
Conjuring by

Keep my words positive, words become my behaviors.

Keep my behaviors positive, behaviors become my habits.

Keep my habits positive, because habits become my values.

Keep my values positive, because values become my destiny.37

This chapter covers various religious and magickal circumstances that may occur in the working Witch’s life. I have provided a mix of techniques, spells, and assorted conjurations. All conjurations are a result of my own studies, or from the experiments of my Wiccan friends. Everything listed has worked for us at one time or another. Although I believe I have banged the following ideas into your head throughout this book, let’s take one more look at some pointers:

Magick follows the path of least resistance.

Magick cannot be turned on and off like tap water. Sometimes you’ve got it, and sometimes you don’t. Failure should lead to solution, not to depression. Learn to pick your magickal self up and try again, or perhaps try something different.

Never work magick for ill or harm to anyone, including yourself.

You need not follow the conjurations in this chapter precisely. In fact, I encourage you to use your own judgment. All I ask is that you carefully choose the changes you make, and double-check yourself before performance.

At the end of this chapter you will find four types of altar setups. By this time in your studies, you should be well-schooled on how to set up an altar. I thought it might be nice, however, to share both traditional and eclectic setups for you to try, should you be so inclined.


To conjure transformation within yourself.

Moon phase: New, crescent, or first quarter.

Moon signs: Aries, Scorpio, or Pisces.

Day: Saturday.

Planetary hour: Saturn.

Deity: The Cailleach.38

Colors: Purple and silver or grey.

Totem animals: Stag (east), bull (south), horse (west), bear (north).

Tools: Hearthstone or altar; cauldron; cup that fits in cauldron; one seashell necklace; one candle (your choice of color) for illumination.

Tea: Valerian and chamomile, 12 teaspoon each in teaball.

Incense: Patchouli.

Circle: Full ritual.

Quarters summoned and stirred: Guardians to protect/Ancient Ones to assist.

Quarter opened: West only; acknowledge the others clockwise but do not open.


Ancient Ones draw nigh this night

circle around, assist my sight

guardians of the quarters, round I go

east, south, west, north

help the energy flow

protectors of Witches, round once more

to seal this circle

I walk

I conjure

’tis done.


North, the earth, the wind, the rain

assist me now, upon earth plane.

East, the sun, the wisdom, the sight

assist me now, this sacred night.

South, the power, the passion, the gift

assist me now in this energy shift.

West I open, the gates swing wide

I seek the answers that lie inside.


O Mighty Cailleach, Queen of the Underworld

I ,___________, seek the transformation of self.

I feel that I am prepared to make this transition in my life

I am ready to assume the responsibility of the chosen.

Meditate for as long as necessary on precisely what you have chosen to change within yourself.

Dark Lady, Ruler of Rebirth

I fully accept the responsibility of my own actions in this lifetime.

I ,_____________, ask for the enlightenment needed to

(specifically state the transformation).

Meditate for as long as necessary again. The Cailleach will appear in the circle or in your mind and give you the advice you need on your spiritual journey.


Trace a banishing pentagram over the cauldron in which the cup of tea is placed. Place your hands over the cauldron and say:

I am the tool

you are the fire

fill this cup

with all I desire.

Drink the contents of the cup, imagining the desired change flowing through your body.

Draw energy from the west, imagining the Cailleach is sending it to you.


Center and circumference

throughout and about




everywhere and nowhere

within and without

the void


beyond time

the turning wheel

red, white, and black

the cauldron

changes me.39

Ground and center.


Thank the Cailleach.

Close the west.

Thank the remaining quarters.

Pull up the circle.

Ground and center.

Clean up.


There are many types of banishing, which will certainly affect what magick you choose to perform. Banishing bugs from your yard is not the same as banishing an unwanted person from your life. One need not do a full ritual to banish small things. As your skills grow, there will be fewer things in your life you will need to, or choose to, banish. Your studies move you into a more harmonious environment where many difficulties are banished as a result of your positive endeavors.

There are times, however, when a situation arises, and something must be done. For small matters, folk magick works well. An old Pow Wow trick is to weave nettle and thistle together and throw it on the porch step of the individual who is bothering you. Often, the person will move.

Minor magicks such as the cord and knot, candle, and petition should serve your needs for little banishings.

Using meditation is also beneficial. Concentrate on banishing the negativity that has entered your life. Lock it in an imaginary chest. You can banish unwanted associations in the same way by sending your totem animal to ward a person away from you or your home. This technique works well for me. I call it the manifest spell, but it really is a matter of concentrated thought and a message carried by your totem animal.

To banish negativity from your home or work site without being obtrusive, there are stones you can either purchase or empower yourself, called spirit stones. These stones are said to carry the spirits of the ancestors (in general or in particular), such as lineaged ancestors. Sometimes the stones are taken from family grave plots to pull in the energy and assistance of those who have loved you or who were magickally inclined in your family.

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Earth / Air

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Fire / Water

Symbols, such as the banishing pentagram, are extremely useful and can be used in every banishing regardless of its complexity.

In folk magick, things to be banished are often anointed in vinegar, or a formula is made where specific herbs are steeped in vinegar.

Talismans40 can be designed to banish things; Tarot cards or runes can also be used.

Remember to match the magick to the level of difficulty or persistence of a problem. If you try to banish something and it doesn’t go away, you have a few things to consider:

This is a lesson, and you aren’t getting it. Do a little meditation.

You are hitting the problem from the wrong direction. Try a new tactic.

The problem may be more deeply rooted than you first thought. Do a thorough divination. Call a magickal friend for some advice or a reading on the situation.

You may not be seeing the proverbial forest for the trees. You may be missing the problem. Look beyond the obvious.

Psychic blocks are in place, either created by yourself or by someone else. Remember, someone doesn’t have to be magickally gifted to create a block. Everyone is psychic, some more than others, but many don’t realize it. Even that creep at work who harasses you can have psychic blocks in place. Psychic blocks are not only created by the demented. Extraordinary individuals in their field or very spiritual people build psychic canopies around themselves too.

banishing stalkers

Moon phase: Dark moon, full moon, last quarter, disseminating.

Moon signs: Scorpio, Pisces, or Libra.

Day: Saturday.

Planetary hour: Saturn.

Deity: Morrigan (a Celtic triple warrior goddess).

Colors: Black and red.

Totem animal: Wolf.

Angels: Most are acceptable for banishing work.

Tools: Spirit rattle;41 bottle with cap; vinegar; garden nightshade; morning glory vines; garlic; dragon’s blood; staff; two black candles; a piece of paper with the stalker’s name on it (or “the person who is stalking me”).

Circle casting with staff:

I conjure thee, O circle of art

that you will be for me a place of fulfillment and power

a fortress of strength and protection

containing the necessary energies therein until I release them.

I move

in harmony

and in strength.


