on under the surface of the divination. If we take the Rider card as an example, the underlying theme of the Rider card as we see it is “getting the message.” When a card falls upon its own house in a reading, it is the divine’s way of flagging something you really ought to come to grips with in life. It is saying that you need to really pay attention to something. It acts as an alert or warning. Conversely, it can be a confirmation that you really are doing just fine, exactly where you should be.

  1. The Rider in the House of the Rider
    Are you getting the message?
    Urgent or important news arriving. Communications/liaison. This “like attracts like” influence has a magnetic force to it; it is trying to get an important communication across. Ask yourself what are you may be ignoring, what you are allowing to pass you by, a person who is trying to tell you something whom you’re ignoring. The combination heralds news that will be life-changing.
  2. The Clover in the House of the Clover
    Rolling in clover
    This is a very fortunate combination; it confirms that whatever you do will turn out beneficial. The Clover placed in its own house confirms that you are in the right place at the right time; the positive energy that you put out into the world comes right back to you magnified. This perfect combination of “luck” and “origin” that is being where you are supposed to be comes naturally. In relation to friendship and love, this is about being around people you love, and they love you; this is one big love-fest.
    Identity/origin, confidence and self-belief will grow and grow; believing in anything being possible will bring abundance and good fortune. You are satisfied with your situation; this may even be seen by others as being self-satisfied.
  3. The Ship in the House of the Ship
    Just do it–set sail, do not waste time!
    This is not just a Ship, this is a fleet, and it is ready to set sail. It is not how but when, and this is very soon. The Ship’s presence in its own house, overseas distance is magnified. This indicates not just holiday travel, but adventure at its greatest, the desire to move on, move away, and be a pioneer. With regards to timing (as with all of the cards in their own houses), time is of the essence. There is urgency, after all, it is slap-bang on itself, not to be ignored or cast aside. The matter requires giving serious consideration; action is needed. Conditions are perfect for getting out into the big wide world.
  4. The House in the House of the House
    To be as safe as the houses
    The House in the House is solid! This is double-strength security; what a wonderful position in which to find oneself. It isn’t just four walls but eight to keep you safe! If you or the sitter has a concern about security, this combination occurring will put the mind at rest. If there is a question as regards a house purchase, this is very favourable for success ahead. The downside to this combo can be feeling trapped by your good life; sometimes being safe can get to be a little boring. There may be a person in your life or that of the sitter who is over-controlling. It may be saying in a quirky way you need to get out of the house more; the life you have is becoming somewhat stagnating. It could also be a warning to make one’s house more secure. A warning to ensure it is doubly safe.
    On the other hand, this also speaks very much of being too dependent on security, not wanting to get out. There could be fear of the outside world.
  5. The Tree in the House of the Tree
    Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love… And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.
    Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
    The Tree in its own house can speak of over-reliance on your family; there could be a case of not wanting to make a life outside of the family. It may speak of adult children who just won’t grow up, who expect to be supported by their parents and are dependent way beyond the norm. In all its positivity, the mighty Tree can offer shelter and support outwards whilst drawing on resources deep down from its roots as does the ancient Methuselah Tree. Think of the tree and how adequate space is crucial for its survival, as other trees cannot be planted too close to avoid competition. Trees also need light, and if they are deprived, they grow upwards too quickly instead of outwards and overall growth is stunted. The positive aspect of the Tree in the House of the Tree is that it has an overall energy of protection and longevity. Any question that draws out this combination speaks of a force to reckon with. If the question is about relationships, the future stems from strong roots.
  6. The Clouds in the House of the Clouds
    There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds.
    Gilbert K. Chesterton
    The Clouds in the House of the Clouds can portend entering a period of seemingly disruptive change after a long period of the same old thing. This long-term buildup will result in a release of held-in emotions. There may be tears and a lot of disruption when you finally let go, but something has got to give, and this card coming together in its own house is the indication of the big shift required in your life. This combination is your calling card for unavoidable change. Do the things that need doing; don’t let those clouds get in your way; make them work for you. Change is a liberator, not a force to be feared; embrace it.
  7. The Snake in the House of the Snake
    The world of men is dreaming, it has gone mad in its sleep,
    and a snake is strangling it, but it can’t wake up.
    —D. H. Lawrence
