Phew! That’s the big water splash out of the way. Now you can really relax and enjoy the rest of the ride. We’re almost home and dry!
There’s just a few (very tiny) surprises to go…
Hope you’ve forgiven me for having that tiny freak-out back there? I mean, how many girls have to cope with getting an official new dad AND find out they’re getting two new babies in the family, all on the same day? Not many, is my guess!
It’s funny – my mates and I generally think of sleepovers as like, the MAJOR exciting event of our school week or whatever. But after all the excitement of the wedding (AND some!) our actual wedding sleepover felt almost, well – RESTFUL.
Like Lyndz said, you’d think that after stuffing ourselves with all that gorgeous wedding food, we’d be totally full to bursting, wouldn’t you? But luckily, by the time everyone had stopped watching videos, we were all feeling nicely peckish again! Which was just as well, because when we finally went up to bed, it turned out everyone had brought LOADS of goodies.
In honour of our special guest, we’d decided to give the sleepover feast an American theme! After Jilly and Patsy had been in to say goodnight, we waited till they’d gone back downstairs, then we turned on our torches and shared out our American loot.
Want to know what we had?
We had real American jelly beans – both kinds. The sweet kind and the really sour ones which make your eyes water. They actually make Lyndz shudder all over, but she says they’re so delicious that it’s worth it!
We also had some real melt-in-your-mouth chocolate brownies. Good old Frankie brought them. She said she just had to make it up to me for my horrendous cabbage soup experience! Plus, we had a HUGE family pack of marshmallows. I truly don’t understand how something that is basically just a mouthful of fluff can have so many wicked calories, do you? Oh, yes, and we had Oreo cookies. Everyone else raved about them. Personally I didn’t think they were that special.
But the Sleepover Club’s unanimous favourite were these totally HEAVENLY sweets that Amber provided. They’re called Hershey’s Chocolate Kisses, would you believe? Kenny joked that it was the first time in her whole life that she’d seen the point of anyone giving you kisses!
Then it was time for everyone to write in their sleepover diaries. Amber didn’t own one, obviously, so I said she could write a few lines in mine. This is what she wrote.
When I get back home, I’m going to invite all my friends to a sleepover at my house, first chance I get! I have had the most fabulous time here. Plus I haven’t laughed so much since Lauren McGravy slid down our stairs on a tea tray, sneezing nonstop!!
“Tell us what you put!” everyone pleaded.
So Amber read it out to us in her laid-back Hollywood voice (which sounded even better by torchlight, for some reason). And this time I don’t think the others even noticed her using the word ‘fabulous’!
Of course, then Amber had to explain to the others all about her ex-best buddy Lauren, with the famous Disney sneeze. But she didn’t seem quite so sad when she told it this time. Then Amber gave my diary back to me, and I wrote this:
This has definitely been the most amazing twenty-four hours of my life.
Not only have I been a bridesmaid, got a new dad, AND found out I’m getting two new baby sisters or brothers (or maybe one of each!), but I also finally found out what I want to do when I grow up. I have decided to be a fashion designer. Andy’s mum promised that when I’m older, she’ll teach me how to make really stylish clothes, just like she used to do at that posh French fashion house in London.
I read this out to everyone. Then the others read out all these sweet things they’d written, about what a great time they’d had, being bridesmaids. Then we all totally ran out of steam. The wedding sleepover was over!
You’d think I’d have gone to sleep really quickly, wouldn’t you, after the day I’d had? But it’s like Mum says. Sometimes it’s possible to get TOO tired.
I did almost drift off, but then suddenly I spun off into a serious doom spiral.
For the first time, it really hit me that in a few months my lovely quiet life was going to be disrupted by – shock, horror (durn durn DURN!) –
Aaaargh!! What if Mum and Andy’s twins turn out to be rude little boys, I panicked – the kind who go on about bottoms all the time and mess up their big sister’s things, and track mud across her nice pink carpet?
Honestly, I lay there worrying for HOURS. Until finally I fell asleep, completely worn out.
And guess what? The sleepover angels must have come back on duty or something, because I had the sweetest, funniest dream. (Don’t tell the others though, because it’s private.)
In my dream, I walked out into our garden. Suddenly I heard all these soft little cooing sounds drifting over our neighbours the Watson-Wades’s hedge, so I peered over to see what was going on.
And there, where grumpy old Mr Watson-Wade always plants his garden peas, were two gorgeous newborn babies, nestling inside a giant pea pod. (For some reason this didn’t seem at all weird at the time!)
“You can SO totally tell they’re twins,” I said to myself in the dream. “They’re as alike as two peas in a pod.”
Then I realised what I’d said, and woke myself up laughing!
And I felt so ridiculously happy that I tried to stay awake a few minutes longer, to enjoy the joke…
Have you noticed how everything’s slowing down now? That’s because we’ve almost reached the end of the sleepover wedding rollercoaster trip. But there’s one last thing I’ve got to tell you.
I expect you noticed that those lucky somethings kind of dropped out of the story? Also that wedding present?
You thought I’d forgotten about them! Well, thanks a BUNCH!!
You didn’t seriously imagine that a superstitious girl like me could let her parents drive off into the sunset with all those clouds of bad luck hanging over them? No WAY!
So don’t go just yet, OK, because it’s time to unveil Patsy’s mysterious late-night project at last.
Can you believe that Andy’s mum actually came up with a way to combine my four lucky somethings in a totally unique wedding present?
Here’s how we did it. With help from Patsy and Amber, I stitched Mum a beautiful little evening bag. And by the time it was finished, my mind was totally at rest. This bag didn’t just LOOK good, I knew it had good luck built into every stitch.
We made it from a piece of gorgeous blue satin (something blue and something new). Then Patsy kindly donated one of her lovely lace handkerchiefs, so we could edge it in antique lace (something old).
OK, OK, so you can’t imagine Andy getting too excited about an evening bag. Plus I’ve got to admit the “something borrowed” gave me a real headache. But then Amber said she’d lend me her smart new pen so I could write a special message for both my parents, to put inside the bag.
But I had a better idea.
I did borrow the pen, but I didn’t use it to write a message, so much as a rather unusual gift voucher.
This is what it said:
This entitles Nikky and Andy Proudlove to one whole year of good behaviour from their children.
With love from
Fliss and Callum