Call them all; you are going to need them.


Earth my center

air my wisdom

fire my power

water my energy

ground me

guide me

empower me

move me

to do what must be done.

Call to totem animal:

Hellish howl

sharpened tooth

power of clan

now appear.

Wolf of Silver

draw thou near.

Welcome pet

my dearest friend

with snapping jaws

my sign of kin.

Bound forward beast

in strength in truth

the hunted turns to hunter.

This night the ancients stalk their prey

in protection of the innocent.

My will be done by break of day

and evil will be spent.


Great Morrigan, goddess of life and death, mistress of Clan justice. Wake now, my mother of trembling, and hear the chant of thy sister/brother who calls you from your slumber. Come forth and bring thy warrior spirit.

Put the dragon’s blood, garlic (crushed), nightshade, morning glory vines, and the stalker’s name in the bottle.

Pour vinegar over the contents of the bottle; empower the bottle and contents.


Dark Morrigan on a Dark Horse

ride with me tonight

swirl thy soft cloak around _____________

so he turns from me in fright.42

Chant with rattle:

Move away the evil

move without a sound

send back his nightmares

morning glory bound.

Seal the bottle with black wax and inscribe your personal sigil in a wax puddle on the top.

With this sign I seal your fate

back you go

to evil’s gate.

Close ritual in the normal manner.

Clean up.

Bury the bottle off your property with an equal-armed cross inscribed in the dirt or at the foot of a black locust tree. (I do know a few ladies who keep the bottle around to shake every once in a while to make certain the stalker never returns.)


Almost every spell book gives you a few chants, but no one ever tells you how you are supposed to feel or what you are to be doing while chanting. After all, you are only uttering words. How difficult is that?

There is an art to chanting, but you must find the art within yourself. Do you feel more energy when you chant fast or slow, soft or loud? Perhaps you like to start softly and end with a lusty note. Do you have the courage to let go while chanting, to let the rhythm vibrate? Relaxing into the beat will raise more power. Concentrating on the words will break the focus. Your mind must go beyond the language and into the Universe, which is why many students are taught chants in a foreign language. That way, they can’t concentrate on the words once they learn to pronounce them.

The act of chanting uses the throat chakra. Divine energy can be reached through your transmitter, your voice. It is a call to the Universe for assistance. In magick, sometimes we get so wrapped up with mental and spiritual pursuits that we forget our voice can be heard and understood by the Universe, as well as by many positive entities within that Universe that we cannot see with the naked eye. Chants should be memorized for their maximum benefit and best performance. If you like to stick with small ones, that’s fine. If more elaborate chants entice you, that’s terrific. Use what raises the most power and the most self-confidence for you.

Along with chanting comes breathing. A natural thing, don’t you think? Nope. The key is to relax through deep breathing before you begin the chant and to continue that breathing pattern while you are chanting. You become a balanced conductor, capable of pushing more power. This takes a bit of practice, but it can be done. Group chanting is extremely powerful, whether you are on the playground with your kids and don’t like the looks of certain fellows hanging around over there, or in a ritual setting with your brothers and sisters. The place is not important when it comes to chanting, the tuning is the ticket.

chant for inner strength or when faced with a stressful situation

(by Autumn Raindancer)

I call the light of

golden rays

I seek protection

thus, I pray.

For heavenly forces

at my side

angels, sages,

spirit guides

or wolves who walk

with cunning skill

Come to my aid!

Come at my will!

Black bird soaring

light my path

so I am victim

to no one’s wrath!

And when my

journey knows success,

all those who aid me

Goddess bless!

Cauldron Magick

From our sisters perched on their porches along the winding Appalachian Trail to our kin in Louisiana, magick in the Americas traveled along the Mississippi River, branching in every direction. I often urge my students to attend family reunions, chat with their grandparents and their friends, and delve deep into those family trees. You have no idea what kind of magicks are lurking there, dormant, waiting to flower in your hands.

In practically all Craft traditions there is an item that is considered the focal point. Its meaning encompasses the core of the tradition. I’ve mentioned this information earlier under a footnote, but I want you to review it again, and consider its importance. Although repeated information can be boring, this is important for you to remember. The focal point for the British Traditional Witch is the wheel, and one is normally placed in the center of the altar. In Alexandrian and Gardnerian Traditions, you will usually find a pentacle, which has been adopted by most eclectic groups as well. In some traditions, such as the Caledonii, few props are used. You will not find their altars brimming with too many goodies. Other traditions, usually those born of eclectic groups, rely heavily on astrological symbolism. A disk of the zodiac may be found in the center of their altars. In the Black Forest Clan, our focal point is the cauldron, much like the needfire of the Caledoniis. (As it should be, since that is where we originally came from.) Our unusual twist, of course, is that all of our elders practice Pow Wow right along with our Craft techniques. For us, the cauldron encompasses the majority of our magick and is the foundation of our religious practices.

I mentioned before that in Celtic mythos, Dagda had the “cauldron of plenty” while Cerridwen had the “cauldron of knowledge, intuition, and wisdom.” The Cailleach, one of our primary goddesses in the Black Forest, holds rule over the cauldron of change and transformation. The Morrigan carries the cauldron of passion and war, from whence she mixes and draws victory and all such matters of attainment.

In a ritual, quarters are represented in the following manner:

Dagda: North—plenty, prosperity, stability

Cerridwen: East (some put her in the South)—knowledge, intuition, wisdom

Morrigan: South—passion, creativity, strategy

Cailleach: West—transformation, flow

Ana: Center—first mother of all

If you prefer more balance, then you can exchange Kernunnos or Herne for Cerridwen in the east, in reference to the Gunderstrup Cauldron.

The symbols at each quarter would have the cauldron as the primary base along with a secondary symbol, indicating the god or goddess or element for which the cauldron stood. Dagda’s cauldron may contain food or the fruits of harvest; Cerridwen’s cauldron may contain feathers, ink pens, a holy book, or incense. The Morrigan’s cauldron normally contains fire and the Cailleach’s cauldron contains water and ice—ice representing the crystallization of change or the normal refusal of humans to change, representing the idea that most change takes place slowly and deliberately. If you live near the sea, then seawater in the Cailleach’s cauldron would also be appropriate.

casting the cauldron circle

Stir the air (with your hand, athame, wand, or staff) in front of you in a clockwise motion at any speed you like until you naturally stop. Remember that your visualization is the key.

I stir the magick cauldron

the circle bubbles

into existence about me.

This Witches’ pot

stops time on the dot

the energy waits upon my command.

I call protective wolves to surround the circle.

I stir the ancients to assist.

I summon the energy of the elements.

This circle is sealed.


Greetings, Father Dagda

spirit of earth and plenty

element of north

please join with me this night/day.

As I stir thy cauldron, I request thy blessings.

