ab intestat, (right of inheritance) 231
accession, right of (property) 158–159
adhramire, oath 199
advocates’ association 9
aerarii 34
Alsatians 47
Amiens 37
anarchy, political 79
assault and battery, statistics 122
Athens 64; ‘epicleros’ 175; the State 62, 63
Austria, homicide rates 121
bankruptcies, rate of 122
bare owner see under property
beati possidentes 143
Belgium, homicide rates 121
blood covenant 192–193, 195, 202–203
Boissier 23
boundary rituals 161–162, 166–167
bourgeoisie 36
Brahmanism 63
Buddhism 63
burnishers, guild 24
business professions, and ethics 10–11
butchers, guild 24
cara cognatio, festival 22
carpenters, guild 34
Catholic countries, crime rates 126
centuries, (craftsmen) 34
children, as chattels 146; labour regulations 42
China 211
Christian societies 63
Church, the: powers and privileges 95; and the State 52
Cicero 19
citizen, the, in relation to the State 55
City States xiv 47, 58, 62, 58, 118
civic duties 114
civic morals 45ff, 59ff, 70ff, 82ff, 92ff, 105ff
clan, the: component of society 62; sacred cults and bonds 160–161, 173; structure 49–50, 85
collective consciousness see consciousness, individual and collective
collegia, of craftsmen 19–20, 22–23, 34–35
communes:: electoral representatives of 104; origin of 36–38
communism: in the ancient world 85
competition: in business 10–11; international 75
consciousness, government 85–86, 87, 88, 90–91, 93
consciousness, individual and collective 54, 85–86, 87, 88, 91, 234
consumption, means of 43
contract, bilateral 214; by blood covenant 192–193 see also blood covenant; bona fide 214, 217; bonds 192, 193, 198; Christian 203; communion rite 192; consensual 203–207, 209–210, 211, 213–218, 221; by constraint 222–225; earnest-money 193; of equity 220, 221ff; and exchange values 213–214, 215, 216; contract: feudal 201–202; formula 194, 199–200, 202–203, 215; freedom of 73; labour 132, 226–227; law of 193; Roman 180–181, 193, 199–200, 214, 215; ‘lion’s share’ 225, 228–229; loan 214–215; marriage 177, 189, 201, 208; morals of contractual relations 196ff; nature of 192ff; oath 194, 198–199, 201, 203–204; origins of 182ff; penal sanctions 211; promise of parties 193; property transfer 180; quasi- 187; real 190, 193, 200, 202–203, 208, 209, 213, 214–215, 222, 230; right of 181, 182ff, 209ff; rights and duties 194; ‘ritual’ see contract, solemn; rituals 200–208, 209–211; sacramentum 194, 199; sacred origins 163–164, 171; social 186ff; solemn 194–195, 199–202, 203–208, 210, 213; in trade transactions 205; unilateral 197; usury 226; will of parties to 185–186, 188–193, 195, 196–199, 202–203, 205; words in pledges 210, 216
Contrat Social 145
copper-smiths, guild 34
corporate bodies see corporations, see also guilds
corporations: compulsory membership 41; definition 8; as the electorate 109; employer and employed 42; functions 42; as intermediary electoral units 107–108, 111
corporations: and the State 42; as successors to guilds 31, 37–41 see also guilds; groups (professional)
Corsica, homicide 123
Council of Ministers 54
craft guilds, unions see guilds
craftsman, the and the State 69
crime: nature of 118ff; sanctions 118; statistics 125
criminology 118
customs: in making of contracts 192–193; origins and symbolism 202; relating to debt 200–201
cutlers, guild 24
dead, the: cult of 164; customs and beliefs 212
democracy 82ff, 92ff, 105ff; pseudo- 91, 95
Denier à Dieu, (contract) 200
despotism 83
determinism 219
‘dharna’: debt penalty 211, 212
Dionysius of Halicarnassus 34
Diplomacy: and the State 93
dolo, in Roman law 216
domestic group see family
donations inter vivos 131, 150
duties: governed by charity 233–234; justice 233–234; moral rule 3–5; of various groups 3–6
échevins 34
economic life: in ancient world 78; in a democracy 85; goods and services 76; regulation of 11–17, 32–33, 38–40
education, as a profession 94
Egypt, sciences 63
electoral system 84, 89, 104, 109
electorate: corporation as 113; duty of voting 114; and government 107, 109; ‘imperative mandate’ 99; representation of 84
employer, position of 42
England, homicide rate 121
‘epicleros’, in Athens 175
Ethics: professional 1ff; authority of group 7–8
European Confederation of States 80
exchange of property 131
executive, in a State 54
family, cults 164–165; as a group 45–46; and inheritance rights 228; moral role 27–28; rights of 4; Roman 46; as social aggregate 49 see also domestic society
festuca, in contract rituals 200–201
feudal contract see under contract
feudalism 97
first-fruits 166
forenses 36
France 47, 64, 84, 106, 110, 121, 125–126
