William Kemmler Remembering his Wife
Reading Gwendolyn MacEwen’s T. E. Lawrence poems
Charles Dodgson Looking at Alice Liddell
The Later Life of Judas Iscariot
Neanderthal Man, Theory and Practice
Nick Drake and Emily Dickinson Meet in the Afterlife
Daguerre Photographs Paris, 1838
A Wedding Teacup, Toronto, 1907
Halifax Flea Market: Two Photographs
Married Couple with Baby, 1910
The White Horse Divers, Lake Ontario, 1908
Girl in a Checked Dress on a Slum Doorstep, 1912
Ballerina on a Horse, Midway, 1915
Blind Twins Facing Away From Each Other, 1850
Girls Watch in the Mirror at Midnight for a Vision of a Future Husband