JOSH STOOD IN the lobby of the Dakota with his shoulders hunched forward and bags under his eyes as the elevator made its slow descent.
“I always knew there was more to you hiring her than just her skills.”
Josh spun around at the sound of Claudia’s voice. “What are you doing here?” He pushed the elevator button several times, wishing it would move faster so he could escape Claudia.
Wearing a pair of tight-fitting jeans, spike heels, and a GUESS Candide faux-fur jacket, Claudia looked more like she was going on a date than throwing virtual darts at her boss.
“Why? Afraid she’ll see us together? According to my sources, your girlfriend is long gone. She ran back home to hide. Oh…” She feigned a long look at her red nails, then planted one hand on her hip and set her eyes on Josh. “I guess you already know that, since you took her to the airport.”
Every nerve tightened. Josh fisted his hands, his nostrils flaring as he bit back the impulse to tell her to get out of his sight. The elevator opened and Josh stomped inside. Claudia stepped in beside him, and in the next breath, bright flashes of yellow blurred his vision as a photographer clicked picture after picture of Josh and Claudia.
“What the…?” He covered his face. “Get out, Claudia. You’re a sick person.”
She sauntered out of the elevator. “You should have taken me up on my offer when you had the chance.”
The elevators closed behind her. Josh swore. By the time the doors finally opened on his floor, he was red with fury. He swung his apartment door open and then slammed it shut. He paced, cursing and punching the air. Too angry to speak to anyone, he ignored his ringing cell phone. Thank goodness Riley isn’t here. The last thing she needs is Claudia on her back. He stomped into the bedroom and took off his dress shirt, throwing it onto the chair in the corner, and caught sight of the photo of him and Riley on the dresser. He picked up the frame with a groan, then set it back down. He was too angry to think, much less feel anything other than the river of hate that Claudia stirred in him.
Ten minutes later, he stepped into a hot shower, letting the scalding water beat the tension from his back and shoulders. He knew he had to make a decision. What if he found no proof and Riley was stuck taking the blame for stealing the designs? What then? How could they move forward? Claudia hadn’t taken any steps toward placing formal charges against Riley for supposedly stealing her designs, which only further pushed Josh toward believing that Riley had done no wrong and that this was all some sort of game to Claudia.
Josh stepped from the shower and toweled off his lean, muscular frame. His phone rang again and, still reeling, he let it go to voicemail. It was all becoming clear to him. While he’d been worried about proving Riley’s innocence, he’d completely overlooked the bigger issue. What if she’s never cleared of the accusations? He felt himself teetering between two worlds, and he didn’t want to let go of either.