
Special thanks to my editor, Kelsey Murphy—I’m so fortunate to be working with you. I appreciate your wit and wisdom, especially during 2020. My thanks also to the team at Philomel, specifically Jill Santopolo for her watchful eye and Cheryl Eissing for her enthusiasm. Extended thanks are due to the publicity team at Penguin Young Readers: 2020 tried to test y’all, and it failed. Brava!

Adriana M. Martínez Figueroa, I deeply appreciate your insights and expertise. Any remaining errors are my own.

To my agent, Jodi Reamer, I continue to appreciate your prowess and guidance.

For my family, thank you for everything.

Special acknowledgement is due to Kara Bietz and Vicky Alvear Shecter. Kara, thank you for your amazing sense of humor and near daily check-ins. Vicky, thank you for your big, beautiful heart and for falling down story rabbit holes with me.

This book wouldn’t exist if my dad hadn’t fed my love of mysteries. Every week when I was in seventh grade, he would take me to the used book store or the library to get a new Agatha Christie novel. I know he would have loved to see how those excursions resulted in my own mystery book. Thank you, Dad.

Lastly, to my readers, my profound thanks.