    The Snake in its own house speaks of the energy of the creature consuming its own tail, the ouroboros. It may be that you are in a situation where you keep repeating the same thing over and over again; no matter what you do, you cannot get out of this loop. The cycle could be one of obsession or impulsion, a desire you cannot resist. This combination can spell out an obsessive situation or relationship, especially if placed between the Gentleman and Lady cards. Its presence in a reading on finances can indicate that an individual is able to be self-sufficient. In a work situation, it means that one is able to work alone and be self-motivated.
    This combination could be trying to magnify and draw attention to the aspects of ourselves that embody the energy at play we would rather not acknowledge; sneaky behaviour can be easily recognised in ourselves. We may dislike the person who gossips, but we still find ourselves acting out this very behaviour. The Snake in its own house means the behavior is magnified whether we like it or not. On the positive side, attention is drawn to it, allowing us to change behavior.
    The Snake card and its reputation of lies and deceit brings to mind the words of Walter Scott: “Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive,” and its appearance in the Snake’s own house speaks of a web of deceit in which you or the sitter may be entangled. It could warn of a person in your life who is best avoided or a dead-end situation that is not going anywhere. There is some disentangling to be done or some reconciliation.
    Perhaps there is a need to express some kundalini energy. The Snake in the Snake House could be kundalini energy within one’s own body.
    The ouroboros is a dramatic symbol for the integration and assim-ilation of the opposite, i.e., of the shadow. This “feedback” process is at the same time a symbol of immortality, since it is said of the ouroboros that he slays and brings himself to life, fertilizes himself and gives birth to himself. He symbolizes the One who proceeds from the clash of opposites, and he therefore constitutes the secret of the prima materia, which unquestionably stems from man’s unconscious.
  8. The Coffin in the House of the Coffin
    Wake-up call
    Like the Death card of the tarot, the Coffin card has a little of an un-founded bad reputation. The Coffin is not all doom and gloom and the end of life as we know it, no more than the Death card of the tarot means literal death! At number 8, the Coffin of the Lenormand is very much about energy flowing effortlessly.
    When the card of the Coffin appears in its own house, this is the “über-energy” of regeneration and recycling your resources. Momentum is at work if the matter regards a question about love, work, or health. The indication is that you or the sitter is in a good place right now—the ball has started rolling, and the progress must be watched. The Coffin in its own house could be trying to draw attention to a health condition. A change of lifestyle could be required: a whole new way of living life, the start of a new beginning. Maybe it is about burying something that should have been buried a long time ago, something you are hanging onto. The Coffin in the House of the Coffin is drawing attention to it.
  9. The Bouquet in the House of the Bouquet
    Coming up roses
    This is the scenario of receiving an award at a ceremony. The Bouquet turning up like this in its own house is about receiving appreciation from your own peers. The work you have put in to make your career and creative endeavors thrive is going to pay off big time.
  10. The Scythe in the House of the Scythe
    Never cut what you can untie.
    —Joseph Joubert
    The Scythe in the House of the Scythe appearing in the layout is shouting out to you to get working on clearing out your environment and your life in general, and that something in your life is tripping you up.
    The matter may be about cutting down on cutting down; it could indicate that perhaps somebody is trying too hard to lose weight, cutting down too many calories, and that “cutting down” has been taken to the extreme. This combination could advise moderation in all things (including moderation) and to not be too extreme in attitude, belief, or behaviour. More simply, maybe someone is working too hard!
  11. The Whip in the House of the Whip
    A rod for your own back
    The Whip in the House of the Whip could indicate you have found yourself in a situation where you are making a whip for your own back. You have put yourself out too much to make life easy for other people, at the expense of your own well-being. You may be in a work situation you have fought very hard to achieve, maybe even in charge in some capacity, however you have to answer to somebody with a bigger whip to wield. The presence of this combination should drawe your attention—maybe the situation is possibly abusive.
  12. The Birds in the House of the Birds
    A wise old owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke. The less he spoke, the more he heard. Why aren’t we like that wise old bird?
    —Edward Hersey Richards
    The Birds in the House of the Birds is very much a sign to be applied the way that birds in ancient Rome were used for oracular purposes. It can indicate the need to be more of a channel for the divine or perhaps return to the roots of oracular tradition. You need to take on a bird’s-eye view of the world, see things from a greater perspective. The Birds in the House of the Birds can be a confirmation that you are at one with your spiritual values, and are where you are supposed be right now.
  13. The Child in the House of the Child
    Child’s play
    The Child in the House of the Child could be a bit problematic: there is an overabundance here of childlike behavior. Perhaps somebody is not owning their responsibilities, shirking their duties. A house needs to be run by an adult, not the child. Boundaries need to be set in life to avoid complete chaos in the person’s life. There is very much an issue of immaturity here. This combination could also stress the need for discipline and structure in someone’s life.
