DDE speech, Jan. 17, 1961: Public Papers of the Presidents: Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, 1038.
On Burke: Arthur Sylvester OH; PPP: JFK, 1961, 32, 73, 94; New York Times, Jan. 28, 1961. A Burke interview with Greek journalist Elias P. Demetracopoulos, in which the admiral freely expressed his views, got him into trouble with the White House. The interview also brought Demetracopoulos under CIA scrutiny: Demetracopoulos, “Muzzling Admiral Burke,” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Jan. 2000, and “Admirals Strike a Blow for the Press,” Proceedings, May 2001; Demetracopoulos conversation with Author.
The missile gap: JFK to McGeorge Bundy, Feb. 8, 1961, Box 62, POF. U.S. News & World Report, Feb. 27, 1961, 43. Excerpts from Hearings of Defense Dept., April 6, 1961, Box 51, Sorensen Papers. Edward R. Murrow to McGeorge Bundy, Mar. 8, 1961, Box 290, NSF. Beschloss, Crisis Years, 65–66; Shapley, 97–99. Gallup, 1662, 1704, 1705, 1721.
Origins of the Peace Corps: Wilbur Cohen OH, Columbia University; PPP: JFK, 1961, 134–36; Sorensen, 208; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 165, 605–7.
Public response: Gallup, 1704, 1791.
On Shriver: Sargent Shriver OH, LBJL; Anthony Lewis, “Shriver Moves into the Front Rank,” New York Times Magazine, Mar. 15, 1964; A. H. Raskin, “Generalissimo of the War on Poverty,” ibid., Nov. 22, 1964; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 606–7.
“wars of national liberation”: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 60–61.
“made clear”: FRUS: National Security Policy, 240.
“Latin America required”: FRUS: American Republics, 880. Also see Stephen G. Rabe, “John F. Kennedy and Latin America,” Diplomatic History (Summer 1999), 545.
More documents: Stephanie Fawcett, Senior Foreign Policy Archivist, JFKL, remarks at Cold War Documentation Conference, National Archives, II, College Park, Md., Sept. 25, 1998.
“that, with all its pretensions”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 201.
“Never in the long history”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 170–75.
JFK’s Spanish: Richard Goodwin, 156–59.
On the Latin reaction, see Thomas Mann OH; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 205; and Schlesinger to JFK, Feb. 6, 1961, Box 65, POF.
Khrushchev’s views: FRUS: Soviet Union, 39–46.
Feb.11, 1961 meeting: Ibid., 63–67.
“a mentality”: Charles Bohlen OH.
“a sustained offensive”: Barbara Jackson to JFK, Mar. 5, 1961, and “Outline for a Possible Address,” Box 33, POF.
“find another forum”: JFK to Jackson, n.d., ibid.
“greatest nightmare”: White House Staff OH, LBJL.
“I have been greatly”: JFK to DDE, Mar. 30, 1960, Box 29A, POF.
“in the overall interest”: John J. McCloy to JFK, Mar. 8, 1961, Box 100, POF.
“stand at Geneva”: JFK-Macmillan talks, April 6, 1961, 3:45 P.M., Box 175, POF.
“every approach”: Roswell L. Gilpatric OH.
“only in the light”: JFK-Adenauer Talks, April 13, 1961, 10:30 A.M., Box 255A, NSF.
“a war-fighting capability”: Rand Research Memorandum, “Political Implications of Posture Choices,” Dec. 1960, Box 64, POF.
“a subordinate commander”: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Jan. 30, 1961, Box 313, NSF.
“whether he was not”: Brandon Diary, Jan. 16, 1961, Box 5, Henry Brandon Papers, LC.
“We became increasingly”: Gilpatric OH. Memorandum, Feb. 24, 1961; JFK conference with military chiefs, Feb. 27, 1961, Box 345, NSF.
“might trigger”: Five Interviews with Glen T. Seaborg, Box 11, Closed Deposit, NHP.
“the lead in bringing”: Gilpatric OH.
“is a nuclear war man”: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Oct. 3, 1961, Box 103, POF.
“Would things be”: Quoted in Kaplan, 43–44, 256.
“unreconstructable”: Gilpatric OH.
“was always troubled”: Paul Nitze OH.
“The plan that he inherited”: White House Staff OH.
“a truly monstrous”: Walt W. Rostow OH.
Lemnitzer presentation and JFK’s tension: White House Staff OH.
“And we call ourselves”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 229–30.
“not so happy”: JFK-Adenauer conversation, April 13, 1961, Noon, Box 79, NSF.
“the threshold for”: April 12, 1961, Box 79, NSF.
“stop Soviet forces”: Dean Acheson to JFK and Rusk, April 20, 1961, Box 70, NSF.
“these plans might lessen”: April 12, 1961, Box 79, NSF.
“have left the United States”: Nitze OH. Also see Robert Komer to Dean Acheson, Feb. 20, 1961, and Komer to JFK, Mar. 6, 1961, Box 4339, NSF.
“‘repeat to the point’ “: Kaplan, 285.
“That son of a bitch”: White House Staff OH.
On a nuclear first strike: Fred Kaplan, “JFK’s First Strike Plan,” The Atlantic, Oct. 2001, though Kaplan makes clear that JFK was highly skeptical of any first-strike plan.
“I never met a man”: Quoted in Hersh, 253.
Kennedy announced increases: PPP: JFK, 1961, 229–40, 658–59.
“charges that”: Ibid., 658–59.
“They don’t get it”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 245.
“would have been profoundly”: Parmet, JFK, 132. JFK’s view of Khrushchev’s speech: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 302; Kalb and Abel, 110.
“brutally torn”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 23.
“I find it difficult”: Ibid., 91.
“massive unilateral intervention”: Ibid., 99.
“the U.N. could not”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 575.
“used to oppress”: FRUS: Congo Crisis, 99–101.
For LBJ’s African trip and “Cadillac diplomacy,” see Dallek, Flawed Giant, 12–16.
“counter-guerrilla forces”: National Security Action Memorandum No. 2, Feb. 3, 1961; JFK to Mac Bundy, Feb. 6, 1961; Robert McNamara to Bundy, Feb. 23, 1961, Box 328, NSF. Robert Komer to Walt W. Rostow, Feb. 28, 1961, Box 414, NSF. Also see Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 320, 340–42.
“It is, I think”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 213. Also see 16, 23, 34, 71, 74–75, 122, 149, 154, 185, and 1–120 of FRUS: Laos Crisis.
“I don’t think there are probably”: Kenneth P. O’Donnell taped interview with Sander Vanocur, MR 91-27:49, JFKL.
“any satisfactory solution”: FRUS: Laos Crisis, 45.
“Laos was hopeless”: Winthrop G. Brown OH.
“These jungle regimes”: Galbraith, Letters, 70.
“We must never”: Brown OH.
“Laos is far away”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 214.
He “said that”: Memo of conversation, April 7, 1961, Chalmers Roberts Papers, JFKL. New York Times, Mar. 21, 1961; Richard Reeves, 75; O’Donnell Tapes, MR 91-27:49.
“But I need not tell you”: Harold Macmillan to DDE, April 9, 1961, Box 29A, POF.
“That boy doesn’t know”: Earl Mazo OH, Columbia University.
Ambassador Brown: FRUS: Laos Crisis, 139–41.
NSC meeting, April 27, 1961, Box 313, NSF.
“You start using”: Guthman and Shulman, 248.
“if we are given”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 338.
“general agreement among” and congressional leaders: FRUS: Laos Crisis, 142–43, 146–47. JFK and congressional leaders, April 27, 1961, Box 345, NSF.
“It would be a mistake”: Lincoln Diary, April 28, 1961, Box 9, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.
Neutrality agreement: Gibbons, 112.
“dribbled to a conclusion”: O’Donnell Tapes, MR 91-27:49.
“critical condition” and “for the first time”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 12–19.
“the worst one”: Rostow OH.
“the entire western”: Quoted in David Kaiser, 73.
LBJ trip and troop commitment: PPP: JFK, 1961, 354, 356.
LBJ’s visit to Saigon: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 13–14.
“a series of joint”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 128.
“We have not become”: Quoted in David Kaiser, 73.
“I cannot stress too strongly”: Quoted in Dallek, Flawed Giant, 17–18.
“our billions”: John K. Galbraith to JFK, Mar. 2, 1961, Box 29, POF.
“nearly always”: Laura B. Knebel to James Ellison, n.d., in Box 5, “Closed Deposit,” NHP. Also see Laura B. Knebel OH.
Refusing to comment: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 5.
“a rapprochement”: John Sharon OH, Columbia University.
The Lens report: AES to JFK, Jan. 13, 1961, Box 33, POF.
CIA plan: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 233.
January 22 meeting: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 46–53.
During the last week: January 25 and 28 meetings and follow-ups, ibid., 54–58, 61–65; JFK to Bundy, Feb. 6, 1961, Box 35A, POF.
The February 8 discussions: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 89–91.
“appeaser”: O’Donnell Tape 49.
“However well disguised”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 92–93.
“be landed gradually”: Ibid., 90.
“the small invasion force”: Ibid., 119–20.
“will have”: Ibid., 135.
“The Cuban paramilitary”: Ibid., 142.
“willing to take”: Ibid., 143–44.
“small-scale World War II”: Ibid., 145–48.
“A slight danger”: Ibid., 156–57.
“[has] done a remarkable job”: Ibid., 158.
“in order to make this appear” and “reserved the right”: Ibid., 159–60.
“the plan was dependent on”: Ibid., 160.
“What do you think”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 246.
“U.S. strike forces”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 177.
“If you fail”: Quoted in Johnson, 67.
“If the operation”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 178–81.
“No one”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 247.
CIA paper: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 213–16.
“Are you serious?”: Dean Acheson OH. For the Schlesinger, Rusk, and Fulbright dissents, see FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 185–89, 191, 196–203, and Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 250–56.
“Mr. President”: Theodore Sorensen OH; Sorensen, 332.
Schlesinger remembered: A Thousand Days, 258.
“appear as an internal”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 185.
“everything possible”: Ibid., 191–92, 213.
Newspaper stories: For examples of the newspaper leaks: “Regime to Fight Castro Being Formed Here,” New York Herald Tribune, Mar. 22, 1961, and Schlesinger to JFK, April 7, 1961, Box 65, POF.
Castro “doesn’t need”: Quoted in Wyden, Bay of Pigs, 155.
“in helping”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 258.
“play down the magnitude”: Bissell, 183.
“one of those rare events”: Quoted in Peter Kornbluh, 2.
On the bombing raids and Stevenson’s response: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 226–30; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 268–72; Richard Reeves, 90–91.
“the room in evident concern”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 272–73.
“failure to make”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 235–37.
“the situation in Cuba”: Ibid., 272. For the details of the defeat, see 273 ff.
“nobody knew”: Ibid., 274–75.
Meeting in the Cabinet Room: Richard Reeves, 93–95.
“were sure”: O’Donnell and Powers, 274.
“an incident, not a disaster”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 275–76.
“Under a parliamentary”: Quoted in Powers, 115.
“the chief cause” and other quotes: See Kornbluh, 13–14, 45–46, 113–14.
“was so upset”: Smith, 697–98.
“within the privacy”: O’Donnell and Powers, 274.
The Rose Garden: Ibid., 272, and Salinger, 195.
Messed hair: Richard Reeves, 95 and 677.
Henry Raymont: Interview with author.
Ill-timed health problems: See Dr. Janet Travell medical records, Jan.–Apr. 1961, JFKL.
“quite shattered”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 305.
“How could I” and the meeting with the Cubans: Richard Reeves, 94, 96–99; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 279–85.
“the worst experience”: Nixon, 234–35.
“I was thinking about”: O’Donnell and Powers, 274–75.
“President Kennedy has stated,” and “an old saying”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 289–90.
“the testimony”: JFK to Henry Luce, Aug. 29, 1961, Box 9, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.
“I have felt”: Sept. 12, 1961, ibid.
“the military and intelligence”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 258.
“never to rely”: Ibid., 296.
“The first advice”: Bradlee, Conversations, 122.
“Well for the time being”: Brandon Diary, May 2, 1961, Box 5, Brandon Papers.
Cynical complaint, especially in western Europe: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 423–28. Also see Stevenson’s depressing analysis from the UN: Ibid., 295–97.
“Not much time”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 108.
Nixon and Republican opposition: Ambrose, Nixon, 632.
“It is doubtful”: RCC Newsletter, April 27, 1961, Box 18, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL.
“look pretty good”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 289.
“When he disagreed”: Guthman and Shulman, 264–65.
The White House and NSC meetings: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 304–7, 313–14. RFK memo: Ibid., 302–4.
“That’s the most”: Richard Goodwin, 187.
“I knew it!”: Quoted in Ambrose, Nixon, 632.
“It really is true”: Nixon, 233–35.
“There is only one thing”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 102–3.
Gallup, 1717, 1721.
“It’s just like”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 292.
The Taylor committee: Taylor, 180–84; FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 318–24.
“reoriented”: Guthman and Shulman, 11–13.
“agreed that”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 482–83.
“There can be no”: Ibid., 605–6.
With only 44 percent: Gallup, 1721.
Time, May 5, 1961.
Liked it better and “always on the edge”: JFK on Presidency, Box 23, David Powers Papers, JFKL.
“Sons of bitches”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 116.
Chapter 11: A World of Troubles
“If the self-discipline”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 304–6.
Steel production: Arthur Goldberg to JFK, Mar. 21, 1961, Arthur Goldberg Papers, LC.
Williard Mathias, “evolution,” and “suspected of being”: Bird, 177, 431, n74.
“the Soviets have no”: Walter Heller to JFK, June 27, 1961, Box 125A, POF.
“in the interest”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 334–38.
“Maybe if you”: Quoted in Tifft and Jones, 314–15.
“intended to examine”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 335.
Philandering: Conversation with Robert Novak. Other journalists, Haynes Johnson, James Kilpatrick, Nick Kotz, Marianne Means, Bruce Morton, and Don Oberdorfer, echoed Novak’s assertion.
Ultra-right-wing press stories: Conversation with Ronald Whalen, JFKL.
“underground market”: Parmet, JFK, 114.
LBJ’s womanizing: Dallek, Lone Star Rising, 189–91, 637, n13; and Flawed Giant, 186–87.
People around the president worried: Confidential source.
“Once every two”: Evan Thomas, 116.
JFK-NSK Messages between November and February: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev Exchanges, 1–6.
“It is a secret”: NSK to JFK, April 18, 1961; JFK to NSK, April 18, 1961, ibid., 7–10. Also see Nixon, 234–35, and Beschloss, Crisis Years, 120–21.
Khrushchev answered Kennedy: NSK to JFK, April 22, 30, May 16, 1961; also see JFK to NSK, April 12, 1961: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 10–16, 18–21.
His dilemma: PPP: JFK, 1961, 288.
Department of urban affairs and housing: Ibid., 285.
On political opposition: Lee C. White to JFK, Aug. 21, 1961, Box 30, POF.
