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Abbas I (shah of Iran)

ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation)

Abelshauser, Werner

Abu Taqiyya, Ismail

accounting: double entry bookkeeping, development and growing use of; extension of the giro system in Bruges; innovation by American railroad companies; scale and longevity of enterprises and record-keeping requirements

Acemoglu, Daron

Act of Supremacy of 1534 (England)

Adams, Steven

Adobe Systems Inc.

AEG (Allgemeine Elektrizitätsgesellschaft)


al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din

Africa, economic failure of

African Americans, as entrepreneurs

agrarian capitalism

Agrarian Problem in the Sixteenth Century, The (Tawney)

Agriculture, U.S. Department of


Air France

Air Liquide

Akerlof, George

Albert the Great


Alcoa (Aluminum Company of America)

Aldcroft, Derek H.


Allen, Paul

Allied Suppliers

Almy, William

American Cynamid

American Land Company

American Marconi

American Research and Development (AR&D)

American Sheet and Tin Plate Company

American Society of Railroad Superintendents

American system of manufacturing

American Telephone & Telegraph. See AT&T Amgen

Ammisaduqa (king of Babylonia)


Amsterdam, number of entrepreneurs in around 1620

Andreau, Jean

Anglo-Persian Oil Company

Anthony Hordern & Sons

anti-Semitism: in France; German economic decline and the policy of; German entrepreneurialism and

antitrust policy and enforcement

Antwerp, as commercial center in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries

Apple Computer

Appleton, Nathan

Aquinas, Saint Thomas



Argand, Aimé


Arkwright, Richard

arms production in the antebellum U.S.

Arnold, Thurman

Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union


asceticism, worldly

Ashton, T. S.

Aspray, William

Assurances Générales de France

Astor, John Jacob

AT&T (American Telephone & Telegraph)




Babylonia. See Neo-Babylonian entrepreneurs

Bacon, Sir Francis

Badian, Ernst

Bagchi, Amiya

Bailyn, Bernard

Baker, Christopher John

Bakker, Gerben

Bank of England

Bank of Japan

Bank of North America


banks and banking: American; in colonial India (see also India, colonial); French; in late imperial China; in Meiji Japan; money-changers as the origin of medieval; productive entrepreneurship and

Banque de Paris et des Pays-Bas

Banque d'Indochine

Banque Nationale de Paris

Banque Suisse et Francaise

Barnard's Act of 1734 (England)

Barnum, P. T.


Bateman, Fred

Baumol, William J.; on failure to commercialize technology in ancient enterprise; international productivity comparisons by; on parasitical existence of entrepreneurs, possibility of; on payoffs to entrepreneurial activity, importance of; on productive and unproductive enterprise, contrast between; on rules, importance of; on underpayment of entrepreneurs, willingness to accept


Bayh-Dole Act of 1980 (U.S.)

Bayly, Christopher A.

Beard, Charles

Bedford, John


Bell Laboratories

Belshazzar (crown prince of the Neo-Babylonian Empire)

Benares Bank

Bendor, Jonathan

Bentley, Thomas

Berghoff, Hartmut

Berle, Adolf A.


Bernardino of Siena

Bernouilli, Johann

Bessemer, Henry

Bessemer Association

Beukelszoon, Willem

BF Goodrich

Biddle, Nicholas

Bihar and Orissa Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee

Bill of Rights of 1689 (England)

bills of exchange

Birla, G. D.

Birunguccio, Vanoccio

Blackstone, William

Blanc, Honoré

Blaszcyck, Regina

Bleiberg, Edward

Bloch, Marc

Blomsaet, Barend

Bloom, John

Bodenhorn, Howard

Bodin, Jean

Bogaert, R.

Bombay Shroffs’ Association

Bond, William Cranch

Bon Marché

Boot, John Campbell

Borden, Gail

Borsig, August

Boston Associates

Boston Manufacturing Company

Boucicaut, Aristide

Boulton, Matthew


Boyd & Co.

Braidley, Benjamin

Braithwaite, John

Bramah, Joseph

Brand, Stuart

Brassert Company

Braudel, Fernand

Briggs, Asa

Bright, John

Brimmer, Andrew F.

Britain: antientrepreneurialism in; entrepreneurial culture in; “gentlemanly capitalism” in; grocery market share; immigrant entrepreneurs in; the Industrial Revolution in (see Industrial Revolution); multinational corporations in, subsidiaries of; nationalization and the welfare state as the postwar environment for entrepreneurs; networks, entrepreneurial; retailers, ten largest in 1975; socio-economic class structure in, impact of rigidity in; technology transfer to Germany in the nineteenth century; twentieth-century economy and entrepreneurial activities (see British twentieth-century entrepreneurs); Victorian (see Victorian Britain); world trade in manufactures, decline in share of from 1900 to 2000. See also England, pre-Industrial Revolution

British Leyland

British twentieth-century entrepreneurs: activities of; activities ofs-1950s; activities of; activities of; culture of compared to that in competing nations; economic decline, supposed responsibility for; foreign direct investment by; largest firms in 1919; overseas investment, economic power and riches at the turn of the twentieth century based on; scholarly explanations for the supposed failure of; sectoral distribution of overseas companies

Broadberry, S.

Broadhead, Charles

Broughton, T.R.S.

Brown, Moses

Brown, Sir Henry Phelps

Brown, Smith

Brown & Sharpe


Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

Brunel, Marc Isambard

Brush, Charles F.

Brush Electric Company

Brutus, Marcus Junius


Bubble Act of 1720 (England)

Bücher, Karl

Burden, Henry

Burroughs Corporation

Burton, Montague

Bush, Vannevar

business organization, forms of: cartels; corporations; financial instruments in the Dutch Republic and; free-standing companies/firms; harrimagenu contracts, partnerships organized under; holding companies; the joint-stock company; limited liability and the société en commandite; the limited-liability joint-stock company; limited partnerships; managing agencies; monopolies; multidimensional, or M-form, of corporations; multinational corporations; organizational structures, holding company vs. multidivisional; partnerships; the regulated company; the small business investment company (SBIC); the Unternehmergeschäft (entrepreneur business); zaibatsu (see also Japan)


Cabot, John

Cabot, Sebastian

Caesar, Julius (emperor of Rome)

Cain, Peter J.

Calcott, Wellins

calling, one's

Calvin, John

Calvinism and Calvinists. See also Dissenters Campbell-Kelly, Martin

Canon Corporation

capitalism: agrarian in England, Tawney's thesis on; cooperative vs. competitive; “gentlemanly”; modernization of French; personal; Protestantism and the emergence of. See also Industrial Revolution capitalization of consumer debt

Carnegie, Andrew



Cartwright, Edmund

cash waqfs

Cassis, Youssef

Casson, Mark

Castells, Manuel

Castro, Fidel

Cather, Willa


Cavenham Foods

Celera Genomics

Central Banking Enquiry Committee

Champagne fairs

Chan, Wellington K. K.

