assist (uh-SIST)
to help and to make it easier for someone to do something; in sports, a pass that leads to a score by a teammate
concentrate (KAHN-suhn-trayt)
to focus your thoughts and attention on something
criticize (KRIT-uh-size)
to talk about problems in something or someone
drastic (DRASS-tik)
extreme or over-the-top action
intercepting (in-tur-SEPT-ing)
receiving a pass meant for an opposing player
recruiting (ri-KROOT-ing)
finding people with the right skills and asking them to join your group
redeem (ri-DEEM)
to make up for past mistakes
ritual (RICH-oo-uhl)
an action that is always performed in the same way and that has special meaning to the person doing it
versatile (VUR-suh-tuhl)
skilled and talented in many ways