Greetings, Mother Cerridwen

spirit of wisdom and intellect

element of east

please join with me this night/day.

As I stir thy cauldron, I request thy blessings.

Greetings, Mother Morrigan

Ancient One of passion and might

element of south

please join with me this night/day.

As I stir thy cauldron, I request thy blessings.

Greetings, Mother Cailleach

Ancient One of transformation and rebirth

element of west

please join with me this night/day.

As I stir thy cauldron, I request thy blessings.

Greetings, Grandmother Ana

she of a thousand names

the beginning with no end

please join with me this night/day.

As I light thy needfire and request your blessings.


The cauldron churns

it boils

it moves

magick builds.

Come, mighty Goddess

ruler of all worlds

join with me tonight/today

in the cauldron of my life.

So mote it be.

The focus of cauldron magick is, of course, the cauldron. Here is how I prepare my spell cauldron:

Cleanse, consecrate, and empower the empty cauldron. Draw a pentacle in oil, holy water, and salt on the inside bottom of the cauldron.

In a ritual you design, ask the goddess and god to bless the cauldron.

Sprinkle a teaspoon of vervain (to make it go) and a teaspoon of dragon’s blood (more power) at the bottom of the cauldron. Fill the cauldron three-quarters full with, yes, packaged kitty litter. It says nonflammable on the package, smells good, and is easily disposed of. It is also environmentally acceptable.

At this point, there are several directions you can take your cauldron magick. There are times when I will put a second, smaller cauldron in the big cauldron. This smaller cauldron could hold the following:

A tea candle

A selection of herbs

A potpourri burner

A poppet

Gifts to the devas, faeries, or Divinity

Water for divination

Around the smaller cauldron, I may place candles, flowers, knives, stones, runes, or tarot cards, all of which can be supported by the kitty litter. If someone comes to call at the wrong moment (which hasn’t happened yet, but a working Witch thinks ahead), I can pick the whole thing up by the handle and put it somewhere out of sight. You may wish to use this type of cauldron in a magick circle and take it to each quarter, asking the blessings of the contents. As I said, use your imagination and I am sure you will have delightful results. If you are doing the same types of magick over and over again, such as abundance, harmony, etc., you do not need to dispose of the contents of the entire cauldron. However, if you need to stop gossip, for example, the large cauldron should be prepared again.

stopping gossip

1 cauldron, prepared and filled with kitty litter

1 black candle

1 small fire bowl

1 teaspoon yew berries43

1 teaspoon lobelia (gag root)44

1 teaspoon rosemary

the name of the individual causing the problem on a piece of paper

a few drops of alcohol

In the small bowl, mix the yew berries, lobelia, and rosemary. Beside the small bowl, in the kitty litter, place a dressed black candle to dispel negativity. Hold the paper with the evildoer’s name on it and envision the person with his or her mouth sewn tightly shut and removed from your life. Put the paper in the bowl, sprinkle with a few drops of alcohol, then stand back and drop in a match. Poof! The problem is gone. Of course, you will need to raise energy by chanting, drumming, etc., and don’t forget the magick circle or grounding and centering.

to bring love into your life

1 cauldron, prepared and filled with kitty litter

1 red candle (for passion and to represent your life blood)

1 small fire bowl

1 teaspoon rose petals (for love)

1 teaspoon marigold (for strength)

1 teaspoon vervain (to make it go)

your name written on a heart-shaped piece of paper

a few drops of alcohol

1 drop of your blood (optional)

In the small bowl, mix the rose petals, marigold petals, and vervain. Beside the small bowl in the kitty litter, place the dressed red candle to bring love to yourself. Hold the heart with your name on it and imagine it is your heart, happy, safe, balanced, and filled with passion for life. You can put a drop of your blood on the paper. (This is an old practice to ensure sympathy, but is not necessary.) Put the paper in the bowl, add a few drops of alcohol, stand back, and set the mixture aflame.


Moon phase: Full moon.

Moon signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces.

Day: Sunday or Monday.

Planetary hour: Moon.

Deity: Diana.

Color: Silver.

Tools: Your divination tool, one candle (your choice of color) for illumination.

Tea: Valerian and chamomile, 12 teaspoon each in teaball.

Incense: Patchouli.

Quarters summoned and stirred: Guardians to protect/Ancient Ones to assist.

Quarter opened: Your choice, depending on what type of divination you are doing—acknowledge the others clockwise, but do not open them unless you feel it is necessary.

Circle casting: Raise one hand over your head to the sky.

Lower one hand to your side, palm up.

Pull down.

Pull up.

Bring your hands together while you speak the following:

The circle appears

it grows

it encompasses

it protects.

Celestial ancients

form a link between us.

star bones

You will need nineteen bones. You can use animal bones (small ones), or create your own out of Fimo or clay. Paint one of the following symbols on each bone.


Moon: mysticism, dreams, intuition, psychic signs, inner self


Sun: family, good health


Mercury: communications, conversations, meetings, letters, phone calls, speed


Venus: love, beauty, gifts


Mars: conflicts, disagreements, powerful events


Jupiter: money, possessions, property


Saturn: spirituality, death, transformation, change


Uranus: creativity, doubles the intensity of any bone it is near


Neptune: subconscious, secrets, mystery


Pluto: groups, friends, socialization, parties


Ceres: the feminine principle


Pallas: keen insight and creativity of the mind


Juno: compatibility, partnerships, friendships, soulmates; also a mirror of events


Vesta: dedication, focus, goals, hard work


Chiron: modes of teaching, a key to knowledge, turning point of an issue


Retrograde: a situation that appears to stand still, is declining, or going backward



One for the querent

One for the reader

On a large piece of poster board, draw a circle and split it into twelve equal parts (see figure 3). Each pie slice will be labeled with an astrological house from One to Twelve.


Star Bones Chart

First House: house of self

Second House: house of moveable possessions

Third House: house of streetwise smarts

Fourth House: house of family

Fifth House: house of pleasures

Sixth House: house of service to others

Seventh House: house of partnerships

Eighth House: house of death and transformation

Ninth House: house of higher learning

Tenth House: house of career

Eleventh House: house of social business

Twelfth House: house of hidden secrets

Shake the bones and cast them onto the poster board. Use your intuition to interpret your past, present, and future.

funeral: a rite of parting

Moon phase: Full moon.

Moon sign: Scorpio.

Day: Sunday or Monday.

Planetary hour: Moon.

Deity: Gubba.45

Colors: Blue, white, and silver.

Tools and supplies: Athame; bowl of water; hand towel; flowers; tissues; white floor covering; a picture of the loved one and something that belonged to him or her.

Tea: Valerian and chamomile (equal parts) 12 teaspoon each in teaball.

Incense: Frankincense.

Quarters summoned and stirred: Guardians to protect/Ancient Ones to assist.

