Chapter 25



A brisk wind whipped Sandi’s scarf as she walked from the car to the house with her arms full of groceries for the following week. Autumn was coming to an end, and the holidays were fast approaching, with Thanksgiving just a week away. Sandi and the girls were going to spend Thanksgiving Day with Jim’s parents.

Sandi was more than a little nervous about it. She had only met the senior Mr. Benning twice and had never met Jim’s stepmother.

Mr. J. R. Benning, who’s close friends called him Jay, was a tall good-looking man with a pleasant personality.

Little Annie had taken to him immediately, surprising her mom when she willingly let him hold her. Not only was it the first time she had ever seen him, but she had just woken up. She normally liked to be cuddled by someone she knew and trusted, while making the transition from naptime to playtime.

Gloria Benning, on the other hand, according to Jim, was somewhat of a challenge to get acquainted with. She was younger than her husband by almost a decade and had been married twice before marrying Jim’s father.

Although they had now been together for close to 12 years, the marriage had created a distance between father and son that had only recently begun to heal.

Jim still did not feel particularly close to his stepmother, but he wanted Sandi and the girls to meet the family of which they were to become a part.

Thanksgiving dinner was to be a catered affair served at 2 o’clock sharp at the Benning estate and Sandi had no idea what she and the girls were going to wear, much less how to act in such a grand house.

They had been living with Susan for close to four months, and although Susan lived a comfortable life in a beautiful old house, it surely would not compare with the kind of wealth that Jay Benning controlled.

Jim told her to stop worrying so much; he said if Gloria got too full of her high and mighty self, he would talk his father into cutting her out of his will! Of course, he was joking. Jim always thought he was so funny. Sandi just shook her head and kept on worrying.

The phone was ringing as Sandi walked in the door and she reached for it as she put the groceries on the kitchen table.

“Taylor residence.”

“Hello, is this Sandi?” the voice at the other end of the phone inquired.

“This is Jillian, Susan’s daughter.”

“Hello, Jillian. How are you? I’m sorry, but your mom isn’t here right now; she had an appointment with the doctor this afternoon. Bill picked her up an hour ago. I’m not really sure what time they will be home. He usually takes her out for lunch after her appointment.”

“Oh, that’s all right, I can call her later. I wanted to fill her in on our news. I think she’ll be happy to hear it. How is she doing anyway?”

“She’s so much better, Jillian. The doctor says she will probably be able to get rid of the walker in a few weeks. She is so looking forward to that and says she hopes to give it to the garbage man as a Christmas present.”

Jillian laughed. “Does that ever sound like Mother. I do know it has been a challenge for her these past months. By the way Sandi, I just wanted to let you know how much we have appreciated all the time you have spent helping her this last year. All she ever talks about is you and the girls. I am so anxious to meet you. In fact, if you promise not to tell Mom, I’ll fill you in on a secret. Bill and Ted don’t even know about it yet.”

“Oh, Jillian, maybe you should wait to tell your family first. It might hurt their feelings if you tell me before you tell them.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, I’m just dying to tell someone, and no one will be mad, we don’t even have to tell them you knew first if you don’t want to.”

“Well, it’s up to you, I guess then.”

“OK. Here it is. Tom and I are being sent back to the States in a few weeks. We will be home for Christmas!”

“Oh, Jillian! Your family is going to be so excited, your mom especially. She has missed you so much. I’m sure that is going to be the best Christmas present you could ever give her.”

“That’s not everything, Sandi. We have an even bigger surprise for her; I’m just not sure how she is going to react to it when I tell her. We have adopted three little boys. We will be bringing them home with us!”

“Oh, really? Oh, my goodness! That really is wonderful news! Oh, Jillian, I knew you should not have told me first. You had better tell them soon because it’s going to be hard to keep quiet. Seriously though, that is just so wonderful! Your mother is going to be thrilled when she finds out. Do you know yet when you’ll be arriving?”

“I’m not absolutely sure, but, if everything goes according to schedule, we should be leaving Johannesburg on the 18th of December. Tell Mom I will call her later this evening, OK?”

“Oh, Sandi it was good to talk with you, and thanks for listening. You don’t know how much I needed to tell someone.”

Sandi hung up the phone with a smile on her face. What a wonderful day it was! Not only was Susan’s daughter coming home after being away so long, but she was bringing her husband and three brand new grandchildren along with her!

Sandi had no doubt that they would be welcomed into the family as if they had always been there.

After all, she and her girls had once been all alone. Susan had taken them under her wing, making them feel they belonged when there had been absolutely no family connection at all.