This book is the product of a great deal of work by many people besides the authors. Our special thanks go to Arleen Rainis Bessette, who spent months collecting wild mushrooms and using them to create dozens of wonderful new recipes for this book. She also arranged and composed most of the recipe photographs, contributed several photographs, and read the manuscript and made numerous helpful suggestions. Dr. Barry L. Wulff, Dr. Paul F. Lehmann, and Stephen Rains also reviewed the manuscript; their comments, suggestions, and criticisms improved this work immeasurably. Dr. Joseph F. Ammirati critiqued the section on mushroom toxins; we are grateful for his expert assistance. Several individuals contributed photographs: we thank David Arora; Dr. Timothy J. Baroni; Jack Billman; John F. Connor, Jr.; Warren Greene; Emily Johnson; Gary H. Lincoff; Dr. Orson K. Miller, Jr.; Susan Mitchell; Kit Scates-Barnhart; Joy Spurr; Dr. Walter J. Sundberg; and Steve Trudell. The outstanding illustrations throughout this book were created by Philippa Brown. We greatly appreciate the many wonderful recipes contributed by numerous fungal gourmets. Joe and Laura Bess, Leisa Fischer, George and Rose Fischer, Maura G. Howe, Richard and Jean Howe, and Marian Martin deserve special thanks for their support and encouragement. Both of us are grateful to the members of the Mid York and Central New York Mycological societies and the North American and Rochester Area Mycological associations for their support and enthusiasm. Bill Chapman and Sally Reymers kindly helped in the selection of specimen photographs. Finally, we thank the entire staff at the University of Texas Press. The quality of design and photographic reproduction evident in this book are only the most visible characteristics attesting to their high standards.