Chanceller, Richard

Chandler, Alfred D., Jr.: British decline, explanation of; cartelization in Germany, results of; family firms, focus on; government, downplaying the role of; large firms, challenge to thesis regarding; large firms in the U.S.; multidivisional form, discussion of; organizational innovation, entrepreneurs and; personal capitalism; on railroads; on success of consolidations

Chapman, Stanley


Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge

Charles II (king of England)

Chee Hsin Cement Company

Chettiar, Sir Annamalai

Cheves, Langdon

Chiang Kai-shek

Chicago, University of

Chicago Climate Exchange

China: brokers as innovators in late imperial; bureaucratic domination, impediments for entrepreneurs from; business enterprises in: total number, new, and failed during the late twentieth century; characteristics of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship in; commodity markets, development of and the monetization of the economy; comparison of GDP per capita and population between Western Europe and; cultural and historical contexts of the entrepreneur in; economic growth and reduction of poverty in; economic performance and entrepreneurs in; the economy in late imperial; entrepreneurial activities in post-Mao; entrepreneurial activities in pre-Mao, historical review of; the firm in; foreign trade, puzzle of lack of pursuit of; institutions supportive of Entrepreneurship in late imperial; merchant groups in; party officials as patrons in the People's Republic; political disorder as impediment to entrepreneurship; resistance to innovation, evidence regarding; “Self-Strengthening Movement” of the later nineteenth century; Shanxi merchants; social status of the entrepreneur; technological advances in late imperial, reasons for absence of; Western contact, innovation following

China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC)

China Match Company

China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company


Christianity: business activity in the Middle Ages and; confession and guilt as distinguishing Catholics and Protestants; rise of Islam, reaction to; secularization and entrepreneurial activity; trade during the Dark Ages to meet ecclesiastical demand; transition from the ancient to the medieval worlds through

Church of England, Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion

Churchill, Winston

Cicero, Marcus Tullius

Cie Générale d'Electricité

Cisco Systems, Inc.

CITIC. See China International Trust and Investment Corporation CITIC-Pacific

cities. See urbanization Citroen

Clark, Edward

Clark, Truman

Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914 (U.S.)

Clean Air Act of 1990 (U.S.)

Clegg, Samuel

Clement VII

Clinton, DeWitt

Clore, Charles

coal, technological innovation and the increasing use of

Cobden, Richard

Cochrane, Archibald, Earl of Dundonald

Cohen, Jack

collective entrepreneurship

Collier, Joseph

Colt, Samuel

Columbia University

commercial revolution: in Bruges; Church pronouncements and; enterprise during the middle ages and; super-companies, business practices of; super-companies, organization of

Companies Act of 1948 (Britain)

competitive takeovers

Comptoir d'Escompte de Paris

Compton, Karl

Constitutional Progressive Party

Constitution of the Empire of Japan

Constitution of the U.S.

consumer movement

contracts, in the Dutch Republic

Convention of Kanagawa

convertible husbandry

Conwell, Reverend Russell

Cook, Lisa

Cooke, Jay

Cooper, Grace

Cooper, Peter

Corley, Tony

Cornell, Ezra

Corning Glass Works

Corning Incorporated

Corn Laws, repeal of

Corporation Act of 1661 (England)

Cort, Henry

Cortada, James W.

cotton gin

Cowles, Alfred

Cowles, Eugene

Cox, James

Crafts, Nicholas F. R.

Crassus, Marcus Licinius

Crawshay, William

Cray, Seymour


credit: in colonial India, caste and (see also India, colonial); consumer purchases on; temples in the Near East as institutions of. See also debt; finance

Crédit Industriel et Commercial

Crédit Lyonnais

Crédit Mobilier


Crompton, Samuel

Cromwell, Oliver

Cromwell, Richard

Crouzet, François

culture: of British entrepreneurs; caste, finance, and industrial development in India (see also India, colonial); definition of; entrepreneurship and; of German innovation. See also religion

Cyrus the Great (king of Persia)


Dai-ichi Kokuritu Ginko (Daiichi National Bank)


Dam, Kenneth

Danone group

Dan Takuma

Dante Alighieri

Darby, Abraham

Darius I (king of Persia)

D'Arms, John

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

Dasheng Mills

Data General

Daunton, Martin J.

Davar, C. N.

Davenant, Charles

Davis, Ari

Davis, Lance

Davis, Ralph

Deane, Phyllis


Debré, Michel

debt: to be avoided, historic belief regarding; consumer, expansion of in the U.S.; conversion of the national in England; expansion of private and the supply of credit in the U.S.; permanent national, establishment of England's; relationships of in antiquity. See also credit; finance

DEC. See Digital Equipment Corporation

Deere, John

Defense, U.S. Department of

Defoe, Daniel

de Forest, Lee

de Gaulle, Charles

Delaware, incorporation law in

Dell, Michael

Deng Xiaoping

Dennison, Aaron

Dennison, Edmund

Deutsch, Karl W.

Deutsch, Oscar

Deutsche Bank

De Witt, Simeon

Dick, David

Dickens, Charles

de Dietrich, Philippe-Frédéric

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)

Diocletian (emperor of Rome)

Diodorus Siculus

Dissenters: disproportionate role in the Industrial Revolution and development of capitalism; origin in events of the late seventeenth century; proportion of the population. See also Calvinism and Calvinists

Dissenting Academies


Dollfus, Jean

Dollfus-Ausset, Daniel

Dollfus-Mieg, Daniel

Dollond, John

Donkin, Bryan

Doriot, George

Douglas, Stephen


Drew, Daniel

Drexel Burnham Lambert

Dreyfus Affair

van Driel, Govert

Dudley, Dud

Duisberg, Carl

Dunning, John

Dupin, Charles

DuPont (E.I. du Pont de Numours and Company)

Dutch Republic: entrepreneurs in, innovations by and institutional framework for; entrepreneurs in, number and activities of; the Golden Age of, entrepreneurs in; historical events leading to; number of entrepreneurs in Amsterdam around 1620, estimate of; property and contract law, financial instruments used by entrepreneurs and; risk, efforts to minimize; supremacy in the Baltic trades; term annuities and obligations recorded by economic sector; wealthy entrepreneurs, absence of at the beginning of the Golden Age