Quarter opened: West, the Gates of Death—acknowledge the others clockwise, but do not open them unless you feel it is necessary.

This is not a funeral as in a body lying before you, tons of weeping, and psychological shell shock. In our present society, Pagan funerals are not the norm. Many Pagans have loved ones who are not of the magickal persuasion, yet have been very close. Unfortunately, most services held for the dead in our standard religious structure do not nurture the one who grieves, but they complete a passing with concentration on the deceased or take advantage of the situation and scream hellfire and damnation to those living, and grieving, in the pews. (I’ve been to one of those—a disgusting display, let me tell you. Had I been the dead person, I’d have gotten up and walked out.) This leaves the magickal individual stuck without a proper grieving process.

I designed this ritual several years ago to assist grieving Pagans. It does not require the presence of the deceased body or ashes, and is normally done at least three weeks after the standard funeral. By this time, the grieving person has gotten over the initial shock and is beginning to come out of the daze of grief. Please note that the full grief process lasts far longer than three weeks, but by this time the person is capable of sitting in ritual and is usually ready to say his or her final good-byes.

The prime focus of this ceremony is you—I kid you not. It is your strength, your compassion, and your soft words that will allow your friend to pass through this phase of his or her life and deal with the loss with the nurturing of the Mother and Father. To do this ritual effectively, you must be mentally balanced and healthy.

Before the grieving person arrives, you need to set up a special room where you will not be disturbed. Everything should be soft and comfortable. I decorate my altar in white, blue, and silver. I buy a vase of cut flowers for the occasion. Both the flowers and the vase will leave with your friend, therefore the vase should be new, cleansed, and consecrated. A bowl of consecrated water should be at the foot of the altar, along with a snow-white hand towel. A box of tissues needs to be nearby. (I often stick it under the altar, within easy reach.) In front of the altar I spread a large, soft comforter of white and blue, along with several large pillows. I choose soft music, often something by Enya, to set a peaceful, protected mood.

When your friend arrives, ascertain his or her energies. Your friend may be frightened, nervous, or even deadpan. You will need to regulate your energies accordingly, resonating to give what is needed at this time. Before you begin, sit and chat a while. Give your friend a cup of ritual tea to calm his or her nerves.

The ritual is simple. Begin with the altar devotion, cast the circle, acknowledge the quarters, then open the west quarter. Have your friend sit in front of the altar, supported by the pillows. Make sure the individual is in total comfort. You sit across from him or her.

Have the person hold his or her hands over the bowl of water and begin to gently scoop the water with your hands over the person’s skin. As you do so, say that you are washing the pain and grief from your friend’s body. Tell your friend to let go and feel the spirit of the Mother move within—feel her nurturing energy. Your friend may cry at this time. That’s okay. Keep going. When you feel you are finished, dry your friend’s hands with the white towel. Draw in the energy of the Mother, then hold both your friend’s hands in yours and place them on your chest. Allow the loving energy of the Mother to enfold you both. Again, your friend may begin crying, but that’s what the tissues are for.

Ask the individual if he or she is now ready to say good-bye. If the answer is yes, then continue with the ritual. If your friend says no, then ask if he or she would like to meditate first. There may be a time when your friend says he or she does not want to continue. That’s okay, too; just close it up in the usual fashion.

Check the soft music. It should continue through the next phase of the ritual. If you think there is a possibility of the tape running out, pop in a fresh one—don’t take the time to fiddle with the rewind.

When you both are ready, you stand, then move to the west quarter. Your friend is to remain seated. Call upon Gubba and ask her to open the Gates of the Dead and allow the deceased one to pass through to say good-bye to the loved one in your circle. Strange things may happen here, so you will have to be strong. Candles may gutter, it may get cold, things could go bumpity-bump, etc. Keep your cool and act like you have not seen anything. Turn to your friend, hand him or her the box of tissues, and say that it’s time. Walk to the east, cut a door, and step out of the circle. Close the door and leave the room.

Give your friend ten minutes.

Return to the room, and wait patiently outside the circle until your friend acknowledges you. Ask him or her to cut a door to let you in. Although you could do it yourself, this is a signal from his or her subconscious that the rite is almost over and you are back to close the west quarter. If the person asks for more time, turn silently, leave the room, and return in another ten minutes. If your friend cuts the door, you know that he or she has acknowledged the last good-bye.

Thank Gubba, ask her to take the deceased one back to his or her appropriate place, and close the west quarter. Sit with your friend awhile. Idle chatter is acceptable. When you are ready to draw up the circle, hand the flowers and vase to your friend. Say that these are to be placed on the deceased’s grave. If your friend cannot get to the grave site, then tell him or her to throw the flowers and vase into a living body of water—save for one flower, which your friend should dry and put in his or her Book of Shadows.

Don’t let your friend leave directly after the closure of the ritual. Sit awhile and talk about other things. Make plans to do something special together within a week or so (so you can check on your friend and make sure everything is percolating well in his or her life).

I wasn’t kidding when I said you need to be of strong stuffings to do this ritual. I have had some truly bizarre visualizations and power surges when opening the Gates of Death. Be prepared. Your friend in the circle will not know what you are going through. Grief has a habit of deadening psychism and empathy. It is during his or her time alone that the person may (and this is a big may) experience otherworldly occurrences. One young woman told me that something kept tickling her feet. Another said she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder while she was crying. It wasn’t me; I was in the other room with the kids watching television.

The Council of Elders

One sticky summer afternoon, I received a phone call from a very dear friend of mine who lives on the California coast, light-years from my little country town.

“There is a problem,” he said. “I’d like to talk to you about it.”

Whenever I get a phone call like this, three things happen: I grab a drink, sit back, and shut up.

“There is a group,” said my friend, “that purposefully caused a great deal of discomfort with the city council. They stirred up a terrible fuss, and as a result a Wiccan group was harassed, threatened, and forced to appear at a council meeting.”

“Give me the details,” I replied. “First, who is the group with the hatchet?”

“Another Wiccan group.”

“How disgusting!”

Sad, but true. Over the past several years, some Wiccans have managed to run amok. Of course, let’s not get hysterical. In every religious structure, bad guys will lurk. Why should we be so different? I do admit, we get more than our share of drifters—those who are interested briefly, puff up and proclaim all sorts of things, then wander back into the mist of seekers. That’s okay. Perhaps we had something to learn from each other.

It is not okay if those whose acts are in question commit a crime or purposefully hurt others for the joy of it, or to increase their personal popularity or pocketbooks. This is not acceptable in any positive religious structure. What can we do?

There is a great deal we can do. First, if you feel a Wiccan or Pagan has committed a crime, report it. Let the laws of our country do their work.

Second, if the individual is part of one of the old traditions, contact the person’s Council of Elders and fairly indicate the problem. Don’t be petty or sniveling.

