"Kayla? Kayla?"
She could hear Doc calling her, and she could feel him gently trying to shake her awake, but she was unable to respond. As hard as she tried, her eyes would not open. She couldn't lift her arms, or to even respond to his prodding.
"She won't wake up!" Doc yelled to the rest of the room.
Kayla could also hear sobbing coming from what she believed to be the couch area. The crying sounded like it was coming from Daisy and maybe Violet.
"He's dead,” Gus's voice had a slight tremor.
Oh my God! Kayla thought inside of her head. The head that right now seemed to be a prison of sorts.
There was a clatter to her left that sounded like furniture being thrown.
"Fucking bitch! How did she do this? How could she do this inside of a spell?" Gus's anguished voice would have made Kayla cry, if she was able to cry, that was.
"Gus, we need to find out those answers, but right now, Kayla needs our help," Joy, the voice of reason, chimed in. She was obviously grieving, but there was also a sense of urgency in her tone.
"We need to put her under our protection. Obviously better protection than we provided before." A look of shame washed over Daisy's face.
Violet walked over to Daisy and took hold of her hand, consoling her as only a sister could do.
Mooney came running into the room. He had been trying to gather material to interrupt Carolyn's intrusion into Kayla's dream state. He entered, spotting Jess lying on the couch. He dropped the armload of herbs and jars with a loud clatter and ran to Jess's side.
"Jess?" he wailed. "Jess, wake up, baby. Please wake up." He grabbed Jess's face in his hands and gently kissed his forehead. He shook the dead man's shoulders.
"Please, honey. Wake up. Wake up. Wake up!" Mooney lay across Jess’s lifeless body and held him as only a lover could, his sobs becoming uncontrollable. With each heave of his body, the rest of the coven's hearts broke. His tears and pleas to his dead lover were so wrenching and full of anguish that Joy couldn't stand it any longer. She walked over to where Mooney sat mourning the loss of his true love, and placed her hand on his head. He turned his tear-streaked, pain stricken face to Joy.
"Please Joy, bring him back," he pleaded in such a way that forced her to turn her head away to try to choke back her tears.
"I can't do that, Mooney. He was killed by magic. I can't bring him back. Even if I could, you know I wouldn't. It's not right."
"Is it right that he's dead? I can't lose him, Joy. I can't lose him."
He began to sob again, and buried his head in Jess's neck.
Joy gently pulled him up off the floor and away from his lost love. She held him in her arms until the sobs subsided.
"I want her to die," he muttered, half under his breath.
"What, Mooney?"
"I want her to die," he said louder than before.
"Mooney, I know you're upset right now," Daisy said.
"Upset? Jess is dead!" he yelled, no longer able to control his anger.
"Mooney," Joy looked like she was going to try to reason with him, but he cut her off.
"No, Joy. That fucking bitch has gone unchecked for too damn long. She tried to kill Kayla, she almost turned Doc into a killer, what the hell else does she have to do before you can see what has to be done?" Mooney was beginning to sound manic and desperate.
He collapsed onto the floor, and his friends gathered around. They silently decided that just being there for him was enough. Soon, though, they would have to make a few difficult decisions. For now, all of their attention was focused on the grieving man sobbing in the middle of the floor.