* Somebody in the Nixon campaign might have thought otherwise: Attempts to steal records from two of Kennedy’s doctors’ New York offices may have been the work of Nixon aides trying to build on Johnson’s accusations, which, according to New York Times columnist William Safire, had been passed along to them by a “disgruntled” LBJ supporter unhappy with JFK’s nomination. Although forty-two years later, participants in the Nixon campaign and others sympathetic to Nixon emphatically denied the allegation, the episodes certainly can be read as preludes to Watergate and a break-in at Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist’s office in Beverly Hills. Moreover, John Ehrlichman, an advance man in the 1960 campaign, acknowledged “dirty tricks” on both sides. None of this is a clear demonstration that a Nixon operative tried to steal Kennedy’s medical records, but it is plausible. Who else but the Nixon campaign would have benefited from obtaining them?