Finally, if the individual is an eclectic, don’t feel there is no one to turn to. There is, and here is how you do it.

ceremony of the ancient ones

Gather all the facts and place all written information at the foot of the altar. Prepare yourself for a full ritual, including ritual dress.

If you are a traditional, follow your tradition’s guidelines on altar setup and ritual form. If you are an eclectic, use the basic Wiccan altar setup, nothing more.

Moon phase: Full moon.

Moon signs: Libra, Virgo, or moon conjunct the sun (the new moon).

Day: Sunday, Monday, or Saturday, depending upon the issue.

Planetary hour: Moon, Sun, or Saturn (again, depending upon the issue).

Deity: Generic Lord and Lady, unless you belong to a tradition.

Colors: Black and white (denoting balance).

Supplies: Your staff (elders will use their appropriate tools).

Tea: Valerian and chamomile, 12 teaspoon each in teaball.

Incense: Frankincense.

Circle Casting and Quarter Calls

If you are traditional, follow the casting and call of your tradition. If you are eclectic, do the following:

I open my hand

the circle




Throw it out to encompass you and stamp your foot.

Ancients of the north

I call ye forth to sit in a circle of High Council.

Be very patient and wait for their appearance. They will come.

Ancients of the east

I call ye forth to sit in a Circle of High Council.

Ancients of the south

I call ye forth to sit in a Circle of High Council.

Ancients of the west

I call ye forth to sit in a Circle of High Council.

Ancients of the center

I call ye forth to sit in a Circle of High Council.

Stand in the center of your circle and light a needfire46 to represent the hearth and home of the Ancient Ones.

Sit in the center of your circle.

I have convened this High Council to set before you a problem of serious nature.

Outline the problem.

Ground and center.

Close your eyes. Listen to the words of the Ancient Ones. They will not fail you.

When you are through, bid the elders good-bye, close up the circle, and ground and center. Rest assured that your problem will be dealt with fairly.

Obviously, contacting the High Council/Council of Elders is not a flippant thing to do. Only matters of the gravest concern, when you have nowhere to turn, are subject for these supreme beings. Through these council sessions, I have learned two important things:

1. We are not obliged to suffer the foolishness of others.

2. The world, despite its appearance of chaos, is quite ordered.

modern version of the hand of glory spell

In chapter 5, I told you about the Hand of Glory spell, originated by Albertus Magnus during the Middle Ages. Here is a modern version to use to stop criminals or criminal intent.

This is a heavy-duty working. This spell is not for the faint of heart or foolish Witch. If you use the working to harm someone, you will pay dearly. This magickal practice should be used only to control, then banish negative energies. This spell is said to be one of the most powerful sympathetic workings still in use today.

Moon phase: Dark or full moon.

Moon sign: Scorpio or Pisces.

Day: Saturday.

Planetary hour: Saturn.

Deity: The Hooded god.

Color: Black.

Supplies: Five pounds of modeling clay; an item in sympathy with the criminal, or a photograph (if neither are available, write the criminal’s name on a piece of paper); modeling clay tools; holy water; a black votive candle.

Tea: Yarrow.

Oil: Frankincense.

Incense: Musk.

Cleanse, consecrate, and empower all tools. Form a hand from clay. The model should be large enough that you can make an indentation in the palm to support a votive candle. Model the hand around the sympathy item.

Wipe the hand with holy water to smooth it. Let the hand dry.

Perform your normal altar devotion. Use the circle casting and quarter calls of your choice. Dress the black candle with your favorite oil. Light the candle and place it in the palm of the Hand of Glory. As you stare at the flame, concentrate on the criminal being caught by the proper authorities without harm to anyone. Burn the candle for about ten minutes each night for seven nights. Each time you light the candle in your protective circle, you are to visualize the perpetrator being apprehended by the proper authorities.


We all experience it. Even Witches hate. The emotion is not easy to deal with. There are times when conflict arises because we force the issue. In other situations, we are swept up in the fray, not responsible, but somehow involved.

Working with hatred is a step-by-step process. Nothing you do for a few minutes, or even half an hour, is going to make you stop hating someone. Hatred is emotionally crippling if not dealt with properly. Often, one of the foundations for this emotion is fear. What will that person do to me? Why did he target me? How could she have insulted me like that? Hatred lowers our personal self-esteem. Hatred hurts.

Working Witches do not often experience pure hatred. Normally, they live balanced, peaceful lives, especially if they have been practicing their religion for awhile. All the worse, then, when hatred slithers, surrounds, and strikes. When one has gone quite a distance in harmony, chaos can be extremely unsettling, and we revert back to the way we were before we learned all the nifty secrets of the Craft. The first order of business when dealing with hatred is to connect with your religious base. I am not talking about rules and regulations, I’m talking about becoming one with the world around you. Connect with the earth and put some distance between your hatred and yourself. This way, you will be able to consider all the ramifications logically, not like a drowning person in a sea of emotions using a toothpick for a life preserver.

Next, do something creative as an outlet for the emotions you are experiencing. Draw a picture (you don’t have to be Rembrandt), write a story, compose some music, sew something, clean off your altar, go bowling, spend an evening at the races, go to a movie, it doesn’t matter what—as long as it is productive to you. To resolve stress, you need to find an outlet; if not, total meltdown and possible illness may later stare you directly in the choppers.

Finally, ask yourself the final, all-important question, “Will anyone in a hundred years give a shit about my present problem?” If the answer is no, then it is solvable. If the answer is yes, you’ve got a problem and I suggest you channel Ghandi.

Now, let’s get that problem in perspective. Hatred is best dealt with if you feel you can do something about it. It is when we feel our hands are tied or that our actions will be ineffective, that we falter. Our first steps do not have to be big ones—a piece at a time will do. My advice is always to begin with magick and end with magick, but be sure there are mundane actions somewhere in between.

There are some magickal people who claim magick should only be used as a last resort. Fine, if they want to wait until the manure is so deep they’re choking on it, be my guest. To begin with, magick is life-affirming and self-confidence building. Start by releasing the anger in a magickal environment. If you like, transmute it into positive energy and watch it drift away or send it to Earth Mother. Use affirmations; create small magickal items like a dream pillow47—take it one step at a time. Work through the problem on a mundane level as well. Do you need to contact an attorney, begin paying a bill with what you can, actively stay away from the next-door neighbor, etc.? If you mix magick, religion, and mundane actions, success is likely.

What if the problem is in your face? This is not as easy, granted, but solvable. First, decide as fairly as you can what would be the perfect, ultimate outcome without interfering in another’s free will (of course, we are not talking about criminal activities). Work immediately, in full ritual, for that goal. Not all things can be planned; everyone gets hit with spur-of-the-moment difficulties. When that happens, the most important time to do the ritual is when you can. If you don’t have time, make time. Follow up the ritual with positive meditation and affirmation. You will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Putting Problems or Situations on Hold

This is an old Pow Wow practice. Before you stop the wheels, I suggest you carefully consider why you want to put a halt to things. If it is because you wish to delay the inevitable, this is not a good idea. If you wish to slow things down to give you some time to think of the right action and there is no other way around it, then this is the magickal tidbit for you.

