PETER STAFFORD WAS a darkly handsome man, graying around the temples, with piercing blue eyes and copper skin. He stood when Riley and Josh arrived at the table. He was not quite as tall as Josh, but he looked very debonair in his dark suit and crisp white shirt.
“This is Riley Banks, our newest design assistant and a very talented future designer,” Josh said with a proud smile.
How many times will he make me blush? “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Stafford.” In the car on the way over, Riley had played Josh’s words over and over in her mind. Let’s just go out and pretend we’re back in Weston, hanging out at the concert. She hadn’t realized how much she’d begun to hope that the evening was a date until she’d heard him say those words. Why had he brought her flowers? Maybe it was a New York thing. But what about the kiss?
Mr. Stafford kissed the back of her hand in greeting. “Please, call me Peter.”
Well, that’s a kiss too, and he’s definitely not a date. It’s a New York thing, she thought with a pang of disappointment.
They settled into their seats and ordered dinner. Riley was relieved when the waiter returned with a bottle of wine. She needed something to settle her nerves.
“Josh, how’s my favorite niece?” Peter asked.
Josh glanced at Riley, then looked back at Peter. “She’s well, Peter. Claudia’s doing just fine.”
Claudia? Peter’s niece? Oh, no. Riley tried to blink away the surprise from her eyes.
“Good. Glad to hear it,” Peter said.
Riley watched Josh reposition himself in his chair and spend an extraordinary amount of time refolding his napkin. No wonder she still works there.
“She’s been with JBD for what, five, six years now?” Peter asked.
“Yes, that’s right,” Josh answered.
“Any movement toward full-fledged designer?” Peter asked.
Josh cleared his throat. “We’re working in that direction.” He sipped his wine, his eyes darting to Riley and back.
“Good,” Peter said, finishing his wine. “Everyone needs a break. I remember when I first dressed my girls in your line, Josh. That was a big risk, and I’m glad I took it,” he said.
Josh nodded. “It was a risk, and I appreciate your ability to see my potential.”
Peter poured himself another glass of wine. “Yes, well, you’re welcome.”
By the time the waiter brought their salads, they’d finished the bottle of wine.
Peter ordered a second bottle of wine, and when it arrived, he filled their glasses and made a toast.
“To our incredible industry,” he said.
Riley and Josh lifted their glasses to his, and as Riley sipped her wine, she noticed Peter staring at her. He arched a brow, and Riley looked away.
What was that about? Focus on your salad. Riley fumbled with her napkin, and realized that she’d forgotten to Google which fork was the salad fork. For a moment, she froze—panic-stricken. Between Peter’s professional demeanor slipping toward flirtation and the news about Claudia, she could barely think, much less process silverware etiquette. She eyed Josh’s silverware, figured out which of his forks he’d picked up, and she used the same one. Catastrophe averted.
“Tell me, Riley, how did you land in New York with JBD?” Peter asked.
“It was happenstance.” She looked at Josh, not sure how to answer. His brother referred me? I’m his brother’s girlfriend’s best friend? They’d known each other growing up, but if she revealed that, wouldn’t Peter ask her why she hadn’t come to work for Josh sooner?
Josh came to her rescue. “Riley won two awards for her designs while she was in school, and when I was home visiting my family, I asked to see her portfolio.” He looked at Riley and smiled. “Her work was too good to pass up.”
How did he know how to say that so eloquently? She breathed a little easier. She’d have to remember to prepare for every possible scenario in the future. Who am I kidding? This will be the last dinner with Josh’s business associates.
“Wonderful,” Peter said. “And tell me about yourself. Do you have hobbies?”
Why are you so focused on me? She looked at his empty wineglass, silencing a groan. Why do some men get tunnel vision when they drink? Riley wasn’t prepared to answer personal questions. Peter filled her glass again, and she took another sip while she thought of an answer. As it trickled down her throat, she remembered Jade’s advice. Be yourself.
