Index of Subjects

Acts: and Galatians, 154-55, 177-81, 306n.51; and 2 Timothy, 374-75, 383n.38; as source, 20-26; and Thessalonian correspondence, 191

Antioch incident, 177-81

Antitheses, 364-66

Apamea, 274, 276

Apollos: in Corinthian correspondence, 59-60, 70-71, 95-97; in Titus, 341, 346-48

Apphia, 254, 256, 274

Archippus, 254, 270-71

Aretas datum, 30, 182-89

Aristarchus, 278-80

Asian crisis, 96-97, 121

Athens, Paul’s founding visit to, 188-92, 202

Authenticity. See individual letters

Caesar’s household, 123-24

Chronology, Pauline: dating, 30-31, 182-89, 220-29; difference from framing account, 24-25

Church organization, 357-61

Co-­authors, 247n.98

Coherence in Paul’s thought: as problem, 1-10; solution to, 11-13

Collection for Jerusalem: absence from Philemon and Colossians, 282; in Galatians, 122, 157-66; in Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 28-29, 37-41

Collection, original, of Paul’s letters: content of, 387-91; methodological utility of, 385-86

Colossae, founding visit to, 255, 261-64, 278-80

Colossians: authenticity vs. pseudepigraphy, 276-304; date and provenance, 274-76; implications for frame, 304-9; occasion, 260-68; position in frame, 282; relationship to Ephesians, 32-33, 318-25; relationship to Philemon, 32, 259-60, 270-74

Computer-­assisted authorship ascription, 32, 210-16, 250-51, 286-92

Computer-­assisted mapping of ancient travel. See ORBIS

Contingency in Paul’s thought: as problem, 1-10; solution to, 11-13

Copies of Paul’s letters, 201-3, 284

Corinth, Paul’s previous letter to, 56-59

Corinth, Paul’s visits to: founding, 188-92, 196, 202; second, 62-63, 80-90, 94-97; third, 39, 62, 305

Corinthian correspondence: events before 1 Corinthians, 56-60; events between 1 and 2 Corinthians, 61-63, 94-97. See also Corinth, Paul’s visits to; Letter of Tears; Travel plans, in Corinthian correspondence

Corinthians, First: date, 187-88; events prior to, 56-60; as Letter of Tears, 69-77; occasion, 78; position in frame, 37-41, 97; provenance, 37

Corinthians, Second: date, 187-88; integrity, 28, 98-121; events prior to, 94-97; opponents in, 142-46; position in frame, 38-41, 97, 121; provenance, 38

Co-­senders, in Colossians and 2 Timothy, 372-74

Dating Pauline chronology, 30-31, 182-89, 220-29

Dependence of letters: and Colossians, 283-86; and Ephesians, 321-26; and 1 Thessalonians, 198-203

Deutero-­Pauline letters, 14-15. See also Colossians; Ephesians; Thessalonians, Second; Timothy, First; Timothy, Second; Titus

Ecclesiology: and Ephesians, 357-61; and 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus, 357-61

Edition, original of Paul’s letters: content of, 387-91; methodological utility of, 385-86

Enemies (Judaizers), 133-42, 156-57

Epaenetus, 46-47, 281

Epaphras, 255, 261-64, 278-80

Epaphroditus, 126, 145, 149

Ephesians: addressees of, 310-12; authenticity vs. pseudepigraphy, 309-10, 321-38; date, 336; occasion, 312-17; position in frame and provenance, 318-20; relationship to Colossians, 32-33, 318-25

Eschatology: in Colossians, 295-300; in 1 Thessalonians vs. 1 Corinthians, 200; in 1 Thessalonians vs. 2 Thessalonians, 230-37

Eusebius. See Pastoral epistles: anti-­Marcionite provenance

Exigence, implied, 11n.11, 108. See also occasion under individual letters

First Corinthians. See Corinthians, First

First Thessalonians. See Thessalonians, First

First Timothy. See Timothy, First

Forgery. See Pseudepigraphy

Founding visits by Paul, 188-92, 196, 202, 306, 308-9. See also Epaphras

Framing account of Paul’s letters: contribution of John Knox, 26-27; difference from Pauline chronology, 24-25; key steps in, 27-34; significance of, 11-13; sources for, 20-24