Dyson, James


early entrepreneurial activity; aristocratic attitude toward commercial enterprise; Assyrian and Babylonian merchants; from commercial entrepreneurship to oligarchy; commercial abuses as part of; concentration of economic surplus at the top: the chief's household or the temple; debt, protection of citizens from; decline of Rome into the Dark Ages; documentation of; enterprise today and, contrasts between; entrepreneurs, predators, and financiers engaging in; financing of; the genesis of enterprise, myths regarding; palaces/temples, trade system built around; from productive to corrosive enterprise: explaining the descent to the Dark Age; public context of; reciprocal gift exchange and the consumption of surpluses; social status of merchants and entrepreneurs. See also Greece, ancient; Mesopotamia; Neo-Babylonian entrepreneurs; Rome, ancient East India Company

Eastland Company

Eastman Kodak


Eccles, Marriner

Eckert, J. Presper

Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation

economic theory of entrepreneurship, absence of

Edict of Nantes (France)

Edison, Thomas

education: colleges and universities in the U.S.; of Dissenters in England, superiority of; in Germany; land-grant colleges in the U.S., establishment of; population with a tertiary, by selected age groups in selected countries; reform of Japanese by the Meiji government

Edward I (king of England)

Edward VI (king of England)


Eiffel, Gustave

Eisenhower, Dwight

Electronic Data Systems (EDS)


Elizabeth I (queen of England)

Ely, Richard T.

Employment Acts of the 1980s (Britain)


energy, technological innovation and the crisis in

Tudor-Stuart England

Engels, Friedrich

Engerman, Stanley

England: of the Industrial Revolution ( see Industrial Revolution); of post-Industrial Revolution (see Britain; Victorian Britain)

England, pre-Industrial Revolution: agrarian capitalism in; the “early industrial revolution” thesis and the Tudor-Stuart energy crisis; the Financial Revolution; the gentry as agrarian capitalists; the gentry's role in industrial development; Great Debasement of 1542–52; land held by various social groups in percentages for 1436; London (see London); London Stock Exchange, creation of; overseas exploration and trade; the Price Revolution; prices for fuels, fifteenth to eighteenth centuries; religion and the development of capitalism in; rule of law in, evolution of; second half of the seventeenth century, events of; South Sea Bubble of 1720–21

entrepreneur(s): African American; characteristic qualities of; concepts of; definition of; the earliest from the Near East to the fall of Rome (see early entrepreneurial activity); etymology of the word; institutional rules directing toward productive enterprise, overriding significance of; networks of (see networks); procurement; university; urbanization and (see also urbanization); women as

entrepreneurship: collective; cultural factors and (see also culture); definition of; entrepreneurial lordship as a form of; financial system, significance of; history as a tool for under-standing; hypotheses regarding; innovation as twentieth-century version of (see also innovation(s)); job transfer/outsourcing as central aspect of contemporary; and morality in Victorian Britain; productive and economic growth, relationship of; productive throughout history; productive and unproductive, distinction between; rate of return on; redistributive and productive, distinction between; replicative and productive, distinction between; Schumpeter's conception of (see Schumpeter, Joseph)

Entreprise Miniere et Chimique

Environmental Protection Agency, U.S.

Ericsson, John

Erie Canal

Erie Railroad

Erker, Paul


Eto Shinpei


Europe: comparison of GDP per capita and population of China and Western; medieval (see Middle Ages). See also names of individual countries

European Community for Steel and Coal

European Economic Union, cartels and

Evans, Oliver

Ewart, Peter


Fairbairn, John

Fairchild Camera

Fairchild Semiconductor

Fang Ling

Faroqhi, Suraiya

Federal Reserve System

Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 (U.S.)

feudalism: economic order of; entrepreneurial lordship and the lord-peasant relationship. See also Middle Ages Field, Alexander J.

Fillmore, Millard

finance: in ancient Greece; the Bourse of Bruges at the center of medieval; credit markets in eighteenth-century Britain; Dutch Republic, instruments used in; of early entrepreneurial activity; innovations of medieval entrepreneurs; institutions of in the U.S.. See also credit; debt

financial instruments: capitalization of consumer debt; hedge funds; sale and leaseback finance; waqfs in the Middle East

Financial Revolution (England)

Fine Fare

Finley, Moses

First Bank of the United States

First Opium War (1839–42)

Fishlow, Albert

Fitch, John

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flatley, A. J.

Flinn, Michael

Florida, Richard

Fogel, Robert

Food and Drug Administration, U.S.

Ford, Henry

Ford Motor Company

foreign direct investment: British; German

Foreign Direct Investment Program (U.S.)

Forman, Joshua

Fougerolle and Eiffel

Fourdrinier, Henry

Fourdrinier, Sealy

Fowler, Sir John

Fox, Martha Lane

Fox, Robert Were

Framatome (Areva)

France: anticapitalism of the right and left in; banking sector; creation of companies by type of firm, annual mean of; dirigisme, the golden age of (1940–83); entrepreneurs and the two economic traditions of; family and firm, relationship of; first industrialization (1815–70); impediments to entrepreneurship; large companies in; liberalism, back to (1983-present); McDonalds, campaigns against; modernization of capitalism; “national champions,” creation of; regional characteristics favorable to entrepreneurship; regional variations in business development; religion and economic activity; second industrialization (1870–1940); state-led restructuring, economic success of

Francis of Assisi, Saint

Frank, Tenney

Franklin, Benjamin

free-standing companies/firms

free trade, entrepreneurship in Britain and

Freitas, Kripa



Fukuzawa Yukichi

Fulton, Robert



Gagalbhai, Mafatlal

Galambos, Louis

Gale, Leonard

Gallatin, Albert

Gamble, Josiah

Garbett, Samuel

Gates, Bill

Gates, Paul

Geddes, James

de Geer, Louis

GE (General Electric)

Gelderblom, Oscar



General Electric. See GE General Motors Corporation

General Postal Union

Genovese, Eugene

Geological Survey, U.S.

German Customs Union

German entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship: anti-Semitism and; culture of; democracy and; in early industrialization; expansion of the German economy and innovation; in the German innovation system; heavy and mechanical industries, innovation in; history of; innovativeness, buying; internationalization of; middle range technologies, innovation in; national norms for mechanical and electrical production, establishment of; nonmonetary rewards for; reconstruction and innovation; science-based industries, innovation in; small-scale enterprise; state servants in public enterprise as; the Unternehmergeschäft (entrepreneur business); violence and stagnation of innovation

Germany: balance of trade in R&D-intensive goods, comparison with selected countries; cartels and the rationalization of industry; economic productivity in; employment in services and industry compared to the U.S.; geography, borders, and natural resources; human capital formation in; institutional framework for economic activity in; Nazism, impact of; the overindustrialized economy Gibbons v. Ogden

Gibbs, James

Gies, Joseph

Gilbert, Charles


Gimillu (Babylonian temple official)

Girard, Stephen

giro system

Giscard d'Estaing, Valéry

Gladstone, William

Glassford, John


Global Entrepreneurship Monitor

globalization: angry reactions to, reasons for; British entrepreneurs and; global trade, long history of; maritime exploration, colonization, and trade as beginning of; the third industrial revolution and

Godley, Andrew

Goldin, Claudia

Goldman Sachs

Goldsmith, James

Gome Electric Appliance Enterprise Group

Goodrich, Carter

Goodyear, Charles

Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company


Gordon, John Steele

Goschen, George

Gould, John D.