  14. The Fox in the House of the Fox
    Doubly duplicitous
    The Fox in the House of the Fox has the making of being in a den of deceit and mischief. This combination could be confirmation that you are correct in your fear that somebody you had doubts about cannot be trusted. It could be a person who has hurt you before, but to whom you have given the benefit of the doubt, telling yourself the person has changed. You can take the fox out of the fox house, but not the fox house out of the fox! This is the warning.
  15. The Bear in the House of the Bear
    A bear with a sore head
    The Bear in the House of the Bear could mean that you find yourself in an intimidating situation where you have to be strong and assertive. This could speak of an environment such as a workplace where you have to push to get what you want. Such pushing could mean you must compete (for promotion or otherwise) against other much stronger bears. You need to channel your inner bear and keep your inner mouse well out of the house. Trust your primal instincts you need them right now.
    The Bear in its own house could be trying to draw attention to financial matters—a “bear market” is where securities fall and people sell their shares. The resulting paranoia and pessimism has an echoing effect, causing other investors to panic and sell theirs. The only ones who benefit in this kind of situation are those who hang on and wait for long-term benefits. The Bear in the House of the Bear could be saying to avoid being negative because it will consume you. Live like the Bear, be strong, and you will see results.
  16. The Stars in the House of the Stars
    A celestial haven
    Wow, this is one starry place to be! What a perfect place for this card of stars to fall. It is a beneficent sign, and something good will come of this configuration. This state of wholeness, Gestalt, is a place of hope, vision, and brilliance in abundance. It gets brighter and brighter. On the other hand, take care that you do not burn yourself out—remember that the brighter a star, the less time it will have to shine. It is important to pace yourself and create balance in your life. Take stock in the knowledge that wherever you are in celestial space is exactly where you are supposed to be. It is written in the stars!
  17. The Stork in the House of the Stork
    Good things come to those who wait
    The Stork in the House of the Stork possesses an underlying context of all ways returning back to whence one came or an instinct to return to the nest. The traditional way of looking at the card is the delivery of good news; however, there will be disruption that accompanies it, bringing about changes that will require adaptation with time. The combination is of giving and receiving.
    To be on the fortunate side of receiving this special combination in a reading, you may rest assured that you will not be short of gifts in their many shapes and forms. The double whammy of Stork energy will draw vibrant young energy to the house. You or the sitter may feel rejuvenated. Expect this to go on for a good eighteen months (double the gestation period). This combination could also mean that something you have always wanted in life is going to be delivered to you; expectations will be fulfilled.
  18. The Dog in the House of the Dog
    In the dog house
    The Dog in the House of the Dog speaks of steadfast loyalty and intense need. This is a very reassuring state of being. The downside is that the loyalty and love you are immersed in may become stagnant and restrictive—a lot of dependency is active here. Somebody may be expecting constant attention.
  19. The Tower in the House of the Tower
    Being on watch
    The Tower in the House of the Tower brings with it the context of being cautious, but overly so, a danger of being hyperalert, almost verging on paranoid. That said, it would be sensible to acknowledge the sensitivity here, as it is advising to take extra precautions. Be alive and aware of what is going on around you. Do not stick your head in the sand to avoid things you would rather not deal with right now.
    Remember, as Roosevelt said, “speak softly but carry a big stick; you will go far.”
  20. The Garden in the House of the Garden
    There’s no “I” in “team”
    The Garden in the House of the Garden is a very positive combination regarding the success of a meeting or conference. Here we have like-minded people getting together to mingle and share their passion. If the sitter has asked about the success of a conference, party, or wedding, this combination bodes well for the event, and it speaks of abundance. However, the event is very much team-oriented—everybody needs to do their bit to make it a success. The downside to that success could be that in too great a number, an event may feel impersonal.
  21. The Mountain in the House of the Mountain
    Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
    —William Blake
    The implication here of the Mountain in the House of the Mountain is one of taking the high ground. The Mountain can reflect the quest to achieve something, to take something to a whole new level. It can for some involve the search for spiritual clarity to gain a greater understanding of the human condition, to escape the mundane.
    There may be a situation where something is in the way; some large force cannot be overcome or budged, so we need to work out a way to go around the problem. The energy at play with the Mountain in the House of the Mountain is steadfast and inflexible.
  22. The Ways in the House of the Ways
    Happiness, that grand mistress of the ceremonies in the dance of life,
    impels us through all its mazes and meanderings, but leads none of
    us the by the same route.
    —Charles Caleb Colton
