© 2011 by Sibella Giorello

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Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas Nelson is a registered trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Author photo taken by Michael Good.

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Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Giorello, Sibella.
    The mountains bow down / Sibella Giorello.
       p. cm. — (A Raleigh Harmon novel ; 3)
    Summary: “Even Alaska can’t give Raleigh Harmon a vacation from her job as an FBI forensic geologist. A cruise to Alaska sounds like the perfect vacation; it’s a geologist’s dream and will give Raleigh space to sort out her feelings about her recent engagement. But before the ship even reaches its first port, a case manages to find her. The producer of a movie that’s being filmed onboard goes missing and is then discovered hanging from the railing. Suicide seems to be the cause, but Raleigh quickly realizes the pieces don’t add up. When the Seattle field office sends Jack Stephanson to assist her in the investigation, her personal uncertainty skyrockets. Why is it that she forgets to even call her fiance back in Virginia. And Jack seems to know her as well as she knows herself. She’ll have to wait to sort out those feelings, though, because she and Jack only have five days before the cruise ends to solve this case.” — Provided by publisher.
    ISBN 978-1-59554-535-0 (pbk.)
    1. Women geologists—Fiction. 2. United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation—Officials and employees—Fiction. 3. Motion picture producers and directors—Crimes against—Fiction. 4. Ocean travel—Fiction. 5. Alaska—Fiction. I. Title.
    PS3607.I465M68 2011
    813'.6—dc22                                                                 2010047485

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