On the bill’s secondary priority: Legislative Items Recommended by the President, May 15, June 30, 1961, Box 49, POF.
On the economy, see Walter Heller to JFK, April 6, 27, and May 10, 1961, Box 5, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 630; and Bernstein, 126–27.
Tax reform bill: PPP: JFK, 1961, 290–303.
Business leaders’ opposition: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 631.
LBJ: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 11.
Gains in domestic affairs: PPP: JFK, 1961, 220, 282, 344, 353, 365, 486, 488, 524, 552.
“highest-priority items”: Legislative Items Recommended by the President, May 15, June 30, 1961, Box 49, POF.
On defeat of the education and health insurance bills: Bernstein, chaps. 7 and 8.
“Phase Two”: Lou Harris to JFK, June 22, 1961, Box 63A, POF.
Vow to renew his efforts in 1962: See the undated 8-page memo headed: “Is the Kennedy Administration financially responsible?” Box 50, POF.
“the limited goal,” “quick-talking,” and “the smartest politician”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 315.
“This is the way”: Bayard Rustin OH, Columbia University.
Executive Order: Bernstein, 51–52.
“kept muttering”: Wofford, 169–70.
“timid and reluctant”: Louis Martin to Sorensen, May 10, 1961, Box 66, Gen. Corresp., RFK Papers, JFKL.
Polls: Gallup, 1705, 1713, 1723–24.
Burke Marshall: Branch, 405.
The Charleston incident: Ibid., 399–400.
“King’s name,” O’Donnell’s response, and the Mayflower meeting: Ibid., 404–7. Martin Luther King OH.
“Summary of Civil Rights Progress,” Box 63, POF.
Freedom Riders: Burke Marshall OH; Guthman and Shulman, 82–84, 92–93; Branch, 412–30; Richard Reeves, 122–25.
“Can’t you get”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 125.
“What sort of help”: Branch, 428.
Gallup, 1723.
Nashville students: Burke Marshall OH; John Patterson OH; Guthman and Shulman, 84–86; Branch, 429–44.
“Do you know”: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 296.
“I never recovered”: Guthman and Shulman, 93.
“Oh, there are fists”: Quoted in Guthman, We Band, 170–71. For the rest, Branch, 444–50.
The response to King’s decision: Ibid., 451–54.
JFK statement: PPP: JFK, 1961, 391.
Bobby consulted him constantly: Guthman and Shulman, 95–96.
Riots at Abernathy’s church: Branch, 454–65.
“If they don’t get here”: Ibid., 460.
”Now, Reverend”: Wofford, 154.
“destroying us politically”: Quoted in Branch, 464–65.
“They had made their point”: Guthman and Shulman, 97–98.
“Negroes have been,” “Man, we’ve been,” and “You know”: Wofford, 155–57.
“Wait means‘Never!’ “: Time, June 2, 1961.
“could say something”: Wofford, 125–26.
“Eisenhower never did”: Harris Wofford to JFK, May 29, 1961, Box 68, Gen. Corresp., RFK Attorney General’s Papers, JFKL.
Speech to Canadian Parliament: PPP: JFK, 1961, 380–88.
Conflict with Diefenbaker: Sorensen, 648; Memo, April 7, 1961, Chalmers Roberts Papers, JFKL; Guthman and Shulman, 29; Lawrence Martin, 180–91; Bradlee, Conversations, 167, 181–85.
Special message: PPP: JFK, 1961, 396–402. And see Memo on Defense Posture, to JFK, n.d., Box 84A, POF.
Act for International Development: George Ball to JFK, Mar. 16, 1961, Box 87; Chester Bowles to JFK, May 22, 23, 1961, Box 28, POF. Gallup, 1700–1701.
”apathy, indifference”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 402–3. Gallup, 1724–25, 1732, 1734, 1741, 1745.
“What should I do”: Quoted in Sorensen, 691.
Civil defense meetings: David Bell to Files, Mar. 20, 1961, Box 283A; McGeorge Bundy, “Civil Defense Meeting,” May 9, 1961, Box 295, NSF.
“great fears”: Marc Raskin to Bundy, May 19, 1961, Box 295, NSF.
Considerations governing expanded civil defense: David Bell to JFK, Mar. 18, 1961, Box 70; McGeorge Bundy to Sherley Ewing, April 26, 1961, Box 295, POF.
“would show the world”: “Some Issues Relating to a Fallout Shelter Program,” n.d., but clearly before JFK’s May 25 State of the Union speech; Box 295, NSF.
“which we could never”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 402.
Rockefeller: Sorensen, 692.
Landing a man on the moon: PPP: JFK, 1961, 403–5.
Only time he departed from his text in speaking to Congress: Sorensen, 592.
Arguments against manned spaceflights: Michael R. Beschloss, “Kennedy and the Decision to Go to the Moon,” in Launius and McCurdy, 51–55.
A majority of Americans agreed: Gallup, 1702–3, 1720.
“that we shall”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 404.
“clearly one of the great”: Sorensen, 591.
“But why”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 669.
Advantages of manned mission: JFK to Brook Overton, Mar. 22, 1961, Box 82, POF; Robert Dallek, “Johnson, Project Apollo, and the Politics of Space Program Planning,” in Launius and McCurdy, 72–74.
JFK-LBJ exchange: JFK to LBJ, April 20, 1961; LBJ to JFK, April 28, 1961, Box 28, POF. McDougall, 320; Dallek, “Johnson, Project Apollo,” 70–72.
The president “is afraid”: Lincoln Diary, May 1, 1961, Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.
“You know, Lyndon”: Newton Minow OH, LBJL.
Discussions with de Gaulle: PPP: JFK, 1961, 405–6, 413.
“a great captain”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 405. De Gaulle and FDR: Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 376–79.
De Gaulle’s attitude: FRUS: Laos Crisis, 22.
De Gaulle and JFK’s shared views: C. L. Sulzberger, “De Gaulle —How Splendid the Day Was,” New York Times, April 29, 1961; President’s Visit to De Gaulle: Talking Points, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF.
Tensions with de Gaulle: R. W. Komer to JFK, Mar. 6, 1961, Box 220, NSF; President’s Visit: Talking Points, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF; FRUS: Laos Crisis, 115; FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 254.
“seemed to prefer”: Sorensen, 633.
“Even when”: Nicholas Wahl to McGeorge Bundy, May 1961, Box 331, NSF. Also see Abram Chayes OH.
Kennedy read de Gaulle’s: Sorensen, 631.
“behind his patrician”: De Gaulle, The War Memoirs, 78–84.
The only topic: President’s Visit to De Gaulle, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF. JFK’s arrival in Paris: New York Times, June 1, 1961; Time, June 9, 1961; Charles de Gaulle, Memoirs of Hope, 254, including “suffering the drawbacks”; Richard Reeves, 145–46.
De Gaulle’s formal dinner toast: PPP: JFK, 1961, 424–25.
“somewhat fumbling”: De Gaulle, Memoirs of Hope, 254.
Memorized quotes: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 183.
The gift: Sorensen, 633.
“You’ve studied”: Charles Bohlen OH.
The conversations: De Gaulle, Memoirs of Hope, 254–59; FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962, 80–86; FRUS: Laos Crisis, 214–20; Talking Points Reviewing Conversations between Pres. Kennedy and Pres. De Gaulle, May 31–June 2, 1961, Box 116A, POF.
Told an English friend: Sir Alec Douglas-Home OH.
Medical problems: Dr. Janet Travell medical records, JFKL. Dr. Max Jacobson, “John F. Kennedy,” in NHP. Parmet, JFK, 120–21; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 189–91.
“I don’t care”: Reeves, President Kennedy, 36.
“was in overall charge”: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 191.
“doctors came and went”: Richard Reeves, 146–47.
Jacobson and Jackie: Dr. Max Jacobson, “John F. Kennedy,” in NHP; Richard Reeves, 146–47.
Jackie and de Gaulle: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 349.
Jackie’s impact on the French: Leaming, 112–13.
“Charm”: Ibid., 425.
The French press: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 154.
“I do not think”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 429.
JFK resented: Interview with Marianne Means.
Contingency planning for the Dominican Republic and Haiti: FRUS: American Republics, 1961–1963, 614, 616–18, 623–24, 629–33; the report of the assassination plot is on 629n. FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 472–73, 478, 481. Salinger, 225–26.
The Bowles-RFK clash: FRUS: American Republics, 634–41.
“gutless bastard” and Bowles conversation with JFK: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 88–89.
British Guiana: FRUS: American Republics, 513–19.
“I hear there is something”: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 94–95.
JFK and de Gaulle on Khrushchev: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 80–81. Also see Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 96–97.
The quotes in the documents preceding the summit are in FRUS: Soviet Union, 130–33, 135–37, 153, 161, 163, 168.
Kennan’s analysis: Ibid., 168–70.
The initial reception: New York Times, June 4, 1961; Kenneth O’Donnell Tapes, Tape 51, JFKL; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 191–92.
“You make a hell”: Quoted in Schoenbaum, 335.
For the opening exchanges: Richard Reeves, 159; FRUS: Soviet Union, 172–73.
“ways and means”: Ibid., 173–74.
Additional JFK-Khrushchev exchanges in the first conversation: Ibid., 174–78.
The luncheon exchanges: Ibid., 178–81.
The stroll in the garden: O’Donnell and Powers, 296; FRUS: Soviet Union, 182; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 198–99.
The afternoon meeting: FRUS: Soviet Union, 183–96.
Khrushchev’s exhilaration: Sergei Khrushchev, 106.
“He’s very young”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 166.
“to connect the questions”: FRUS: Soviet Union, 196–97.
For the JFK, Thompson, Bohlen reactions: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 205; Richard Reeves, 165–67.
The competition for international prestige: “John F. Kennedy, USIA, and World Public Opinion,” Diplomatic History, Winter 2001, 63–84.
The dinner party: New York Times, June 4, 1961; Rose Kennedy, 404–5; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 367; Nikita Khrushchev, 498–99; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 207–9.
The second day opening exchanges: FRUS: Soviet Union, 206–11.
“Look, Mr. Chairman”: Richard Reeves, 167. This exchange is not in the FRUS memo for June 4 at 10:30 A.M., but Reeves cites it as in a memcom at the National Security Archive, George Washington University, Washington, D.C.
Exchanges over the test ban and disarmament: FRUS: Soviet Union, 211–16.
Discussion of Germany and Berlin: Ibid., 216–25.
Exchanges over lunch: Ibid., 225–28.
“I can’t leave here”: O’Donnell and Powers, 297.
“I’m not going”: Time, Jan. 5, 1962.
“This is the nut-cutter”: Quoted in Bradlee, Conversations, 126.
Kennedy began by saying: FRUS: Soviet Union, 229–30.
“Then Mr. Chairman:” Quoted in Richard Reeves, 171, which is based on a Reeves interview with, and letter from, Rusk.
With James Reston: New York Times, June 5, 1961; Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 95–97.
On Air Force One: O’Donnell Tapes, Tape 53; O’Donnell and Powers, 298; Press Panel OH.
Conversation with O’Donnell: O’Donnell Tapes, Tape 53; O’Donnell and Powers, 297–99.
“somebody with whom”: Guthman and Shulman, 28–29, 262–63.
Chapter 12: Crisis Manager
On initial contact between JFK and Macmillan, see Memo of Meeting, April 6, 1961, Box 175, NSF.
“so old”: Guthman and Shulman, 30–31, 262.
“in the bosom”: Brandon Diaries, June 9, 1961, Henry Brandon Papers, LC.
“It was the gay things”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 374–77.
Macmillan meeting: Macmillan, 355–59. FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962, 98–102.
Meeting with congressional leaders: FRUS: Soviet Union, 232–37.
JFK TV address, June 6: PPP: JFK, 1961, 441–46.
“a widespread feeling”: Time, June 30, 1961.
“I‘feel in my bones’ “: Horne, Macmillan, 310. See The Times of London, which complained that JFK “has not exercised proper and effective leadership”: Sen. Albert Gore to Editor, The Times, June 28, 1961, Box 27, POF.
“this problem”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 107–8.
“There are limits”: Quoted in Wofford, 379.
Khrushchev’s dilemma: Vladislav M. Zubok, “Khrushchev and the Berlin Crisis, 1958–1962,” Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., May 1993.
Aide-mémoires and Khrushchev speech: New York Times, June 12, 16, and 17, 1961.
“dropped all pretense”: FRUS: Soviet Union, 249–50.
Hans J. Morgenthau, “The Trouble with Kennedy,” Commentary, Dec. 1961, 51–55.
But behind the scenes: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 265.
“He’s imprisoned”: Sidey, 218.
Highest priority: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 106–38. Also see NSAM No. 41, April 25, 1961, Box 329, NSF; Henry Kissinger to McGeorge Bundy, June 1, 1961, Box 31, POF; JFK-Finletter meeting, June 14, 1961, and JFK-Stikker meeting, June 16, 1961, Box 220A, NSF; Amb. David Bruce to Rusk, June 25, 1961, Box 170, NSF.
“The need for re-establishing”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 135–36, and 138–59.
“Look at this”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 188–89.
The Nixon dig and the news conference: PPP: JFK, 1961, 476–84. 644: Also see ibid., 455–56, 458–59, 460–64.
“more than military men”: NSAM No. 55, June 28, 1961, Box 330, NSF.
June 29 meeting with Acheson and others: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 160–62.
JFK meeting with Soviet journalists: FRUS: Soviet Union, 264–66.
: The leak and Khrushchev’s response: Newsweek, July 3, 1961; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 244–45.
Schlesinger delivered a memo: Schlesinger to JFK, July 7, 1961, in FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 173–76; also see Schlesinger to Bundy, July 13, 1961, Box WH 3, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL; and A Thousand Days, 385–88.
While they cruised: Richard Reeves, 192–93.
Asked McNamara and Bundy: NASM No. 58, June 30, 1961, in FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 162–65. Explanations from the Pentagon: Bundy to McNamara, July 10, 1961, Box 273, NSF. Directed Sylvester: Arthur Sylvester to JFK, July 13, 1961, with Sylvester to Hearst, July 13, 1961, attached, Box 77, POF.
July planning: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 176–226.
“the only alternatives” and “If Khrushchev wants”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 390–91.
Press conference, July 19, 1961: PPP: JFK, 1961, 513–21.
”didn’t amount to very much”: Guthman and Shulman, 276–77. Also see PPP: JFK, 1961, 520.
“Gentlemen, you might as well”: Quoted in Catudal, 182. Also see FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 218.
Kennedy’s speech on the 25th: Report to American People on the Berlin Crisis, July 25, 1961. PPP: JFK, 1961, 533–40.
Response to the speech: Donald M. Wilson to JFK, Aug. 1, 1961, Box 290, NSF.
Press reaction: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 392. Congress: New York Times, Aug. 4, 1961. Nixon: Dallas Morning News, July 29, 1961.
Sixty percent: Gallup, 1726, 1729–30.
Leaked suggestions: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 262.
Khrushchev was unhappy: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 231–34.