fraud, as a crime 122
freeholders 36
French law, contract in 193
funerary customs (Roman) 22–23
furtum, Justinian on property 146
Gaul 20
genius collegii 22
genius publicus 22
Germanic Law, contract 193, 214; of debt 212
Germanic tribes: ritual for contract 199
goldsmiths, guilds 24
government: administration, mechanism of 106, 107; and the electorate 107, 109; service, as a profession 9
Grotius 181
groups, professional 1ff; business 9–10; ethics 6; moral discipline 15–16; in the political society 110–111; regulations 9; between State and individual 103–104, 109; trade and industry 9–10 see also corporations; guilds
groups, regional: between State and individual 104, 111; within society 65–66
guilds 18ff; craft 36; festivals 22; history 18–19, 25, 28, 33–36, 39; mediæval 20–22, 34, 36; parallel with family 27; powers and privileges 95; regulations 24–25, 34–35; Roman 18–23, 34–35; trade 19; traditionalism 40 see also corporations; groups, professional
Hegel 58
Hindu Law 211
homicide 117ff; statistics 120, 125
Honolulu, taboo 154
horn-blowers, guild 34
Ihering 63
‘imperative mandate’: of the electorate 99
incest: and property 189
individual, the: autonomy of 98; collective life 98; and the family 4; and fruits of his labour 134–135; and the law 108; as member of group 15–16; morals and 4ff, 16–17, 45ff, 120; and religion 59–60; religious cult of 75; respect for 183; rights of 56, 61–62, 64, 70, 74; and the State 46, 55, 59ff, 70ff
individual consciousness see consciousness, individual and collective
individualism: in the City States 62; in France 64; and religion 63–64
industrial law: employer and employed 226
industry: grouping by categories 39–41; health 42; large-scale 37, 38, 39, 40–41, 42; legislation 42; and professional ethics 9–10
inheritance 131; ab intestat 231; and contractual system 227–232; rights 43; State as heir 232; testamentary 231 see also under property
Ireland 211
Jacquard machines 134
Japan 211
Judaea, crimes in 118
Jupiter, Capitoline 162
juridical facts 2
jus civilis 36
jus fori 36
justice, and charity 233; commutative and distributive 234, 235; prohibitive 69, 70
labour: assessment of value 228; contract 42, 72, 73, 132, 181, 185–186, 224–225; disputes 43; division of 19; Division du Travail Social; and property 130–135, 140, 145, 230–231; remuneration 72, 73
lar familiaris 22
law, the 52; in a democracy 84; and homicide 120; industrial 226; making of 113; and man as free agent 218; profession of 9; progress of 97; respect for 114–115
legislation, industrial 42; occupational 42
liberty, of the individual 183
Locke 181
Lord’s pence (in contracts) 200
Louis XIV 95
Louis-Philippe: political crises 126
magistrates, election 37
Maine, Sumner 49
majorat 157
man, moral nature of 72
manou 162
Marion 212
marriage, contract 189, 201, 208
Marro 127
mayors, election 37
mercatores 36
Mill, John Stuart: on property 132–133
monarchy 48, 82–83, 84, 85, 97
morals: civic 4–5; domestic 6, 28; of the individual 120; inherent 75; nature of 124; of a political society 47–48; science of 1
moral code 3
moral fact, determination of 2
moral mechanics, law of 65
moral polymorphism 8
mortgage, rights 150
murder see homicide
mutuum, in Roman law 214
oath: in contract see under contract
Paris, cooks of 24
parliament 53, 54, 89debates 86, 95
patriarchal theory 49
patrimony 46 see also under property
patriotism 70ff
penalties 2, 6 see also sanctions
phratries, component of society 62
Plato 64
Pliny 18
Plutarch 18
political society 45ff; nature of 52ff; structure 50–51; territory 46–47 see also State
price scales: and contracts 224–225
production, means of 43
professional groups see groups, professional; guilds; corporations
professions, connected with State 9
property: acquisition by contract 180; donation 180; alienation, rights 150; appropriation 136–139, 147, 149, 156, 173, 181; bare owner 122; bequests by will 185; burial places 164–165; clan rights 160; collective 137, 148, 169, 172, 173, 175; contract of equity 221, 229; for transfer 197 crime of assault on 118, 129ff; definition 136; disposal, right 230–232; distribution injustice 229–230, 234; entailed 157; exchanges 192, 223, 224–225; expropriation by State 152; family council 149–150, 155; family, as, (children and slaves) 146, 159; domain 175–178, 184 first-fruits 165–166, 174; of the gods, man’s right as substitute 168; inalienable 147, 149, 150, 159–161, 164; of incapacitated person 149; individual 133–134, 148–149, 163, 176–177, 172, 183–185; inheritance 157, 159, 176, 179–180, 185–186, 227–232; as an institution 