    The Ways in the House of the Ways puts the emphasis on making a decision—and it must be made pretty quickly, it cannot be delayed! The problem here is an excess of choice, making it difficult to choose which way to go. The indecision can be paralysing in itself. The Goddess Hecate is sacred to the crossroads and she was depicted by some as having three heads: dog, serpent, horse.
    If your subject of enquiry has this Ways combination and is surr-ounded by the Dog, the Snake, and the Rider, the overall indication is very powerful. See also the Cross card, which is heavily connected to the House of the Ways. The Dog card is very significant considering the Hecate influence.
  23. The Mice in the House of the Mice
    Just do what comes naturally
    Here we have the Lenormand Mice in the House of the Mice. Mice by their very nature are prolific little creatures, and if the card of the Mice falls in its own house, you should expect to have a very productive life; creativity and abundance will be unstoppable. This is a wonderful opportunity that should be taken to the full.
    The energy of the Mice in the House of the Mice is very tenacious and its configuration brings with it the spirit of just going for it and keeping on and on, even though what you are doing may not be welcome by some people in your environment, either at home or at work. You must do what your instinct tells you.
  24. The Heart in the House of the Heart
    Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
    —Matthew 6:21
    The Heart in the House of the Heart is the place of intense love. Its appearance could mean your heart is in the right place. In regards to a possible relationship, this is the bullseye! Cupid’s arrow has been well and truly delivered. If you or the sitter has asked about a relationship being serious, this is the confirmation that the relationship will go from strength to strength—expect passion and excitement. With regards to health, this person has a very strong life force. This is a positive, open, and giving environment that attracts people of the same mind.
  25. The Ring in the House of the Ring
    One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them,
    One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
    —J. R. R. Tolkien
    The Ring in the House of the Ring, the Ring falling upon the Ring, seals the importance of bond and commitment to a person, cause, or career. It could be in the recitation of a pledge or the renewal of marriage vows. From a relationship/marriage perspective, it may be drawing attention to where you are now, or indicate that there are parts of your relationship that need renewing or reconsidering. Are you happy in the House of the Ring? Do you need to ring in the changes? If this is in regard to a contractual agreement, it is a reassurance that all is how it should be.
  26. The Book in the House of the Book
    Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
    —Barbara Tuchman
    When the Book card falls in its own House, adult education springs to mind—learning that comes with maturity, life’s lessons, delivered with weight and sincerity. The searching you have embarked upon in the past, your own reading of books, and your self-development have all brought you to a place of revelation; suddenly there is meaning in uncertainties that have been puzzling you for a long time. If this combination falls into place when you or your sitter asks the cards about where your life’s course is heading, it is saying you are where you are supposed to be. You are learning the lesson that needs to be taught, even if it feels like a curse.
  27. The Letter in the House of the Letter
    A letter to yourself
    The Letter in the House of the Letter combination could mean you need to come to grips with communication. Are you being bogged down with too much? Do you feel overwhelmed? If you have been waiting on an official letter with important news, it will arrive shortly.
  28. The Gentleman in the House of the Gentleman
    Gentleman’s club
    This is the gentleman’s club of old, very much the “men are from Mars” way of thinking. If this card comes up in a question regarding job opportunities and you are a woman, you may find you are up against barriers, a feeling of not belonging to the club. If you are a man, you may find doors opening for you; as the card is your significator, this is very much about you. Look within yourself—do you have gender-based exclusionary ways of relating to the world?
  29. The Lady in the House of the Lady
    Women owning their power!
    Woman is the moon. It wanes and waxes. Everything grows because of the moon. Everything ripens because of sun. And everything is conceived because of the combination of the harmony and those two polarities of male and female sun and moon.
    —Yogi Bhajan
    The Lady in the House of the Lady, when the significator, is a clear indication that matters are relating to you. There is also a connotation of the “red tent” ladies-only domain, the place in ancient days where women would take time out during their menstrual cycle and childbirth. In certain cultures, this was considered a sacred time of contemplation and for conversation between women; sisterhood secrets are imparted, wise women have their voice. When the Lady card falls in her own house, it can symbolise sisterhood.
    If there is a question regarding relationships and the possibility of one, the Lady in her own house could be stressing the importance of taking time to be with your female friends or a need to spend time on your own. You deserve time to recharge and adjust to changes. A “girls’ night in” could be in order. If this combination is in response to a health question, it could point to a gynaecological condition or reproductive health in general. Give reverence to the moon—it is empowerment and being in tune with life’s cycles. Also consider whether you you have a “women are from Venus,” gender-based exclusionary way of relating to the world.