If tempers are high, the freezer is a very good place to chill them out. Write the situation on a piece of paper, wrap it in plastic, and put it in a small bowl of water. Put the bowl in the freezer. As the water freezes, the problem will be put on hold, still circling, mind you, but in stasis. It is your responsibility to deal with the problem. When you are ready, melt the ice in a ritual circle and continue toward a positive working in ritual.

separating yourself from a problem or person

Small issues can be handled in a magick circle, whereas larger issues may need a full ritual. Think carefully which is best for the situation. You will need two black candles, a long black ribbon, black gloves, scissors, the cauldron containing a small amount of alcohol, and a silver bell. Cleanse and consecrate all items. Dress the candles to send negativity away from you, then light them. Hold each end of the ribbon and name the ends. Pass the silver bell over the altar several times, until you feel you are in tune with the universal energies of love and peace. Anger is not a luxury afforded to you in this situation. Put on the black gloves and say:

I call upon the energies of universal balance

I call upon the ancient energies of my people

I call upon the living essence of the Morrigan

I call upon the mighty presence of Herne

underworld and heaven

land and sea

I waken these energies unto me.

Witness now that I renounce and sever

break bonds and connections with _________________

by all powers that are one power

may the great sisters of karma now weave anew

and separate me from you

as I will, so mote it be!

Cut the ribbon:

It is so.

Light the cauldron. Burn both pieces of ribbon.

The Magick of Poisonous Plants

Before you start kicking up a ruckus, let’s talk a bit about poisons. Logically, everything you can’t eat is poisonous. Should I consume my computer, it would kill me. If I had a hankering for the bleach under my sink, that would kill me, too. So, if you think I’m giving you some cool information in order to hurt someone, forget it. That’s not the point here. Because I am going to talk about toxic substances, I’m going to give you the standard disclaimer: Neither I nor the publisher are responsible for what you do with toxic herbs. Now, disclaimer out of the way, let’s get down to business.

Why should we worry about poisons at all—isn’t that walking the line of negative magick? No. Have you ever heard the old adage, fight fire with fire? It is the same case in a poisonous situation. For example, in my Pow Wow studies I found that lobelia (gag root) is a primary ingredient in a poppet for stopping gossip. There are several types of lobelia. The kind planted around the front walk of my house is very delicate, with tiny blue flowers. I would never be stupid enough to eat it, but it is planted there to keep nosy neighbors at bay. Its reaction time is one to several hours. Other magickal applications include assistance in divination if the herb is dried, put in a small pouch, and stored with the divination tool. Eyebright, also a member of the same family, can be steeped and painted on magick mirrors.

To the right of my property I have planted a line of yews. Yew is also poisonous. It is a tribute to the dying god. I would never be dumb enough to consume it. In late summer, red berries appear. These berries are excellent in bottles for stalkers (the blood of the god) or in magick where you are trying to banish a bad habit, or leave a sacrifice (as in the berries) at a household shrine. Everyone familiar with gardening knows not to eat these berries. Any magickal spell with yew should work within one hour, thus the major popularity of the plant.

Poisonous plants grow everywhere, often in wastelands, by superhighways, in fallow fields, and along the fence or garage. Garden-variety nightshade, a poisonous plant, grows practically everywhere in central Pennsylvania. I often use it in Witches’ bottles. Any poisonous plant gathered at midnight during a full moon or during its native astrological sign gives the plant strong magickal connections.

In magick, how do you know which poisonous plant to use? First, you would check the plant’s correspondences (see Scott Cunningham’s Magical Herbalism). Second, define your problem. Do you need something that works quickly or slowly? Now we get to the toxicity level of the plant. Just how deadly is it? Many plants are poisonous, but not fatal. For example, poison ivy only causes skin eruptions and itching. I once, very carefully, used a poison ivy leaf to give me the itch to finish a project on time. (Luckily, I am not affected by poison ivy. I suggest, if you are allergic to poison ivy, that you use disposable, rubber gloves to take a cutting. Remember, the oil of the ivy causes skin irritations, even after the plant has been disposed of. Anything the plant touches may cause a problem.) The spell did help me to complete the project ahead of schedule.

I cannot stress enough that you should be careful when working with any type of poison or mixture of poisonous substances. Don’t eat it. Don’t put it near children. Don’t let it sit around without a label on the bottle, jar, or bag. My rule of thumb at home is that once I make and use a poisonous mixture, I destroy what is left over. That avoids any mistakes or accidents.

Note: The reaction times given below for each herb are both physical and magickal.

Belladonna (deadly nightshade/garden (common) nightshade): Originally introduced as a drug. All portions, including the leaves, berries, and especially the root system, are extremely poisonous. Belladonna is Italian, meaning beautiful woman. During the Renaissance, women applied an extract of this plant to their eyes to dilate their pupils and give a wide and beautiful gaze.48 Nightshade can be used in beauty magick (do not apply it to skin or ingest it). One could make a poppet with a touch of nightshade to enhance beauty, or place a tiny amount in a sachet and sew it to a ladies’ garter. To banish, keep in mind the toxicity level. Nightshade’s reaction time is several hours to several days. At one time, it was used medicinally to treat ringworm and running sores, or to cool inflammations. It is not recommended for this sort of use today. Astrological correspondence: Saturn.

Hemlock: The demise of Socrates. This plant grows along the roadside in the United States. It looks a little like a cross between a delicate fern and a hemlock tree. All parts of the hemlock, especially its fruits, are considered lethal. It works to paralyze muscles, therefore, in magick, should you wish to paralyze a situation, a bit of hemlock would be added (not ingested, of course). Reaction time is a few hours, therefore, this is a fast-acting banishing plant. At one time, hemlock was used as a sedative and is not recommended for domestic use (that means us, guys). Astrological correspondence: Saturn.

Lily of the valley: This beautiful spring plant that we often consider being in a faery-tale garden is actually a deadly beauty. Found in North America, Canada, and Britain, its bell-shaped flowers are familiar to most gardeners. Causing intense irritability, it is used magickally to stop harassment (and never, of course, ingested). Reaction is immediate. If you have someone who is really raking you over the coals, put a sprig of lily of the valley on your desk or dining room table and ask its deva to stop the negativity coming your way. According to Culpeper’s Color Herbal, the plant is used by drug companies for medicinal purposes. Lily of the valley has a long and colorful history. It is mentioned in medieval Christian legend as the result of Mary’s tears at the foot of the cross. Lily of the valley is the flower of Ana, the first goddess, and was at one time used extensively in medicinal cures. Pennsylvania Dutch couples plant the lily of the valley in their first garden to promote longevity of the marriage, and you will find a touch of this flower in many bridal bouquets across the nation. Astrological correspondence: Mercury.