133; inviolable 161, 168; jus abutendi 148–150; jus fruendi 148–150; jus utendi 148–150; Justinian on 146; and labour 130, 143, 145, 180–181, 230, 231–232; landed (or real) 151–152, 160–161, 164, 175–176, 178–179laws of 11, 129ff; lawfully possessed 184; leasehold 188; of the minor 149, 155; mortgage rights 151; moveable (or personal) 178–179; nature of 129ff; occupancy, rights 138–141; patrimony 175–176, 180, 188; public ownership 147–148, 156, rei vindicatio 146; religious beliefs 183; res communes and res sacrae 147, 160; respect for 129, 163, 169, 186; right of 1, 43, 129–130, 135–140, 229–231; ch XII—XIV; ‘right of accession’ 158–159; rituals 161–163, 166–169, 174in Roman law 146; sacredness 158, 160, 166–167, 170–174, 182; slaves 146, 159; son as chattel 146; sources of 131ff, 182–183; State as heir 232; succession, right 179; taboos 153–154, 157–158; transfer 180, 189; uninterrupted possession 180; usufruct 151–152, 156–157; value, fluctuations 135of wife 149; and the will 136–139
Protestant countries: crime rate 126
provident funds 42
Red Indian tribe, structure of 57
regional groups see groups, regional
rei vindicatio 146
religion: and basis of property 172; in the City States 62; function of rituals 192; and the individual 59–60; and individualism 62–63; respect for 119; rite of Communion 192; rites affecting property 163–165; sacrifice 124; and the State 59
rentiers 36
representations, collective 53–54, 55
res nullius 156
res sacrae, in Roman law 146
rights: of man over himself 131; nature of 1
right, private see private right
right of property see property, right of
Rights of Man 64
Robertson Smith 192
Romans, ritual of terminal 161
Roman law, Accarias on 215, 218; contract 193, 194, 199, 200, 208, 214–216, 218; ‘dolo’ 216; property 147, 161, 162, 164
Rome, crimes in 118; guilds 18–19, 21, 34–35, 37; patriarchal family 46; the State 57, 62–63
Romulus and Remus myth 163
Rousseau 47, 55, 102, 106, 112, 145, 187
‘Royal Manufactories’ 38
rule, establishment of 1
rules, governing duties 3
sacer, of the Romans 153
sachems, council of 101
sacramentum, Roman customs 194~5
salary and wages 42
sanctions, for crime 118; homicide 120
sanctions: material 79; theory of 2–3 see also penalties
Scandinavia 91
science, as a profession 12
Scylla, change in Roman law under 218
sentiments, collective: and crime 112, 113, 119–120
services, in contracts 223
servitude, forms of 73
Servius Tullius 34
sexual offences, rate of 122
Siculus Flaccus: on ritual of boundaries 161
slavery 175
slaves, legal status 187; ownership 146, 159, 163; Roman 175
socialist economic theory 11
socialist planning 85
society: and component groups 67–68; despotic character 67; and the individual 67–68; ‘individualistic’ theory of 55–56; inequalities 227–228; patriarchal theory 49–50; ‘spiritualistic’ theory of 55; worship of 173
sodales 23
soil, the sacredness of 167
sovereign, of a State 57
Sparta 64
Spencer, Herbert 55, 56, 71, 73, 77
State, the: absolute 90; and collective life 67; communications with citizens 88–89, 91, 93, 96, 99, 104, 105; and corporate organisations 40, 41; and crime 125; cult of 75, 123; definition ch. IV; despotic 101; external relations 93; forms of ch. VII–IX; functions 71ff; and the guilds 39; Hegelian 58; as heir to private property 232; and the individual 59ff, 70ff; and large-scale industry 38; moral function 51, 77; mystique 69; organs of 86–87; as organ of deliberation and reflection 96–97; as organ of social thought 85–87; and religion 63; Rousseau’s theories 106; secondary groups of 70; and war 57 see also political society
States, federal 50
stipulatio, in contract 199, 201, 203
strenia 22
suicide, penalty of creditor 212
superannuation 42
Switzerland 91
Tahiti, taboo 154
taxes, earliest form 174
Terminus, deity 162
territory: and the political society 46–47; transfer by conquest 46
theft 1, 2–3, 118, 122, 125, 146
tignarii 34
towns, powers and privileges 95; and urban groups 36
trade, contracts 204; and professional ethics 9–10
trade guilds see under guilds
tradition, power of 101
tribe, component of society 62; structure of 85
tribunals, for labour disputes 43
trumpeters, guild 34
Turgot 21
wages: minimum scale 226 see also salary and wages
war, and the citizen 56, 57, 75; debasing effect 125; and homicide 120, 125; as supreme moral offence 61
wealth, distribution 11
weavers, guild 24
will, the: in acquiring property 131–133, 135–137; in making contract 193, 195, 196–199
women, labour regulations 42
words, force of: in contract 194–195; in pledges 209–210
world State 80
Wurtz 154