There are a huge number of people who were instrumental in the process of shepherding Scandalous Women from blog to book, and I owe them all a shout-out for their help and assistance. First and foremost, my awesome agent Erin Cartwright-Niumata, who always believed that we would find the right project to work on together. Thank you for having faith in me. To my editor Jeanette Shaw, for having patience as I learned the process and for her insightful comments that made the manuscript that much better. To Leanna Renee Hieber, Hope Tarr, Liz Maverick, Katrina Tipton, Stacey Agdern, Megan Frampton, and Kwana Jackson who kept telling me “This should be a book!” Thanks, guys, for keeping on me to finally sit down in front of the computer to write the proposal. To Marley Harbuck Gibson, for sharing her own experiences with writing a nonfiction proposal. To my fellow chapter members in RWA NYC for the support. To Sue Ritt-Nichol and Natalie Noel, for being the best friends in the world. And I would like to especially thank the readers of Scandalous Women, who have followed the blog from its inception three years ago. When I started the blog, I had no idea what a journey I would end up taking and how many wonderful people I would reach through the blog. Their comments, emails, and suggestions have been a blessing. This book is for them.