Gaian crisis, 31, 220-29

Gaius. See Aretas datum; Gaian crisis

Galatians (letter): and the collection, 157-166; date, 187-88; opponents in, 156-57; and Paul’s second visit to Jerusalem, 177-81; significance for frame, 29, 173-77; position in frame, 166, 171-73; provenance, 166-70

Galatians (people), 306

Galatia, Paul’s visits to, 306n.51; founding visit, 188-89, 308; second visit, 176, 258, 277, 282

Herod Agrippa. See Aretas datum

Herod Antipas. See Aretas datum

Ignatius: corpus of, 399-400; dating of, 401-3. See also Pastoral epistles: anti-­Marcionite provenance

Imprisonment epistles. See Colossians; Ephesians; Philemon; Philippians; Timothy, Second

Imprisonment: importance for composing letters, 268-69, 316-17; in years of shadow, 308

“Interim events,” in Corinthian correspondence, 61-63, 94-97

Irenaeus. See Pastoral epistles: anti-­Marcionite provenance

Jerusalem, Paul’s visits to, 154, 176-77; first, 26-27, 158-59, 187; second, 26-27, 158-59, 177-81; third, 177. See also Aretas datum

Jerusalem collection: absence from Philemon and Colossians, 282; in Galatians, 122, 157-66; in Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 28-29, 37-41

Judaizers, 133-42, 156-57

Laodiceans, Paul’s letter to: in Colossians, 268-69; Ephesians as, 33, 310-12, 387-91

Letter of Tears: character of, 64-69; 1 Corinthians as, 69-74; and “the offender,” 91-94; and Paul’s second visit to Corinth, 80-90; and Paul’s travel plans, 74-77, 79

Lost letters by Paul: to Corinth, 56-59; to Philippi, 131-38, 155-57, 397-98; (possibly) to Thessalonica, 197, 238

Lycus valley, 274

Man of Lawlessness, 219, 224-28, 235-37. See also Gaian crisis

Marcionite edition of Paul’s letters, 34, 387-91

Method: avoiding circularity, 13-15; handling sources, 20-26; mirror-­reading, 133-34; multiple plausible narrativity, 229-30, 238-39, 322

Mirror-­reading opponents, 133-34

Multiple plausible narrativity: between Colossians and Ephesians, 322; between 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 229-30, 238-39

Muratorian Canon, 392-93

Nebenadressat, 29; in Galatians, 166-70; methodological utility of, 55; in Philippians, 146-52; in Romans, 52-55

Non-­traditional authorship ascription, 32, 210-16, 250-51, 286-92

Occasion, of letters. See Exigence, implied; and individual letters

Onesimus: in Colossians, 263-68; in Philemon, 254-55

Opponents, Paul’s: enemies (Judaizers), in Romans, Galatians, and Philippians, 133-42, 156-57; mirror-­reading opponents, 133-34; super-­apostles, in Corinthian correspondence, 94-97

ORBIS (computer-­assisted mapping of ancient travel, Stanford project), xvii, 32, 87n.43, 95n.48, 256n.4, 258n.8, 276n.28, 277n.29

Partition: as difficulty, 28; editorial activity in antiquity, 44-45, 51; and Paul’s Philippians, 125-33; and Polycarp’s Philippians, 395-98; and Romans, 41-51; and 2 Corinthians, 98-121

Pastoral epistles, 33-34; anti-­Marcionite provenance, 392-403; methodological caveats, 339-41. See also Edition, original, of Paul’s letters

Pauline chronology: dating, 30-31, 182-89, 220-29; difference from framing account, 24-25

Pauline letter collection, original: content of, 387-91; methodological utility of, 385-86