Gracchus, Gaius

Grantiz, Elizabeth

Gray, Elisha

Gray, Thomas

Gray and Barton

Great Exhibition of 1851 (London)

Great Universal Stores

Greece, ancient: aristocratic disdain for enterprise in; commercial enterprise, foreigners and slaves playing the leading role in; the debt problem in; documentation of economic activity in; finance in; fiscal burdens of the wealthy in; ideological split regarding the economic organization of; slaves in

Green, George

Greene, Catherine

Greenspan, Alan

Greenwood, Jeremy

Greif, Avner

Gresham's Law

Gribeauval, Jean-Baptiste de

Grosley, Pierre Jean

Grove, Andy

Guicciardini, Lodovico

guilds: Dutch; feudal craft; of indigenous Indian bankers; of northern feudal merchants

Guiso, Luigi

Gui Youguang

Guo Luo

Gutman, Herbert


Habakkuk, H. J.

Haber, Fritz

Hadley, John

Hall, John

Hall, Samuel

Hambrecht and Quist

Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, Barton H.

Hamilton, Earl

Hammurabi's laws

Harvard University

Hatch Act of 1887 (U.S.)

Hatcher, John-66

Hauksbee, Francis


Hayek, Friedrich

Healey, Denis

Heath, Edward

hedge funds

Heichelheim, Fritz

Henry II (king of England)

Henry III (king of England)

Henry IV (king of France)

Henry VIII (king of England)

Hepburn Act of 1906 (U.S.)

Herdeck, Margaret



Heron of Alexandria

Herrigel, Gary

Heston, Alan

Hewlett, William

Hewlett-Packard Company

Hilferding, Rudolf

Hindustan Motors

Hintz, Eric S.

Hirst, William

history: illuminating entrepreneurship through; institutions promoting productive entrepreneurism as accidents of; productive entrepreneurship throughout

Hitler, Adolf

Hitotsubashi University

Hoadley, Silas

Hobsbawm, Eric


Holding Company Liquidation Commission (HCLC)

Holley, Alexander Lyman

Holtzapffel, John Jacob

Homestead Act of 1862 (U.S.)

Honda Motors

Honeyman, Katrina

Hoover, Herbert

Hopkins, Anthony G.

Hopkins, Sheila

Horatio Alger myth

Horrocks, John

Hounshell, David A.

housing, entrepreneurial opportunities in

Howe, Elias

Huang Guangyu

Hudson, George

Hudson, Michael

Hudson's Bay Company

Hughes, Jonathan


Hu Jingtao

human capital: educating slaves as an example of; in Germany; importance of in the late twentieth century; in Meiji Japan, goal of developing

Human Genome Project

Humphreys, S. C.

hundi system

Hunter, Louis

Hurst, James Willard

Hurt, R. Douglas

Hussey, Obed


IBM (International Business Machines)


Ickes, Harold


Illinois Central Railroad

immigrants, as entrepreneurs in Britain

Imperial Bank (India)

Imperial Bank of China

Imperial Universities, the

Import Duties Act of 1932 (Britain)

income inequality, in the U.S.

India: the caste system; economic growth and reduction of poverty in; economic policies in post-1947; industrial organization and financial markets, relationship of; slow economic growth in

India, colonial: bank and bazaar rates, annually from 1922 to 1939; caste and credit markets in; efficiency of financial markets in; entrepreneurship, caste restrictions on; financial markets of; indigenous banks and bankers in; institutional environment and economic development; managing agency as a hybrid firm, development of; population in 1931; seasonal pattern of bazaar rates, regressions for 1922–39; slow economic growth, informal finance, and the Hindu caste system, relationship of; and the U.S., comparison of the integration of financial capital markets in

Indian Act of 1932

Indian Contract Act of 1872

Industrial Revolution: certain existence of; culture of the gentleman-entrepreneur, function of; the Dissenters, role of (see Dissenters); entrepreneurial failure and success in; entrepreneurship and, relationship between; institutional incentives for the economic elite; institutions and entrepreneurship in; Nef's thesis of an early; the Price Revolution in England and; rate of return on entrepreneurial activity, risk/ uncertainty and the; social, political, and economic change associated with. See also capitalism inflation: impact on factor costs of production, entrepreneurial activity and; the Price Revolution (see Price Revolution)


inheritance: the Islamic system of; Neo-Babylonian practice regarding

Innocent IV

innovation(s): buying of; in the Dutch Golden Age; the entrepreneur's contribution to; in finance (see finance; financial instruments); German system of; Islam's impact on attitudes toward; self-service; technological (see technology); as twentieth-century version of entrepreneur-ship; U.S. system of. See also entrepreneurship

innovative replication

Inoue Kaoru

institutions: in Babylonia; in Britain; in late imperial China; entrepreneurial activity shaped by; financial, in the U.S.; in Germany; historical accident and the rise of; in India, colonial; in Japan during the Meiji Restoration; legal, in the U.S.; in the Middle East; payoff structure, putting inventions to use and; productive entrepreneurship encouraged through; significance of

Insull, Samuel

insurance, maritime

Intel Corporation

intellectual property rights. See patents and patent law

International Scholars Conference on Ancient Near Eastern Economies

Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 (U.S.)

inventions: attribute impeding statistical analysis of; dissemination of information in the U.S. regarding; entrepreneurial innovation and, distinction between; the entrepreneur's contribution to the economic impact of; poor performance in putting to use; protection of interests in (see patents and patent law) Islam: attitudes toward innovation, the doctrine of bid'a and; cash waqfs, conservative reaction to; clerical impediments to innovation; contract law, development of; economic decline and, reasons for and reaction to; emergence and spread of, entrepreneurial acts supporting and supported by; entrepreneurship and, varying interpretations of; inheritance and contract law, business practices beyond personal exchange and; reforms and institutional change vs. Islamism, the future of entrepreneurialism and; self-image of timeless perfection, innovation and the. See also Middle East


Italy, overtaking of Britain in GDP in 1990



Ivan IV (czar of Russia)

Iwasaki Hisaya

Iwasaki Yanosuke

Iwasaki Yataro


Jackson, Andrew

Jackson, Patrick Tracy


Jain, L. C.

