I have so many to thank, and short mention here is certainly not thanks enough for all they have given: Judy Clain, Terry Adams, Nicole Dewey, and everyone else at Little, Brown who made this edition happen. My brilliant and committed agents, Chris Till and Donna Bagdasarian. Amanda Watkins, who found this play and has shepherded it with care and intelligence at every stage of the process. Paige Evans, Andre Bishop, and everyone at LCT3, for their tireless enthusiasm and understanding of the artistic process. Kimberly Senior, my co-collaborator in so many senses. Marc Glick, as ever. Nils Folke Anderson, who brought to life Emily’s art in Chicago, New York, and London. Matthew Rego and Hank Unger, guides and mentors at every stage of this play’s birth and development. Madani Younis and the Bush Theatre, a brother and a home away from home. P.J. Paparelli and the American Theater Company, where the play started. And of course, Michael Rego and the rest of the Araca Group.
I benefitted from early readings of the play and have so many to thank for those opportunities: Firdous Bamji, Bill Camp, Florencia Lozano, Cassie Freeman, Nicole Galland, Brooke and Brian Ditchfield, Amy Barrow, Ed Vasallo, Webb Wilcoxen and the Labyrinth Theater Company, Caitlin Fitzgerald, Yolanda Ross, Kevin Geer, Jason Pugatch, Miriam Hyman, Georgia Lyman, Ashley Melone at Vineyard Arts Project, Annie Parisse, Eisa Davis, Maria Dizzia, Matt Rauch, Manish Dayal, Quincy Tyler Bernstein, Shaz Khan, Brenda Barrie, Daniel Cantor, Kareem Bandealy, Adam Poss, Alison Mack, Adam Dannheiser.
The amazing casts of the first three productions, who taught me so much about this play: Usman Ally, Lee Stark, Alana Arenas, Benim Foster, Behzad Dabu, Heidi Armbruster, Karen Pittman, Erik Jensen, Omar Maskati, Hari Dhillon, Kirsty Bushell, Nigel Whitmey, Sarah Powell, and Danny Ashok. And of course, Aasif Mandvi, for his steadfast support and inspiration at every stage of this process.
Finally, to those whose contributions, personal and professional, were essential: Don Shaw, Ami Dayan, Steve Klein, Maria Semple, Michael Pollard, Shazad Akhtar, David Caparelliotis, Dan Hancock, Elise Joffe, Jim Nicola, JT Rogers, Joel de la Fuente, James Lapine, Sarah Kernochan, Stuart Rosenthal, Polly Carl, Seth Gordon, David Van Asselt, Oren Moverman, Poorna Jagannathan, Cathryn Collins, Sean Sullivan, Shane LePrevost, Brett Grabel, Nicole Laliberte, Eduardo Machado, and Liz Engelman.
And finally, my parents.