The “twin tactics”: Thomas Hughes, “August 7 Khrushchev Speech on Berlin,” n.d., Box 82, NSF.
Closing the border: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 325; Beschloss, Crisis Years, chap. 11.
Fulbright quote: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 394.
JFK to Rostow: Rostow, 231; Walt W. Rostow OH.
JFK, “I can get”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 394.
Kennedy had no advance knowledge: Lawrence Freedman, 73–75.
Frustrated and angry: Parmet, JFK, 199.
“With this weekend’s”: JFK to McNamara, Aug. 14, 1961, Box 273, NSF.
”What steps”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 332.
Stayed at the Cape: Richard Reeves, 211.
State Dept. statement: Ibid., 325.
“Why would Khrushchev”: O’Donnell and Powers, 303.
“can and should be”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 339–41.
Willy Brandt: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 345–46.
“Look at this!”: Quoted in Wyden, Wall, 230.
Aug. 17 meeting: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 347–49.
JFK reply to Brandt: Ibid., 352–53.
“There’ll be a lot”: O’Donnell and Powers, 303. Also see Walter Jenkins OH, LBJL.
Norstad to Chiefs: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 350–51.
On LBJ in Bonn and Berlin: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 19–20; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 396–97. Also see Wyden, Wall, 227–34.
Wanted fresh proposals: JFK to Rusk, Aug. 21, 1961, in FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 359–60.
De Gaulle to JFK, Aug. 26, 1961, in ibid., 377–78.
Neutralism and threats to civil air and road access: Ibid., 380–85.
Nuclear testing and “Khrushchev intends”: FRUS: Soviet Union, 284, 392.
Khrushchev-Pearson: Washington Post, Aug. 28, 1961.
Kennan reported: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 387.
JFK to Adenauer, Sept. 4, 1961: Ibid., 389–91.
JFK reply to Rusk, Sept. 5, 1961: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 398.
Clay appointment: PPP: JFK, 1961, 573.
Nuclear testing: Ibid., 580–81, 584–85, 587, 589–90.
“Fucked again”: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 84.
“The bastards”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 223.
Khrushchev-Sakharov: Sakharov, 215–17.
Sept. 5 conversation: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 393.
Thompson and Gromyko: Ibid., 388–89, 394–95.
Reston: New York Times, Sept. 6, 1961.
Wechsler: New York Post, Sept. 21–22, 1961.
“spark a Western”: “The End of the Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962,” Cold War International History Project Bulletin, Winter 1998, 218–220.
Message carried by Sulzberger: FRUS, Kennedy-Khrushchev, 24–25.
Rusk-Gromyko talks: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 431–33, 439–41.
Message from NSK to JFK, Salinger, 191–94.
JFK speech: PPP: JFK, 1961, 618–26.
“The United States and the Soviet Union”: RFK interview, Oct. 24, 1961, Box 2, Personal Papers, RFK Papers, JFKL.
NSK to JFK, Sept. 29, 1961: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 25–38.
“This is really”: O’Donnell and Powers, 304.
JFK greeted Gromyko: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 468–80.
JFK’s view of Gromyko: Walter Lippmann OH.
JFK to NSK, Oct. 16, 1961: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 38–44.
NSK announcement: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 400.
JFK and Dealey: Manchester, 48–49, 85. Dealey Plaza in Dallas, where JFK was killed, was named for the publisher.
JFK to Norstad, Oct. 20, 1961: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 520–23.
The Gilpatric speech: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 329–31.
Soviet reaction: Ibid., 331–36. NSK to JFK, Nov. 9, 1961: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 45–57.
“a time of”: Bundy, 363, 681.
Rusk cable: FRUS: Soviet Union, 308–10.
JFK and Adzhubei, Nov. 25, 1961: Ibid., 320–34.
JFK and AES: John B. Martin, 661.
Ten-year plan, Berle, and Schlesinger to JFK, June 27, 1961: FRUS: American Republics, 19–25, 29–30.
Mann to Rusk, Oct. 19, 1961: Ibid., 66–70.
Bowles agreed: Ibid., 44–45, 70–72.
Bowles and the State Department bureaucracy: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 437–45.
“The question” and other Bowles quotes: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 88, 112.
“a true believer”: Evan Thomas, 141–42.
NSAM: NSAM No. 88, Sept. 5, 1961; Bowles to JFK, Sept. 30, 1961, Box 331, NSF.
“The Cuba matter”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 473.
Discussions foundered and JFK asked Burke: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 620–21, 631–33, 635.
JFK told Goodwin and ignoring Castro: Ibid., 640–41, 645–47, 654–58.
Goodwin and Che: Ibid., 642–45; Richard Goodwin, 190–208; Goodwin, “President Kennedy’s Plan for Peace with Cuba,” New York Times, July 5, 2000.
Renewed concern: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 659–60.
Goodwin urged JFK: Ibid., 664–65.
Mongoose and RFK quote: Ibid., 666–67.
Nov. 21 meeting: Ibid., 684–86, 688–89.
Eight schemes: U.S. Senate, Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, Interim Report: Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders (Washington, D.C., 1975), 142.
“people would be gratified”: George Smathers OH.
His 1988 recollection: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 139.
“on the very same day”: Evan Thomas, 157–58. U.S. Senate, Interim Report, 83–84, 128–36.
“We were hysterical”: U.S. Senate, Interim Report, 142. Also see FRUS: Cuba, 1961–1962, 659–60.
On JFK, RFK, and assassination plots, see Lawrence Freedman, 150–51; Central Intelligence Agency, CIA Targets Fidel, 25, 108; and Arthur Schlesinger Jr. to Editor, Dec. 21, 1997, New York Times Book Review.
On Jagan and British Guiana: FRUS: American Republics, 519–40; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 773–79.
For discussions on Vietnam between March and LBJ’s trip in May: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 58–157.
For a concise history of Indochina, see Roy Jumper and Marjorie Weiner Normand, “Vietnam: The Historical Background,” in Gettleman.
Kissinger had it right: Kissinger, 226.
“There is no clearer example”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 84.
Muting U.S. involvement: Gibbons, 34–36.
Rostow to JFK, May 26, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 157–58.
Assurance on MAAG, limited appropriations, and Diem’s resistance: Ibid., 85–86, 166–68, 174.
Special Financial Group: Ibid., 179, 198–203, 221–23.
“emphasized the reluctance”: Ibid., 253–54.
“you would wish”: Quoted in Gibbons, 61–62.
JFK to Diem, Aug. 5, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 263–66.
“specifically conditioned”: Ibid., 260.
U.N. speech: PPP: JFK, 1961, 624.
Rostow to JFK, Sept. 15, 1961; Taylor to JFK, Sept. 18, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 298–99, 304–5.
In his U.N. address: PPP: JFK, 1961, 624.
Bowles to Rusk, Oct. 5, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 322.
“any investment”: Theodore White to JFK, Oct. 11, 1961, Box 128, POF.
“Concept for”: Quoted in Gibbons, 69–70.
White House meeting, Oct. 11, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 343–44.
Preferred alternatives: PPP: JFK, 1961, 656, 660.
Press conference: Ibid.
Responded to press reports: New York Times, Oct. 14, 1961; Gibbons, 71.
Rusk to Bell, Oct. 12, 1961; Lemnitzer to Adm. Felt, Oct. 13, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 359, 362–63. Felt’s reply: Gibbons, 72.
JFK’s message to Taylor, Oct. 28, 1961: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 443.
Taylor report: Ibid., 477–532. The quotes are on 477–79.
Taylor proposals: Ibid.
“Only the Vietnamese”: Ibid., 489. Gibbons, 73–78.
Military coup: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 493–94, 512–14.
McNamara recommendations: Ibid., 538–40, 559–61.
The compromise recommendations: Ibid., 561–66, 576; Gibbons, 89–91.
“United States troops”: Krock, Memoirs, 332–33.
“They want a force”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 547.
“had many questions”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 532–33.
Opposed the suggestion: Ibid., 467–70, 474–76, 580–82.
Ball was as emphatic: Ball, 366–67.
Armed himself with eight questions: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 576.
Nov. 11 meeting: Ibid., 577–78.
William Bundy believed: Gibbons, 91–92.
Kennedy approved a recommendation: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 591–94, 603–4.
NSC meeting, Nov. 15, 1961: Ibid., 607–10.
Rostow’s warning: Ibid., 601–2.
Rusk to Nolting, Nov. 13, 1961: Ibid., 583.
The sense of urgency: Ibid., 477, 479, 486, 490, 511–12, 524.
JFK’s message of Nov. 15, 1961, to Diem: Ibid., 656–57; Gibbons, 99–100.
Diem’s ghosted letter: PPP: JFK, 1961, 801–2.
JFK’s speeches: PPP: JFK, 1961, 724–28, 735–36.
Implemented JFK’s directives: Gibbons, 137.
Opposition from Diem: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 643, 689–91.
John K. Galbraith to JFK, Nov. 21, 1961: Galbraith, Letters, 89–94.
“I’ve told the Secretary”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 612–14.
“considerable discussion”: Ibid., 673–74, 675–76. Gibbons, 106–7.
Drawn into firefights and lacked the training: Edward G. Lansdale OH, Columbia University; FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 741, 754.
Rusk cable, Nov. 28, 1961: Ibid., 679.
JFK news conference, Jan. 15, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 17.
“we seem headed”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 129–32.
“now involved in”: James Reston, New York Times, Feb. 14, 1962. Salinger, 394, 398.
“maximum feasible”: Rusk to Saigon Embassy, Feb. 21, 1962. FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 158–60.
February 14 press conference: PPP: JFK, 1962, 136–37.
Ongoing problems with the press: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 194–95, 206–7, 279–81.
Harriman to Embassy, April 4, 1962: Ibid., 305–6.
Rusk to Embassy, April 11, 1962: Ibid., 323–24.
Galbraith to JFK, April 4 and 5, 1962: Galbraith, Letters, 100–103. David Kaiser, 131–32, 518 n. 37.
JFK-Harriman discussion, April 6, 1962: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 309–10.
“subterranean war”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 199.
“we are going to win”: New York Times, Feb. 19, 1962. In March, the White House told Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon that RFK’s remarks “reflect the policy of the Administration toward Viet-Nam”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 230.
White House conversation, May 1, 1962: Ibid., 366–67.
For JFK’s dilemma on testing, see Seaborg, 63–86. Also see FRUS: Arms Control and Disarmament, 1961–1963, 38–40, and Memo, April 7, 1961, Chalmers Roberts Papers, JFKL.
Soviets’ fifty atmospheric tests: Seaborg, 89–90.
Nov. 2 NSC meeting: FRUS: Arms Control, 217–22.
The president announced: PPP: JFK, 1961, 692–93.
“we now entered”: Seaborg, 111.
“We could not get”: Ibid., 126–27.
”considerably more in favor”: Ibid., 129–30. Also FRUS: Arms Control, 272–81.
Repeatedly sought assurances: Seaborg, 132. News conference, Jan. 15, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 18.
“Who would want”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 274.
Decision to test: NSC Meeting., Feb. 27, 1962: FRUS: Arms Control, 331–37.
JFK address, Mar. 2, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 186–92.
Civil defense: PPP: JFK, 1961, 536–37; JFK to McNamara, Aug. 20, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Jerome Wiesner to JFK, Sept. 27, 1961, Box 67, POF; Kaplan, 309–10.
JFK to governors, Oct. 7, 1961, and news conference, Oct. 11, 1961: PPP: JFK, 1961, 648–49, 657.
The pamphlet and the response to it and the program: Kaplan, 310–12; Galbraith to JFK, Nov. 9, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Schlesinger to JFK, Nov. 22, 1961, Box 63, POF; Sorensen to JFK, Nov. 23, 1961, Box 30, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.
Meetings with Teller: Bundy to JFK, Dec. 1, 1961, Box 295, NSF; Kaplan, 313–14.
JFK’s backtracking on civil defense: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 748–49; Kaplan, 314.
JFK news conference, July 5, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 543.
Anti-Castro planning: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 689–700, 703, 710, 719–20, 746, 767, 771, 786–91.
Mary Hemingway: The Nation, Mar. 26, 2001, 17.
Dominican Republic: FRUS: American Republics, 623–24, 642–44, 679–93.
Visits to Venezuela and Colombia: PPP: JFK, 1961, 803–15. Also see Angello M. Novello to RFK, July 27, 1961, General Correspondence, Box 2, RFK Papers, JFKL.
“I too found”: JFK to James Farley, Jan. 5, 1962, Box 33, James Farley Papers, LC.
JFK’s reception: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 767
Chapter 14: The Limits of Power
“the fix that he was in”: Theodore C. Sorensen, “Judgment and Responsibility: John F. Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” in Lobel, 27.
“I know that”: Lincoln Diary, n.d., Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.
“He and I continued”: Sorensen, 294.
“He was tired”: Lincoln Diary, May 18, 1961, Box 2, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.
“So much depends”: “JFK on Presidency,” Box 23, David Powers Papers, JFKL.
“less tense”: Memorandum for the Files, Aug. 23, 1961, Box 479, Averell Harriman Papers, LC.
“Do you think”: RFK interview, Oct. 23, 1961, Box 2, RFK Personal Papers, JFKL.
Medical problems in Aug. 1961: Dr. Janet Travell medical records, JFKL.
The lectern: Janet Travell to Evelyn Lincoln, July 10, 1961, Box 67, POF.
Diet: Charles Bartlett to JFK, n.d., Box 28, POF.
Dr. Janet Travell’s care: RFK to George McGovern, June 26, 1961, Box 2, RFK Personal Papers. Also see Travell, 5–7, 358.
JFK’s back problems and treatment: Dr. Janet Travell OH; Dr. George Burkley OH; Parmet, JFK, 120–24; Richard Reeves, 242–44, 273–74; Leamer, 544–45. For the quotes describing JFK’s improvement, see Travell medical records.
Kenneth O’Donnell to Dr. Travell and Dr. Burkley, April 10, 1962, document provided by Virginia P. Street, Travell’s daughter.
“so totally inadequate”: Elizabeth Carpenter OH, LBJL.
“As little as possible”: Richard Reeves, 154.
“I don’t think”: Cass Canfield OH, Columbia University.
“sorry for Jackie”: Hersh, 238.
Jacqueline Kennedy to William Walton, June 8, 1962, Box 1, William Walton Papers, JFKL.
Jacqueline’s spending: Pierre Salinger OH; Parmet, JFK, 109–10; Bradlee, Conversations, 118–19.
JPK’s illness: Parmet, JFK, 124–25.
Kennedy’s womanizing: A number of books in recent years have catalogued Kennedy’s sexual escapades, but none more fully and probably more accurately than Hersh’s Dark Side of Camelot. As scholars Ernest May and Philip Zelikow wrote in an otherwise persuasive critical assessment of the book, “Hersh has accumulated new evidence that Kennedy’s womanizing became increasingly more abandoned and more reckless as he became older, more famous, and more powerful. Hersh has amassed convincingly detailed testimony to this effect from numerous confidantes, four Secret Service agents talking on the record, and many others, some of it buttressed by contemporaneous FBI records.” Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow, “Camelot Confidential,” Diplomatic History, Fall 1998, 642. Also see Giglio, 267.