James, William

James II (king of England)


Japan: economic development, the zaibatsu, and entrepreneurship in; institutional changes of the Meiji Restoration; map of; the Meiji Restoration; organizational innovation at Mitsubishi; organizational innovation at Mitsui; organizational innovation and the zaibatsu; salaried managers promoted at Mitsubishi; salaried managers promoted at Mitsui; the zaibatsu, role and importance of; zaibatsu of the Meiji era

Jefferson, Thomas

Jenner, Edward

Jeremy, David

Jerome, Chauncey

Jervis, John

Jewett, Frank

Jews: capital formation in the twelfth century, involvement in; among French entrepreneurs; as immigrant entrepreneurs in Britain

Jiang Zeming

Jobs, Steven

John (king of England)

John, Richard

Johnson, Allan Chester

Johnson, Samuel

Johnson, Simon

joint-stock banks

joint-stock companies

Jones, A.H.M.

Jones, Davidn.3

Jones, Geoffrey

Journal of the Society of Glass Technology

Jovanovic, Boyan

JP Morgan

J. Sears & Co.

junk bonds

Jursa, Michael

Justice, U.S. Department of

just price


Kaiser, Henry

Kaiser Aluminum

Kalms, Stanley

Kamien, Morton I.

Kanigel, Robert


Kasturbai, Lalbhai

Kauffman Foundation, Marion Ewing


Kay, John

KDKA radio station

Keio University

Keir, James

Kemp, John

Kendall, Amos

Kendrick, John

Kennedy, John F.

Kenrick, Archibald

Keynes, John Maynard

Khan, B. Zorina

Khanna, Tarun

Kindleberger, Charles P.

Kin Tye Lung Company

Kirzner, Israel M.

Klein, Benjamin

Klepper, Steven

Knight, Frank H.


Knodell, Jane

Kobe Shipyard

Koechlin, Daniel

Koechlin, Maurice

Koechlin, Nicolas

Koenig, Friedrich

Kohler Company

Kolberg, Kravits, Roberts

Kolenda, Pauline

Kortum, Samuel

Kreuger, Ivar

Krishnamachari, T. T.

Kroos, Herman


Krupp, Alfred

Krupp, Friedrich Alfred

Kuran, Timur

Kyodo Unyu Kaisha ( Joint Shipping Company)


Lafitte, Jacques

Lafitte, Jean

Lafitte, Pierre

Laing, Samuel

Laird, Pamela Walker

laissez-faire, entrepreneurship in Britain and

Lakwete, Angela

Lamb, Helen B.

Lamberg-Karlovsky, Carl

Lamoreaux, Naomi

Landes, David S.: British enterprise, observations on; connections in banking and trade, importance of; entrepreneurs, description of; entrepreneurs in the public sector; opportunities for change remain; religion and culture as determinants of entrepreneurial activity; Rothschilds, study of; watch production by the Waltham Company; Weber-Tawney thesis, support for

Land Ordinances of 1785 and 1787 (U.S.)

Lane, John

Langford, Paul

Larsen, Mogens Trolle

Latin America, economic and political conditions in

Latrobe, Benjamin

Lazonick, William


Lee, Roswell

Leemans, W. F.

Leeuwen, Marco H. D. van

Leibenstein, Harvey

Lemaire, Isaac

Lenovo and Haier

Lerner, Josh

Lesger, Clé M.

Leslie, Stuart W.

Levant Company

leveraged buyouts

Lévy-Leboyer, Maurice

Liggett, Louis

Li Hongzhang

Lincoln, Abraham

Lincoln Laboratories

Li Peng

Littman, Joseph

Liu Hongsheng

Liverani, Mario

Livermore, Shaw

Livingston, Robert

Livy (Titus Livius)

Lochner v. New York

Locke, John

Locke, Joseph

Lockheed Corporation

Lockwood, T. D.

Loewe, Ludwig

London, rapid growth in the population of

London Stock Exchange

Longsdon, Alfred



Los Alamos National Laboratory

Louis XIV (king of France)

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte. See also Napoleon III (emperor of France)

Louis IX (king of France)

Lowell, Francis Cabot

Lubar, Steven

Lumiere, Auguste

Lumiere, Louis

Lumiere North America

Lunar Society of Birmingham

Luther, Martin

Lu Xiangshan


Lyons, Bernard

Lyons, Joe


Machlup, Fritz

MacLeish, Archibald

MacMullen, Ramsay

Maddison, Angus

Madison, James

Madras Provincial Banking Enquiry Committee

Mahindra, J. C.

Mahindra, K. C.

Mak, James

Malthus, Thomas R.

Mandaville, Jon E.

Manhattan Project

Mann-Elkins Act of 1910 (U.S.)

Manning, J. G.

Mansfield, Edwin F.

Markovits, Claude

Marks, Simon

Marriott, Oliver

Marshal, William

Marshall, Alfred

Marshall, John

Martin, David

Martin Burn

Marx, Karl

Mary II (queen of England)

Mason, Josiah

Mason, Philip

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. See MIT

Massé, Pierre

Mass Mutual Financial Group

Masuda Takashi

Matsukata Masayoshi

Mauchly, John

Maudslay, Henry

Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul-Ala

Ma Yingbiao

McCallum, Daniel C.

McClelland, Peter

McCloskey, Deirdre N.

McCloskey, Donald N.

McCormick, Cyrus Hall

McCormick, Michael

McCullough, Peter


MCI, Inc.

Means, Gardiner C.

Meat Inspection Act of 1906 (U.S.)

meatpacking industry

Medicis, the

medieval guilds

Meiji Restoration

Menes, Rebecca

Menger, Carl

Meng Luoquan

Mercers Company of London

Merchant Enterprise in Britain (Chapman)

merchants: entrepreneurs, as early word for; guilds of northern feudal; special circle in Hell for. See also entrepreneur(s)

Merchants Adventurers Company



Mérimée, Prosper

Merlin, John-Joseph

Mesopotamia: entrepreneurs of the Neo-Babylonian period (see Neo-Babylonian entrepreneurs); religious values of and the commercial takeoff; temples as first “households” to be economically managed to produce a commercial surplus. See also Near East

Messageries Impériales


Mexican Eagle

Meyer, Eduard

Meynaud, Jean

Michie, Ranald

Microsoft Corporation

Middle Ages: Bruges and entrepreneurial innovations in the north; chivalry and the knight's relationship to money; definition of; entrepreneurial activity in; the feudal economy of; medieval guilds; societal constraints on business activity; the super-companies of southern businessmen; transition from the ancient world to

Middle East: clerical impediments to innovation; commercial expansion and trade under Islamic law; the corporation as organizational option, Islamic law as obstacle to introducing; enterprises in premodern, scale and longevity of; innovation, impact of Islam on attitudes toward; innovative entrepreneurship in the modern, lessons for; institutional disadvantage of entrepreneurs compared to Western early modern contemporaries; institutional stag-nation and entrepreneurial decline; Islam and entrepreneurship in; onset of entrepreneurial ineffectiveness in the early modern era; resistance to innovation, evidence regarding; the state's impact on entrepreneurial capabilities

Miike Mines

military-industrial complex, the

Milken, Michael

Mill, John Stuart

Miller, Arthur Selwyn

Miller, Phineas

Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (3M)

Minomura Rizaemon

Mint Act of 1792 (U.S.)

