THE ABBREVIATIONS listed below are used in this volume for the titles of books by Isaiah Berlin. Except in the case of L2, a 2 or 3 added to the abbreviation indicates the second or third edition of the work in question. The dates in parentheses are those of the first edition and, where applicable, (a) successive edition(s). In the introduction, page references are given to both editions of Berlin’s works, except in the case of PSM, whose pagination is the same in both editions. References to PIRA in the foreword and introduction are given by PIRA2 page number alone. References to notes are given in the form 123/4, i.e. p. 123, note 4.
AC |
Against the Current (1979, 2013) |
CC |
Concepts and Categories (1978, 2013) |
The Crooked Timber of Humanity (1990, 2013) |
Freedom and Its Betrayal (2002, 2014) |
HF |
The Hedgehog and the Fox (1953, 2013) |
L |
Liberty (2002) |
L1 |
Flourishing: Letters 1928–1946 (2004)1 |
L2 |
Enlightening: Letters 1946–1960 (2009) |
MN |
The Magus of the North (1993; incorporated in TCE) |
PI |
Personal Impressions (1980, 1998, 2014) |
Political Ideas in the Romantic Age (2006, 2014) |
The Power of Ideas (2000, 2013) |
The Proper Study of Mankind (1997, 2013) |
RR |
The Roots of Romanticism (1999, 2013) |
RT |
Russian Thinkers (1978, 2008) |
SM |
The Soviet Mind (2004) |
SR |
The Sense of Reality (1996) |
Three Critics of the Enlightenment (2000, 2013) |
Curly brackets – { } – identify Berlin’s handwritten marginalia (mostly notes pointing to further revision; occasionally topic-signposts for his own reference, somewhat analogous to subtitles), here presented as footnotes. Square brackets mark editorial comment or intervention, except that such brackets have not been used to identify exact references to published works, almost all of which have been supplied by the editor.
Any corrections needed in this volume will be added to the list posted at <> under ‘Published work’ as soon as they come to the editor’s notice.
1 Published in hardback in the USA as Letters 1928–1946.