“I don’t have many hobbies. I love people, horseback riding, and, well, designing. Back in Weston, I worked at Macy’s, which wasn’t glamorous or exciting, but it was fast paced and I enjoyed dealing with the customers. In my free time, I sketched designs, sometimes for hours on end.”
“Do you miss Weston?” Peter asked.
The way he watched her, hanging on her every breath, gave her pause. She might have had a few drinks, but now there was no question. She knew a flirtatious look when she saw it.
She shot a look at Josh, who was also watching her, and the pressure sent her pulse soaring. “I miss my friends, but I’m where I want to be. I’ve wanted to design forever, and now, being among Josh and his team, watching it all come to life, it’s like breathing new oxygen after being on a lung machine. It’s invigorating.”
“I assume Riley will be coming with you to the Bliss line meetings?” Peter asked Josh.
“We can arrange that,” Josh said.
Peter’s eyes darted between Josh and Riley. “Forgive me for asking, but I’m a pretty forthright guy.” He looked directly at Riley and asked, “Are you two…?”
Oh no. I’m dead. Are my feelings that transparent?
“No,” Riley said as fast as she was able. She shot another look at Josh and was surprised to see something that resembled hurt in his eyes. What had she done wrong?
Josh folded his napkin in his lap and took a drink of wine. She tried to catch his eye, but he was looking past Peter with a determined stare. She followed his gaze. He was staring at the back wall of the restaurant. He’s avoiding me. What have I done? I rattled on about Weston and Macy’s. I’ve embarrassed him.
“Would you excuse me, please?” Riley stood, forcing a smile when both men stood as well. “I’m just going to run to the ladies’ room.” And drown myself in the sink.
JOSH’S BLOOD BOILED. Peter was not a man who incited conflict, and Josh was not at all prepared for the feelings that surged forth when Peter had asked if he and Riley were an item. He was still weeding through the whole date-versus-business-dinner conversation he’d had with Riley.
Josh wasn’t known for giving up easily. He didn’t get to where he was in the fashion industry by rolling over and playing nice. He worked hard and he took chances—chances that had led to his success and that he’d become known for.
Once Riley was out of earshot, Josh sat up straight and addressed Peter. He felt indebted to Peter for helping him make a name for himself all those years ago, but employing Claudia was payment enough, and Peter had obviously had too much to drink, so Josh took a professional approach. “Peter, Riley and I are not an item, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t approach her in that manner.”
Peter sat back and crossed his legs. He lifted the left side of his mouth in a coy smile. “So you do have eyes for her? I knew I picked up on something. I apologize if I embarrassed you.”
Josh held his stare. “I’m not sure what I have for her, but I would appreciate it if you’d refrain from stepping in and making it more difficult for me to figure out.”
Peter leaned forward. “Message received. Childhood sweethearts reunited?”
I wish. That would be a lot easier to figure out. “No. Crush perhaps, not sweethearts,” Josh admitted. He watched the direction Riley had gone in. The way his muscles tensed just having this discussion with Peter took him by surprise.
“If I might give you a bit of advice, Josh, getting involved with an employee can create a sticky situation. One you might not want to get tangled up in. That’s how scandals are made.”
Josh laughed. “I hardly think she’s the scandalous type.” He’d already gone down that line of thinking, and he wasn’t sure of anything past knowing that when he saw her, when he touched her, even just their fingers brushing against one another sent something through him that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. When she was nervous, when she blushed, and tonight, when she practically ran from the table, he found her adorable and wanted to wrap his arms around her and kiss the smooth skin of her cheek. He’d enjoyed their time together in Weston, and that was enough for him to know that he wanted the chance to see if there was more to it. More to them. Even if she was his employee. He’d figure that part out later. Right now, he didn’t need Peter Stafford stepping in and wooing her, and he realized, he needed to find a way to let Riley know what he was feeling without scaring her off.
“They never appear to be the scandalous type until it’s too late.” Peter lifted his glass and looked down the bridge of his nose at Josh. “I have a new idea brewing that I want to talk to you about after the New Year. Let’s see how tonight goes.”