The nineteen-year-old: Barbara Gamarekian OH, to which she gave me access, including 17 pages blacked out at the JFKL.
He told Macmillan: Horne, 290.
Mary Meyer: Parmet, JFK, 305–7.
“Mary would be rough”: Bradlee, Conversations, 54.
“heard stories about”: Bradlee, A Good Life, 216–17.
Jacqueline Kennedy’s response to the affairs: Confidential source.
“This is the girl”: Barbara Gamarekian OH.
Keeping JFK’s staff informed: Hersh, 390 n.
The story about JFK’s married aide and press hypocrisy: Gamarekian Interview, April 19, 2001.
Press sleeping around: Barbara Gamarekian, “My Turn: History in the Making,” Newsweek, June 16, 1997.
JFK called Sidey to the White House: Time, Feb. 23, 1962; Hugh Sidey OH; Richard Reeves, 287–88.
On Marilyn Monroe: Richard Reeves, 315–16; and see a Village Voice clipping, attached to Schlesinger to JFK, May 31, 1962, Box 65A, POF.
JFK’s relations with the media: Salinger, 34–35, 49–50, 121, 124–25, 127, 141–42.
“You can’t go”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 279.
After Hoover made clear: “Judith E. Campbell, Associate of Hoodlums,” Mar. 20, 1962, JEH O&C, FBI microfilm. Richard Reeves, 288–90.
Telephone calls: May and Zelikow, “Camelot Confidential,” 643, n. 2.
Have JFK “by the balls”: Richard Reeves, 288–90.
Some historians: May and Zelikow, “Camelot Confidential,” 652–53.
Vietnam as a priority: Ibid., 652.
“took less time”: Richard Reeves, 291.
Heller and Martin: James Tobin Memo, Aug. 28, 1961, Box 6, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL.
JFK instructions to Heller, Bell, and Dutton: Notes on conversations with JFK, Sept. 2, 1961, Box 6; Sept. 5, 1961, Box 5, Heller Papers. Evelyn Lincoln to Fred Dutton, Sept. 5, 1961, Box 62; Dave Bell to Life Editor, Sept. 8, 1961, Box 70, POF.
Kennedy’s courting of business: Meeting with JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 6, Heller Papers.
Economic worries: JFK to Sen. Joseph Clark, Aug. 7, 1961; James Tobin to Sec. Fowler, Sept. 6, 1961, Box 73, POF; meetings with JFK, Oct. 17, 19, 1961, Box 6, Heller Papers.
“upward price”: Bernstein, 134–36.
“‘I know everyone’ “: Sorensen, 457–58.
For an excellent summary of the balance-of-payment problem, see Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 385–88.
“The pressures to grasp”: Heller to JFK, Nov. 28, 1961, Box 29, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.
“cloud on the horizon”: James Tobin Memo, Aug. 28, 1961, Box 6, Heller Papers.
JFK request for reports on gold losses: Lincoln Diary, Oct. 3, 1961, Box 3, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.
Draconian reforms: Memo of meeting with JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 6, Heller Papers.
Stopgap measures and restricting Jacqueline’s travel: Sorensen, 458–60.
Reduced gold losses: The Kennedy Record in Domestic Affairs, Dec. 29, 1961, Box 57, Sorensen Papers.
Jokes about JPK’s travel: Gridiron speech, Mar. 11, 1961, Box 61, Sorensen Papers.
Trade Expansion Act: PPP: JFK, 1962, 13–15.
Tax increase: Dillon to Sorensen, July 21, 1961; Mike Mansfield to JFK, July 24, 1961, Box 40, Sorensen Papers; PPP: JFK, 1961, 537.
The steel industry bulked: Heller to JFK, Aug. 2, 1961, Box 39, Sorensen Papers.
Armed with statistics: “The Case Against a Steel Price Increase,” Aug. 2, 1961, Box 39, Sorensen Papers. Heller to JFK, Sept. 8, 1961; Kermit Gordon to JFK, Sept. 16, 20, 1961, Box 73, POF. JFK Letters: PPP: JFK, 1961, 592–94, 604–5. Steel companies agreed: Wall Street Journal, Sept. 15, 1961.
Reactions from labor and business to pressure: Bernstein, 136–37.
Negotiations: Ibid., 140–41. Arthur Goldberg to JFK, Mar. 6, April 3, 1962, Box 27, Arthur Goldberg Papers, LC.
“After your speech”: Goldberg to JFK, Dec. 12, 1961, ibid.
JFK’s reaction to the settlement: PPP: JFK, 1962, 272, 284.
The meeting with Blough and JFK’s reaction: Tape 56, Kenneth O’Donnell Tapes, JFKL. Bradlee, Conversations, 75–77, 81; Bernstein, 142–43; Richard Reeves, 296–97.
JFK’s news conference: PPP: JFK, 1962, 315–17.
Public opinion: Gallup, 1767–68, 1771.
“I can’t go make a speech”: Bradlee, Conversations, 77.
“bad for the country”: Guthman and Shulman, 333.
JFK’s directives and RFK’s actions pressuring the steel companies: Angie Novello to Evelyn Lincoln, April 12, 1962; RFK to JFK, May 31, 1962, May 31, 1962, with Lee Loevinger to RFK attached, Box 80, POF.
“Their expense accounts”: Guthman and Shulman, 333; Bernstein, 143; Richard Reeves, 298–99.
“Can’t you just see:” Manuscript, Paul Fay, “The Pleasure of His Company,” Box 12, Martin Land Papers, Boston University.
On the rollback: Bernstein, 143–45; Richard Reeves, 300–301.
Private joking: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 637; Bradlee, Conversations, 111–12.
Press conference and speech: PPP: JFK, 1962, 331–32, 348–52.
Attacks on JFK: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 637–40; Parmet, JFK, 239; Richard Reeves, 302–304, 316; Bernstein, 145.
News conferences: PPP: JFK, 1962, 334–35, 376; Guthman and Shulman, 354–55.
“an enormous asset”: Richard Neustadt to Douglas Cater, Dec. 14, 1961, Box 64, POF.
State of the Union: PPP: JFK, 1962, 5–8.
Civil rights, etc.: Ibid., 8–9.
Polls: Gallup, 1749, 1751–52.
Document stamped “Propaganda”: Box 57, Sorensen Papers.
Journalists’ skepticism: Edward F. Woods article, “President Said to Think …,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Sept. 16, 1961.
Briefing paper: “Notes for Congressional Session, Jan. 17–18, 1962,” Box 36, Sorensen Papers.
Focus on international affairs: PPP: JFK, 1962, 9–15.
Civil rights surveys: Gallup, 1764, 1769.
Plans for Progress: New York Times, July 12, Nov. 25, 1961; PPP: JFK, 1962, 117–18, 505–7; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 28–30; Bernstein, 58–61.
Substantive and symbolic initiatives: RFK to JFK, Dec. 29, 1961, Box 96; Adam Yarmolinsky to Fred Dutton, Oct. 25, 1961; Dutton to JFK, Nov. 3, 1961, Box 63, POF. Carl Rowan to RFK, Sept. 23, 1961, Box 9; Berl Bernhard Statement, Oct. 9, 1961; Clipping, “8 Owners Persuaded,” n.d., Box 13, Gen. Corresp., RFK Papers. PPP: JFK, 1962, 23, 508.
Executive Order on housing: Wofford to JFK, Oct. 10, 1961, Box 68, Gen. Corresp., RFK Papers; Roy Wilkins to JFK, n.d., Box 30, Sorensen Papers; James A. Wechsler, “As JFK Said …,” New York Post, Dec. 27, 1961; PPP: JFK, 1962, 21, 324; Evelyn Lincoln to Lee White, Aug. 30, 1962, with White to JFK, Aug. 28, 1962, attached, Box 96, POF.
Judicial appointments: Presidential Judicial Appointments, 1961; Lifetime Judges Appointed by President Kennedy, Jan. 15, 1964, Box 13, Personal Papers, RFK Papers; Roy Wilkins OH; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 307–10, 376–78; Bernstein, 70–71; Guthman and Shulman, 108–9, 112.
“gained anything”: Wilkins OH.
“the passage of any”: Abraham Ribicoff to JFK, Oct. 6, 1961, Box 30, Sorensen Papers. Taking a bold stand: PPP: JFK, 1962, 9, 110–17.
Medicare: PPP: JFK, 1962, 8–9, 165–73, 213, 269, 416–20, 449–50, 560–61; Bernstein, 255–57; Los Angeles Times, July 22, 1962.
Would tend “to inhibit”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 576.
Transportation problems: PPP: JFK, 1962, 292–306.
“I’m putting someone in”: Quoted in Clymer, 32.
“He just felt”: Guthman and Shulman, 328.
“I’ll hear whether”: Quoted in Clymer, 31–32.
“He felt that”: Guthman and Shulman, 328–29.
“Your brother”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 63.
“Well, in part”: Ibid., 226.
“administration aid”: Ibid., 407.
JFK and White House involvement in Ted’s campaign: Evelyn Lincoln to Staff, April 27, 1962, Box 62, POF.
“number 99 on your list”: Told to me by James MacGregor Burns.
Ted joked: Clymer, 35.
“my brother pointed out”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 514.
“made it clear” and Meet the Press: Clymer, 35, 37.
The cheating scandal: Ibid., 18–22, 36–37; Boston Globe, Mar. 30, 1962.
“It won’t go over”: Bradlee, Conversations, 67–68.
JFK’s defense of Ted: PPP: JFK, 1962, 514.
Estes scandal: PPP: JFK, 1962, 400–401, 404, 407. Guthman and Shulman, 354–55; Bradlee, Conversations, 79–80, 105–6; Salinger, 129; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 39. Also see Jayne Lahey to Evelyn Lincoln, June 11, 1962, with JEH to RFK, June 4, 1962: Billy Sol Estes, Box 80, POF. On LBJ and Estes, see Dallek, Flawed Giant, 39–40, and 651 nn. 78, 79, 80.
The orbital flights: PPP: JFK, 1962, 139–40, 150, 439, 450. Richard Reeves, 285–87.
JFK-NSK exchanges on cooperative space exploration: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 96, 116–18, 127–31.
“awarding these contracts”: Guthman and Shulman, 153.
“the distribution of contracts”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 229–32. Also see James Webb to JFK, May 7 and June 1, 1962, Box 84, POF.
LBJ and NASA: Dallek, “Johnson and Project Apollo,” in Lanius and McCurdy, 73–74.
Rumors about LBJ: PPP: JFK, 1962, 380.
“after seeing”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 276.
Chapter 15: Frustrations and “Botches”
“There is always”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 259–60.
Approval ratings: Gallup, 1771–72, 1780, 1786.
JFK response to Tuchman book: Sorensen, 577–78.
Installation of the tape recorders and reliability of the tapes: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, xi, xvii–xxiv.
Economic problems: Memo, May 5, 1962, Box 5, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL.
Responses to the market tumble: JFK-Douglas Dillon telephone conversations, May 28, 1962, Box 38, Douglas Dillon Papers, JFKL. Walter Heller to JFK, May 28, 1962, Box 63A; J. K. Galbraith to JFK, May 29, 1962; McGeorge Bundy to JFK, May 29, 1962, Box 107, POF.
Tax cut proposal: CEA to JFK, May 29, 1962, Box 107, POF; see “The Current Economic Situation,” June 6, 1962, Box 33, Dillon Papers; Paul Samuelson to JFK, June 6, 1962, Box 5, Heller Papers; PPP: JFK, 1962, 456–58, 462–63; Gallup, 1777.
“a very large part”: John K. Galbraith to JFK, July 10, Aug. 20, 1962, Box 62A, POF.
Address at Yale: Notes on JFK’s Yale speech, Box 4, Heller Papers. Commencement address: PPP: JFK, 1962, 470–75.
“storm signals”: Heller to JFK, June 27, 1962.
“millions of stockholders”: Heller to JFK, July 4, 1962, Box 5, Heller Papers.
Economy remained sluggish: PPP: JFK, 1962, 575, 593.
Congressional opposition: See David Bell’s comments: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 61–62.
“rigged data”: Heller meeting with JFK, Aug. 15, 1962, Box 6, Heller Papers.
“It is clear”: Sorensen Memo, Aug. 9, 1962, Box 40, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL. Also see PPP: JFK, 1962, 637.
August unemployment: Heller to JFK, Sept. 4, 1962, Box 38, Kermit Gordon Papers, JFKL.
Political resistance: Seymour Harris to JFK, Sept. 27, 1962, Box 90, POF.
See conversations with Mills and a Cabinet Room meeting on the economy: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 233–59, 361–84.
“running out of gas”: Heller to JFK, Oct. 8, 1962; Gordon to JFK, Oct. 10, 1962, Box 38, Gordon Papers. AFL-CIO: Heller to JFK, Oct. 17, 1962, Box 36, Gordon Papers.
Series of meetings: Heller to JFK, July 12, 14, 1962, Box 5, Heller Papers. Heller to Sorensen, July 19, 1962; Ted Reardon to Cabinet, July 29, 1962, Box 29, Sorensen Papers. “The Administration and Business,” July 26, 1962, Box 92, POF. Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 335–61. PPP: JFK, 1962, 709–16.
Doing some good: Heller meeting with JFK, Aug. 15, 1962, Box 6, Heller Papers.
“fully aware”: Thomas Lamont to JFK, July 30, 1962, Box 62A, POF.
“Whenever I say”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 639–40.
Gallup poll: Washington Post, Aug. 19, 1962.
Balance of payments: Heller to JFK, May 5, 1962, Box 29, Sorensen Papers; Seymour Harris to Dillon, June 7, 1962, Box 89, POF; Gardner Ackley Memo, July 26, 1962, Box 6, Heller Papers.
Trade Expansion Bill: PPP: JFK, 1962, 14–15, 17, 510, 614, 632, 636–37.
Opposition to the law: JFK-Dillon telephone conversation, Mar. 30, 1962, Box 38, Dillon Papers; Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 566–69.
Distinguished columnist: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 846–48.
“a suit made in Britain”: Bill, 66.
“the most important”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 759–60.
Taping: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, JFK-LBJ conversation, Aug. 21, 1962, 541–44.
“proper groundwork”: Unsigned, undated memorandum in the Mar. 21–31, 1962, Folder, Box 50, POF.
Clash between the White House and Civil Rights Commission: Wofford, 159–61. Guthman and Shulman, 157–58.
Publication of the Commission’s report and “You’re making my life difficult”: Guthman and Shulman, 162–65; and Berl Bernhard OH.
“could do more”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 572.
The Albany Movement: Branch, chap. 14.
JFK’s response: PPP: JFK, 1962, 592–93.
Troutman’s resignation and Taylor’s appointment: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 541–44; PPP: JFK, 1962, 642; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 28–30.
“The Kennedy civil rights”: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 317.