  30. The Lily in the House of the Lily
    The lily is all in white, like a saint, and is no mate for me.
    Thomas Hood
    The Lily in the House of the Lily is very much about coming from a place of pure intent, a place all your own. Consider that what one person may believe is pure may differ from another person’s definition. This theme plays out in the spiritual aspect of the idea of purity, “chastity,” calling to mind the Virgin Mary, making the other symbolic interpretation of it being about sexual purity as well. The Lily in its own house is also a symbol of resurrection; is something close to you in need of revival?
  31. The Sun in the House of the Sun
    He who kisses the joy as it flies /Lives in Eternity’s sunrise.
    William Blake
    The Sun in the House of the Sun brings brilliance into play; growth and abundance is twofold. You are charged with the power it brings, which can ease the way for any projects or things you want to grow and nurture in your life. This is a fortunate combination if the question posed regards money; it offers security. If the matter is about love, the relationship will grow from strong to stronger. If the matter is related to career, the allusion is to a promotion, as it confirms that you are truly at one with what you are doing. It will bring new clarity in your life; all will make more sense. You are a powerhouse residing in a powerhouse! Be confident and be in your own power; do not doubt what you are capable of achieving.
  32. The Moon in the House of the Moon
    Once in a blue moon
    This is an emotional place to reside. This combination brings with it heightened powers of intuition, and all your hunches at the moment just seem to come true. Revel in creativity and take time to explore this side of yourself. The energy here is most playful by nature. It is very much about doing what comes naturally to you, so with this falling into place, especially if the question posed is love-related, it is saying do what you feel you should. Follow your heart, be true to yourself.
    If you have strong feelings for somebody, express them—don’t keep them hidden. If the question posed is about pregnancy or fertility, it bodes well. It can also relate to a creative process that could be delivered successfully. This combination could be trying to draw your attention at the time of the reading to the signs that the moon can show in its phases; a waning moon means you need to relinquish something from your life, a new moon is about rejuvenation and starting again, a waxing moon points to healthy growth, and a full moon tells that all has come to fruition.
  33. The Key in the House of the Key
    From now on, do whatever you want, but do it with awareness.
    Easy and natural are the keys. Don’t repress anything; be your own self.
    —Bhagwan Shree Rajneeesh
    This combination is a breakthrough of understanding; the Key is in its rightful place, and all is well. It is a place where you or the sitter has reached a stage in life when you are gaining insights fast and furiously. Those things in life that have been eluding you so far will fall into place, like a key unlocking a door. If you or the sitter has asked about career changes, it is saying go ahead and do it. If the question is about relationships, this combination is saying that you should ensure that you are compatible, a matter further indicated by the cards between the Gentleman and the Lady.
  34. The Fish in the House of the Fish
    The aquarium or the big, open sea
    The Fish in the House of the Fish indicates the place you now find yourself in is quite emotional, and your intuition is heightened. This is a good place to be; good fortune is indicated. If you or your sitter is asking about earning more money, this is a “yes” card—you will attract more money, and situations will occur that will make you materially better off; a inheritance or other windfall may be in store for you. This is a good combination to speculate on; spontaneity is encouraged. You will be amongst good friends who will come to your aid in any way.
  35. The Anchor in the House of the Anchor
    Neither should a ship rely on one single anchor,
    Nor should life rest on a single hope.
    This is a doubly secure situation to be in right now. If you or your sitter is asking about future security, work, home life, and love, you can be sure that all is pretty good and steady. As long as you keep a cautious eye on the conditions around you and respond accordingly, you will be able to keep this up. Take special notice of the Clouds and its proximity to the Anchor, as this can be a sign to take extra care. The same is also true for the Moon card and the Ship card. The Fish in close proximity also indicates material security.
  36. The Cross in the House of the Cross
    The word crux is Latin for cross. When this card falls into its own house, it is saying that the crux of the matter can be about how to maintain faith in the difficult times ahead. The cross is known to symbolically represent a bridge, and therefore there is a need to get to the centre of this problem to bridge the difficulty. With this card landing on its own house, the combination is saying you are on the right track; X marks the spot.
    The ancient Egyptian style of cross used in hieroglyphics stands for health and happiness; the religious and cultural meanings behind this symbol are quite varied. This card close to the Ways card (“cross-roads”)is very significant, pointing to a union or even a reunion in the offing. If the question is about relationships, it could indicate a marriage, especially because the Cross is connected with religious blessings. If the matter is work-related, this symbol points to the signing of a contract—signing your cross so to speak. The Rider, Letter, and Stork close by would indicate the delivery and decision made regarding an important issue.