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Engine Works

Mitsubishi Exchange Office

Mitsubishi Internal-Combustion Engine Manufacturing

Mitsubishi Ironworks

Mitsubishi Merchant Ship School

Mitsubishi School of Commerce

Mitsubishi Sha

Mitsubishi Shokai


Mitsui Bank

Mitsui Bussan

Mitsui Omotokata

Mitsui Takatoshi

Mittal, Lakshmi Niwas

Mitterand, François

Mobius, Markus

Mokyr, Joel

money: the feudal knight's relationship to; origin of the word


money supply, medieval entrepreneurs and the

Monroe, James

Moody, Paul

Moore, Gordon

Morgan, J. Pierpont

Morgan, Junius Spencer

Morikawa, Hidemasa

Morrill Act of 1862 (U.S.)

Morris, Ian

Morris, Morris

Morris, Robert

Morse, Samuel


Mowery, David C.


multinational corporations, British subsidiaries of American

Mulvany, William Thomas

Munro, John

Murdoch, William

Murphy, Kevin

Murray, James M.

Musgrave, Peter J.

Muslims. See Islam mutual funds


Nabonidus (king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire)

Nabopolassar (king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire)

Nagasaki Shipyard

Nakamigawa Hikojiro

Napoleon III (emperor of France). See also Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

Narasidas, Motiram

Nariaka, Ikeda

National Banking Acts (U.S.)

National Biscuit

National Bureau of Standards (NBS)

National Defense Education Act of 1958 (U.S.)

national innovation systems approach

National Institutes of Health

National Recovery Act of 1933 (U.S.)

National Research Council

National Science Foundation

Neal, Larry

Near East: Assyrian trade, organization of; commercial practices present in the Bronze Age; the debt problem of classical antiquity, avoidance of; enterprise and economic exchange, beginnings of. See also Mesopotamia

Nebuchadnezzar (king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire)

Nef, John

Nehru, Jawaharlal

Neo-Babylonian entrepreneurs: activities of; economic predispositions of the urban propertied: entrepreneurs distinguished from rentiers; Egibi family, lineage of; entrepreneurial efficiency, case study of; geography and natural resources of southern Mesopotamia; large institutions of Babylonia; lessons for contemporary entrepreneurship from; marriage of; the Neo-Babylonian Empire and the initial decades of Persian rule, political history and archives of; obstacles to enterprise; outsourcing of royal and temple functions; partnerships and venture capital, organization of; slaves used as; social status of


networks: caste/kinship in India and financial; Chinese entrepreneurs and social; entrepreneurial in Britain; research in the U.S.; trust and informal

Newbold, Charles

New East India Company

New Jersey, incorporation law in

New York Stock Exchange


Nicholas, Tom

Nippon Yusen Corporation



Nobel laureates in physics and chemistry, cumulated number in selected countries

Noble, David

Nonconformists. See Dissenters

Noordegraaf, Leo

Nordhaus, William D.

North, Douglass

North, Simeon

Northern Telecom

North River Steam Boat

Northumberland, John Dudley 1st Duke of

Novak, William

Noyce, Robert

NTP, Inc.

Nye, John


OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Oeppen, James E.

Ogden, William

Oguri Tadamasa

Okuma Shigenobu


Oldewelt, W.F.H.

Oldham, John

Oldknow, Samuel

Olds Motor Works

Olivi, Peter John

Olmstead, Alan

Olson, Mancur

Ono Gumi

open software movement


Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), higher education among member countries

O'Sullivan, Mary



Outram, Benjamin


Owen, Robert


Pacific Mail Steamship

Packard, David

Palepu, Krishna

Panic of 1873


Patent Office, U.S.

patents and patent law: absence of in antiquity; in Germany; granted in the U.S.; innovative entrepreneurship promoted through; system of introduced in late-sixteenth-century Holland; in the U.S.; violation of, impact on entrepreneurship of

Payne, Peter

Peabody, George

Peabody & Co.

Peacock, David

Pearson, Robin

Pearson, Weetman

Pearson Group


Peel, Robert

Peiser, F. E.

Pelham, Sir Henry

Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation (P&O)

Pennsylvania, University of

Penrose, Edith T.

Peoples Express

Pereire, Emile

Pereire, Isaac

Périer, Casimir

Perkin, Harold J.

Perkin Elmer Corporation

Perot, H. Ross

Perry, Matthew C.

personal capitalism

Peruzzi Company

petit bourgeoisie





Philip II (king of Spain)

Phillip Augustus (king of France)

Pioneer Hybrid

Pioneer Investment Management, Inc.

Piramal, Gita

Pirenne, Henri


plow, the


Polanyi, Karl


Pole, William de la

Pollard, Sidney

Pollock, Sir Frederick

Pomfret, John

Pompidou, Georges

Pomponious, T.

population: absolute and urban during the long twelfth century, growth of; of China, growth in; of colonial India in 1931; of England and Wales during the nineteenth century, growth in; of London, growth in; of sixteenth-, seventeenth-, and eighteenth-century England, growth of; of the United Kingdom

Populists, the

Portugal, shipbuilding innovation and commercial expansion of

Posner, Eric

Post Office Act of 1792 (U.S.)

Postumius, M.

Pouyer-Quertier, Auguste-Thomas


Pratt & Whitney

prebendary system


Premier Automobiles

Price, Henry

Price Revolution: Gould on; Hamilton-Keynes thesis on; inflation during, interest rates and; Spanish American treasure and the inflation of; Tawney on

Primack, Martin

prime contractors

Princeton University

principal-agent relationships, trust and confidence as necessary in


privatization: in Britain; in France

procurement entrepreneurs Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, The (Weber)

Protestantism: the emergence of capitalism and; “work ethic” of. See also Calvinism and Calvinists; Dissenters

PSA group

Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 (U.S.)


Qutb, Sayyid


Radcliffe, William

Radio Corporation of America. See RCA railroads: as big business in the U.S.; British promotion and building of; French construction of; Ger-man nineteenth-century industrialization and; nationalization of German; in the U.S., as big business; in the U.S., building of; in the U.S., scandals associated with

Ramsden, Jesse

Rankin, Sir George

Rathenau, Emil

rationality, entrepreneurial activity and

Ray, Rajat Kanta


RCA (Radio Corporation of America)


Reich, Leonard


Reichspost (Imperial Post)

religion: business activity in the Middle Ages and; economic role of the temples in the ancient Near East; the emergence of capitalism and; entrepreneurship and; in France, economic activity and; Islam and entrepreneurial activity (see Islam)

Religion and the Rise of Capitalism (Tawney)

Remington Rand


Renault, Fernand

Renault, Marcel

Renger, Johannes

Rennie, John

rent-seeking: in ancient Rome; economically predatory gain seeking in classical Greece and Rome; institutions favorable to productive entrepreneurship as antidote for; from Rome down through medieval European times; unproductive entrepreneur-ship as; in the U.S.