”asking for” and “I don’t know any more”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 676–77.
Meredith and the Mississippi crisis: “Mississippi Chronology,” n.d., Box 15, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL. RFK-Barnett conversations, Box 11, RFK Attorney General’s Papers, JFKL. Bernstein, 73–79; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 317–20.
Potential federal pressure on Mississippi: Schlesinger to RFK, Sept. 27, 1962, Box 97, POF; Memo on Gov. Coleman’s advice, Sept. 28, 1962; Bell Memorandum for the President, Sept. 28, 1962, Box 11, RFK Attorney General’s Papers; Sorensen to JFK, Sept. 28, 1962, Box 40, POF.
“I won’t agree”: Quoted in Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 319.
The events of Sept. 25–27: Bernstein, 80–81.
JFK-Barnett conversations: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 222–30, 232–36, 239–47; Guthman and Shulman, 159–61; JFK telegram to Barnett, and White House Press Release on the call-up, Sept. 29, 1962, Box 97, POF.
JFK and Schlei: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 321.
RFK and Barnett: Ibid.
JFK speech: PPP: JFK, 1962, 726–28.
On Barnett’s betrayal: Press Release, Oct. 1, 1962, Box 11, RFK Attorney General’s Papers.
On the night’s events: Pierre Salinger news conferences, Oct. 1, 1962, Box 98, POF; Bernstein, 82–84.
“President Kennedy had”: Guthman and Shulman, 162–64.
“They always give you”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 363.
“Imagine that”: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 272.
“I haven’t had”: Ibid., 274.
“We are going to have”: Ibid., 303–5.
Bobby later remembered: Guthman and Shulman, 165.
“Forget the Monday morning”: Graham to RFK, Oct. 9, 1962, Box 80, POF.
LBJ sent word: Ralph Dungan to JFK, Oct. 3, 1962, Box 30, POF.
Polls of northern: Gallup, 1789. Harris poll: Lou Harris to JFK, Oct. 4, 1962, Box 105, POF.
Foreign press: Donald M. Wilson to JFK, Oct. 19, 1962, Box 98, POF. Also see Lincoln Diary, April 5, 1962, Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.
Concerns about Alliance for Progress: William Haddad to JFK, Mar. 9, 1962; T. Graydon Upton to JFK, Mar. 16, 1962; “Why We Have not Made Satisfactory Progress, n.d., Box 95, POF. Richard Goodwin to Schlesinger, n.d., Box 63, POF.
Argentina: FRUS: American Republics, 368–75.
Schlesinger on IMF: Ibid., 373.
Teodoro Moscoso to JFK, May 4, 1962, Box 290A, NSF.
JFK continued to speak: PPP: JFK, 1962, 495, 597.
Worries about funding: JFK to Edward Martin, July 3, 1962, Box 68, POF.
Peru: FRUS: American Republics, 863–79. PPP: JFK, 1962, 571–72, 597. Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 34–35, 38–41, 287–88, 290–94.
British Guiana: FRUS: American Republics, 540–83. Stephen G. Rabe, “JFK and Latin America,” Diplomatic History, Summer 1999, 542–43, 546.
Brazil in 1961: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 178–80; FRUS: American Republics, 444.
“a matter which”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 578.
“suspected of being”: FRUS: American Republics, 450–52.
Expropriation: Ibid., 456–57.
JFK agreed to release funds: Ibid., 458–67.
JFK meeting with Gordon: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 5–25.
“$5 million”: Rabe, “JFK and Latin America,” 544.
Cuban training of guerrillas: Fursenko and Naftali, 167–68. Also see a meeting with Kubitschek and Camargo: FRUS: American Republics, 117–25.
December meeting with Alessandri: PPP: JFK, 1962, 860, 872.
“virtually nothing”: William E. Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, Aug. 10, 1962, Box 290A, POF. Special Group (Counter Insurgency), NSAM No. 124, in FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 48–50.
“sufficiently threatened”: NSAM No. 165, June 16, 1962, Box 337, NSF. Rabe, “The Most Dangerous Area.”
For the Laos crisis: Gibbons, 112–17; Lawrence Freedman, 345–50.
“The morale”: Gibbons, 115.
“provoke the Viet Minh”: FRUS: Laos Crisis, 734–35.
“he might make a public statement”: Ibid., 741–42.
”indicated both his support”: Ibid., 760–61.
“to maintain vis-a-vis”: Ibid., 758–60, 767.
JFK-NSK messages: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 134–36.
RFK and Bolshakov: Guthman and Shulman, 258–59, 337; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 152–53.
NSK message to JFK: RFK to JFK, June 19, 1962, Box 80, POF.
The Times report and JFK response: Salinger to JFK, May 24, 1962, Box 65A, POF.
JFK hoped that Hanoi: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 543–46; Gibbons, 120–21.
McNamara and U.S. optimism: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 546–56; Gibbons, 121–22; Neil Sheehan, 289–91; Shapley, 159–61.
Taylor reported: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 660–63. Also Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 165, and Gibbons, 104–5.
“tremendously encouraged”: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 655–57.
JFK told Thuan: Ibid., 667, 671–72.
“made clear”: Roswell L. Gilpatric OH. Also see Bird, 223; NSAM No. 182, Aug. 24, 1962, in FRUS: National Security Policy, 1961–1963, 381–83; and David Kaiser, 139–40.
McNamara’s withdrawal plan: Gibbons, 125–26.
“thought very highly”: Guthman and Shulman, 46, 418, 421.
“symbolized the idea”: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 264.
JFK himself said: Quoted in Beschloss, Crisis Years, 402.
“Men can’t understand”: Bradlee, Conversations, 230.
“Why is it”: Halberstam, Best and Brightest, 269.
“unnecessary trips”: Memo of the President’s Instructions at the Laos/Vietnam Briefing, May 2, 1962, Box 320, NSF.
“formally involved”: Memo of JFK Meeting with Congressional Leaders, Feb. 21, 1962, Box 345, NSF.
Concession to Joint Chiefs: Memo for Bundy, Oct. 4, 1962, Box 320, NSF.
“What can we do”: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 166.
“The closer one gets”: Quoted in Lawrence Freedman, 360–61.
“adjunct of a dictatorship”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 984.
The press: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 656, 661–62, 671–72. Also, Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 165; C. V. Clifton to McGeorge Bundy, Mar. 6, 1962, Box 320, NSF.
Time’s coverage: Henry Luce to JFK, Sept. 15, 21, 1962; JFK to Luce, Oct. 2, 1962, Box 31, POF.
JFK sympathized: See Halberstam, chap. 11.
Response to the Baldwin story: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 186–201.
Directives about the press: Joe Alsop to Evelyn Lincoln, Oct. 3, 1962; “Joe Alsop called,” n.d.; Alsop to JFK, Nov. 24, 1962; McGeorge Bundy to Alsop, Nov. 27, 1962, Box 27, POF. Sorensen, 360.
JFK to NSK, Mar. 5, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy–Khrushchev, 115.
JFK’s numerous exchanges and differences with Moscow: Ibid., 362–65, 369–72, 401–3, 405–6, 411–14, 425–26, 438–41; Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 86–88, 162. Also see NSK, Khrushchev Remembers, 536.
Public relations setback: Seaborg, 164–66; FRUS: Arms Control, 510–14; JFK to Rusk and McNamara, July 19, 1962, Box 88, POF; Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 117.
“I just see”: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 47–51.
“Domestic policy”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 426.
“Creative governments”: Schlesinger to Orvil Dryfoos, July 5, 1962, with a note to JFK, July 5, 1962, attached, Box 65A, POF.
JFK’s proposals and response to the Soviets: PPP: JFK, 1962, 649–50, 652–55; Seaborg, 167–71.
JFK’s search for a Berlin formula: Lawrence Freedman, 112–16. Also see conversations with Adzhubei in FRUS: Soviet Union, 356–60; FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961–1962, 780–84; and JFK-NSK exchanges in FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 81–84, 92–95, 118–26.
“Matters relating to”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 133 and 137–47.
“consistent failure”: Ibid., 143.
Incidents at the Wall: Lawrence Freedman, 118–19.
NSK’s fears and Bolshakov conversation with RFK: RFK to JFK, Mar. 16, 1962, Box 80, POF; Salinger, 248; Fursenko and Naftali, 155, 185.
NSK’s response: Fursenko and Naftali, 185–86, and Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 512.
Conversation with Udall: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1962–1963, 308–10.
Sorensen told Dobrynin: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1045–47.
JFK’s view of NSK: Guthman and Shulman, 27–28, 311. Sulzberger, 808–13.
Thompson told JFK: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 270.
Chapter 16: To the Brink —and Back
For an up-to-date review of the missile crisis literature, see Mark J. White, “New Scholarship on the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Diplomatic History, Winter 2002, 147–53.
Cardona asked Bundy: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 777–78.
JFK told Cardona: Richard Goodwin to JFK, April 14, 1962; and “Topics Discussed During Meeting of Dr. Cardona with the President,” April 25, 1962, Box 45, NSF.
NSK’s worries about Cuba: Fursenko and Naftali, 166–79.
NSK’s decision to deploy missiles: Ibid., chaps. 9 and 10; Raymond L. Garthoff, “New Evidence on the Cuban Missile Crisis: Khrushchev, Nuclear Weapons, and the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Cold War International History Project, Winter 1998, 251–61.
Fursenko and Naftali took the phrase “one hell of a gamble” from JFK, who used it at an Oct. 22 meeting with congressional leaders about invading Cuba. See May and Zelikow, 264, for the quote, and 35–39.
For the 1959 Soviet missile deployment, see Matthias Uhl and Vladimir I. Ivkin, “‘Operation Atom’: The Soviet Union’s Stationing of Nuclear Missiles in the German Democratic Republic, 1959,” Bulletin: Cold War History Project, Fall/Winter 2001, 299–306. Soviet expert Raymond Garthoff, who was a member of the National Board of Intelligence Estimates, remembers the deployment in East Germany. He knew of no evidence that JFK or anyone else high in his administration, including John McCone, knew about this earlier deployment. Conversation with Garthoff, Mar. 19, 2002.
“but there is no evidencec”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1002–10, especially 1004 and 1007.
“We have no”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 12.
”for the sake of” and “Nothing will be”: Fursenko and Naftali, 194–97.
“Now, as to Cuba”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1047–48.
Pressures on JFK: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 923–24, 947–58, 968, 1033–34; Fursenko and Naftali, 198–206; and three Sept. 4, 1962, conversations about Cuba in Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 19–80.
Preparation of the statement: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 33–51.
“The major danger”: Ibid., p. 42.
The statement: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1038.
”what is our policy?”: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 61–62, 71.
Robert Frost: New York Times, Sept. 10, 1962.
JFK’s reaction: Stewart Udall OH.
Democratic senators: Mike Mansfield to JFK, Sept. 12, 1962, Box 31, POF.
JFK news conference, Sept. 13, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 674–75.
CIA assessment: Special National Intelligence Estimate, Sept. 19, 1962, in FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1070–80.
NSK to JFK, Sept. 28, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 152–61.
Senate resolution: New York Times, Sept. 21, 1962.
Schlesinger urged: Schlesinger Memo, Sept. 24, 1962, in FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1084–86.
“The question is”: William Jordan to W. W. Rostow, Oct. 10, 1962, Box 415, NSF.
Kennedy further instructed and Khrushchev canceled: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1081; FRUS: Cuban Missile Crisis, 6–7, 10–13; Fursenko and Naftali, 206–17; Richard Reeves, 366–67.
”a first-hand sighting”: FRUS: Cuba, 1961–62, 1083–84.
U-2 flights: Ibid., 1054; Fursenko and Naftali, 212.
Bundy and McCone: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 14.
Bolshakov carried: Fursenko and Naftali, 219.
JFK Oct. 9 decision and weather conditions: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 17; Fursenko and Naftali, 220–21.
Dobrynin-Bowles conversation: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 26–29.
Leak to Reston: New York Times, Oct. 12, 1962; Richard Reeves, 367.
Results of the U-2 mission and Bundy’s decision to wait until morning: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 29–30.
The 8:45 A.M. meeting and JFK’s response: Richard Reeves, 368.
The 11:45 Ex Comm meeting: For participants and seating: May and Zelikow, 39–43; Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 397. The initial discussion: Naftali and Zelikow, 397–403.
Oct. 16, morning discussion: Ibid., 404–27.
Ad lib remarks: O’Donnell and Powers, 315–16.
Evening meeting: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 427–68.
RFK and JFK on Pearl Harbor: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 507; Brinkley, 154–74; Chace, 398–99.
For an overview of activities on Oct. 17, see May and Zelikow, 118–21.
Summaries of the meetings, including McCone’s with JFK, AES to JFK, and RFK’s memo: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 94–106.
Thursday, Oct. 18, meeting: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 516–72.
JFK-Gromyko conversation: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 110–14.
JFK-Lovett conversation: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 573–74.
Gromyko’s reaction: Fursenko and Naftali, 231–32.
Lovett’s advice and RFK’s agreement: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 573–74.
Late-night meeting: Ibid., 576–77. The JFK quote is on 512.
Considered canceling the trip: O’Donnell and Powers, 315; and PPP: JFK, 1962, 797–805.
Meeting with Joint Chiefs: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 578–98.
“Can you imagine”: O’Donnell and Powers, 318.
After JFK left the room: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 597–98.
JFK told Bundy: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 117.
Told RFK and Sorensen: Sorensen, 780.
Afternoon meeting: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 116–22.
RFK urged JFK: Brugioni, 303–4.
Oct. 20 meeting: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 126–36. Also see JFK conversation with Omsby-Gore, Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 5.
“that we would accept nothing: Ibid., 148.
JFK asked the Times: JFK to Orvil Dryfoos, Oct. 25, 1962, Box 29, POF; Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 4.
JFK told Taylor: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 614.
For calls to the former presidents: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 153.
For the National Security Council meeting: Ibid., 152–56, and Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 42–57.
Meeting with congressional leaders: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 60–90.
Joked with Humphrey: Richard Reeves, 393.
JFK comment to Donald: Donald, 13.
DDE to JFK: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 12.
“the most difficult meeting”: Robert Kennedy, 53, 55.
JFK to NSK, Oct. 22, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 165–66.
JFK speech: PPP: JFK, 1962, 806–9.
“We have won”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 397. NSAM No. 196, in FRUS: Missile Crisis, 157.
Ex Comm meeting, 10 A.M., Oct. 23: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 102–140.
NSK to JFK, Oct. 23, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 166–67.
JFK and Clay: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 146–47.
Enforce the blockade: Ibid., 148–49.
Evening Ex Comm meeting: Ibid., 150–73.
JFK to NSK, Oct. 23, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 168. Soviet shipment of warheads by plane also worried JFK. Because Moscow would need landing rights in West Africa for this shipment, JFK won agreement from the presidents of Guinea and Senegal not to allow it. See Philip Kaiser, 197–99.
JFK and RFK: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 177.
RFK initiative and meeting with Dobrynin: Fursenko and Naftali, 251–53; FRUS: Missile Crisis, 175–77; Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 178–82.
