I don’t keep up with the news all that much. I figure that if there’s something happening in the world God wants me to pray for, he’s going to let me know about it whether or not I pick up a paper. I guess lots of people have written about me in articles and things like that. Say I saved the whole plane for what I did, standing between the gunman and his victim.
Well, that’s not how I see it, and if you want to know the full truth, I think most of those stories are blowing things out of proportion. General was holding a gun, about to shoot a young girl barely past her teens. I told him if he wanted to kill someone that badly, it may as well be me. I’ve already explained to you before my philosophy on death. If it’s a bang from a bullet and then I’m in heaven, don’t you think that sounds more bearable than languishing for years in a nursing home?
Now, if I were younger, if I still had kids to look after for example, we wouldn’t be having this discussion at all. But the death of an old lady who’s already raised her kids and grandkids and has lived to see multiple great-grands is far less distressing than the death of a young girl who’s not even lived a quarter of her life yet. Even an evolutionist who doesn’t believe an ounce of Scripture would agree with me on that one.
The young woman I allegedly saved is named Willow. I know that because I was chatting for a while with her roommate on the plane. Kennedy and Willow. Two college girls traveling home to visit Alaska.
They weren’t what you’d expect at first in best friends. Kennedy was quiet and studious. We got to talking, and I learned that she grew up on the mission field in China as well. I don’t believe in coincidences, but this was most certainly a wink from the Almighty if I’ve ever experienced one.
She was a sweet girl, that Kennedy. A little bit timid, still unaware of the amazing power of the Holy Spirit residing in her. But she’s learning. I get the sense when I pray for her that God has amazing and dramatic plans for Kennedy’s life. The kind of story you’d like to see made into a movie or listen to as one of those old-fashioned radio dramas.
I also get the sense that Flight 219 wasn’t the last time I’ll be crossing paths with this sweet, young daughter of God. But maybe that’s just the wishful thinking of an old woman like me.
Well, inasmuch as Kennedy was quiet and sweet and kind, her best friend Willow was quite the opposite. Not in a bad way, mind you. It wasn’t like she was brash or rude. Just louder. More vibrant. The first thing you’d notice about Willow if you met her was her hair. Dyed bright blue. Don’t ask me why someone would take such gorgeous locks and style them that way. I guess that’s just what some young people like to do these days. I’ll never understand it, but that doesn’t mean I should judge.
Willow was sitting with a young man on the flight, which gave me the chance to get to know Kennedy more. And we talked about it. How Willow isn’t a believer. Not yet, I should say. How Kennedy wanted to share the gospel with her friend but still hadn’t figured out how.
I sensed a lot of fear in Kennedy. She’s another one that when I pray for her, Psalm 91 comes to mind. If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
I guess it’s a meaningful verse when you’re talking about a stranger you meet on a hijacked flight.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. I can’t say for sure that I’ve met a real angel before, but I have my suspicions. Like that time when I was a kid and Shanghai was getting bombed and my mother and I were trying to reach home. There was a man who claimed to be a French diplomat who just showed up to our aid, but that’s a story for another day.
I absolutely believe that angels are surrounding us, protecting us from harm. And yet there are so many believers just like Kennedy who still feel scared of sharing the gospel.
My prayer for her is that God will fill her up with incredible boldness, that the fear of man will no longer have a hold on her, and that she’ll finally learn how to tap into that amazing power she has as an anointed child of God.
I’m trying to think if there was anything else to tell you about what happened before the flight got taken over. I’m sure I talked to other passengers, but like I said, I’m afraid I don’t recall details quite as clearly as I used to. There was a young woman in first class I prayed with while I was waiting to use the bathrooms. I would have added her to my prayer list as well, but I’m embarrassed to admit I can’t recall what it was we prayed about or why God prompted me to stop and talk with her in the first place.
I’m sure at this point you want to hear all about the hijacking itself, but I’m afraid I have bad news for you there, too.
I slept right through it.
I’m telling you the gospel truth. After I talked with Kennedy a while and we prayed for her friend Willow’s salvation, I went to use the bathroom and stopped and prayed with someone else (although like I said, I can’t seem to remember who). Then I headed to the back of the plane and took a little nap. When I woke up, a man was waving a gun at Willow, the young woman I’d been praying for just an hour or so earlier.
So that’s when I stood up and did what any other believer in my situation would do.