Wolfsbane (monkshood): Several varieties are found in the United States and Canada. When wolfsbane blooms on a full moon, beware. Wolfsbane is excellent for redirecting predators coming after you. Reaction time for this plant is ten minutes to several hours. A very magickal plant, even the old werewolf movies featured its legend. The entire plant is poisonous, especially the leaves and the roots. When drying, the roots give off fumes that cause giddiness. It is suggested to use only the flowers in magick. Astrological correspondence: Saturn.

Rhododendron, azalea, mountain laurel: You will find these plants everywhere. These bushes have a reaction time of six hours. The Greeks found the honey from bees that fed on azaleas and rhododendrons to be poisonous.49 These plants are great for protection. My husband bought me an azalea bush for the birth of each child, asking the deva to protect our children from accidental poisoning and watch our property as they play. Astrological correspondence: Venus.

Elderberry: Although cooked elderberries are fine, the leaves, bark, roots, and raw berries are considered poisonous. The American Medical Association says it has found no documented cases of poisoning from this plant.50 Reaction time is several hours. Elderberries are great for “elder” magick, times in which you wish to call the ancients. An offering of elderberries on the altar is an appropriate form of magick here. There is a difference between the elder and the dwarf elder, the latter being the most poisonous. Astrological correspondence: Venus.

Black locust: Oral legend in my state cites the black locust as the burying place for things of evil—and the protector of the Dark Goddess. If someone has done you wrong, say the oldsters, bury the person’s name at the foot of a black locust. This is a very messy tree. If you are in a messy situation, give it to the black locust to take care of it. A friend of mine had several of these trees in her yard. A nasty storm blew up with high winds and bolts of lightning, which hit two of these trees and scattered them everywhere. Her property was magickally protected—the locust trees made a sacrifice for the rest of the property. The black locust is poisonous, with a reaction time of one hour. It is found from Georgia through the Ozark Mountains and into Pennsylvania.

Celandine: Another poisonous plant, used in Pow Wow magick to break hexes. It is deadly and its reaction time is approximately fourteen hours. Celandine is still used medicinally by herbalists. Check the appropriate herbal books for this information. There are two types, greater and lesser. Greater celandine is associated with the sun and Leo. Lesser celandine is coupled with Mars.

Morning glory: All parts of this plant are poisonous; it carries the nickname Devil’s guts.51 Morning glories come in a variety of colors, and once started, are fairly drought-resistant. Monks decorated their manuscripts with drawings of morning glories. Legend has it, Witches wrapped the morning glory vine around a poppet nine times to banish evil people, which was especially effective if done three days before the new moon. In magick, the morning glory can be used to bind, banish, or promote attraction to something or someone. Of course, spelling someone against their will is a major Wiccan no-no. My father planted a canopy of morning glories and moonflowers all along my porch to protect our Witches. The idea was to catch any negativity before it could hit where the group does a great deal of their work. (We sit on the porch in the summertime.) Astrological correspondence: moon.

Strawflowers: These plants like sunny dry spots and will hold out until the last frost. Although poisonous, strawflowers are a plant of longevity. Want something to last? Use strawflowers in your magick. At one time, the plant was used medicinally, but it is not suggested for domestic use these days. This is the flower of Samhain, the Witches’ flower of the dead, signifying the transition from one type of life to another (the afterlife). Astrological correspondence: the sun.

psychic self-defense

(by Lord Merlin)

This little spell was donated to you, my Witch-reader, by Lord Merlin of the Black Forest Clan. I’ve not met anyone who casts a spell better than he does, especially for protection or money.

When you feel that your shields are down or determine that a little extra protection is in order, try the following:

Moon phase: New, crescent, first quarter.

Moon sign: Aries.

Day: Saturday, Monday, Friday (depending upon what type of protection).

Planetary hour: Saturn, Moon, Venus (again, depending upon what type of protection).

Deity: Vesta.

Colors: Red, white, and black.

Supplies: Incense burner, black candle.

Oil: Sandalwood oil, uncrossing oil, jinx-removing oil.

Incense: Sage and cedar smudge stick.

Carry the unlit incense around the room in a clockwise direction and visualize a trail of light from the stick. Repeat with the unlit candle. Say:

Vesta of the loving light

guardian of hearth and home

goddess of fire and purity

prepare the way for this sacred rite

send your loving protection from above.

Vesta of peace and loving charm

banish any intent of evil or harm

send protection unto me

as I will, so mote it be!

See your circle fill with white light and allow the helpful angels of this light, especially your guardian angels, to aid in your spell.

Light your dressed candle and place your hands above the flame, high enough so you won’t burn yourself (pain is not necessary for this spell). In your mind, see the protecting light from Vesta empower your hands, which in turn, empower the candle. Envision the candle glowing with the white light of Vesta’s protection. Say the following:

Elementals of fire

this request of thee I ask

no evil may be bound to me

no ill will or evil intent shall touch me

banish all negativity

as my will, so mote it be.

Feel the energy from the circle come alive, removing all harm and negativity from within you, draining away from your body. Fill your body with the protective energy of Vesta, drawing your visualization from the candle. When you feel you have collected enough energy, say:

Uriel, Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, please aid me in this spell.

Guardians of the protecting light

be with me this day and all the night

guide me away from harmful intent

return ill will from where it was sent

aid me in peace and serenity

as I will, so mote it be.

Pull the protective circle around you. Draw anything left into your body. Allow the candle to burn until it is consumed.

protection spell

(by Lord Merlin)

Moon phase: New moon, dark moon.

Moon signs: Aries, Pisces, Venus.

Day: Monday, Friday.

Deity: Herne.

Color: Purple.

Supplies: One piece of parchment (3” by 5”); dragon’s blood ink.

Oil: Pine or sandalwood.

Incense: Pine or sandalwood.

Write your name nine times with the type of protection needed on the piece of paper.

Dress the purple candle. Place three drops of the same oil on the parchment. Hold the paper in your hands and visualize a vibrant glow of protection.

Light the incense. As the incense fills the room, imagine a circle of smoke. Ask Herne to enter your circle and fill you with protective strength.

Light the candle and place it over the parchment on your altar. Say:

Give me loving peace

and protect me from harm.

Aid me in this spell

while I recite this charm.

Cover me with love from the goddess above

Herne grant me protection, peace, and love.

Return all the ruin addressed to me

as my will, so mote it be.

(Repeat nine times.)

Pull the smoke circle into your body, transmuting it into positive, healing energy.

Thank Herne for his presence.

Leave the candle burning until it is consumed.

circle of the devas

Moon phase: New moon.