Research in Motion

Reynolds Metals Company

Rhode, Paul


Richard I (king of England)

Richardson, David

Richelieu, Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal and Duc de

“Rise of the Gentry, The” (Tawney)

risk management, tools developed during the feudal commercial revolution for

robber barons

Roberts, Ed

Roberts, Richard

Robinson, James

Rockefeller, John D.

Rodrik, Dani

Roebuck, John

Roessingh, H. K.

Rolls Royce

Rolnick, Arthur

Rome, ancient: commercial abuses in; commercial activity, attitude and activity of the well-to-do regarding; the debt problem in; documentation of economic activity in; economic decline of; finance in; fiscal burdens of the wealthy in; foreigners and slaves in commercial enterprise; overspending by leading families in; private profiteering at public expense in; rent-seeking in; slaves in; steam engine, invention and lack of use of

Rong, Larry

Rong Desheng

Rong Yiren

Rong Zongjing

Ronson, Gerald

Roosevelt, Franklin

Root, Elisha

Rose, Jack

Rose, Mary B.

Rosenberg, Nathann.8

Rostovtzeff, Mikhail

Rothschild, James de

Rousseau, Peter

Rowland, Tiny

Roy, Tirthankar

Royal African Company

Royal Dutch-Shell

Royal Society

Rubinstein, William D.

Rudner, David West

Ruifuxiang family firm

Russell, Lord John

Russia (Muscovy) Company



al-Sadr, Muhammad Baqir

Sainsbury, Alan

Sainsbury, John



Saint Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de

sale and leaseback finance

Sandor, Richard

Sanyo Railways

Sapienza, Paola

Sargon of Akkad

Sarnoff, David

Say, J. B.

SBICs (small business investment companies)

Scalbert, Auguste

Scammon, J. Young

SCAP. See Supreme Commander of the Allied

Powers Schlesinger, Walter

Schlumberger, Nicolas


Schneider, Eugene

Schofield brothers

Schumpeter, Joseph: on British entrepreneurism; creative destruction as economic progress; “entrepreneur,” adoption of the word by; entrepreneurial actions create new opportunities for others; entrepreneurship, conception of; innovation as the act of large companies; innovation as the essential entrepreneurial act; motives of the entrepreneur; R&D divisions of large firms, impact on entrepreneurs of; upsetting of equilibrium by entrepreneurs

Scientific American

Scientific Data Systems (SDS)

Scottish Presbyterian schools and universities

Scranton, Phil


Second Bank of the United States

Seguin, Marc


Seneca, Lucius Annaeus


Sequoia Partners


Severus, Septimius (emperor of Rome)

al-Shafi'i, Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn

Shanxi merchants

Shapin, Steven

Sheng Xuanhuai

Shenxin Cotton Mills

Shenxin group

Shen Yao

Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 (U.S.)

Shibusawa Eiichi

shipping: English textile exports, sixteenth-century boom and crisis in; the joint-stock overseas trading company; technological innovation in shipbuilding and

Shleifer, Andrei

Shoda Heigoro

Short, Sidney

Short Electric Railway Company


Siemens, Werner


Silver, Morris

Sincere Company


Singer, Isaac

Singh, Narayan

Skunkworks, the

Slater, Samuel

slavery: entrepreneurs, slaves as; prestige for owners as the reason for; trade during the Middle Ages between Anglo-Saxon and Arab markets

Sloan, Alfred

Small Business Act of 1958 (U.S.)

Small Talk

Smeaton, John

Smiles, Samuel

Smith, Adam: country gentlemen, ambition of merchants to become; entrepreneurial behavior, overestimation of one's abilities and; instinct to “truck and barter” described by; Laws of Settlement and guilds, economic harm caused by; motivations of the richn.30; principles of free trade (but not laissez-faire)

Smith, Bruce

Smith, Sir Thomas

Smith, Walter Bedell


Smith-Lever Act of 1914 (U.S.)

social capital

social Darwinism

Société Générale

Société industrielle de Mulhouse

Sokoloff, Kenneth

Soly, Hugo

Sony Corporation


South Sea Bubble of 1720–21

South Sea Company

Southwest Airlines

Sozzini, Lelio

Sperry Rand

Spitzer, Eliot

Spufford, Peter


Srinivas, M. N.

Srinivasan, T. N.


Standard Oil Company

Stanford University

Stanley, William

Steinmetz, Charles

Stephan, Heinrich von

Stephenson, George

Stephenson, Robert

Stephenson, William Lawrence

Strutt, Jedediah

Sturchio, Jeffrey

Sturgeon, Timothy J.

Sturgeon, William

Sublime Club of Beefsteaks



super-companies, feudal

Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SACP)

Surana, Rai

Swamy, Subramanian

Swift, Gustavus

Swistak, Piotr

Switzer, Mary


Sylla, Richard

Szeidl, Adam


Taine, Hippolyte

Taiping Rebellion

Talabot, Paulin

Taney, Roger

Tanner, David

Tarbell, Ida

tariffs, German use of

Tata, J. N.

Tata Iron and Steel Company

Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste

Tawney, Richard H.: “agrarian capitalism” and the “rise of the gentry”; Price Revolution and inflation, poor understanding of; usury opposed by Puritan clergy; Weber-Tawney thesis on Protestantism and the emergence of capitalism

tax farming

Taylor, George Rogers

Taylor, Zachary

technology: “Big Science,” government funding of; in China: reasons for absence of advances in late imperial; in China: wide-ranging improvements from the tenth to the fourteenth centuries; corporate in-house R&D; dissemination of information in the U.S. regarding; inferiority of twentieth-century Britain in sectors that required advanced; information, computers and; innovations in the Dutch Republic, incremental nature of; innovations in fuel, the rise of coal and; innovations of Victorian Britain; railroad, sharing of; shipbuilding, innovations in; unemployment of the Depression and, beliefs regarding

technology transfers: from Britain to Germany in the nineteenth century; of railroads from Britain to the U.S. in the nineteenth century; to the U.S., the Yankee merchant as conduit for

Teece, David J.

temples, as economic and credit institutions in the Near East

Tendulkar, Suresh D.

