Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all seeking lasting happiness: a sense of calm, balance and completeness, true joy of total fulfilment, and freedom from suffering, pain and sorrow. Yet we can, at times, feel out of sync, lacking in joy, overwhelmed by life or have a sense that “something is missing”.
We may have all the material comforts that life can give us – a house, a car, beautiful clothes, the latest technology, a good marriage or relationship, sex, family, friends, a successful career and good health – all the things that are believed by most people to bring happiness and security. But happiness may still elude us or feel all too fleeting – overshadowed by moments of worry, discontent or self-doubt. And what good is success in the external world if we have not found contentment, inner peace and true joy within?
Through not understanding the distinction between pleasure (an attribute of the senses) and happiness (an attribute of the mind), we often try to give our lives meaning and purpose by turning our minds outward. Hence we fill our time with external events, activities and objects – pursuits that can bring only transitory happiness.
If, on the other hand, we choose to turn our mind and senses inward through the practice of Yoga Meditation, as outlined in this book, we have the chance to transcend the everyday external limitations by which we are held back and be united with our true, innermost, joyful Self. This is known in Sanskrit as Sat-Chit-Ananda: ever-conscious, ever-existent, ever-new bliss. By encouraging the thinking mind to become still through meditation, we will allow the light of the true Self to start to shine from within.
As such, we can realize, and start to become established in, the awareness of what is often called in yogic terms our own divine nature, which recognizes the union of the individual self, or consciousness, with the Absolute, or Supreme, Consciousness. This allows us to experience a sense of underlying unity in the world and vibrant connectedness with everything.
When everything we do in life is an expression of this inner divine state of bliss, we regain our balance, freedom and joy, and experience true happiness every day. As such, it is a wise investment to devote some regular time to the Yoga Meditation practices in this book, as they will guide you on this path of emotional and spiritual discovery, calming your mind, heightening your clarity, enhancing your joy, awakening your inner spirit and allowing you to realize your fullest potential for creative thought and action.
To fully understand Yoga Meditation, it is useful firstly to gain an understanding of yoga in its true, broad sense rather than in the context of the limited physical, “on the mat” practice that has come to be associated with the term in the West.
The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yuj, which means “to yoke, join or unite”. The ultimate meaning is the union between the individual self and the Universal Self. It is establishing oneness between the finite and the Infinite, between the inner being and the Supreme Being. So, as well as helping us to attain optimum health and a calm and peaceful mind, yoga can also lead us to self-realization and ultimately spiritual liberation and a sense of oneness with the Self.
“Divine joy is like millions of earthly joys crushed into one.”
Paramhansa Yogananda