Moon signs: Virgo, Leo.

Day: Friday, Sunday.

Planetary hours: Sun, Venus.

Deity: None.

Colors: Green or white.

Supplies: A wind instrument; a pendulum; ten stones, small or large, it is up to you; an aluminum or wooden tent stake (not a steel one).

Oils: Any floral.

Incense: Any floral.

Wash all the stones. Cleanse, consecrate, and empower to pull in Deva energy.

Instruct your pendulum which way you wish it to swing to identify the perfect spot for this conjuration.

Walk your property until you find the right place for the Circle of Devas. Take the ten stones (each stone representing a path of power) and circle them around the area you found. The area can be as large or as small as you like, though smaller areas are easier to maintain.

Build a small needfire in the center of your deva circle. Be sure there is water nearby in case you have an accident. (Too many forest fires are caused by poor planning combined with human mishaps.)

Ritually bless the site.

Wait until either dawn or dusk (your choice). Dress a green candle with floral oil. In a pouch, pack the candle, the instrument you wish to cast a protective circle with, a lighter, a candleholder, and your wind instrument. (Note: If you don’t want to deal with a candle outside, then you can build a small needfire and throw herbs into the fire for the same purpose.)

Go to the site, and cast the circle inside the deva circle. Say:

I conjure thee, O circle of magick

so that you will be for me

a permanent home for the devas of this land

a meeting place of positive enchantment

filled with peace, prosperity, honor, and love.

I stir the Ancient Ones of the east, south, west, and north

to aid me in the erection of this circle.

Thus do I conjure thee, O great circle of the devas!

As above, so below

this circle is sealed.

Pound the tent stake in the ground at the north end of the circle.


Welcome, positive devas of this land

only you may enter here

I extend harmony and peace in friendship

join in celebration of laughter and light

growth and regeneration

Sound the instrument now—or if you can, play a tune.

At this point, you can meditate, cast a spell, or simply enjoy the out-of-doors.


Farewell, O positive devas of this land

You may commune within this magick circle when ere you please

find protection, peace, and solace here.

May my love and good thoughts travel with you

until we meet again.

Blessed be.

If you have a needfire or candle burning, take care of it now. Do not take down the circle. Simply cut a door, turn, and seal it shut. When you return, simply cut the door to open, then enter. Each time you visit the circle of devas, you should strengthen the magick circle.

the traditional wiccan flame

This is the last conjuration in this chapter, yet one of the most uplifting practices for you to try. I saved it until the end, a gift of closure to you. Whether we are solitaries, traditionalists, or whatever, there are always times when we feel alone and need the protection and strength of others. If it is midnight, you don’t call your Wiccan friend (hopefully) when you need to connect. Here is a simple meditation, first inspired by the traditionalists, that you can use within or without ritual. The only props required are two candles, and you don’t even need these if your meditation skills are half-decent. The goal is to spiritually connect with the essence of the Wiccan religion.

Place a candle in a candleholder (any color you desire) and in the center of a flat stone (remember your portable altar?). Set the other candle (with holder) off the altar. If you like, put some soft music on the stereo.

Cast a circle (your choice).

Call the quarters (your choice).

Sit in front of your stone. Light the candle. Imagine that the candle is the essence of the Wiccan religion, burning in the darkness of chaos.

Ground and center.

Pick up the unlit candle and imagine that you are the unlit candle.

As you touch your unlit candle to the one on your altar, imagine yourself connected mentally, physically, and spiritually to the essence of the Wiccan religion. Drink in this feeling. You won’t forget it.

Place your newly lit candle beside the one on the altar. Take some time to meditate or simply relax. You may wish to do a divination, do a minor magick for self-improvement, etc. It doesn’t matter. What is important is your connection to your religious belief.

When you are finished, close in your usual manner. Allow the candles to burn until they extinguish themselves. If necessary, move them to a place where they can burn undisturbed and you are sure they are not a fire hazard.

When the going gets tough, close your eyes and remember your experience with the Wiccan flame. Conjure it in your mind, step by step. This will be a great asset to you in your future challenges.






37. The HeartBeat Magazine, August 1994.

38. The Cailleach, should you not have met her before, is quite an interesting character. She is Scottish in origin, wears flowing grey robes, and has a blue face and long white fangs. She is the Keeper of the Gate of Ategenos (in Celtic lore) and a force to be reckoned with. Don’t conjure her unless you are strong of heart and pure of intention. According to Murray Hope in Practical Celtic Magic, 1987, page 49: “The worship of Cailleach covered the whole of the Highlands of Scotland where Her people were the Caldones or Kalendonioi. The Cailleach has a blue-black face, one eye in the middle of her forehead and projecting teeth, somewhat after the style of the Indian Kali. She carries a hammer and thunderbolts, and is protectress of horses, deer, pigs, goats, cats, snakes, and can be considered a sort of female Thor . . . ”

39. Spirit/Ether from The Spiral Dance by Starhawk.

40. A talisman is an object that has been magickally charged in order to bring something to the bearer. Such an item could be a gemstone to win a court case, or a drawing to put in your pocket that is designed to bring good fortune.

41. This particular rattle is a hollow gourd with a large hole in the top, with a netting of snake vertebrae or hard nuts around the outside of the gourd. Normally considered a tool of the elders, it’s used only by the mothers and fathers of a clan or the high priestess/priest of a coven. It is akin to the silver bough used by Druid clerics or clan leaders in Celtic traditions. The purpose of the spirit rattle is to call the Ancient Ones. It should not be held or touched by anyone other than its master or another elder

42. You can find a spell for binding using the “Dark Woman on a Dark Horse and Her Swirling Cloak” in The Holy Book of Women’s Mysteries by Z. Budapest, Wingbow Press, 1989.

43. Yew is the tree of death. The berries are poisonous and should not be ingested.

44. Lobelia is a poisonous plant and should not be ingested. (See discussion of poisonous plants further on in the text.)

45. What? You think I'm going to do all your work for you? Nope. Research this one.

46. Use a small cauldron or candle. If you are outside, you can build a small bonfire.

47. A dream pillow is a small pillow fashioned by you and filled with carefully chosen herbs to bring about the desired energies. Often used for sweet dreams, to ward off night terrors, etc., as the pillow is placed under your regular pillow, working its magick while you sleep. Be sure not to stuff your pillow with poisonous plants. I suggest consulting a copy of Scott Cunningham’s book Magical Herbalism.

48. Deadly Doses: A Writer’s Guide to Poisons by Serita Deborah Stevens, Writer’s Digest Books, 1990. Page 43.

49. Deadly Doses: A Writer’s Guide to Poisons by Serita Deborah Stevens, Writer’s Digest Books, 1990. Page 50.

50. Ibid., page 63.

51. Garden Flower Folklore by Laura C. Martin, Globe Pequot, 1987. Page 177.