Acta Eruditorum (journal), 177
“Act Against Multiplication,” 146–47
agitation of fields, 190
algebra, 166
algorithms, 132
al-Qazwini, 128
Anglican Church, 138
Arbuthnot, John, 59
Bernoulli, Johann, 179
Blasphemy Act of the English Parliament, 139
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 156
Boyle-Mariotte Law, 23
Boyle's Law, 23
calculus, differential, 124, 170, 175
calculus, integral, 124, 170, 175
celestial bodies, movement of, 95, 100–104, 121–22, 154, 156
celestial mechanics, 156
centrifugal force, 120–21, 130
CERN. See European Organization for Nuclear Research
change, nature of, 162–63, 169
chemistry, 145
chromatic aberrations, 77
Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, The (Newton), 136
Clarke, William, 145
clockworks, mechanical, 46
“clipping” of, 32
counterfeit, 33
counterfeit-proof, 34
Collins, John, 70–72, 78–79, 171
landing on the surface of, 64–66
mysterious nature of, 98
search for, 184
comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, 64–66
Comma Johanneum, 139
concave lenses, 74
convex lenses, 74
Copernicus, 116
cosmic background radiation, mapping of, 39
cosmic clock, 50
Craig, John, 175
culmination, 45
Däniken, Erich von, 136
“De Analysi per Aequationes Numero Terminorum Infinitas” (Newton), 171
De Morgan, Augustus, 182
De Mundi Systemate (Newton), 108, 123
“De natura Acidorum” (Newton), 158
Derham, William, 125
Descartes, René, 69–70, 116, 128, 166, 181
divine intervention, 145
divine matter, 145
rotation of, 45–47, 101–102, 129–30
Einstein, Albert, 89–90, 110, 190
electrical fields, 190
electricity, 190
equinoxes, 44
ether, 116
Euclid, 26
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), 39
European Space Agency (ESA), 64–66
Exposition du système du monde (Laplace), 156
eye, early thoughts on the, 26–27
Fatio de Duillier, Nicolas, 151–52, 176
Flamsteed, John
death of, 61
and disputes with Newton, 50–62
ends collaboration with Newton, 60
exclusion from the Royal Society, 58
first “Astronomer Royal,” 43
king's Astronomical Observator, 43
and the lunar-distances method, 51
and observation of comets, 99
and the problem of determining longitude at sea, 43
theory about the motion of comets, 99–100
Flamsteed House, 62
force, defined, 119
force of gravity, 123
forging of coins, 32
George, Prince of Denmark, 54, 58
gilding, 32
gold, production of, 149
gravitation, universal, 190
gravitational force, 42
gravitational pull of the earth, 55
gravitational waves
evidence of, 184
gravity, conflicting ideas and concepts of, 92–95
Greenwich Observatory, 43, 46–47, 51, 58
Gutenberg, Karl-Theodor, 186–87
Guzman Redivivus (Chaloner), 32
Halifax, 1st Earl of (Charles Montagu), 30, 54
Harrison, John, 61
heliocentric worldview, 129
Henry IV, 146
Higgs boson, 39
Hipparchus, 129
Historia Coelestis Britannica (Flamsteed), 51–52, 60, 61
Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture, An (Newton), 139
History of Fish (Willughby), 105–106
Hooke, Robert, 23
and the force of attraction, 101–103
and motion of celestial bodies, 101–104
and the nature of light and colors, 80–82
and observation of comets, 99
hourglasses, 46
Huygens, Christiaan, 83, 125, 173
ideal gas, characteristics of, 23
“Index Chemicus” (Newton), 145
International Astronomical Union (IAU), 185
Janssen, Zacharias, 73
japanning, 32
Kekulé, August, 158
Keynes, John Maynard, 137
Lacaille, Nicolas-Louis de, 60–61
language of symbols, 179–80, 183
Laplace, Pierre Simon, 156
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 23
death of, 181
and disputes with Newton, 169–83
and the mechanical calculating machine, 173–74
and possible plagiarism, 174, 176–78
symbol language of, 179–80, 183
and tangent line problems, 166–68
at University of Altdorf, 172–73
at University of Jena, 172
at University of Leipzig, 171–72
and separation of colors, 75–76
wave nature of, 84
light and colors, theory of, 80–81
light particles, 190
light rays, 74
LIGO Gravitational-Wave Observatory, 39, 184
Lipperhey, Hans, 73
longitude at sea, determining, 43–46
Louis XIV, 173
lunar-distances method, 51–52, 60–61
lunar motion, theory of, 60, 120–21
magnetic fields, 190
magnetism, 190
mass, defined, 118
Maxwell, James Clerk, 190
mechanics, basic equation of, 120
melons, growing of, 22
Metius, Adriaan, 73
microscope, 80