In this chapter we have seen how the houses provide an expansive template underneath or above the Grand Tableau and how it can act as a multidimensional lens on the whole reading. Every card should be considered a reflecting surface of all the cards around it, and the houses should be considered light sources illuminating not only the card above them, but every card in different ways. This kind of depth and detail is why you may need to book more than an hour to read a GT.

Exercise: Simple House Reading

One quick method to read with the houses that is very suitable for party readings and quick draws where you do not have a table is this simple house reading. Ask the sitter to shuffle the deck whilst considering the issue or situation. They can then return it to you holding it face-down. Turn over the top card, and put it back on the deck facing up. Say, “You have received [name of card] in the house of … ” and then turn the deck upside-down so you can see the bottom card. This is the house indicator of the reading, so you will say “… in the house of [name of bottom card].” If we received the Anchor as our top card and the Garden as our bottom card, we would say, “You have received the Anchor in the House of the Garden.”

You can then interpret the top card in the context of the bottom card. The limitation here is that you’ll never receive a card in its own house, of course, but it remains an easy and quick reading method.

Going Around the Houses

Some readers add a layer of meaning by considering the house in which a significant card falls and then finding and reading the corresponding card in the GT. You can continue to track this journey around the houses by using the house in which a card falls to find its corresponding card until you at last return to your own home—the original significant card.

As an example, we might be doing a general reading for a woman. As we go along, we see that her card, the Lady, has fallen in the House of the Dog. Her loyalty and long-standing patience are indicated, which might be entirely relevant to her situation—even if she has not yet mentioned it. Often with this layer we can tell more about a sitter than they may wish us to speak about, and we sometimes wonder if people realise this when they post their Grand Tableau on the Internet!

We would then look for the Dog card to seek further information about the context in which this loyalty is being expressed. To no surprise, we might find the Dog card in the House of the Snake, showing that the woman is misguided in her loyalty, perhaps to her sister or another significant woman in her life (the Snake card is seen as another woman in some traditions). We could then pursue this revelatory thread by looking for the Snake which we might find in the House of the Bouquet. This would indicate further that the other woman is offering something at least to our sitter, even if the loyalty in response is misguided. Perhaps it is babysitting? We can then find the Bouquet, which might be in the House of the Lady, bringing us full-circle to the house of the original card.

We can trace these revelatory threads around the houses starting with any significant card, such as if we wanted to look more at career steps, we would look at the house in which the Fox card was placed, locate and read the corresponding card, take that to its house, read the card, and so on.

Exercise: Open Your House

Perform a GT for a particular and specific question with a specific charged card. Interpret the GT with that in mind, and then look up the house in which the charged card has fallen, and use that to deepen your reading.

We will now turn to more intermediate techniques that provide additional ways to consider the reading and provide new angles on the situation.