Terry, Eli


Test Act of 1673 (England)

Texas Instruments

Textile Machinery Corporation

textiles: Chinese during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, technological advances in; cotton, American-produced; English productivity to the Industrial Revolution in; feudal manufacture of, economic organization and; as a Mesopotamian export; new furnace technology, lack of benefit from; woolens, English exports of

Thatcher, Margaret

Thimonnier, Barthelemy

Thomas, David

Thomas, Robert Paul

Thomas, Seth

Thomas, William

Thompson, Holland

Thomson, Elihu

Thomson, J. Edgar

Thomson-Houston Electric Company

3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing)

Thurn and Taxis, Princely Mail of

Thyssen, August

Timberg, Thomas A.

Todd, Emmanuel

Tokugawa Yoshitsune

Tokyo Marine Insurance

Tokyo Technical School/Tokyo Institute of Technology

Toleration Act of 1689 (England)

Tomioka Silk Manufacturer


Townsend, Second Viscount Charles “Turnip Townsend”

Toynbee, Arnold

Toyokawa Ryohei

Trader Joe's

trade unions, in Victorian Britain

Tredegar Iron Works

Trevithick, Richard

Trip, Elias

Tripathi, Dwijendra

Trotter, Nathan

Troughton, Edward

trust, significance of in eighteenth-century Britain

Tweenhuysen, Lambert van


Uitgeest, Cornelis Cornelisz. van

Union des Assurances de Paris


United Drapery Stores

United Fruit Company

United States: antitrust policy and enforcement; corporate structure and governance in; employment in services and industry com-pared to Germany; financial institutions in; formal banking system and incorporation of firms, relationship of; income inequality in; industrial research/R&D; multinational corporations, British subsidiaries of American; patents and patent law in; post-Civil War (see United States, 1865–1920); pre-Civil War (see United States, antebellum); twentieth century following the Great War (see United States, 1920–2000)

United States, antebellum; agricultural implements manufactured in; the “American system” of production developed in; clocks and watches manufactured in; colonial India and, comparison of the integration of financial markets in; cotton textiles manufactured in; the entrepreneurs of; industry in the South; institutional framework: finance; institutional framework: law; manufactured goods and the beginnings of industrialization; “mechanicians” and mass production in; sewing machines manufactured in; small arms production in; transportation and communication as entrepreneurial infrastructure; unproductive and unsuccessful entrepreneurs in

United States,1865–1920; big business, the rise of; the entrepreneur's social status; financial institutions; government promotional activities; government regulation of the economy; incentives to innovate: corporate governance; incentives to innovate: effect of discrimination; innovation vs. replication; seasonality of money demand in; technological information, dissemination of

United States, 1920–2000; the computer industry and information technology (IT); the consumer movement and changing scale for entrepreneurs; corporate research laboratories; the Depression; economic self-regulation, search for (1920–41); entrepreneurial fraud in; eras of Entrepreneurship in; era of the third industrial revolution (1975–2000); era of war and the innovation system (1941–74); financial entrepreneurship; financial institutions in; firms, dislocation of and innovation by; government, the military, and “Big Science”; innovation as entrepreneurship in; innovation system, opening up the; innovation system, patents/antitrust reinforcing a closed; prosperity and social status in; radio, opportunities for entrepreneurs in; venture capital, institutionalizing

university entrepreneurs

urbanization: in Holland of the mid-seventeenth century; London, rapid growth in the population of; the medieval city, growth and economic activity of

Urdank, Albion


Usselincx, Willem

Usselman, Steven

U.S. Steel

usury: bills of exchange and; church teaching on, the entrepreneurial climate of the Middle Ages and; England's Financial Revolution and. See also banks and banking; credit


Vail, Theodore N.

Vanderbilt, Cornelius

Van Os, Dirck

Van Winkle, Edward


Varian brothers

Vaughan, Roland

Veblen, Thorstein

Veenhof, Klass R.

Venter, Craig

venture capital


Vereinige Oost-Indisch Compagnie (VOC; United East India Co.)

Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Vst-United Steelworks)


Verres, Gaius

Verri, Alessandro

Victorian Britain: background for entrepreneurial activity in; case study of entrepreneurs’ role in promoting large projects: the railway sys-tem; the concept of the entrepreneur in; cultural explanations of entrepreneurial decline; decline of entrepreneurship in, varying views of; economic data, basic; entrepreneur, conception of for present study; entrepreneurship in; entrepreneurship and the culture of improvement in; infrastructure projects as focus of successful entrepreneurship in; institutional reform in; mining as a project-based industry; number of local and personal acts of Parliament, by type of project; population of the United Kingdom; a project-based view of the economy in; promotion of large projects requiring statutory authorization; role of free trade and laissez-faire in encouraging entrepreneur-ship; the trade union movement in


Vishny, Robert




von Gerstner, Franz Anton Ritter


Wabash, St. Louis, and Pacific Railway v. Illinois

Walbank, F. W.

Walchand managing agency

Walker, Juliet E. K.

Walker, Thomas

Wallace, Anthony F. C.

Wallis, John Joseph


Waltham Company

Waltham System

Walton, Gary

Wang Yangming

Wang Zhen


Warburg, Simon

Wardley, Peter

Washington, George

Watkin, Sir Edward

Watson, James L.

Watt, James

Weber, Max

Weber, Warren

Weber-Tawney thesis

Wedgwood, Josiah

Weingast, Barry

Weiss, Thomas


Wesley, Charles

Wesley, John

Western Electric

Western Union

West-Indische Compagnie (WIC)

Westinghouse, George

Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Weston, Garfield

Weston, William

Wheeler and Wilson

White, Canvass

Whitehurst, John

Whitney, Eli

Whitney, Eli, Jr.

Wichmann (archbishop of Magdeburg)

Wiener, Martin


Wilhelm II (kaiser of Germany)

Wilkins, Mira

Willcox and Gibbs

William III (king of England)

Wilson, Charles

Wing On Company

Wing On Department Store

Winsor, Frederic

Wolcott, Oliver

Wolcott, Susan

Wolfson, Isaac

women: as entrepreneurs in the U.S.; participation in the labor force in antebellum America

Wood, Jethro

Woodbury, Robert S.

Woodman, Harold

Woolworth, Frank


work ethic

worldly asceticism

Worthington, William

Wozniak, Steve

Wright, Benjamin

Wright, Robert

Wrigley, E. Anthony

Wunsch, Cornelia


Xerox Corporation

Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center)

Xerxes I (king of Persia)



Yates, JoAnne

Ye (Party secretary of Lin Village)

“Ye, Big Bluffer” (deputy chief of Nanjing)

Yen Xinhou

Yergin, Daniel

Yoffee, Norman

Yoshida Toyo

Young, Owen D.


zaibatsu. See also Japan

Zhang Jian

Zhou Xuexi

Zhu Xi

Zingales, Luigi

Zola, Emile

Zunz, Olivier