Ex Comm meeting, Oct. 24, 10 A.M.: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 183–205.
The MRBMs and Soviet knowledge of SAC’s nuclear alert: Fursenko and Naftali, 256, 258.
“This was the moment”: Quoted in Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 514.
State Dept. report, report to McCone, and JFK worried: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 188, 191–92, 196–98.
“We’re eyeball”: Rusk, 237.
McNamara and Anderson: Roswell L. Gilpatric OH; Shapley, 176–77; Brugioni, 415–17.
Afternoon meetings, Oct. 24, 1962: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 206–26.
JFK told Macmillan, Ibid., 226–28.
NSK to JFK, Oct. 24, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 169–70.
Knox-Khrushchev meeting: William E. Knox OH.
JFK to NSK, Oct. 25, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 171. “He could not go to war”: Fursenko and Naftali, 259–62.
NSK’s proposal: Fursenko and Naftali, 259.
JFK’s temporizing: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 232–69.
“a sense of euphoria”: Ibid., 253.
U Thant, JFK, and Macmillan: Ibid., 261–62, 280. Also, FRUS: Missile Crisis, 183, 191–97, 199, 203–4, 210–12.
AES and Zorin: New York Times, Oct. 26, 1962.
“I never knew”: O’Donnell and Powers, 334.
Lebanese ship boarding: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 284.
For quotes from the Oct. 26 meetings: Ibid., 287–88, 293, 295, 302, 309–10, 312, 328, 345.
NSK’s letter: Llewellyn Thompson OH. FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 172–77.
Scali-Fomin meeting: Fursenko and Naftali, 263–65. Fursenko and Naftali believe that Fomin took this initiative on his own. But it so closely reflected two of NSK’s proposals as to make it doubtful that Fomin acted without instructions. Indeed, would any KGB operative have taken the initiative on so large a matter?
Ex Comm meeting, Oct. 27, 10 A.M.: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 356–57, 380, 382.
NSK’s revised Oct. 26 letter: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 178–81.
Response to the revised proposal: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 363–64, 366, 377, 385–86.
The afternoon–evening Oct. 27 Ex Comm meeting: Ibid., 387–482. The JFK quotes are on 398–400, 417, 419, 421.
JFK to NSK, Oct. 27, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 181–82.
RFK’s record of conversation with Dobrynin: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 270–71.
The meeting on the Turkish pledge: Bundy, 432–33.
JFK instruction to Rusk: Blight and Welch, 83–84.
“the most depressing”: O’Donnell and Powers, 341.
State Dept. cable: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 276–77.
RFK and McNamara: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 509.
The presidium meeting: Fursenko and Naftali, 283–87.
NSK’s replies to JFK, Oct. 28, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 183–87, 189–90.
On LeMay: Fursenko and Naftali, 287. JCS to JFK, Oct. 28, 1962, in Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 517.
Meeting with the Chiefs: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 544.
JFK’s view of the agreement and future difficulties: Zelikow and May, Presidential Recordings, vol. III, 517–23.
JFK could not assume: PPP: JFK, 1962, 814. The CIA saw little danger that the Soviets would delay dismantling the missiles: “Implementation of Khrushchev’s Message of Oct. 28,” CIA, Memo, Oct. 29, 1962, Box 415, NSF.
“We’ve given K.”: Komer to McGeorge Bundy, Oct. 29, 1962, Box 322, NSF.
“We must operate”: JFK to Robert McNamara, Nov. 5, 1962, Box 274, NSF.
“I am sure”: JFK to McCone, Dec. 15, 1962, Box 68, POF.
On the negotiations: May and Zelikow, 663–65.
The news conference: PPP: JFK, 1962, 830–31.
“Considering the size”: JFK to McNamara, Nov. 5, 1962, Box 274, NSF.
“An invasion would have been”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 831.
Continued covert opposition to Castro: May and Zelikow, 665; FRUS: Missile Crisis, 586–90, 668–87. JFK, Background Briefing for the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF. JFK continued to worry about Cuban subversion in the hemisphere; see JFK to John McCone, Feb. 9, 1963, Box 68, POF.
JFK’s performance: Bird, 242–46.
“unimaginative and sterile”: Arthur Schlesinger to JFK, Nov. 17, 1962, Box 5, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL.
“a different president”: Barton J. Bernstein, “Reconsidering the Missile Crisis: Dealing with the Problems of the American Jupiter Missiles in Turkey,” in Nathan, 106–7. Cf. Beschloss, Crisis Years, 564.
NSK’s motives: May and Zelikow, 668–71.
Chapter 17: New Departures: Domestic Affairs
JFK’s image: Dean Acheson to JFK, Oct. 29, 1962, Box 27, POF; Harriman memo of conversation with James Reston, Oct. 30, 1962, Box 588, Averell Harriman Papers, LC; Pierre Salinger to JFK, Oct. 30, 1962, Box 65, POF; Gen. Lauris Norstad to JFK, Nov. 1, 1962, Box 103, POF; Newsweek, Nov. 12, 1962.
For JFK’s medications during the crisis, see Dr. Janet Travell medical records, October 1962, JFKL. For the Stelazine, see the Dec. 11–13, 1962, records.
JFK on physical fitness: PPP: JFK, 1963, 624–25.
On the Stevenson flap: Stewart Alsop and Charles Bartlett, “In Time of Crisis,” Sat. Eve. Post, Dec. 8, 1962; PPP: JFK, 1962, 873; FRUS: Missile Crisis, 134, 137–38, 145, 567; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 835–38; Lawrence Freedman, 220. Also see JFK to AES, Dec. 5, 1962; AES to JFK, Dec. 8, 1962, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL; Clayton Fritchey to Salinger, Dec. 10, 1962; Stevenson to Salinger, Dec. 10, 1962; Stevenson to John Steele, Dec. 10, 1962, Box 65A, POF.
Legislative record: Henry H. Wilson Jr. to Larry O’Brien, July 9, 1962; “Kennedy Legislative Boxscore,” Congressional Quarterly, Nov. 14, 1962, Box 31, POF. Larry O’Brien to JFK, Sept. 10, 1962, Box 64, POF. James M. Burns letter to Editor, New York Times, dated July 30, 1962, published Aug. 5, 1962.
“were talking quite honestly ”: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Aug. 20, 1962, Box 405, NSF.
“The President is just”: HST to JFK, Aug. 11, 1962, Box 33, POF.
Worked behind the scenes: JFK to Charles Bartlett, Aug. 21, 1962; Martin S. Ochs to JFK, Aug. 30, 1962, Box 27, POF.
Speak “over and over”: Lou Harris to JFK, July 26, 1962, Box 30, POF.
For JFK’s campaign speeches, see PPP: JFK, 1962 for May–Oct., and specifically 414–16, 643–44, 722, 734–35, 739–40, 745, 763–64, 799–800.
JFK’s hold on the public: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 664.
The congressional elections: Gallup, 1786–88; TCS [Sorensen], “It looks as though we might gain in the Senate and lose in the House,” Nov. 6, 1961, Box 66A, POF; Lou Harris to JFK, “Analysis of the 1962 Elections,” Nov. 19, 1962, Box 30, POF; PPP: JFK, 1962, 834–35, 891; Richard Reeves, 429.
Approval rating: Gallup, 1793.
hailed as “your excellent”: Lou Harris to JFK, Nov. 19, 1962, Box 30, POF.
The housing order: PPP: JFK, 1962, 831–32, 835.
“see the editors”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 316.
On Monroe and the Kennedys: Thomas C. Reeves, 317–27; and Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 590–91, who quotes Lawford.
JFK’s health care: Parmet, JFK, 120–24.
“physically impaired”: Statement of Dr. George Burkley, Mar. 2, 1964, Box 14, Lincoln Papers.
“that if I ever”: New York Times, Dec. 4, 1972.
“that if Dr. Travell”: Lincoln Diary, Dec. 29, 1962, Box 4, Lincoln Papers.
“potential threat”: Quoted in Leamer, 545.
Jacobson made occasional: Richard Reeves, 242, 364, 684–85, 689–99.
Her records indicate: Travell medical records.
According to Dr. James M. Young: Conversation with Dr. Young, Nov. 27, 2002.
“robust health”: Dr. James M. Young, handwritten memoir, Nov. 23, 1963, which he allowed me to read.
”The Congress looks”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 892–94.
Heller asked him: Heller memo to JFK, Oct. 16, 1962, Box 6, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL.
“The economic conditions”: Philip L. Graham to JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 30, POF.
”The lesson”: PPP: JFK, 1962, 879.
Mills’s opposition to a tax cut: Henry H. Fowler, Conference with Mills, Nov. 15, 1962, Box 88; Larry O’Brien to JFK, Dec. 5, 1962, Box 64, POF. Douglas Dillon, Notes of conversation with Mills, Dec. 6, 1962, Box 38, Douglas Dillon Papers, JFKL. “Why a Tax Cut Is Unlikely in‘63,” U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 17, 1962, 42–45.
“a reduction in revenue”: Sen. Albert Gore to JFK, Nov. 15, 1962, Box 90, POF.
“we are in serious danger”: Robert G. Baker to Sen. Mansfield, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 52, POF.
State of the Union Message: PPP: JFK, 1963, 11–15.
“not going to pass”: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 337.
JFK on educational needs: PPP: JFK, 1963, 38–39, 69–70, 105–16, 238, 877–79.
Education spending: Ibid., 215–16.
JFK and health reforms: Ibid., 140–47, 188–204, 338–39, 823, 849; JFK to Anthony Celebrezze, May 6, 1963, Box 68, POF; Bernstein, Promises Kept, 257–58.
On the tax cut: M. J. Rossant, “The Economic Education of John F. Kennedy,” The Reporter, Feb. 14, 1963, 22–25.
“a lot of willingness”: Heller to JFK, Dec. 21, 1962, Box 5, Heller Papers.
Dillon to JFK, Nov. 20, 1962, Box 34, Dillon Papers.
“highly desirable”: DDE Statement, Sept. 8, 1963, Box 29, POF; also see Charles S. Murphy to JFK, Sept. 10, 1963, Box 33, POF, for HST’s view.
Wilbur Mills and federal spending: Tel. Convs., Dillon and Kermit Gordon and Dillon and Larry O’Brien, both February 1, 1963, Box 38, Dillon Papers. PPP: JFK, 1963, 27, 57, 59–60, 68, 210–212, 332, 351, 384, 393, 403–4, 576, 637–38, 662–63, 822, 863. JFK-Walter Heller, July 25, 1963, Audiotape 101.3; JFK-Wilbur Mills, July 29, 1963, Audiotape 101.4; JFK-Martha Griffiths telephone conversation, Aug. 7, 1963, 25A6, 25B1; JFK-Douglas Dillon, etc., Sept. 12, 1963, Audiotape 110.3; JFK-Dillon, Fowler, Sept. 30, 1963, Audiotape 113.5, JFKL. Bernstein, 157–59.
“the most precious”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 14.
“an end to racial”: Ibid., 71.
“legal, economic”: Ibid., 159–60.
Special Message to the Congress on Civil Rights, Feb. 28, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 221–30.
Had been “appointing”: Ibid., 239.
JFK-Katzenbach telephone conversation, Mar. 7, 1963, Audiotape 11A.5, JFKL.
“Could you discuss”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 347–48.
JFK’s civil rights record: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 30–31.
The voting rights bill: Berl I. Bernhard to Lee C. White, Feb. 21, 1963, Box 30, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.
RFK and LBJ: Flawed Giant, 30, 32–33, 35–36.
“fussed and interfered”: Burke Marshall OH. Guthman and Shulman, Robert Kennedy, 150–53.
May and July CEEO meetings: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 35–36.
RFK-LBJ personal differences: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 623.
Birmingham demonstrations: Bernstein, 85–90.
Hoover’s allegations: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 352–54; David J. Garrow, “The FBI and Martin Luther King,” Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2002, 80–88.
JFK press conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, 372–73, 378.
“It seems clear to me”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 490–91.
King’s letter: Branch, 737–40.
took issue with JFK’s assertion: Ibid., 787.
The negotiated compromise: Bernstein, 90–92.
The explosions and rioting: Ibid., 92–93; Branch, 791–96.
“The passivity”: Quoted in Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 330.
Wallace: Carter, chap. 3.
JFK’s discussion of the dilemma: JFK conversation with RFK, Burke Marshall, Nicholas Katzenbach, Ed Guthman, McNamara, Army Sec. Cyrus Vance, and Gen. Earle Wheeler, May 12, 1963, JFK Tape 86.2, JFKL.
On King’s intentions: Ibid.; Branch, 796–800.
“leaned too much”: Quoted in Branch, 800.
JFK statement and telegram: PPP: JFK, 1963, 397–98.
RFK survey: RFK to JFK, June 4, 1963, and Lee White to JFK, June 4, 1963, Box 97, POF.
RFK and Wallace: Carter, 117–23; Guthman and Shulman, 185–86.
JFK and Wallace: Carter, 128–29. Pierre Salinger memo of conversation between JFK and Wallace, n.d., given to me by Sheldon Stern with Stern to Author, April 19, 2002.
The prospect of race wars: Burke Marshall OH.
May 20 and 21, 1963, meetings: JFK, RFK, John Macy, Marshall, O’Brien, O’Donnell, Sorensen, and Lee White, JFK Tapes 88.4 and 88.6.
Reporter asked: PPP: JFK, 1963, 423.
RFK meeting in New York: Guthman and Shulman, 223–26; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 330–35.
“How long”: Guthman and Shulman, 64–65.
JFK and Gov. Jimmie Davis, June 3, 1963, tel. conv., JFK Tape 21A.
Conversations with Davis and Thompson: JFK Tapes 21A.1, 22A.3 and 4; 22B.1 and 3.
On LBJ and the civil rights bill: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 36–37; LBJ-Sorensen tel. conv., June 3, 1963, Vice Presidential Papers: Civil Rights, LBJL.
RFK request to Harriman: TELCON, May 29, 1963, and RFK to Harriman, June 17, 1963, Box 479, Harriman Papers.
The confrontation with Wallace: Guthman and Shulman, 185–98; Carter, 142–51.
Preparation of the televised evening speech: Guthman and Shulman, 198–201.
Televised evening speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 468–71.
The civil rights bill: Ibid., 483–94. On Evers: Carter, 153–54.
Bipartisan support: JFK to DDE, June 10, 1963; DDE to JFK, June 14, 1963, Box 29A, POF.
“He always felt”: Guthman and Shulman, 176.
“I suppose that civil rights”: JFK-Carl Albert telephone conversation, June 12, 1963, JFK Tape 22A2.
Dirksen quoting Hugo: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 119.
JFK told Hodges: Luther Hodges OH.
More than moral considerations: Guthman and Shulman, 392.
”Kennedy will lose”: Fred R. Travis to Charles Bartlett, May 20, 1963, Box 28, POF.
“the most sweeping”: Martin Luther King, June 20, 1963, Box 97, POF.
