Last Resort

Tommy frowned, but before he could reply, something lunged out of the dark and wrapped pallid arms around him. Teeth scissored into his neck, and he gave a yelping scream. The sound of it jerked Westlake back to full awareness. The dead woman rose on unsteady feet and took a step towards him. He stared at her in stupefaction for long moments. Long enough for her to gather herself and lunge towards him.

The pistol kicked in his hand. It was instinct, and he didn’t question it. Regret wasn’t for the moment; it was best saved for later. His aim was perfect – center of mass, straight to the heart, do not pass Go. The dead woman staggered, but didn’t fall. His eyes narrowed, and he fired again, aiming at her head this time. It took two more shots before she went down. By then there were others, and no time to think about anything but escape.