
Chapter Ten



I know it’s hard to exude confidence if you don’t feel completely solid. But you can fake it ’til you make it. Just by maintaining silence—not leaning, not pushing, not yearning—and controlling your emotional reactions, you dominate your psychology. You act out a silent strength even though you may not be resonating it deeply within as yet.

Don’t give yourself away. Work quietly on your weaknesses, develop a reserve and mystery, be organized and self-sufficient, and keep your life to yourself. Knowledge is power. The knowledge you never speak of is silent power.

Consume less, stay in control, and be at one with your inner self and nature. Purify your life, constantly skimming, cleaning, throwing things out, and simplifying. One morning you wake up and the power is all there. You won’t have to cover up your disquietude—it will have melted away.

A great unfolding awaits you as you begin to understand that you can dominate this human evolution of yours, even from a humble position. You don’t have to be a superstar. In fact, the superstars often show their weakness by having to stand out and preen themselves and strut, to mask their worries and insecurities. Most of the “Rah-rah” is there to cover up an inner self that’s none too solid.

Do this: Draw a line in the sand. Agree to step across it to a new way of dealing with life. Set up a sacred week for yourself. Pray to your God, and call on your Infinite Self and the nature spirits and all the great powers to help you make the changes you need. Meditate daily, fast for a day or two during the week, and also pick 24 hours during which you’ll maintain complete silence.

Read, bathe, rest, purify, walk in the forest at night, pull energy from the earth, become friends with water; let the spirits of the air blow away any confusion. Use the strength of fire to give you new hope and courage, and ask it to grant you a vision of the future. Let it show you how the God-force can warm your heart and how it will empower your detachment so you can consolidate your serenity and your poise.

And you—yes, you—you long-lost scallywag, it’s time for you to come back to the sacred place to which you belong and step inside the gentle embrace of the Great Goodness.

Remember, there was a time eons ago when our people had perception—before it was lost in clatter, insecurity, and self-delusion. Claim that perception as yours, and learn to touch the etheric, use the life force, and rekindle the old ways within you so that others might remember, also. Step now to an alternative evolution, beyond hesitancy and fear, beyond the common emotions; step now to that pristine place within. No matter if you can’t see it yet. Believe and walk in. It will welcome you, I assure you, and it will teach you in the years to come.

There’s much there for you to learn—strange aspects of this incredible journey that few really understand. Worlds inside worlds, opaque dimensions of spiritual evolution folded in on themselves, moving backwards in time. Creativity as yet unseen, hovering just beyond the intellect, waiting to be gathered up and expressed. Much wisdom and many things await, not the least of which is the great awe that pours forth from an eternal perception of self.

And, in your sacred week, pray for yourself and pray for all humanity and the animals and the little things, and ask that the Great Spirit descend upon us all. Ask it to help us restore a sacred, silent power. Ask it to open our eyes so that over time the light flowing from the Great Goodness will establish a world of simplicity, bathed in the kindness of a settled heart—each human spirit gracious, respectful; and each contributing in his or her humble way to the greater understanding of this strange but glorious human experience.

The world of the ego will change in the coming decades, and, over a few hundred years, a new perception will rise from the burnt-out ashes of this evolutionary phase. People will want to return to the sacred ways of long ago—it will seem natural and proper. Eventually we’ll see a world steeped in honor and balance, dressed in the unassuming vestments of unconditional love and serenity.

Embrace your silent power. Come. Be brave. A great awakening is yours for the asking. Then, offer your perception and silent power in service to others. Be subtle; don’t force people. Teach by example. Lead them from behind, gradually, with a touch here and a word there.

Lead them from their pain, out of the darkness, across the invisible bridge, to the land of perpetual light wherein dwells the enormity of the Great Goodness, waiting patiently for each to arrive.

Come. Step. Your time is now.


(Author’s Note: The enclosed CD contains a special update
on the Silent Power techniques, covering new ideas and
developments that have occurred since this
book was first published in 1996.)