Montagu, Charles. See Halifax, 1st Earl of
gravitational pull of, 128
motion of, 51
trajectory of, 51
concept of, 115
quantity of, 118
motion of bodies in an orbit, 104
Natural History (Pliny the Elder), 98
natural laws, 108
natural movement, 115
natural philosophers, 22
natural philosophy, 104
natural sciences, 11, 104, 108, 159
nature, laws of, 137
Never at Rest (Westfall), 157–58
Newton, Isaac
as an alchemist, 144
and the Anglican Church, 138
and astrology, 68
birth of, 11
and the book of Daniel, 141–42
character traits of, 12, 37, 43, 62, 83–84, 182
death of, 136
in the English Parliament, 30
and experiments on nature of light, 20–21
and fascination with machines, 14
and father's death, 13
and fear of criticism, 71, 82–85, 106, 125, 182
Newton publishes Flamsteed's work without his consent, 60
and fluxions and fluents, 170
and the force of attraction, 101–103
and the foundations for modern physics, 189
and the geometry of Solomon's temple, 136
and the history of the world, 136
Newton's criticism of, 106–107
Newton's disputes with, 101–103
theory of light and colors, 80–82
and the interpretation of the Bible, 136–37
as “Jehova Sanctus Unus,” 148
as the last of the magicians, 137
Leibniz, and disputes with, 169–83
and light and color, 25
lunar theory of, 51
and making sure that his work was incomprehensible, 114–15, 124–25, 131
and mathematical analysis of gravitational force, 42
and mathematics, 68
and the moon's motion, 51
and mother's remarriage, 13
and motion of celestial bodies, 100–104, 116, 121–22, 154
new analytical language of, 124–25
and new coinage for Britain, 33–34
and optical research, 74–78, 177
and optics and the nature of light, 74–78
particle theory of light, 84
and perception of “sins,” 13–14
and physical sciences, 11
and prediction of the end of the world, 142–43
as president of the Royal Society, 29
reflecting telescope of, 72–78
and the science of motions, 117
scientific achievements of, 13
and sense of isolation, 13
and sticking a needle in his eye, 20, 26–28, 81
summary of alchemistic research, 149–50
as supervisor for Greenwich Observatory, 58
and tangent line problems, 166–68
theological activities of, 139–41
and theology, 136
and the trajectory of the moon, 51
and the Trinity doctrine, 139–40
at University of Cambridge, 15
as warden of the Royal Mint, 29
and work on infinite series, 69–70
Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John (Newton), 141
“Of the Incalescence of Quicksilver with Gold” (Boyle), 147
Oldenburg, Henry, 79–80, 82, 181
optical lenses, 74
optics, mathematical understanding of, 82–83
orbital paths, calculation of, 131
Ortiz Moreno, José Luis, 185
Parmenides, 164
particle physics, 190
particles, 190
peer review, 85–87, 111, 154–55
Pell, John, 174
pendulum clocks, 46
Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton), 42, 51, 105–106, 108, 114
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (journal), 21–23, 83, 147
photons, 190
Physical Review (journal), 89–90
universal unification, 191
Planck satellite, 39
planets, motion of, 104
Plato, 115
Pliny the Elder, 98
popes, hegemony of, 143
Principles of Philosophy (Descartes), 69–70, 116
public relations in science, 132
Pytheas, 127
quantum field theory, 190
quantum mechanics, 84, 108, 132
quantum physics, 108
quicksilver, 149
Quintiny, M. Dela, 22
reciprocal triangular numbers, 173
“red earth,” 149
refraction, 74
religious scriptures, corruption of, 138
research, presentation of, 134
research projects, funding, 133
salamanders, 21
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 128
Sceptical Chymist, The (Boyle), 147
Schönborn, Johann Philipp von, 173
and the importance of publishing papers, 133
public relations in, 132
science vs. pseudoscience, 156–57
scientific methods, modern, 62–63
senses, early understanding of, 26
space probes, 110
speculum metal, 78
telescopes with glass lenses, 73–74
theory of everything, 108, 191
theory of relativity, 108, 110
time zones, 47
“Tractatus de Methodis Serierum et Fluxionum” (Newton), 171
unification of all forces, 190
unified force of electromagnetism, 190
universal force of gravity, 108, 131, 180
University of Cambridge, 15, 158–59
vacuum, existence of, 116
vacuum pumps, 23
velocity, 118
water clocks, 46
wave nature of light, 84
Weinberg, Steven, 114
Wren, Christopher, 103