Coming Soon

Consummate rake, Lord Robert Bexley, the current Viscount Chillton - also known as Frost - is bored out of his mind and the Season is not yet at an end.  His best friend Lord Candlewood is newly wed and therefore unavailable to drink, gamble and whore his way through the gaming hells of London.  In fact, nearly all of his friends are wed - much to his shock and dismay.  So what is a gentlemen of fine title and few morals to do?  Find a woman of just as loose morals to dally with, of course!  After all, this is 1820s London and members of the demimonde abound.  One just has to know where to look.  And the newly opened Lycosura seems like the perfect place to start.  Along with the luscious Ianthe, a golden goddess who will do anything.  For a price.

Miss Lavinia Tremont, otherwise known as Ianthe to the good customers of Lycosura, is living her version of hell on earth.  The granddaughter of a duke, she lost her place in society thanks to her gambler of a father and drunkard of a mother who ran off with one of the family's footmen to live on the outskirts of London with her infant daughter.  Forced onto the streets, Lavinia is new to the game of prostitution.  So new that she has only serviced one customer since she has been living within the gilded halls of Lycosura.  But that man, a marquess of noted wealth and power, paid Desponia, the owner of the brothel, very handsomely to reserve Lavinia's favors just for him.  But now the marquess is gone and Lavinia must begin to service new clients.  As many as request her services.  Her first attempt with The Bloody Duke ended in disaster.  So she has one more chance before she is tossed out on her ear.  She must so enchant the Viscount Chillton that he will be willing to pay the exclusive price to retain her favors - both in and out of the bedchamber.

Will Frost discover Ianthe's true identity?  Or will Lavinia first manage to escape a life of servitude within the golden walls of Lycosura before he finds out her secret?

Find out in From The Viscount With Love, available Early Spring 2016!