Chapter 18: New Departures: Foreign Affairs
December 17 interview: PPP: JFK, 1962, 896–903. Also see Schlesinger to JFK, Dec. 15, 1962, Box 62A, POF.
On Berlin: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 549; FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 510–11, 544–46.
JFK’s view of alliances: Theodore Sorensen, Foreword, in Brinkley and Griffiths, xiii.
On Skybolt and the Bermuda meeting: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 856–66; JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.
“the riot act”: Lincoln Diary, Dec. 22, 1962, Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers.
Richard E. Neustadt’s report was later published as Alliance Politics (New York, 1970).
Relations with France and Germany: John Newhouse, “De Gaulle and the Anglo-Saxons,” 32–48, and Roger Morgan, “Kennedy and Adenauer,” 16–31, in Brinkley and Griffiths.
“if Germany developed”: PPP: JFK, 1961, 751.
“What is your judgment”: JFK-Macmillan tel. conv., Jan. 19, 1963, Box 127A, POF.
“There is always the argument”: JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.
“Well, I am going”: Quoted in Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 870–71.
“not possible to persuade”: Dean Acheson to JFK, Feb. 20, 1963, Box 27, POF.
Malraux and JFK remarks at the National Gallery: PPP: JFK, 1963, 4–6. Also see FRUS: Western Europe and Canada, 485.
On defense spending, see PPP: JFK, 1963, 15–16, 18–19; JFK, Background Briefing of the Press, Dec. 31, 1962, Box 415, NSF.
Rename foreign aid: David Bell Memo, Dec. 22, 1962, Box 28, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.
NSK to JFK, Nov. 12, Dec. 14 and 19, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 205–6, 233–34.
On Israel, see Cohen and chap. 6 of Bass.
“achieved much”: Seaborg, 158.
On JFK’s request for an assessment of the tests: FRUS: Arms Control, 599–601.
JFK to NSK, Nov. 21, Dec. 14, 22, 1962: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 223, 231–33, 237.
Differences between JFK and NSK: Ibid., 238–42; Seaborg, 178–81.
NSK’s agreement to talks in New York, and continuing differences: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 247–49, 250–62; Seaborg, 183–85.
“Well, my hopes”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 80.
“And so once again”: Cousins, 95–110.
“Any negotiations”: FRUS: National Security Policy, 462.
Other pressures on NSK and JFK: Lawrence Freedman, 264–65; FRUS: Arms Control, 683–85; and “Meeting of Soviet and Chinese Communist Party Delegations, July 8, 1963,” Cold War International History Bulletin, March 1998, 178.
”Who did we think”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 262–65.
“an unofficial”: NSK to Leo Szilard, Nov. 4, 1962, Box 369, NSF. Also see Szilard to NSK, Oct. 9, 1962, and Szilard to Dr. Robert Livingston, Dec. 29, 1962, in ibid., and FRUS: Arms Control, 655–56.
“had been helpful”: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 264.
Hot line: FRUS: Soviet Union, 708.
For the JFK-Macmillan proposals to NSK: FRUS: Arms Control, 659–61, 663–67, 670–78.
“almost entirely negative”: Ibid., 685–86.
NSK to JFK, April 29, May 8, 1963; JFK to NSK, May 13, 30, 1963: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 271–87, 290–92.
Thompson analysis: FRUS: Arms Control, 687.
“This challenge by the ChiComs”: Averell Harriman, Memo concerning the Soviet Union, n.d., Averell Harriman Papers, Kai Bird Collection.
Press conferences: PPP: JFK, 1963, 377–78, 424.
JFK meeting with Cousins, April 22, 1963: Cousins, 111–20.
“the most important speech”: Cousins to JFK, April 30, 1963, Box 36, Sorensen Papers.
JFK reply to Cousins: Richard Reeves, 476.
“‘This is not propaganda’ “: Seaborg, 204–5.
The “peace speech,” its timing, and preparation: FRUS: Arms Control, 710–14; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 899–900; Sorensen, 822–23; PPP: JFK, 1963, 459–64.
Reactions to the speech: Gallup, 1837, 1842.
“hardly electrified”: Lawrence Freedman, 268.
The mail, and “with disgust”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 909–10.
Congressional Republicans: Sorensen, 825–26.
Soviet reaction: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 601.
“an atmosphere of détente”: Chester L. Cooper to Averell Harriman, Aug. 22, 1963, Harriman Papers, Kai Bird Collection.
“the best statement”: FRUS: Arms Control, 862.
“It was as though”: Seaborg, 218.
“a direct communications link”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 495.
Test message: Beschloss, Crisis Years, 602.
The struggle to find a realistic agenda: Naftali, Presidential Recordings, vol. I, 172–73; FRUS: Arms Control, 719–20, 762–63, 768–69, 783–90, 801; FRUS: Northeast Asia, 1961–1963, 339–40, 370–71. Seaborg, chap. 17, 239; Lawrence Freedman, 270–74. Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 902–3. Also see Carl Kaysen to Mayor Willy Brandt, July 5, 1963, Box 539; Harold Macmillan to JFK, July 10, 1963, Box 540; “Points to Be Covered by Governor Harriman in the Forthcoming July 15 Mission to Moscow,” Box 539, Harriman Papers.
“I regard the Chiefs”: JFK-Mansfield telephone conversation, Aug. 12, 1963, JFK Tapes 25B2, 25C1, JFKL.
Excluded military officers and control of cables: Bernard J. Firestone, “Kennedy and the Test Ban,” in Brinkley and Griffiths, 83–84.
Harriman appointment: FRUS: Arms Control, 656; Cousins, 114.
On the goals of JFK’s Europe trip: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 881–84; Morgan, “Kennedy and Adenauer,” in Brinkley and Griffiths, 25–31; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 603–4, 609–10.
For the speeches and JFK’s reception in Germany and trip to Ireland: PPP: JFK, 1963, 497–530.
“put more money”: Memo of Conf. with JFK, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 345, NSF.
Reception in Berlin: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 884–88; Sorensen, 677–78; O’Donnell and Powers, 358–59; Beschloss, Crisis Years, 604–8.
JFK remark to McHugh: Confidential source.
“on desirability”: FRUS: Arms Control, 799.
“make a ‘big thing’ out of”: Memo to Harriman, July 16, 1963, Harriman Papers, Kai Bird Collection.
Khrushchev-Harriman exchanges: FRUS: Arms Control, 799–801.
“glad to see”: NSK-Harriman conversation, July 20, 1963, Box 587, Averell Harriman Papers, LC.
“Gospodin Garriman”: NSK-Harriman conversation, July 26, 1963, ibid.
Completion of the treaty: FRUS: Arms Control, 802–55.
The battle for treaty approval and the treaty’s impact: Sorensen, 829–33; Seaborg, chaps. 19–21. Firestone, “Kennedy and the Test Ban,” 88–94. Carl Kaysen, “The Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963,” in Brinkley and Griffiths, 108–113.
JFK’s July 26 speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 601–6.
“Maybe we can save”: JFK-HST telephone conversation, July 26, 1963, JFK Tape 24A1.
Fulbright had worried: JFK-Fulbright tel. conv. Aug. 23, 1963, JFK Tape 26C1.
Harris poll and “I don’t see any”: Firestone, “Kennedy and the Test Ban,” 91.
For the Mar., June, and Sept. polls, see Gallup, 1700, 1734, 1738, 1808, 1826.
Chapter 19: An Unfinished Presidency
The decor: “As I Remember J.F.K.,” Nov. 21, 1963, Box 15, David Powers Papers, JFKL.
“loved being President”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 671–72, 676, 679. “Kennedy enjoyed being President”: “As I Remember J.F.K.,” Nov. 21, 1963, Box 15, Powers Papers; O’Donnell and Powers, 375.
The Cannon interview notes, April 5, 1963, Box 1, James M. Cannon Papers, JFKL.
European opinion of JFK: John L. Steele to Gen. Chester V. Clifton, Mar. 6, 1963, Box 62A, POF.
JFK’s wit: “Remarks for Gala,” Box 36, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.
Turned aside criticism: Notes on briefing session with JFK, Sept. 12, 1963, Box 6, Walter W. Heller Papers, JFKL.
Patrick Bouvier Kennedy: O’Donnell and Powers, 375–79.
E. B. White poem, New Yorker, Oct. 12, 1963.
JFK on the presidency: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 676, 679.
Profumo affair: JFK and Schlesinger, Mar. 22, 1963, tel. conv., JFK Tape 15B, JFKL.
Gallup poll: Schlesinger to JFK, June 21, 1963, Box 66, POF.
“devoured every word”: Bradlee, Conversations, 230.
“You’ve read about”: Quoted in Garrow, 61–63; Branch, 837–38.
The Journal-American story: Hersh, 390–98; Evan Thomas, 254.
“Gratitude stirred”: Charles Bartlett, “News Managing?” clipping, Feb. 28, 1963, Box 28, POF.
Ellen Rometsch: Hersh, 387–90, 398–400; Evan Thomas, 255–56.
On Mollenhoff’s story and the JFK-RFK response to it: Lincoln Diary, Oct. 28, 1963, Lincoln Papers; Guthman and Shulman, 129–30; Hersh, 400–406; Evan Thomas, 263–68.
Baker, LBJ, and the vice presidency: Dallek, Flawed Giant, 40–44.
The country’s concerns: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, May 16, 1963, Box 62A, POF; Gallup, 1818, 1823–29.
Democrats’ focus: O’Brien and Sorensen to JFK, April 30, 1963, and two undated memos attacking the Republicans, Box 53; Senate policy committee meetings, Mansfield to JFK, April 30, May 16, 1963, Box 31, POF.
The tax cut: Heller to JFK, Mar. 21, 1963, Box 5; Aug. 7, Sept. 4, 1963, Box 6, Heller Papers. Leadership breakfast, Nov. 5, 1963, Box 53; CEA Draft Statement, Nov. 10, 1963, Box 76, POF. O’Brien and Sorensen to JFK, Nov. 20, 1963; Henry H. Fowler to Sec. Dillon, Nov. 29, 1963, Box 59, Sorensen Papers. New York Times, Oct. 31, 1963.
The war on poverty: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 1010; Isserman; Notes on meetings with JFK, Oct. 21, Nov. 19, 1963, Box 6, Heller Papers; Heller to Sorensen, Nov. 20, 1963, Box 31, Sorensen Papers.
Civil Rights and Congress: Sen. Mike Mansfield to JFK, June 18, 1963, Box 30, Sorensen Papers; Bernstein, 105–6.
“A leading southern Senator”: Schlesinger to RFK, July 1, 1963, Box 80, POF.
LBJ on the Senate vote: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 970.
Kennedy remained uncertain: Charles A. Horsky to JFK, two memos of July 9, 1963; Lee White to JFK, July 11, 1963, Box 97, POF.
The June 22 meeting: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 968–71; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 350; Branch, 839–41.
The Aug. 1 news conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, 615.
Preparations for the march and the march: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 972–73; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 350–52; Branch, chap. 22.
The post-march White House meeting: Audiotape 108.2, Aug. 28, 1963, JFKL; Branch, 883–86.
JFK Interv. with Cronkite, Sept. 2, 1963, Box 14, Powers Papers.
Sept. 19 meeting: Audiotapes 111.7, 112.1, JFKL; “King and Kennedy Discuss Birmingham,” Miller Center Report, Winter 2000, 22–27.
JFK meeting with white Birmingham leaders, Sept. 23, 1963, Audiotapes 112.6 and 113.1, JFKL.
JFK and the fight over civil rights: Ibid. Audiotapes, Sept. 30, 1963, 113.2; Oct. 23, 1963, 116.6, 116.7, 117.1; Oct. 29, 1963, 118.2. Tel. Convs. Oct. 29, 1963, 28A.3; Oct. 30, 1963, 28A.4. Lincoln Diary, Oct. 23, 28, 29, 1963, Lincoln Papers. RFK Press Conf., Oct. 15, 1963, Box 30, Sorensen Papers; O’Brien and Sorensen to JFK, Nov. 20, 1963, Box 59, Sorensen Papers. PPP: JFK, 1963, 762–65. “JFK and the South,” Arkansas Gazette, Oct. 6, 1963. Brooks Hays to JFK, Oct. 20, 1963, Box 63A, POF. Bonnie Faugus Salcido to JFK, Aug. n.d., 1963, Box 31, RFK Confidential File RFK Papers, JFKL. Bernstein, 108–13.
JFK and space: June 14 press conf., PPP: JFK, 1962, 485. Edward R. Murrow to JFK, Aug. 13, 1962, Box 91; JFK to Dave Bell, Aug. 23, 1962, Box 125A, POF. NSAM, No. 183, Aug. 27, 1962, Box 338, NSF. LBJ to JFK, Jan. 14, 1963, Box 30; James Webb to JFK, Oct. 29, Nov. 30, 1962, Box 84, POF. Tape 63, Nov. 21, 1962, JFKL. Dec. 31, 1962, background briefing, Box 415, NSF.
Criticism of moon program: McDougall, 389–94. Also see Vannevar Bush to James Webb, April 11, 1963, Box 84, POF.
Asked Johnson: JFK to LBJ, April 9, 1963, Box 84, POF.
“the desirability of”: PPP: JFK, 1963, 349–50.
JFK wanted Johnson: JFK to LBJ, July 29, 1963; LBJ to JFK, July 31, 1963, Box 30, POF.
Soviet second thoughts and pressure on JFK: Obituary of Vasily Mishin, New York Times, Oct. 29, 2001; PPP: JFK, 1963, 568, 831–32; McDougall, 395; JFK to Albert Thomas, Sept. 23, 1963, Box 38, Sorensen Papers.
USIA survey: Donald Wilson to JFK, June 11, 1963, Box 91, POF.
Sept. 20 U.N. speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 693–98.
JFK instructed Webb: NSAM No. 271, Nov. 12, 1963, Box 342, NSF.
A 1965 survey: Maria Carosa to John Stewart, n.d., Box 14, Powers Papers.
JFK-NSK exchanges: FRUS: Kennedy-Khrushchev, 215–23, 226–33.
“we must assume”: JFK conference with Chiefs, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 345, NSF.
Feb. and Apr. exchanges about invasion plans: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 711–12, 791, 802–3.
“the situation could develop”: JFK to McNamara, Oct. 4, 1963, Box 68, POF.
Political pressures on JFK over Cuba: McGeorge Bundy to JFK, Dec. 30, 1962, Box 215A, NSF; Lincoln Diary, Feb. 5, 1963, Lincoln Papers; Richard Goodwin, “President Kennedy’s Plan for Peace with Cuba,” New York Times, July 5, 2000; Lawrence Freedman, 225.
JFK speech, Dec. 29, 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 911–13; O’Donnell and Powers, 276–77; Evan Thomas, 238.
Soviet troops: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 681–83, 715–18; Lawrence Freedman, 224.
Subversion: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 359, 433, 648, 662, 696–97, 726–27, 867–68, 888. JFK to McCone, Feb. 9, 1963; Marshall S. Carter to JFK, Feb. 13, 1963; JFK to Rusk, McNamara, McCone, Feb. 15, 1963; Bundy to McCone, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 72, POF. RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers. JFK to Rusk, May 31, 1963, Box 68, POF.
