Fulness of the Father

Those who rise in the morning of the First Resurrection, who inherit exaltation and eternal life, are said to receive the fulness of the Father, meaning the fulness of the glory and power of God, our Heavenly Father. Of those who so receive, the revelations declare, “Therefore all that my Father hath shall be given unto him” (D&C 84:38; see also 76:55). “They who dwell in [God’s] presence are the church of the Firstborn; and they see as they are seen, and know as they are known, having received of his fulness and of his grace; and he makes them equal in power, and in might, and in dominion” (D&C 76:94–95). “And then shall the angels be crowned with the glory of his might, and the saints shall be filled with his glory, and receive their inheritance and be made equal with him” (D&C 88:107). “And of his fulness have all we received, even immortality and eternal life, through his grace” (JST, John 1:16).