Chapter 10
Stefano was his usual self when he turned up for his last lesson – smiling, gallant, and appreciative of the time Claudia had given him. She put Sunday’s episode out of her mind and concentrated on making the most of this final session. There was no doubt his English had improved, but there were still many instances when it was clear that here was an Italian trying to master English.
At the end of the lesson he stood up. ‘I want to say a thousand thank yous to you, Claudia. You have understand what it means to me to learn your language and you have spent much time, when I know you want really to study for your exams.’
Claudia squirmed. Had she managed to teach him anything?
Stefano continued. ‘Wait here, please.’ He went back into the hall, where, it seemed, he had left something. He returned carrying a large, smart carrier bag with the name Carbotti printed across it.
‘I have brought you this little gift, to say thank you for all my excellent lessons. Please accept this, from me. Please.’ He held out the bag to her.
Claudia opened it, and inside was a fairly large object wrapped in tissue paper. She removed this and was left holding a beautiful leather handbag of a size and quality that made the two rather tatty specimens in her cupboard look pretty pathetic.
She gasped.
‘For me? This is for me?’ Her fingers moved over the soft leather, feeling the texture of an object she knew was far more expensive than anything she had ever owned in her life before.
‘It is for you. You have been very patient, very kind. So many stupid mistakes I know I make. You are very good to help me.’
‘Oh no, you have done very well. You have been an excellent pupil. I’m sure you feel you have made progress, don’t you?’
‘With your help, yes, I have.’
‘Oh, Stefano! I don’t know how to thank you! It’s an absolutely beautiful handbag. How did you manage to pick something that I would love so much? The colour is perfect, and the style – well, it’s so smart. I just love it. There really was no need to give me anything – I was generously paid for the lessons, but I can’t tell you how much I love it!’
Claudia was filled with a warm glow, basking in his admiration and gratitude, and thrilled by the gift which she knew was far superior to anything she would ever have bought for herself.
The next moment her blood ran cold. He was holding out another carrier bag. ‘And please, give this to your very pretty sister, who was so good to come with me on Sunday, and show me London.’
It is extraordinary, thought Claudia, how one moment you can be on top of the world, and a few seconds later find yourself plummeting down to the depths.
Totally unaware of the effect of the bombshell he had just dropped, Stefano continued speaking. ‘You and your sister, you have shown much kindness to a stranger, an Italian who is far from home. Please you say thank you to her, and now I say goodbye.’
He stepped forward and kissed her on both cheeks.
With very mixed feelings she watched him go. And then she had an idea. The more she thought about it the better the idea seemed. She would work out all the details of the plan she had just hatched and would put it into action as soon as she returned to Oxford.