Replace failed Mongoose: Evan Thomas, 233–35.
Ousting Castro: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 670–75, 780–81, 804, 821–23, 828–38, 852–53; U.S. Policy Toward Cuba, Feb. 19, 1963, Box 49, Sorensen Papers; Cabinet Meeting, Mar. 1, 1963, Box 7, RFK Attorney General’s Papers, JFKL; “Backstage with Bobby,” Miami News, July 14, 1963; “U.S. Builds Up Underground’s Support in Cuba,” Washington Post, Aug. 13, 1963; John McCone to RFK, Mar. 22, 1962, Box 1, RFK Confidential File; Lawrence Freedman, 228, 232, 238–39. Also see Evan Thomas, 234.
“Kennedy was maintaining”: Lawrence Freedman, 227.
Cuban-Soviet tensions and Castro’s demands on the U.S.: Fursenko and Naftali, 290–91.
NSC staffer urged: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 699–700.
Kennedy had told newsmen, and the shrimp boat incident: PPP: JFK, 1963, 177–78, 202–4; “‘Soft’ Cuba Reply Expected by U.S. in Firing on Boat,” New York Times, Feb. 25, 1963.
March NSC meeting and RFK pressure for more action: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 715–18; RFK to JFK, Mar. 14, 1963, Box 35, Sorensen Papers; Evan Thomas, 233–39.
JFK’s unresponsiveness: Evan Thomas, 239.
The exile raids: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 728, 738–40, 745–46.
JFK was willing to consider: Ibid., 739. Also see Robert A. Hurwitch to RFK, April 6, 1963, Box 30; “Miami to Sec. of State,” April 14, 1963, Box 11; CIA reports, May 15 and 22, 1963, Box 8, RFK Confidential File.
Donovan and Castro: JFK to RFK and Rusk, April 4, 1963, Box 34, RFK Confidential File; McCone to JFK, April 10, 1963, in FRUS: Missile Crisis, 755–56 and n. 1; M. C. Miskovsky to McCone, April 13, 1963, Box 47, NSF; Gertrude Samuels, “James Donovan and Castro,” The Nation, April 13, 1963.
On Castro’s Moscow visit: CIA Memo, May 18, 1963, Box 1, RFK Confidential File; FRUS: Missile Crisis, 820–24, 838–44.
The raids, Soviet protests, and JFK’s response: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 828–38, 866–68, 875–77.
Attwood’s initiative: Ibid., 868–70, 877–83, 888–89; Lawrence Freedman, 240–43; Audiotape /A55, Nov. 5, 1963, conversation between JFK and Bundy about Attwood and Cuba.
The Daniel-JFK meeting: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 552–53.
Castro surprised the Americans: Charles O. Porter to Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., Oct. 11, 1963, Box 36, RFK Confidential File.
JFK’s Nov. 18 Miami speech: PPP: JFK, 1963, 872–77.
“expressions of willingness”: Richard Helms Memo, Nov. 21, 1963, Box 1, RFK Confidential File.
Still intense pressure: FRUS: Missile Crisis, 871–72, 874, 883–88.
JFK asked whether the sabotage program: Ibid., 884.
The assassination plot: Lawrence Freedman, Kennedy’s Wars, 232–33.
JFK and comments on Vietnam in 1962: PPP: JFK, 1962, 17, 93, 136–37, 199, 228, 322, 360, 362, 453, 493, 500, 502, 537, 592–93, 651, 690, 703.
Debate about strategic hamlets, and reports to JFK: FRUS: Vietnam, 1962, 727–29, 736–41, 763–65, 779–87, 797–98; Forrestal to RFK, Nov. 7, 1962, RFK Confidential File.
December 1962 press conference: PPP: JFK, 1962, 870.
JFK’s reaction to Mansfield: David Kaiser, 180; O’Donnell and Powers, 15.
Sylvester comment: Quoted in The Nation, April 22, 2002.
JFK meeting with Wheeler: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 94–95, 97–98.
Hilsman, Forrestal report and CIA: Ibid., 7, 22, 50, 52.
JFK public statements on Vietnam between January and March: PPP: JFK, 1963, 11, 20, 34, 243–44, 294–96, 303.
JFK call to Hilsman: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug., 1963, 63. CIA director John McCone said in 1988 that Kennedy saw the “folly” of escalation in Vietnam and was determined to withdraw U.S. advisers: “Conversation with John A. McCone,” Spring 1988, Institute of International Studies, Univ. of California, Berkeley.
JFK-Mansfield conversation and JFK to O’Donnell: O’Donnell and Powers, 16; Newman, 321–25.
On the civil strife in Vietnam and reports of it in the U.S, see the documents for May, June, and July in FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963. Also see JFK news conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, 569.
On July 17, a reporter asked: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 294–96; Lawrence Freedman, 363; PPP: JFK, 1963, 421.
107 taped meetings: Logs of Presidential Recordings, JFKL.
Warning to Diem and JFK embargo: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 381–83 n., 386–87; David Kaiser, 215–16.
Frankel: New York Times, July 3, 1963.
Kattenburg: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 69–74; Lawrence Freedman, 372.
Lodge’s appointment: Lawrence Freedman, 367–68; FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 413–14.
July 4 meeting: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 451–53.
July 8 meeting: Ibid., 486 n.
Urging of State Dept. officials: 531–43, 559–60.
Request of Aug. 15: Ibid., 589, n.
Krulak’s response to Halberstam: Ibid., 584.
Krulak’s meeting with JFK: Tape 106/A41, Aug. 21, 1963.
Mansfield to JFK, Aug. 19, 1963: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 585–88.
Taylor to McNamara, Aug. 20, 1963: Ibid., 590–91.
Attack on pagodas and U.S. response: Ibid., 560–66, 597–99, 625–31, 634–35.
JFK’s second thoughts: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 991.
Aug. 26 meeting: FRUS: Vietnam, Jan.–Aug. 1963, 638–41.
Aug. 27 meeting: Ibid., 659–65.
CIA analysis: Ibid., 671.
Aug. 28 meeting: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 1–9.
The acrimony between advocates and opponents of a coup: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 713–14; Gibbons, 155–56.
Exchanges with Lodge: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec., 1963, 20–21, 26–31, 35–36.
The aborted coup: Ibid., 55, 63, 64, 66, 70–74, 76.
Kattenburg’s views: Gibbons, 160–61.
JFK interviews: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec., 1963, 81–82, 93–94; PPP: JFK, 1963, 658–59.
JFK told Manning: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 103–4; also see 111–12.
“We should wait”: Ibid., 103.
Sept. 6 meeting: Ibid.,117–21.
Reports on and response to the Nhus: Ibid., 135.
JFK facetiously suggested: Briefing Session with JFK, Sept. 12, 1963, Box 6, Heller Papers.
CIA also reported: CIA reports, Sept. 5 and 12, 1963, Box 199A, NSF.
Conflicting assessments: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 137–40, 146, 161–62.
JFK’s frustration: Ibid., 162–67.
Continuing divisions among JFK’s advisers: Ibid., 190–93, 209, 235.
New coup plans: CIA reports, Sept. 16, 20, 21, 28, Oct. 3, 1963, Boxes 199A and 200, NSF; FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 291–92.
McNamara-Taylor mission and stage managing it: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 255–57, 278–81.
McNamara-Taylor report: Ibid., 336–46.
JFK Oct. 9 statement: PPP: JFK, 1963, 770.
Response to the report and follow-up announcements and actions: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 350–54, 368–71, 395–96, 407–9, 467; McNamara, 77–81; Tapes 114/A49 and A50.
JFK and Halberstam: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec., 1963, 277–78, 281; Tifft and Jones, 388–89.
Salinger publicly announced: Salinger news conference and statement, Oct. 2, 1963, 6:52 P.M., following JFK meeting, Box 14, Powers Papers.
Taylor said, “Well, goddammit”: Quoted in Gibbons, 186.
Oct. 31 news conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, 828.
Minh told Taylor, and discussions about a coup: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 326–27, 365–67, 379, 393.
“We certainly would not”: Quoted in Gibbons, 190.
Bundy to Lodge, Oct. 25, 1963: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 437.
Lodge’s response: Ibid., 454–55.
If the coup failed: Ibid., 468–75; Audiotape 118/A54, and transcripts of these meetings given to me by George Eliades.
The coup and the JFK-Lodge-Rusk responses: Conference with JFK, Nov. 1, 1963, Box 317, NSF; Audiotape 118/A54, and Eliades transcript; FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 502, 505, 513, 519–20, 525–26.
The assassinations and JFK response: Ibid., 527; Audiotape /A55, and Eliades transcript; Gibbons, 200–202; Taylor, 301; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, 997–98.
Diem had a million: Described in a cable from Lodge to Rusk, May 1964, in the Gerald Ford Library, cited by Douglas Brinkley, who suggests the CIA involvement: “Of Ladders and Letters,” Time, April 24, 2000, 40–41.
JFK taped statement, Nov. 4, 1963, Cassette M (Side 2).
JFK’s official and public statements: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 579–80; PPP: JFK, 1963, 846.
Honolulu conference: FRUS: Vietnam, Aug.–Dec. 1963, 593–94, 625.
Newspaper editorials and administration opposition to neutralization: Ibid., 581, 592, 594–95, 599–600. Only 37 percent of the public was paying attention to Vietnam as late as April of 1964: Gallup, 1882.
For the unsigned memo, see David Kaiser, 258.
JFK request to Forrestal: Rust, 3–5.
JFK’s popularity: Gallup, 1796, 1800, 1807, 1810–11, 1815, 1818, 1820, 1827, 1829, 1835–36, 1840–42, 1844–45, 1847, 1850.
North Dakota: Joseph F. Kraft Analysis, April 1963, Box 104, POF.
Pennsylvania: Public Opinion Surveys, April 1963, Box 105, POF.
Journalists echoed: Charles Bartlett, “The Waiting Game,” April 7, 1963; Fred Travis to Bartlett, May 20, 1963, Box 28, POF. David Beetle, “Kennedy Holding Fast to ’60 Voters,” Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Sept. 12, 1963, Box 31, Sorensen Papers.
JFK’s view of 1964: Comment to George Brown, Oct. 24, 1963, Audiotape 117/A53; “JFK —on Re-election,” Jan. 1963, Box 27, Powers Papers.
Westchester chairman: William Luddy to Ken O’Donnell, Nov. 7, 1963, Box 1, Kenneth O’Donnell Papers, JFKL.
Doubts about winning the southern black vote: Guthman and Shulman, 106.
Start of the campaign: O’Donnell and Powers, 379; “Notes on JFK Meetings,” Nov. 20, 1963, Box 6, Heller Papers.
New Jersey: Walter Pozen to O’Donnell, Nov. 6, 1963, Box 1, O’Donnell Papers.
pp. 688–89: The South: JFK TV Interview, Sept. 2, 1963, Box 14, Powers Papers; Louis Harris to JFK, Sept. 3, 1963, Box 30, POF; “Farley Predicts JFK Victory,” Atlanta Journal, Oct. 21, 1963.
The hard right: Meyer Feldman to JFK, Aug. 15, 1963, Box 63, POF.
JFK on Goldwater: O’Donnell and Powers, 13; PPP: JFK, 1963, 828.
Rockefeller and JFK: Roswell L. Gilpatric OH; Bradlee, Conversations, 121; Gallup, 1810, 1820, 1826, 1830–36.
The Nov. 13 meeting: O’Donnell and Powers, 386–87; Guthman and Shulman, 343, 388, 390–93; Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 603–4; Richard Reeves, 655–57.
The trip to Florida: PPP: JFK, 1963, 860–77.
Origins of the Texas trip and JFK’s affinity for campaigning: Ibid., 443–44; O’Donnell and Powers, 3–5, 11–13, 386–87; Guthman and Shulman, 344; Dallek, Flawed Giant, 46.
JFK the morning of Nov. 21: Powers Diary, Nov. 21, 1963, Box 15, Powers Papers.
JFK’s Nov. 21 schedule in Texas is described in ibid., and by O’Donnell and Powers, 20–23.
Doubts about wisdom of visiting Texas: Byron Skelton to RFK, Nov. 4, 1963, Box 36, RFK Confidential File; O’Donnell and Powers, 18–20, 23–25.
For Oswald’s movements, see Posner.
“I do not wish”: Isaiah Berlin to Schlesinger, Nov. 28, 1963, Box 36, RFK Confidential File.
“I never knew”: Reinhold Niebuhr to Schlesinger, Nov. 29, 1963, ibid.
“America now”: Earl Warren to Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, Dec. 1963, Box 104, Earl Warren Papers, LC.
Jacqueline Kennedy on the secret service, JFK’s doctors, and spoke lovingly: Dr. James M. Young to author, Dec. 21, 2002, and telephone conversation with Young, Dec. 30, 2002.
Jacqueline Kennedy and JFK’s funeral and burial: Manchester, 490–91, 541–42, 550; Hamilton, xix–xxiv. Leaming, 345–50.
“needed the myth”: Evan Thomas, 285.
Describing Kennedy’s death: Theodore White, “For President Kennedy an Epilogue,” Life, Dec. 6, 1963.
“would have provoked”: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 632.
On Joe and Rose: Hamilton, xx; Rose Kennedy, 442–46.
On RFK: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, 611–20; and Evan Thomas, chap. 15.
On LBJ, the assassination, the Warren Commission, and public opinion, see Dallek, Flawed Giant, 50–53. Anthony Lewis is quoted on 53.
The best study of the Warren Commission will be in a forthcoming book on the subject by Max Holland. In the meantime, see Max Holland, “After Thirty Years: Making Sense of the Assassination,” Reviews in American History, vol. 22 (1994), 191–209; Max Holland, “The Key to the Warren Report,” American Heritage, Nov. 1995, 50–64, and Posner, Case Closed.
The polls: Gallup, 1854, 2044; New York Times, Jan. 5, 1992; New York Times Book Review, Feb. 2, 1992.
JFK’s hold on public’s imagination and assessments by critics: Thomas C. Reeves, especially 3, 6–7, 10–11, 418–19; Hersh, xi, 5–6, 10; Mike Feinsilber, “The Kennedy Legend,” Associated Press release, Jan. 7, 1998; Alvin S. Felzenberg, “JFK: not one for the (history) books: Historians give him a B–, though to many people he earned an A+,” Boston Sunday Globe, Nov. 15, 1998; “Ranking the Presidents, results of a study released by the Federalist society for law and public policy studies,” Nov. 16, 2000, Wall Street Journal; Gallup polls, Presidents Day, 1999, 2000, 2001.
Autopsy notes and Bobby persuaded Burkley: Conversation with Dr. James Young, Nov. 25, 2002.
Burned his files: Conversation with William Herbst Jr., Nov. 22, 2002.
On Byron White, see Hutchinson, and White’s obituary: New York Times, April 16, 2002.