Philemon: authenticity, 259-60; date and position in frame, 257-59, 274; occasion, 254-55, 265, 267-68; provenance, 255-57, 276; relationship to Colossians, 32, 259-60, 270-74

Philip. See Aretas datum

Philippians: date, 187-88; integrity, 125-33; opponents in, 133-46; significance for frame, 29, 122-23, 155-57; position in frame, 152-54; provenance, 123-25, 146-52

Philippi: Paul’s founding visit to, 188-92; Paul’s previous letter to, 131-38, 155-57, 397-98

Polycarp. See Pastoral epistles: anti-­Marcionite provenance; Partition: and Polycarp’s Philippians

Pontius Pilate. See Aretas datum

Praetorian guard, 123-24

Pseudepigraphy: and methodology, 13-15, 207-15, 247-51; and style, 286-92. See also Colossians; Ephesians; Thessalonians, Second; Timothy, First; Timothy, Second; Titus

Punishments, Roman and Jewish, of Paul, 124n.2, 307-8

Quadratus. See Gaian crisis

Quotation of previous letter: in 2 Corinthians, 104, 133n.13; in Philippians, 131-33

Romans: date, 187-88; integrity, 41-51; opponents in, 139-42; position in frame, 39-41; provenance, 52-55

Second Corinthians. See Corinthians, Second

Second Thessalonians. See Thessalonians, Second

Second Timothy. See Timothy, Second

Secretaries, 247n.98

Shipwreck, 307

Silvanus, 190-92

Slaves/slavery, 271-74

Sources, handling for Pauline chronology, 20-26

Style, statistical analysis of. See Stylometrics

Stylometrics, 32, 210-16, 250-51, 286-92

Super-­apostles, 94-97

Temple, Jerusalem. See Gaian crisis

Thanksgiving paragraphs: in 1 Thessalonians, 192n.7, 197n.21, 199; in 2 Timothy, 377-79

Thessalonians, First: authenticity and position in frame, 251-53; authenticity and potential dependence, 198-203; proximity to founding visit, 193-96; sequencing with 2 Thessalonians, 229-47; surrounding events and occasion, 190-93, 196-97

Thessalonians, Second: authenticity and position in frame, 251-53; date, 220-29; occasion, 216-20; problematizing arguments for pseudepigraphy, 204-16, 247-51; sequencing with 1 Thessalonians, 229-47

Thessalonica, Paul’s visits to: founding, 190-92, 194, 244-45; (promised) second visit, 243-44

Tiberius. See Aretas datum

Timothy (person): in Corinthian correspondence, 59, 86, 86n.42; in Philippians, 138, 145, 151-52; in Thessalonian correspondence, 190-97. See also Timothy, First; Timothy, Second

Timothy, First: occasion as problem, 350-53; position in frame as problem, 353-56; provenance as anti-­Marcionite, 368, 392-403; problematizing arguments for pseudepigraphy, 356-61; as pseudepigraphy, 361-68

Timothy, Second: occasion, 368-70; position in frame, 370-71; provenance as anti-­Marcionite, 383-85, 392-403; as pseudepigraphy, 371-83

Titus (letter): occasion, 341-44; position in frame as problem, 344-48; provenance as anti-­Marcionite, 392-403; as pseudepigraphy, 348-50

Titus (person), visits to Corinth, 94-97, 118-19. See also Titus (letter)

Travel, estimation of time for ancient. See ORBIS

Travel plans, in Corinthian correspondence: implications for frame, 74-80; and Letter of Tears, 74; and sequencing Corinthian letters, 40-41

Visits by Paul. See Athens, Paul’s founding visit to; Corinth, Paul’s visits to; Jerusalem, Paul’s visits to; Philippi, Paul’s founding visit to; Thessalonica, Paul’s visits to

Vitellius. See Aretas datum; Gaian crisis

Year of crisis, Paul’s, 188

Years of shadow, Paul’s, 188-89, 305-9; and 1 Timothy, 353; and Titus (letter), 344, 346-47